Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1966, p. 2

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cp editorial page editors all gather tlw annuvl convention of the cwntv dun otkl njpw spipci awowldtlon wi vvmhri tplnm oppoitunitv for vciirm1v nd mllitms to nnpt and il- ivs iviraiwii pivhum and yoalv vf voovrnieon vav t the smillil adtniril ivaiiv hmel m pitiinsviic si john nrvv biimmk lh neatl ily o hf ltnt town ot thi ymt prptlfl kims wkenna of jmism n 0 ho mv1 ls eoimltrm h1vi mvkvd all the evtta wvihnie tlavot 1hr could to vfd to the irji iai avjenvi of lhcsinn one the lvjhhflhr that will ap- p to all iwnlimrrs ws cur alxne dirnvi m ivm iioi pik where ricnrly tivt vrt the vs vtei to m1rcm biq tiov oi i ho oiimiii at the niomter kir tvccir weie lohtrk kmh boiled and grilled thuk slirs ot fresh caught bay of t void salmon laivx coast potatoes and amii m toil salads and then a blue- fcni piiddmci tepoievf to lip villod 1vliehenv mnq tvlk fish and loticfer wctr on thp menu at meal attri meal hninikfast included the city is known at the loyalist city and th grnveywd rlont in the lionl ol iho business aroa ptovrs it iho houses oie rinie plain old the hirhoi on o so busy with nailing ships is oinel in the summer now whon the hig vessoln go up iho seaway lutl natives say si john is doim well hid hippino pii lo op in the winter rog is a way of life there it hlowi m llkr wickr canwlllnn planes reriulai lv thr reversing tinttk ate the main tourist highlight tides in the hay the highest in iho world cause iho nvoi to flow upstream twice n day fconomlc problems and education wore explained to the delegates a trip on therehca of the imue- rose the schooner thats cm the hack of every dime proved lo be a disappoint ment when little dories with biq fishmci nets snarled up iho harbor and boy making it impossible to put up the sails but the copy of canadas best rnc racing vessel cluiqged us around the har bor by motor a georgetown lad boh quiggley is a member of the crew for the summer harley to halton by harry harley m p tho inst session of the twenfsev enlli parliament ol canada has receded this session is as important as anv pre vious session ot ihe canadian parliament and indeed in terms ot larreaching leg islation was a vciv significant session anil will allect canadians tor eavs to come 1 would like lo summarise the miioi pieces ol legislation toi ihe people ol halton and review matters considered anil nndei consuleiatiun canada assistance plan to authorize the making ol oonli ibulions b the fed cral gineinineni toward ihe cost of pio grams lor the provision ol assistance and welt are set lies to aged peisons in need the government also has announced its intention to hung lorward legislation to prov ide a guaranteed income of sios lo those wlio will onl benefit parllv if at all t mm the canada pension plan health resources fund act a ssoo million hind lo assist provinces in the acquisition i on m nut ion and renovation of health triinuii lacihnes and research institutions company of young canadians for the establishment of a compan lor the en com igcment and development of social economic and community programs in canada 01 abroad through oluntar ser mvl student loans act amendment an jihoooooo ik lease in the student loan fund arda act amendment to extend scope ot this acl to include rural towns and mllaecs as well as faims farm credit act amendment to in crease liom soo million to si billion the amount avilahle in loan lunds foi new rquipnienl and mm e land implementation or the automobile agreement m nor step in strengthening ihe canadian automobile and auto parts indnsines and ol special impot lance and simlianc to halton wheie the automo bile inclutn is one ot he maior ernplos- it fund for rural economic develop ment acl the ptoxision of a s0 million und loi the economu and social devel opment ol special nnal development arvas canadian dalrv commission a com mission to advise in such matteis relating to ihe produihon and maiketingof dairv products science council of canada ct th establishiiicni ot an advisorv counctl tor the cooidmation and efficient eploita lion of canadas scientific potential research council act amendments to change thi title and specifi terms of this act aeronautics act amendment- to reg ulate the use ot aeronautical seaices and tavilities provided bv the mmistet of transport bankruptcv act amendments an am endment to corns t abuses ot the bank ruplcv process and the