8 the acton freepress thursday july 28 1966 eden mills r church picnic wi meeting in weeks district news the sunday school and church picnic or eden mills presbyterian church was held on wednesday evening july 13 jn the community paik at eden mills after a pot luck dinner served by i he committee the sports progiam began winners for events weie pre- chool lone mclean and jim mcdonald girls 79 vicki crane janet crane gnls 1013 wendy soule ea stevenson boys 10- 13 wayne chamberlain jim gil- be it son young indies kelta steven son joanne wnght voung men bi uce biicmock dean macdou- tlill pie plate race pat wright iind jack mcdonald kelta stev enson and jim gilbei tson thieelegged lace joanne wt ight and dean macdougall ev stevenson and jim gilbert son oiange i ace joanne wright fat wn oldest lad mis bill imino dollies pin mis tla- la blacklock kicking shoe mi sfj s lvl alma mcdonald gieatlv mi maishniallou lace ladies be 11 wuglit icive stevenson men william mclean rov goi clon smidav school teacheis pat wnght mrs stanley has icturned home liom tlu hospital mi and imi s t atkinson and dainilv aie camping at poi t cai ling mi and mis ralph thompson are on a motor tup lo vancou vei mr and mrs norman marsh all si arc at their summer cot tage at doe lake mr and mis herb fitzsim mons from stanford connecti cut n y were guests of mr and mis r wright for the past few davs mr rudv costantinr e roch ester ny is on a weeks vaca tion with the wright tamilv the monthly meeting of eden mills womens institute was held wednesday evening with mrs r wnght as hostess alter the usual business session the different committees gave thchr rcpoi ts to make up the pup giam loi the ear which should prove interesting the motto was make new 1 1 lends but keep the old one is silver and one is gold roll call was voui bnth month and stone two minutes silence yvas observed foi a late member gaidmei who will be sscd a graduation pin was present ed to kalhv lasov who was ta ken bv surpnse kathv is a 4h membu next meeting will be in the loim of a ipot luck ihnnei at the allan acknian studios with a toiu ol the building to follow mis r rov thanked the bos t t lor the use ol hei home and hospitality ballinafad piglets to blooming yucca variety in weeks reports mis love is spending the suininei with hci daughiei ami son m law mi and mis regin ald i tench and tamilv coipoial and mis ross stim uli ai lived liom bntish colum bia on tuesda last and aic va calioning with his patents mi and mis t j slioitill a happy galheiing was helil last moncliv owning at the home ol mi and mis riehaid slioitill ji those attending weie mi and mis riehaid si mi and mis many shot till and tamilv miss lillnti shimlill and miss maigaut wegg ol tnmnlo mi and mis alcv wegg ol dunbaiton scot kind mi ami mis luge no 1 ogan ol glen williams have puiehased a lot from riehaid shoitillon the town line and will be building then new home llieiv inimodi atel miss ruth ann rihot spent the past week at hei sistei s home mi and mrs david me lnerv mi and li s ernest dames ai e spending tin weekend t manitoulm island strange incident uxk place at the slioitill bain last week when a molhei pig who aluulv had a tamilv ol nine piglets time weeks olel mil pi imlllv gave bnth to anothet littei l it hellltlllll spike ol lie e l bleksomcil till til tills week oil eden mills several visitors at pitcarry farm recent visitors ot mis george itken at piteaii i aim weie mis j i aleonei london i ng land mi anil mi s shaw ol hamilton seeithrul li and m- s m calpin aiiel vhildien don mills loinnto li and mis win micsel and diujlitei hamilton out andotheis mai ion voith nl southampton bob hi am tli home tim e iselll bc to visit his paients mi and mis v lilt bi mi bui i owrle has i elm lie d home altei i week m va seoln li ami mis oiman muli all i ind i innlv u on hili il is ii di i isi mi hui mis an i mi and mis olmlj ill me ix in i union smielav uiiiic mi nut mis john rent li ind mis ik ili giln1 lsen lie in uieks i ition at uleevs b uh the lovxlv lawn ol mr and mis c s patteison this xuililul white eotle llowei stands in all its magniticcncc against a liae kgiimnd ot pili pie clematis mi and mis i to jamie son and gnls have returned home liom then holidays mastei ricky hemhiiiff who letmikil home last wednesday 1 1 oni geoi getow n hospital wheie he spent sevciil yveeks with a broken thigh hael the inistoi nine lo tall on sundav hieiking it again in the same place sin rv riek mrs ruth henibnilt took her sundav school class ol gu is on a dehghltul picnic on situidav the ucw weie vei foitun ate last week to have mi eaton ol acton to aelehess the meet mg mi and mis eaton have letuineil