Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1966, p. 7

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eb ifj f v 1 mm rod and gun will soon he the order of the day for laurn and fred meadows of rockwood fred has been in the garage business for over 36 years and the couple have their place up for hifr mini salt they hope to retire to w country as soon as the business ts sold the couple alonq with dog ben will leave the qas pumps and head for the country in rockwood garage business 36 years fred laura meadows hope to retire by don ryder after 16 vears ol pumping jsas selling iigaivttos pop cand and hamburgers tivd meadows is reul to ioiiio hes willing to gue up all the iieu1ichin and fnislialions ol dialing with the public loi a com loi table home in ihc country with his wile to hand him his slippcis and his lojj l lag along on those hunting tups through the bush whos this u fred meu dows hes an ambassadoi ol good will hes a lountain ol in formation he might be known as something ol a character to his many friends who hae grown acctistomett to his witti ncss seemingly gmff mannei and his knack of making a mountain out of a mole hill fred l a rockwood garage opcratoi he stai ted in business in the lean years with 2i bucks in his pocket he was ingle and had a sllght grudge against the world at least against the canadian national railww he sas he had been bumped oft the railwav as a tekgiaphei with over six ears seniont in 1929 arthui bolton built a small booth installed gas pumps and slatted out in business al tot one veai 1 led meadows the oung lad wnh ambition bought him out ti sen eus lu iw the biisimss singlehanded then he niu kil ami look as his pulnei the lot met lama moei lioin wateiloo township by 1944 the couple decided to build limg qiiii ters onto the onginil booth and soon a torn plete lenovation proyiim was undciwax the moved into tin n nitt qiiii lrs in i94s both lud and 1uni toiled lioni 7 10 in ihi morning until midnight loi maiin eais helot e the cash te gistei began showing sins ol geltinp the couple out ol the red at this time theie wm he other gauges in ihi illagi now llieix- is onlv oneotlui in the cil lv das fitd and lama piinipiil gas hv hand totln iv crvthing is eleitiic petuliailv enough in the earlv divs regular gas sold it 2s cents a gallon oul ol this am ount the garage opeialoi illci mil t cents per gallon and tin provincial government picked up 1 tents tin test went lo the campbeuviue wedding bells ring for saturday nuptials wedding hells were ringing on sututdav loi ten moon- and saiulia black wlun tliev wcie married in st davids picsbv tenan chinch in canipbellvill we wish them evciv success and happiness sevcial from this distiict at tended the stiawbcirv mkii at fheiiici united chinch on moncliv evming miss margaret mcphall is tak mg a sumnici couise il tb cultton univeisitv at oltaw i suiting on wedntsdav ol this wick and slu will hi teaching loi the ottawa boaul ol idiica lion grade 2 in september bu thdav giietmgs to wallace king mis thomas whale v mis clitic- bill mrs fiank which han cilebiating her mth birth dav on lulv s 1 lovd piilv hai old hurren and joan lluktead wedding ailiuveisarv gnet mgs to mi and mis llovd ciawloid and mi anil mis lome mitthcll the heat wave vv inch bit this ana was tiving at tmus tot all ixsiilents hut most welcome now we- need some moisture to keip the 1 iwns gn n miss kellv cairns ol bulling ton spent last weekend with hei lantlpaients mi and mis til gai on nis mis dav id mahon and timilv ol incisoi and mis rov tuinii uul t imilv ol timmnis ait ill holidnin at lawloid laki and hav the vxu vou pto shields hasing is a bus turn vou s m t w ste time the must be stoied belore weathn break- since cant altorxl to waste- lime should alwivs take time to in mai the pto shield on the mowei conditioner or other powcrdrivcii equipment ope rating with an unprotested shalt i looking