Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1966, p. 1

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ninetysecond year no 6 acton ontario thursday august 11 1966 authorized as second class mull by the post office drpurtmont ottawa eight pages ten cents truck driver escapes in tilt with cnr train trijck driver iimervin albert plummet- rrl clarksburg es caped with a slight cut to his tacc when thf peel construction co truck he was driving was struck by a cnr early morn ing commutertrain at the third lino esquesing i crossing ar ound 7 am wednesday morn- in according to reports the truck driver was heading south on the third lino to go to acton limestone quarries as he ap proached the crossing he not- ieod the castboumh lramneat- ing the crossing at the last m ment he swerved his vehicle in an attempt to avoid a crash but the front end of the truck was struck by the train the truck was turned- over and extensive damagecaused to the vehicle the driver hopped out and brushed himself off ex claiming he was all right the truck yas later hauled away and the driver returned to brampton in another tiiick constablet c hudd of the milton opp detachment inves tigated nassagaweya to hire expert to study blasting at quarry a threemember committee was named monday night by nassagaweya township council to arrange lor the hiring of pro fessional help to deal with the townships current hot topic quarries and quarry blasting reeve william coulter and councillors mrs anne macart h- ur and william mahon were named lo the committee after more than an hours discussion the initial step toward the engaging of professional help was taken late in july when reeve coulter arranged a meet ing of council vith professor b henderson of the university of toronto and representatives ol hallon crushed stone duf- ferin quarry and milton quarry at that meeting members of council questioned dr hemic r- son at length about the possibil ity of him investigating the quarry problem in the township numerousratepayers have com plained on many occasions about damagc caused by blasting as well as other nuisances caused by the quarries the meeting held in commit- tceofthewhole fashion was no vpetv to ratepayers or to the press and at that time council lors agreed to think over the problem and discuss it at the next council meeting councillor macarthur reintro duced the topic monday night and suggested ive done some work on this 1 dont expect youll agree with or like every thing im going to say she then carefully explained several reasons why she was against the hiring of dr hen derson the foremost of which vas his sympathies lie with he quarries and she pointed out several instances wheroshe said he indicated tavoritism to ward quarries she also objected to a sugges tion that the quarries share the cost ot hiring professional help i wouldnt like lo see the town ship ally themselves with the stone quarries vou cant serve two masters have you ever heard of the delence and the plaintiff hiring the same law yer councillor macantuii- w a s critical ofthe way reeve coulter arranged the meeting wit lv the quarry representatives and pro- lessor henderson since it was not open to the public reeve coulter defended his actions by noting vou may criticize my procedure as much as you wish in view of the six months that have gone by and since the quarry owners are interested in carrying out a bet ter public relations program i thought something had to he- done and this was one way to do it he said he did not see why the quarries should not share the cost of the investigation since they are the reason for the problem councillor ross gordon said he spoke to ratepayers from his area and noted they were agreeable lo paying part of the cost hut i dont know if i hey would approve of the township paying the whole cost councillor macarthur charged i dont think the quarries are interested in it because of public relations she believed they were irving to set themselves up as being free from all blame theyre setting up a pattern to protect themselves she not ed deputy reeve william tloey said we have to have some information and we have to have someone to gel it he noted i personally am against anyone contributing money except un people who are going tojget the report im in favor of the town ship paving the whole cost i dont quarrel with anything the reeve has done it was done in a normal businesslike wav i have confidence in what the reeve has done to get these people together councillor macarthur said she knew ol another professor who would be qualified and she would like to contact him he- lore anv linal decision was made concerning hiring profes sional help deputyreeve hoey moved t he forming of the threemember eommiltee and it was passed without objection howard pearces plan tiny tykes dressed in fancy costume last night wednesday as they entertained parents and friends during the summer playground pro gram circus inthe