ft om india wheie thev spent some months with then son biuce who is a niixsionairv at indoi mis eaton gave the ladies the juivilege ol ciniin ing some ot the lovely hand made ai tides which she brought home with hct the ballmiltd sunday school pieiiie was held on simdt a i teinoon at mi william me don alii s aim rev anil mrs james knk wood and t inulv trom 7mibia lnci aie holielaving vvilh the loilltel s palenits mi ailel mis inn kiikvvoml at georgetown ihev ai on a veu s vacation ebenezer young people con duct service ii dilheiton c u lie i ma on suiieliv julv 17 tl sei lee ol rocneei i mini chinch w is condiieted bv the emng peoples thiee ot tlu oiin people lbei t blom a i t e i blom ind susan ward undei tlhlk he entile wolship eerviec llxu piesident ol the pl pel mined the opening ot the elvlee with i he clll to wolship nit ihc iiivneation sue eon 111 ted the leerkillmvc leulinc the seiipluie itid bv mbeit was ike 11 lleilll cjcucms chap ter 7 in pi in is an anlhein bv the ellull lbel hill slle lelel i e lv 11 telestin pnlll eniltleel gods n t ii iph the sermon ie i dime b waltei and llu nhee t vvhieli hv spoke was on rvhaeolo s role 111 hllllc sltliv vel iii teles 111j tuple tile mivin e los eel with be n 1 e i ion b walter and the llr cclelel anieii notice toth shoe repair will be closed for holidays from saturday july 30 to tuesday august 9 i frank toth mr and mrs charlie shultis and mr and mrs bob angell spert a few days aqvjilford bay porl carhng and bracebndge on thevveekenclimiss maijor ie- hall and hei sister mrs nel lie merkeley of toronto return ed liom a tup to cahlornia and hawaii mi and mis ken imckmnon and mis jane holmes are vaca tioning this week at lake sun coe miss valene menaid of win nipeg is visiting yutli hei re la lives the rognvildsons she- plans 6 letmn home in mid august mi and mrs tom watson flew monday morning lo mont ieil and irom theie to svelnev nova scotia for tile i uncial ol mis wittsons lather mi lewis fulton reined general managci of the canadian tube and steel plant of dominion st an coal company mr fill ton pass eel away very suddenly on sun div funeial service was to be held in montreal wednesday and in sydney n s on friday mr and mrs james thoinhill and lanulv and 1iss baibaia mceachein have been away the past week on a motoi tup in the stales mrs c k browne visited hei stepmother in siinia on the vv eekend mi and mis doimiicc malhe sen and steven spun a week with iriends in ottawa mi ami mrs geoige day lelt b plane foi the british isles list week foi a thrxe week hob elay miss jean day mis coul ici mis 11 day and mr and mis tied day and tamilv were at malum an pint to wish them bon voyage identical twins heib and gcoi ge gei matin populai usa traek stars who pai ticipateil in the toronto police yinies at vai sit stadium on the weekend spent sundav and pail ol moil elay with loimei seton hall uni veisily hack team ntate biucc andievvs at his home heie the time weie on the south orange new jcisev hack club ieliv teiin and attended seton hall togethei on sundav the time along with keith rannev and allan hall visited wasaga bcieh the two hidtheis lliw back to the u s a monday mom me li and mi s rooei t kei i and link inun toionto spent boh ilas with mi and vlis chuck slmltis mi and mrs muri i hiinson mtl son kevin returned fioni a iveeks vacation at paiadise point near midland mi hani son is the customs oltieci and his wile is emplovedit the town ol i lee mi and mis flnui tenv of biinttoid visited vsilh miss tm i bennett and mi thomas ben iictl dining the weekend h s holden optometrist 36 cork st last guelph phone ta 2 7150 lakeview discount centre 126 main st 8531190 supplier for draperies i tiles wallpapers glidden paints i prefinished plywoods local gaiage operatoi trank toth jr lert monday afternoon b plane lor a three week y isit in hungarv he left imalton air- poil and flew to new york wheie he boaided a klm plane for trance he boaided another plane there lorthe trip to buda pest hungarv suevv ill visit tela- tivcs about 500 miles 1 1 om bu dapest miss baibaia simon anil miss sandia sinclau aie holidaying in montreal foi a few davs thev i lew liom milton monday dining the weekend mr and mis hemv deveau visited willi miss julie lesmewich in pres ton irev and mis s gammon will leave suiidav to spend the month ol augttstuj then cottage il doiset mi and mis stan tullei or roe kwood weie hosts loi the me hugh family teuuioii on sun day july 24 about 6s enioycd the meals cunlests and spot is ml and mis tied luck ol hoinby weie the oldest couple piesent next veai the milium will be held it the home ol mi and mis jun ledgei acton rcciwwtftih dnectoi