Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1966, p. 4

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the acton fr pnjw thiimdiy july 14 1m ni mmta dougal dick gets ace at micro tournament acton wildcats challenge international softball stars wildcats nip hillsburg capture fifth victory firtcenyvaimtlit pougwl ihvk ctimulrxil hut luck of ilw irish wlih large mcamirv rtf ittleni on saimnimy rut wtxumt m wlih holeltvoi ni the lteltoii htbjthi ttolf and country club ttxui on ot 44 gotten l- lndhng the firm annual micro ptmitc kiir tournament mi ht on the par litre third note m u ww of loriftlmo mkrvt employe ivddy dick micro nwat eager olftr a- fktl he tricky count l at ih rul of th day davitt lw lunwtt in the lop tvxir 5 surd llvnltv poiimhtl tlir iohhni tlihe ol llu l il lllll hojjiixuuimm xnm iiwitnlvd i lie prirc mk llie lournvy iitiwt honl noller ill pito wim n irnwt rvallailc chl unit llll ml imvera roti liov outline i il ivprvnentvd iikii coiiiiniiiv iii l ho loitrtituiiciit i n offlctnl noted litis wi ih flint time wc ci- tiled to orgtmlir o mtiimiinciil ii turned out ro well vo wy ii will become m minimi eent with much liirycr iuiihiiii hi links ni mmi mi li iii fllh lllllvll iii plciisc ilnis in ilxispoci link on ili nltilil ns hie oiicen hii milirs inke on the ion wildcats in 1 soil 111110 sliloil to sllll iii pin the inloriuillimiillv km loin iiii uexx litis iionc ilcleilcd llus season mid ou xvnn m ol 68 mute iikhoi kosu- hcilid ptioon uul iho itmt m iii vis ill uul ai kill h 10 vn mi ilsl sis the nils slmrtsiop rosie dcgexlor liisl sucker filecn ilcuird ami coinmcillcnnc catcher i mia clutter should io- cclvo lough competition from actons hnrd hitting vnung la dies tlic queen touted as the fislcsi imiioi jjhl pitcher in i ho vxoild pices each exhibi tion lv throwing blintllolilfd i i oni a kneel i on position 1 1 oni second base luitl ilsti between tier leps and behind hei hack an additional renin re ol iho evening will he a ipiegiiiiie hilling competition sexeiul ticket slubs will he diaxvn und those mentioned will have an opportunity to dial lenge tlie queen to a thicc pilch name anyone who bells a line diivc base hit will vvimn5 prize last war only four men in the united suites collected i he piie money phillips hits twirls merchants to victory actcm merchants shoxl vs ixvs ilnw- mm in the eighth niung imi liuiw nihi und cdt cl rsisl hdkbui- t in jn lo lojuuitx tjsjliau l-ojn- ifanio i ihv- vi k iho lejhnts tvilovvxl he hiii isl inn lint ol ll tlnl lips lo vkloia as he ivuhod iho disiuwy allowing 10 hits oen mils uul ivv walks while smk inp om io mo addovl a bases cuumi jumoi uul a siiito u his nii s jvi ftirmauoo iho ism vvnhned iheirssor irij ic nst iwoi mnuips in the soond ibex m ivd si inus x lib rhilllps iumiui heiii llie th bloxx in lic eijihlli lliox allsl tlueo nux moh slup vii l x iai i x mnit llii iit-c- sheppaul uul 1 low le i eulei each vomnbuiiil siiiles in tlin idlx s tons libit alluk leiliuxil txxo sunjles lx olneiue v pul a xlouhlc and tuv sinvlos lim lloxxie i iulei a single liini lobn oimn phillips luo salenes txxo sinjjlcs tioni iuin misiles and sinjjis lioni nd williams uurrtolm 1 eilluiliiul wildcats outslug glen but bow in tourney game k mighty glen williams squad xxtnoh ox ontuallx reached the tinik di posxxl ol the acton wildiiis in opening rxmnd ac tion a l be glen wilhuns la dies sot iball tournament on siturdi large crowd ol acton sup- poi tors kuiuiexed to the glen and watched the poxxeiful vil- icxtoxxnl quad jet eight runs in the lirst three innings and then bold on for an ss decision bonnie mcdougall tanned fixe glen baiters in going the mute for cton she gave up eight runs on seven hits and her males didnt make an effbr hitting represented no pro blem lor the acton team scor ing inns x as the tiouhle the local lasses connected tor 16 bits li kirbv doubled and sin gled ianiie chisholm sine led lo i andsliotough singled txx ue sandia slingei land homeivd gail tixei singled chisholm tnpbil thiee nines loi a at the plate iiki and tiacx vleistia and singled txx ice kax and singled pi i tec dax mu- golem singled l xx ice in olher first round ution hoi nbx lopped milton geoi ge- town doxx ned dixie and mcui oxxxale siptuied a i 10 um aelon wiuhils pioppcd foi a i i id ix iiilil cxliiliiliini panic ipaifisl tin- oueen and lit t m nils hi sipieakinp pisl i lilts hui it 6s on monday nifjlil lo hoosl unit league iokiki lo live wins ijunsl nlv two de lea is the wiuhils spluipcd lot a tin ce inn liouiei aftei singles the lead in i lie top ol the sevi nth lo i aiidshoitiihli telii id i lie llillslmip sule in oidcr to pieseixe the win ini i lie loc als lloiinie mi doilgill slishcd a lluei inn homei allot slnplrs bx i its wluelit anil gail uieiii lo piovide i lie niiiiiii ol x ii loi jo lliildkhorough hied i lie seven inniiij dislamo tor acton anil xvas mi kill loi 10 luls