arena some of the cute per formers are shown above kneeling front row left to right sharon phillips and cathy roach stuff photo dressed as indian maidens back row loft to right are hawaiian dancer linda deforest jazz dancer susan mills drum majorette pat kelly john schutts indian chief and muriel holmes as a hawaiian dancer pare hydro building plans in new effort to reduce costs if at first or is it second or third vou dont succeed try trv again this seems lo be the slogan adopted by acton hydro commission members in spile of failure in previous attempts to erect a dualpurpose building on alice street to house office and workshop the project has not been dropped and prospects lor the building now appear more impel ul at a special meeting thursday ol last week architect donald skinner and commission mem bers unrolled original plans lor the building and began lo delete items which could he completed at a local level a change in plans for the roof brickwork graxelliny and sodding as well bicycle sakty was stressed to youngsters at tending the playground program bicycle roadeo aaonday afternoon at the park constable peter campbell of the acton opp detachment in- salf tholo spected bicycles and handed out safety stickers if a bike was in safe condition above the con stable inspects one owjied by terry holmes as recreation director howard pearce assists as deletion of a heating system in the garage area are hoped to reduce the price of the building to meet proposed costs architect skinner was author ized te contact two of the lowest bidders who submitted costs in the late 15 tender call lo see if revised plans can bring a more realistic price previous attempts at calling lenders had resulted in a temp orary shelving of the project fislimaled costs of between s58- 000 and sdo000 were shattered when on the first call the lowest lender came in around s10o0o0 on the second call tenders soar ed to close to si 50000 chairman l g tyler sr noted the building was needed provid ing the costs could lie within reason everyone present agreed to proceed with overhauled plans to see if a more reasonable price eolild be obtained at the tm ol the study of plan- architect skinner show ed colored slides ol the hydro building at strathroy the hy dro building there was construc ted for around s76000 and has mure hills than the one pro posed or acton lightning causes at lawson home a recently purchased tv set was lilown out two window panes shattered holes blow n in the roof and ceiling a hole burn ed in a rug through to the i loor and a hot water healer ruined fridav nighl it ihe home ol mrs tied 1 aw son and her son ernie when lightning struck the tv el recently purchased by ernie lawson who lives at o victoria avenue with his wid owed mother was sitting on a sieel stand in the lie ing room mrs 1 ns son had urged her son ic imping the set when the storm broke she was sitting in the liv ing room when suddenly she was temporarily blinded by a tlaslijind her ears rang i rum the large crash her son was taking a bath a i the time mil was unaware light ning had struck the house ap parently the lightning travelled down the leadin cable through the front window breaking two panes of glass and scorching the window frame front room window drapes were burned lull of holes and a mr skinner told l he com mission he would engage a pro fessional estimator to study costs because of the vast in crease on prices over the past few years attending the meeting wen- chairman tyler vice chairman diiug dawkins commissioners will mceachern orval broun anil mayor les duby wiith sec retarytreasurer mrs audrey urquharl and architect skin ner joint beard would increased efficiency anil saving result if the parks board and the recreation com mittee were combined thats the question to be de bated next monday evening at a special meeting of the parks board and the administration committee of the recreation committee the meeting will be held at the community centre as repre sentatives of the two groups take a hard look at their present problems and future solutions damage en friday caster on the tv stand wis blown oil and a hole burned through the nig to the tloor it is presumed the lightning trav el led down the uillanci through the ceiling and ioot in the sons bedroom glass from the shattered window was imbedded in the living room w all and ceiling oddly enough the storm blew out a transformer which leeils power to houses along mill st v hut the lawson home was the only one which still had power two weeks ago a neighbors tv et was blow n out b light ning- fire chief mick holmes vi called alter the holes in ihe ceiling ot the bedroom and roof were discovered he climbed in to the attic hut could lind no trace ol lire plastic bags were spread over the large hole in the roof to keep out the rain i the house the lavvsons live in is owned by mr and mrs hen ry cripps who are away on holi days and are unaware ol the damage should budget now