for trouble and vovi cant waste time loi a hospital bolidav moro time on farm repair less lime in a vvhcelchair suif photo asinaki an indian maiden was portrayed by elda fryer during the ladies fair board fashion show at the high schoq recently a large ramp was erected from the stage out into the auditorium several homes recentlv completed in the new section of lakeview subdivision are alrea- dv occupied and several other lots have been sold and arc now awaiting construction of lwmes its mosquito time and trianv homeowners report using lot ions tp ward them off for the first time in their life one man reported thev arc as big as ani mals compinv supplving the gasoline totuiy the same guide ol gas sells lot 4s tents pet gallon tin dealt i makes about stents lu piovnieiil govei nnienl picks up 16 lents and tin litlii il it einilicllt lenivis i poilion vvhit li is paid heloic- ilclivei v lo guages 1 lu gas compinv gets tin icmiindei when i ted lust stalled in the business he sold ljul gas loi time miis rollowmu this com panv going out ol business hi htgan selling cilus seivice pio ducts anil continued until the compinv sold to bt ilish pctiol cum thiee veais ago the businessman notes i v ist change in lod iv s custonuis as compated with 17 veu s ago compt lijion is quite keen now and full is ol the opinion iv 1 1 vone is inoie niontv hiingtv todav ikii though limes ue i easoniblv gikkl both i led and i una i ike wednesilav oil each week the loot is closed and lilt couple loi low thin lavoute sunuiiei past time lislung ii the lish an nul biting thev inn pist t ike i sightseeing tup lound the counliv i veil though thev luxe a largo hackviid thev lind it impos sible to tlosi tin dooi s on the business and sit uoimd outside on thtir dav oil custonieis ilwav s happen ilnng loi a pack age of cigarcltis oi sonii othii small item whenever he gits a chance in tlu vvintci tred goes hunting oi ice lislung he is lond ol the outdoois and is keenly mtei csled in conserv ition he is a meiiibci ol the onluuo tedeia lion ol anglers and hunters is a number ol the canadian wild- lile ftdeiation and the rock wood and distiict fish and came association he is also a deput game w aider in his vounger vials he plav cd hockev and baseball and still eniovs watching the local team plav in u undti lights in rock wood park the business has not been a one man opeiation it s been a iciinwoik pioposiion evt i since i una uid pied inn iicd in cveiv tv pe ol vvtathii lama handles the pumps when fied is busv she tan also eook up a hambuig or hot dog loi a nun giv customei in record time mimy oldtlmcrs galhti at the mtidovvs place ind some even mgs the vii ns git broidei mil fred a hoffman optometiist s8 st ceoiges sq gutlph on i telephone 8242071 obituary william stubbington buried at fairview a tormci frln township re- sident william sliibhiiigton died ul kingston uncial huh pllal luue 21 allu an illness ul time vvtiks i initial senue was held ihuisdtv lime 21 with inteiiiient at i alrvuw eeiii etiiv at ton mr stubblnglon who was will known thioiiglioul ihi lainiuig ilea was hoi n in fug land in 1881 and tune lo can adu in 1i2 111 was piedeieas ed hv ins inst wile hose smith whom be mimed in i nglaiul in iw also his si i mid wile i lo tenie pnemaii whom lu inai i lid in itiionlo in l lie leaves to mourn his loss oin son kenneth ol kit 1 acton and a diiighlei cladvs mis wallii stoiev naimiie onla i io and six guuulcliildivii he is also mom tied hi hiothcis lunik ol loionlo mil lleiheit ol cooksville and sistiis an me mis hut ci meld aiul nel lie mis n meuolieils both ol loionlo he was puihtiis cl hv birnt hi i s4olui tied and noige ami sisln li s ins hie mi slubhlngton was utivt as a teamslii liunitilie niovei and i i u iini when he lived in this lie i and wis a nieinlu i ol tlu aiigluan i inn th he also smell in tlu lloim militia at loionlo haiiieks dining the wi i i iiik i ll s i