md live inn she slrnik mil one mm ti i hiltci and walked one 1 1 lllshtir j look an eulv load willi a inn in the liisl inning and addetl loin moie in he fifth acton stoied ixvice in the sei- onil on 1 double by snidii slinii i mi singles lv gul i i vei and lt knbv in the lillh siiijlis bv idni good ndpe honjute mcdouuill anil donna i iiulsboiougli iduieil anolhei inn top llllltr for llie winner s xvas uoiiiiio miiiijiii with a lioui ei a liile and a siriii- li kuhv and saudi i slingei land each siniled ixvue lo i uiilsbor- onili doubled and g1i trvrr ialsv wlioelei llonni i arulsbor oiikii 1ilna goodiulye and hi ecu uuh singled bob doyle romps home withwin forherbs glen bombs merchants ilen williams pmvorpu ked lineup slapped out 14 hits on luesdiv night anil hiiuililed the acton merchants is4 llie glen thumpeis scored ixvue 111 the hud twice in the louitli eight limes in the lillh ixvue in the smh arid once in the cijililli as ihcy wiapped he pililnrig of lid phillips and carl liyhoiiine for 14 satoliex acton scoted once in the third once in ihu seventh and twice in llie fointh fhllllps was touched for ii hits and 12 iuus in six innings levlionine alloxved three runs uiilui e tmtnlhrcimmnngs rally falls short but only by inches herbs dehxerx 1 allied tor foiu rnrts in the ninth inning but still tell inches shoit t a tie in a game against 1g a on lucsdnv exening with two out in the ninth gain taillctei cleared the bases with a vlnxc to deep centre und in a dove pa at home plate he xxas tailed out tor the final out ol the game gixing the gioceis a s xx in the grocers scored four runs in the in st one in ik fourth three in the sivth and one m the eighth as the tolloxxecl the hulling ot calcr to xictor big iickers tor the winners xcit a cahcr d black bruce shuliis milt bal apd daxe manes vih txxo hits eaih sin gles xxent to r nightingale and r shultiv fied archibald who took the loss john gox and will du ii had three hrs each tor heibs gam tail oter tripled heib dodds alic5 hoxxaid peauc hc ij a pui til safeties and don vvhtbad singled lotta chatter rosie beaird rosie degeyter and eiloen beaird are four un- ikely names for the quartette of teen age performers wholl challenge the acton wildcats in a softball contest al 7p3i sports page prospect park on friday night the queen and her maids are coming to own and should provide adequate opposition for actons female softball heroines game time is 8 30 prospicl pal k was very busy on the weekend especially sunday the pool anil the lake ate ineccas loi sxximmeis speedy dob doyle romped home 011 a vv 1 id llnou 111 the lillal mill 1 1 lo boost llcihs del ivhx lo 1 s 4 win ovel the st 1 lion hotel nil wetliiestlax inplil willi tin smie ileadlni kid 44 ill the bottom ol the niiilll doxlc sinpled stole noiid and advaihid lo thud on 1 sli11 p single- oil the hat ol i love nil ivnve i he cilchei giabhed llie iluoxv in and hied lo pick oil doxlc but the ball sailed ln into lei 1 held alloxxing tin win limp inn lo scoie one of the belter chxniis ol the season had to battle mos quitoes lo see the game but it xvas xxoilli 11 is stiong pitching pel lot inaiiics and sliaillii lieill nig than usual highlighted iho contest veleian 1 ighlbindei s i led aichihald ol lleiis and doug vickeiv ji the station sitiaied oil xx nil vickeiv allovx ing live runs and ii hits and his counteipnl yielding lour 1 uns on si hits the hoteleis made si rmscius and the dellvcrx bins booted the ball twice clarence farmer shcpheid and john dunn each belled a pair ol singles and geotge wil liamson doubled and bob slicp- heid singled loi the losois loi the xvinneis doug gal lellgillx- i ailli let i led arcln bald don archibald anil siollx mil tislall singled hoh dovle and lloaaid peine singled ixxice uul wi 1 1 duval singled and 1 1 ipled id phillips john ualherland and call icybotirnc each singl ed ixvice foi the losers howie leader cieorge williamson and bob ijiivie and bob sliepheid singleil soltball action al llie puk 11 ins to be atliaiting mole 1 111s and mole mositiiios each night lakeview discount centre 126 main st 8531190 supplier for tiles wallpapers draperies glidden paints prefinished plywoods sports corner 124 mill st e at wilbur phone 8532160 ccm biccles tricycles and repairs camping see us first for your vacation needs at sports corner i tramp da parade safety talk highlight playground activity exerx dax is fun il for childien xxbo attend the two pla grounds sponsoied bx the acton rev 1 cation committee complete schedule ol act ni nes designed to inteiest and en tertain the xoungsteis is plan ned each dax and spesiil cxents such a paiades hikes and tramp davs highlight each week last wednesdax const iwe peter campbell talked to ox11 200 xoungsteis at a special as- scmblx in the communitx cen tre he outlined saletx nilcs xxhich should be obexeil bx ee- r voungster and showed posi es illustiating the mles