for swimming pool an indoor swimming pool for acton in live years thats the goal recreation di rector howard pearce has set for himself as lie monday night began ihe first of many calls on organizations and service clubs his first contact for sounding out his proposal was parks board at their meeting in the arena monday evening budget ting for a i ut lire pool was recommended by mr pearce who used information he learn ed at the university of guclph as a basis for his suggestion through the playground pool and the problems at ihe lake- iront i see we need a swimming pool now and in five years we will need il desperately he suggested the parking lot at the y was an ideal location anil thought the total cost would be around 40000 he has- in formation about government grants im just planting ihe seed he remarked to members he says 327 children are at the park playground program every day and are just dying to swim this year some are going to georgetown to lake lessons in ihe fall he would be back to fhcirmccl ingto discuss he-mat- ler again he said parks board members present listened with interest and agreed to the need for mr pearce hobbling on an infected loot it was his four- ih meeting ihal evening in the arena others were hockey lacrosse and roller skating meet ings outside the girlsball team had drawn a good crowd and ihe park was extremely busy the night for the parks board meeting was changed from the usual thursday which is now a noisy roller skating night at ihe arena at this first meeting since june attendance was slim it ems discussed included the new painling and repairs at the park band shell need for removal of diseased elms in the park their hope the ball team would soon complete the installation of wa ter to the new fountain and fill in the hole dug near the entrance to the track and the need to make- pruvisiunfotextraparc- stickers for second cars in ac ton families secretary art cooper reported gate receipts are great this year rising to over 100 on one day charges arc made for out- oltown cars on sundays and holidays nnio braida poinfed out the increase in revenue was due to the exceptionally good weather the upcoming joint meeting between parks board and the adminislration committee of the recreation committee next mon day was discussed members agreed they needed more infor mal ion on the suggested combin ing of the two boards chairman george williams presided proposed twoyear council term honorarium on council agenda a- twoyear council term rec ommended by no i committee ot council is presently under consideration and is to be dealt with at the next meeting when a full slate of councillors arc present tuesday night the recom mendation was aired during a committee report when it was requested council prepare a by law prior to november i to change the present oneyear term lo a twoyear term reeve ii h hinlon objected to this action and staled the question should be put to the people during a plebiscite also included in a recommen dation irom no 1 committee was a change in the stipend for council members this was left for lurther consideration at this lime parks boards presentation of a park charge bylaw sparked a lengthy discussion involving per sonal viewpoints and experienc es reeve h it hinton and councillor c f lcatherland stated aclon residents should not be charged admission lo the park the bylaw had been read at a previous council meet ing and returned to the board for clarilication on saturday at tendance at an early parks board meet ing attended by the press mem bers decided to allow acton residents free admission to the park in the past a seasons ad mission ticket could be pur chased for si for acton car owners this was changed this year and free car slickers mail ed out to aclon car owners oul- ontlown motorists are charged 1 car admission no charge- is levied for pedestrians walking through the gates mr lcatherland complained about only one sticker being is sued in cases where there are twocar families aclon clerk foe t hurst said parks board was attempting to overcome this pi oblein reeve hinton said the cost of printing stickers was needless and all that was necessary was for acton residents driving cars to show proof they lived in town mr lcatherland wondered if ihe park gale attendant couldnt be handed a list of all license num bers ot acton motorists in onler to cheek cars at the gale this suggestion hardly got off the ground by resolution council agreed to advise the parks board ex cept lor special events approved bv parks board no charge to ihe park be levied on town resi dents a recommendation from plan ning board to charge applicants requesting a change in ihe zon- ing bvaw was shelved at the present lime it had been pro posed by planning board to charge all applicants as costs to the town lor processing each ap plication reached as high as 101 approval was given the duke of devonshire chapter iode to hold the annual tag day dur ing the