howaul peaixf was a slioi i tcim palienl at gikiph genu al hospital this w cekindei going tests he look ill tiiday ol last week and is now convalescing avvfy liom his duties heie he is inucli missed it the plavgi ounil and in the ai- ena mi and mis cd noi ton and hi ike spent then holidays at wasaga beach mi and mi s ronald papillon and lamik spun their holidays on the muskoka rivel biace bi id c mr and mrs edgar lidkca have returned from a trip lo the mammies where thev vis ited with then daughter jean her husband l ac michael mud- dlcton anil grandchildren at sumnierside p e i they toured the cabot tiail on cape breton island and visited relatives in truro and schubenacadie jean would like to be lemembercd to all hei fi unds in acton mrs kathleen dodds visited with hei sistei mi s l ernest an- dei son anil lanulv at gait rec ently mi and mis flank coopci and baby ol st cnhaiines have been holidaying at the two pai cnlal homes here ml and mis ross swaekha mil and ihenda spent some holidays in buckspoil maine with mis swackhaniei s uncle vvho has ocen ill he was able to leave the hospital while they weie theie and come back 1o bis home mi and mis a papillon mi and mis a while spent the list two weeks holidaying at dun chinch and biacebiidge mis man mcauley attended the mai i lage- of hei grantlilatigdi lei at luc know on satiudty frank szabo shoe repair acton plaza the place where quality counts cloted friday at 7 pm dont miss great tent crusade at georgetown plaza nightly sunday thru saturday 800 pm you are welcome notice owing to the holiday monday aug 1 there will be no garbage collection on that day instead regular monday garbage collection will take place the follow ing day which is tuesday august 2 regular garbage collection will continue thursday august 4 j mcgeachie clerkadministrator compare at higher prices sealy extra firm golden luxury full or twin size mattress or box spring fyaiy occpquiltrd to resilient ncalvfoam oil oncol contruction lcuvivc rdgc ards end sapciir edges luiurv weave decorator print cot cr uicthinc fom acton home furnishings 47 mill st c telephone 8530820 mi and mrs william mcln tvre donald mr and mrs cal vin mclntvre and ml and mrs llovd mdlnlvic and their fam dies attended the mcdonald tamilv reunion it badenoch school puslineh on sunday this is the second annual reun ion of the family and there were about 80 niembeis piesent mis mcdonald the head of the elan celebiated hei loolh birthday on may 24 but was not able to at tend the leslivities on sundav she icicles with hei daughtei mis james simpson nassaga vv ev a miss bowes ol camp boidcii spent the weekend with hei landmothei mis john lam beil visum- with mi and mi i peine and lanulv lake ave have been ielaties liom the west hei liitliei mi joe dimntk ins dauglitei in lm mi s ivana dimiiik and hei dauphtci bai baia all ol le thin idge albeita mi and mis tied gordon and lamilv spent llien holidays on die muskoka river neai biaeebridge model planes compete in us ron malcolm 139 tidey ave and jim jennings eden mills aie among the more than 1 soo entrants in the national model airplane championships vvhi icgisleicd at naval air station glenvievv ill the meet olten called the vvoild series ol model aviition iuits liom mori tlav july 2s thniiigh july 11 the us navv is acting s jiosljo the meet loi the 19th lonsciitiic veai the last ni lional model meet hld at navil air station gleiivievv ill was in 1962 contestants will hv iikii moel ek in events i aiming fioni dee might gas to rulioeontiol con liol line speed et and teaui tae ing contests in the navv cainoi evcnls inodeleis will tly the 1 1 as engine planes oil and land aboaicl the deck ol the iiiiiuitui e nieiall carrier uss small lie contestants yymning lul sec mill and third place in eae li eient will be avvaideel a tropliv while the giand national cham pion icloivls a peipetual chal lenge trophy make us your headquarters for harding carpets armstrong corlon congoleum 9 and 1 2 foot lengths vinyl stair carpet dominion tiles free estimates given homi furnishings 127 woolwich st guelph phone 8222420 you can shop specially selected choice grade a chickens maple leaf sp cottage rolls 69 lb 2lb poly bag triple pack 3 varieties wieners 109 hsr 7 wellstreaked rindless side bacon 99 lb picnic brand assorted 48oz tins fruit drinks 5 89c kotex 24ox sanitary crisco oil 69c napkins 39c heinz 128oz plastic container a white vinegar 69c newport fluffs 43c frozen 6oz tins sunkist lemonade 4 47c polish style baby 64oi jar dill pickles 75c crush or royal crown looz cans soft drinks 10 79c fresh fruit and produce large size cantel0upes 39c fresh green large head cabbage 2 35c