chilil- icn irom each ol the plu- giounds as well as those taking sxximming lesson- attended the assemblx village pond stilj closed while experts check snails at the piospect park plav- gicnind on 1ndav mote than 100 xoungsteis pai tic ipat ed in a paiade 1 10m the park to the- m bennett plaxgiound txxo xoungsters cat ned the acton plrx round banner and miss pla mound 66 barbara mc- nabb lust lunnerup susan nicolak and second runnerup cathy ashley lolloxxed close be hind sexeial small lloats made h the children land a large ilium xxeie also included in the p11 ado when the youngsters reached i he vi z bennett pla ground 1 hex xxeie gieeted bx a gaoup ol litenillx looking tramps the childioiat the m 7 bennett plavgtound had diessed up in then oldest clothes lor a spe c itl tump dw a scaxengci hunt at the m 7 bennett school and hikes foi the piospect paik childien xxeie dso included in the xseek s ctlx lllcs hobo dax xx ill be osiserv cd at piospect park on fi ulav and childien at the school will lake pu t in a tabloid field dav the campbcllxille pond re mains closed to sxwmnier- tbis xyevk xx hue authoi ities itnm the pioxincj laboratoncs in to- lonto conduct tests on snails 1 e moxid nm the pond it is behexed a parasite on the snails is ivpoisihlc t 11 a halt dain vimago childien con ticting 1 rish knoxxn as vximi niei s tc h lollowing com plaints the halton coiintx health tmt closed the pond and posted it 1- unsafe lor vxxini- ming snails have boon rem ox oil from the xxaiors ot the pond and sent to the pt ox metal lab- oi atones 01 testing health i ml inspovtcr j a poxxell said i uesdax hv had not xet recox oil a leport hack tiom the lahs mi pxuvell suggested that i the test- shoxx the parasites aie iwponsible tor the lash t he- ponds owner halton region conservation authority would have to chemically treat the pond to clear up the parasites ii report shoxv ncgattxelv he said e xvxuld be unable to hold a placard on the pond and it would have to be rc-open- cd to swimmers at their own risk while tvsts continue 54 do it yourself doesnt work in insurance either why run the risk of do it yourself insurance our expert help makes it easier safer and less expensive call us today be safer save money- see your safeco expert dennys insurance agency mill st e acton 8530150 residences bill 8532645 harold 8532565 safeco insurance sexeial acton plank have closed doxxn or will be closing iloxxn this xxeek tor the annual xacation period acton recreation summer schedule park and community centre thursday july 14 8pm roller skating 8 15pm mens softball herb- dehver vs legion friday july 15 queen and her maids vs acton wildcats saturday july 16 8 p rn roller skatincj 10 pm teejj dance sunday july 17 1 30 p m mens softball station hotel vs i ca monday july 18 7 30 pm senior citizens shuffle board 8 30 pm girls softball alton at tergus tuesday july 19 8 p rn roller skating 8 15pm mens softball i g a vs legion wednesday july 30 7 00 pm minor lacrosse the toyota crown feels brand new for the first 15000 miles it took about six months for some toyota dealers to learn that they shouldnt demonstrate a brand new toyota crew n the plain truth is that atovota crown is just too stifl when its new it needs about 15000 miles on the clock before it gnes its true performance toyotas are stiff when theyre new because thats a pirt of toyotas tradition of building cars to last longer than other compacts japanese people dont liaxe as much money as canadians so they have to keep their cars about ten years and they keep them in a country vxhtch has some of the worst roads in the world as well as some of the finest sttper highways the cars have to be strong and rugged and reliable or nobody will buy miem the first thousand miles in a toyota wont thrill the average new car buyer- but drive a toyota crown with 15000 miles on the clock or 50000 or 100000 miles and its a different kind of car the solid 18 gauge steel body 4 s wg heavier than standard automotive sheet metal is silent up to 80 on the highway and the soft controlled sus pension absorbs any kind of bump without creaks groans or rattles the toyota is the only car in its class with a massixe xbraced box section frame combined with a one piece body the whole thing is so strong and safe that a ioyota rally car was rolled onto its side in last years cne rally and yet there was only one minor dent 111 a rear fender all doors openedeasily and no glass xvas broken total repairs were s3000 when yon go to your cal dealers see if you can take a demonstration in a qym with more than 15000 miles behind it then buy a new one and put up with a tight car for the frst few thousand miles when the car has done 50000 miles youll be glad you did toyota now has 500 dealers in north america toyota crown for66 is at your park motors hwy 7 west georgetown dealers 8779439

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