acton fall fair approv al was also given for either the mayor or councils representa tive on the recreation commis sion lo attend- a threeday con ference on recreation at the royal york in toronto council endorel a resolution submitted by fie town ol orillia to urge the government and department ol transport lo press for more stringent regula tions lor light aircraft a second reading to the new proposed zoning bylaw was giv en prior to submission to the ontario municipal board two amendments to the official plan are lo be referred back to plan ning board for clarification one is for a change jn zone from john vancler kooy to allow him to operate a commercial busin ess from his home on main st m the other is an application from ajax engineering from res idential to allow expansion the mixup occured when planning consult ants who pre pared the van der kooy change and solicitor bruce payne who prepared the bylaw lor the ajax change fyki numbered their bylaws tfhe same when the vole was called lor lo return both bylaws to plan ning board for clarification councillor c f lcatherland re- luscd lo vote reeve hinton told him he couldnt refuse to vole and asked if he wished lo declare a conllict of interest mr lcatherland said no but refused to vote councillor fcj oakes remind ed mr lcatherland a refusal to vote according to the procedur al bytaw was considered a vote- in the affirmative when ihe vole was laken every one present hut mr lcitlierland indicated approvfl the clerk was instruc ted to note the vote is being un animous during enquiries bv members reeve hinton said it had been brought to his attention some ol the ncwlv planted trees in the cemetery were dead he wondered if it was lack of water which caused this and if the trees were under guarantee he- was told a committee would in vestigate councillor oakes said he had received enquiries regarding a ditch at the park near the en trance to ihe racetrack and un- dcrskxxl it had been open for some lime and was dangerous esquesing council during a hriel meeting ol es- ituesing council tuesday august 2 a blaw was approved to deed a small parctfl of land on- ejby the township lo adjoining landowners in terra cotta along no 27 sideroail and the town line the reeve and clerk were cm- powered lo sign an agreement with the canadian national railway for cons tmclion of sig nal lights on i lie crossing at the lonner stewart town station there will hi- no installation cost to the low us hip also approved was a bylaw lo debenture 398670 for con struction of additions at lime- house and pinerview schools road accounts totalling 23- 82141 were approved for pay ment to the public he wondered if this was parks board responsi bility councillor earl masales a member of ihe board explain ed the hall club had received permission to install a drink ing fountain near the ball dia mond and promised to look into the problem mayor les duby said he had received a different kind of com- plaint about the dog control of ficer he told members two residents had contacted him to complain about a dog being pick ed up this is a switch its usually the other way around he remarked the mayor also urged the road corn mil lee lo consider installa tion ot a sign noting the narrow ing of pavement on the easterly outskirts of town where the re cently widened highway narrows into no 7 highway he reported some residents in that areahad noted near accidents due to the highway condition present for the meeting were mayor les dubv reeve hinton and councillors f g oakes mrs doris fryer c f lcatherland w williams and earl masales acton clerk joe t hurst record ed the minutes in absence of clerk jack mcceachic who is on holidays absent were dep utyreeve r r parker and r drinkwaltcr playing children slow library work work on the new library was held up on tuesday when it was discovered children playing at the site had broken one of the tilc other children have jump ed inside the basement and thrown mud at the walls which vwli have to be cleaned off vvilh difficulty piles of sand have been levell ed by the thoughtless young sters mayor let duby a primemov er ol ihe library project point ed out lo the frce press the parents of children playing in the area might remind their boys and girls that their play causes extra work and expense library sidewalk superintend ents have been watching town workmen break up tfic roadway on main st tuesday and then ihe making of connections of sewer and water service on wednesday workmen were wat erproofing the cement block loundalion the surrounding trees have been protected with burlap and boards as the workmen proceed two mowers bike stolen acion ojp detachment is in vest tgiiing the thefl of twolawn mowers taken from homes aug- ut 3 owners reported the lots at the machines to police after they were laken from the hous es a bicycle reported stolen was recovered shortly atter by pol ice

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