vie e wis e undue i ed 1 1 e ill tile kllllllcl shoe iii i k ei fiineial home hv rev a i ililnti kuckunoel unite d c hut e ii pallbelltls w i i e 1 1 lends aiul tie ighlioi s al nolel slllellll r llpll sine i ill led aitllihild i nuts otluiiv vt i noil slew ll i aiul belt he 1 1 v mr aind mrs m m coles celebrate 50th anniversary biookdnle ituiil was the pel lee i setting loi n laillllv gll tin ling sittiiidiiv vvlien mi and mis m m voles tilthllled i lit ti sihh wedillng aniilvi tsaii dining the al lliuiii mi in he i sol tile ii llllllllv und till llels iilluieel to islellel iiliitlllgs lo tin eouple who liv al kit 2 adon i hen son c lit elite and his wile wilina ueie to busts to tlu- huge gatheilng muriay m coleti anil the loi nic i i e nnii i llowvel i li si be eanu aequainled wlun thcli laillllles well sc 1 1 if i s oil till slums ol den i like iii the pain sound distilel koinaiite whiili hielded hv wav ol boiling in the siiiimiii ami skiinp in ihi win lei blossomed out latei into n niailiage vvhiih look ilne in loi onto on join 7 h16 i he uiciiionv was piiloiiiied in tin i ite- hi v waltei amos the couple llwd on a i aim iu in wooilhi ldii 1 1 dm lln mi iii 0w when llu v moved to itiookdalc i u in itsl ol acton wlltle- i lit v still lislde ml tolis iitfovv bihi ut rlv elvtn gitptel in lainiuig in issue intion with son claiiiue und ilnnl sons hi ue e and liniinit ik was alvvavs loud ol in o si s ami still iios i iding ami ill iv nip ahvavs a pie it home love i mis toles eiijos keeping lunisi allel looking ill lei llil i lowi i p ll ill us whit 1 1 eliioiale tin hupe lawn al the honii both at the puis si tit hall game moiulu niplii i lie iiiosipiitoes wen as dangerous as the alton wrldeals at hat 1 lit jals diove in 28 runs to lupus time and llu mosquitoes diovi as in in spetlalois liom the puk mi uhd mis coles me tltllve liii iiilui s ol the li vshvtei lull iltuit it us will us tin liiilpli imp ol tin title tins i lu ii p ii lu ill ii piitlt mil l i t 11 i it s llllllllll llll illllllllll ule miiiibtis ol ilit li liunilv ol kvo tlaughliis mill thin- sons us will as i hue tliuiglilei s in law mil two sous in law mill a littul ol 17 pi audi liiltlie n i lu h ippv eniiplt- t n jiii d dlllllllp with lilt iiiihiv li lends uho visited ilii iii situidav und wile pioiitl lo ttulie iliuuv lluwvis ami iiitls rnigi itulut lug llu in tin the linppv luiisiiui thi arton fra rvf trnirsrlny j 7 lnrt thnhw five young received cis oiii i ill iesuiide iii vvtis sol iv lo uflss llu iimiiiiiiilon set v it e mill net pin til ol new lilt iii litis a week atn i lit voting peoph enlei ing mlo lull toiiiiee lion with the ihilich vveie i vn tin anil iniil nv hv david and ponahl dunbiii ami rat- tllvtli mis lulin ioi man itoige llid anil llu nil i tie spmilliig a hnhtlav wilh hi i slstv anil i uiiilv iieio iv l iviawa suiuliiym iitiltiiin was he still mv soul mi i ft man le limehouse grade eight pupils hold banquet at ballinafad y people members t minuends lite lending of tin- ails iliiillni with ieti i nrul jiincs hi lai at ion loi i lu lu ii si ill- ol svmioiis on sim tlav llioiights vveie diiwn pn lieiiluilv to the 80 oi x men in i vvoiiuu tiiltilny i lu- minis tic olliclallv one ol the hist lllll llllllllosl lllllctloil- l t lll lllllll h is lo pit nil llll llllsl- ol lulsl when tin spun ol ood eiiltitil lino tlu liseiplis it penh tost llu- hi si thing iluv tlitl w is opt ii lluir inoiilhs ih iling ami sin id wink i iiiii- iiii iii tile l 11 k l lllll ll ll ll ll illti was ol a oolllilli imnm in t uist llu iioplt vvtie icil in isli ins iniling e ii ll olhcls woo nils lotlav iiiuilslt is fikit lung is housing ah ming hie ills ill tlu- i ii i iii i- iii lilt i ongi t paliou- iln tail lb it cluist tonipituit dtalh iiiiiml in it ai mil ii tht poll i oin sc imihn sue wind iisilnl it llu oi g in ntstl siuttt itit htwvvltr llivt ell llgi til lilt si vn i willi nits i tint i i i atoll its spi ak t i on lulv 17 iln oiitip inipli will ll iii l ll lltft i in it will in no st i v it i s ill tlu last iwn sniiilavs o llu in mth lly iviin stcwait and lyntln mujiiiry grudc 8 stiulcnta si vtn teen giadi xjpht giatlu atis ol i imehoust public school in iii then banquet last 1 inn s tlav tvtiung i vine 2 at hillmi lul ctinimiinitv hall a tie lit ions meal w is stivnl bv sunn litlplul mollicis to ulioin thev expuss then most since n thanks aiming the guests piesnil council steak fry conlinued liom iae one t lealherland di and mi s r g oakes and mi and mis ku but di mkwaltci comic illoi mis doiis rrvci was unable to it lend also loining the group wen- town oil ue manage i and mis joe 1 1 in st cliik adimmstiatoi and vlis j mtgcit inc town as stssoi and mis william lis knie town supei mt indent and mis all duov and mi and mis mansell nilhs bioulti but most ol the time i tid wins out hi his a tin co- veied lish and jn intleted tab bit mounted on the wall in the stole vi iviuniiis stue 11 these od ditics ind altti i id lias told the storv of how he naggtd tin in the pations walk awav sli iking then heads in miji mint fred was one ol u chilclien om sistei and three btotheis are still alive two ol the bio- thirs live in rockwood ci it i miadoivs has been a ruial mail earner in rockwood for over 40 vcus and his brother oswald has been doing the same loi ov ei 37 veais the couple will miss seeing thin pitrons once the business is sold on the other hand rockwood will not be the same with lima and tied gone weie reveieud you up mis his se v supplv teaehei and tin list til llu school stall pie lud lllg ml halklllil teaehel and pi lilt ipal allci iiling ilk lupix a band liolll ii ul pelmml slipplitd llu ill 1 1 sit loi the t veiling wluk it u hei s s will as bnvs and pll is lllllei u corsugth of vtllow loses win hscllelllo 4llt gills llltl lion toniiuits vveit pitsiiilcil lo tin ho s in ule hv mis i linn son mil mis i lioinpsoii aeeiiitling lo llitu i alt nl i lions it pioved to be a veiv pleasant evening and out whiili lluv will iiiiiiinbti in main veais to lome as lluv toiiliniu iluough lik imii barbara garner jean nellis and marion bay no model thi mjlfil with nririorif nnrl ilnpliy llioir iiward cerlificalfs these certificnles wild pino wore reccivod nl llio 4 h arlmvminl jy htia it liii um vi roily of ouolph jcun nollii contre re cfivfd provuirlil hnnori for 1 complfted proeclv whili- bar bara and marion look county honors with six fich the flirk worr- with llif kockulonq d h qroup caroline flower garden shop complete line of nursery stock gardening needs sprays insecticides fertilizers fresh cut flowers always available flowers wircd anywhere open 7 days a wirk visij us 2 milss wett of acton phone 853 2960 anytime 8 00 a m til dark today i south side of highway heating modern plumbing phon 6369301 warm air and hot water pumps and water system rockwood frank carney and sons ltd cet mresults tmr notice acton electric cq 61 main st n acton will be closed for holidays from friday july 8 to saturday july 16 i quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils rttitmi oil burner finance plan iq years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8532174 know who has the know- how when need arises for the services of a skilled craftsman to lo cate an expert painter tv repairman electrician plumber or any other expert just turn to the classified columns of this newspaper yooll find listings as uptodate as todays headlines on the other hand if you are a skilled expert and are not listed youre missing business phone today and find out how little h costs to let everyone in town know of your knowhow the classified section is the first place people look when they need your speciality the acton free press telephone 8532010 an experienced courteous ad taker is waiting to take your call

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