admimstiation of small estates and to make special pros is ion tci the oieeilv pavment of debts canada ik and certain other tax agreements implemented to avoid dihib- k taxation on coi tain classes of income and to implement conventions with cei- tain othci count iic fair wages and hours of labour act to ensure th it t nnis contracting with the government honor the i emulations of the canada labour ctnle training allowances act increased allowances to persons being trained under technical ami vocational training pro grams northwest territories act amend ment increase in local self government yukon act amendment increase in local selfgovernment government organization act reor ganizes struolure of federal ministries i l with maior changes in si goveinment tie putnients i national arts centre acl providing for the establishment ol a cultural centie in the nations capital public utilities tax transfer act- transleired lo ihe piovinces the hulk of income laves on lerlain tvpes ol utihtv companies dock workers legislation to imple ment settlement bv collective bargainmf ol dock workers stiike at montreal one bee and troisrivieres statute law superannuation amend men act to bring the federal govern nicnl superannuation plans into line with the canada pension plan an act to amend the canadian corp oration for the i97 world exhibition act to provide for increased copv right pro tection foi the fpo svmbols public service staff relations public service employment acl and an act to amend the financial administration act legislation designed to secure collective jiargaming for tedeial civil servants there are thiee bills rem being studied bv a j int senate commons committee on the public service electoral boundaries readjustment act amendment an evtention ol the per iod or parhamentarv consideration of the new boundaries an act to amend the bretton woods agreement acl to authorize an increase to the international monetary fund and the inlet national bank lor reconstruction nd development other bills have- been passed but i have not listed each one onlv those of nwjm interest to our aiea in addition several pieces of majoi legislalion have been inlioduced toi lin ther debate in the fall in the house ot commons these are medicare to pi ovule for a subsiant iai contribution bv the government of canada to provimes vv inch bring in pre paid medical insurance and which ofteis comprehensive coverage to all the popula tion this is transferable troni province 10 province and is publielv administered introduction of collective bargaining in civil service three separate bills now before joint committee on public service revisions to the bank act il is evpect ed to make changes in the interest late ceiling and also to remove a ceiling on large loans canada labor safety code unified erosscanuda standards canadian film development corpora tion a 510 million corporation to promote a canadian lealure film industrv canadian livestock feed board to provide itssrslane to livestock fcedei s in i astern canada and british columbia immigration appeal board a bill to establish an independent immigration p ixrl board was introduced and given tirst reading the bill ha- the ettect ot revok mg virtuallv all thedicretionarv powers of the minister in immolation matieis thi proposed board would have the power to he vr appeals in cases of deportation and in cases of sponsored immigrants whose ap plications for landed immigrant status are unsuccessful the session of parliament lust recess ed also produced the following the hong kong veterans report the cabinet white paper on the cbc additional wheat sales to the issr raising the three vear total to nearlv tvvxi billion dollars the sto committees of rhe house of commons and senate an now discussing a wide- range iol important national issues some a of which are- birth control the broadening of divorce grounds auto safetv consumer credit drug prices the new officers john w bnii ton publlnhnr ol the wenlniniml inn ixninlnor was elected piesldniil ol iho canadian weekly now- piprm a minium iiit tetliru mr aai iliiita vn presmfenh uii hide arvid loiuloll i l rovellnke l c mid hwin mi into li nl north llnfllrdord bosk niw direilotn urn dillish cokmiljia ailliui stanley of nakup nnd clnucle hoothplih lions cain tlmoi west van- ioiivoi albrnli icon dallierfiiron special awards nonjlilmi and lileiid mrs catherine miiiston of i loin ontario wis nniiiotl lln lust winner ol the link suridcrsan awiiil loi ndlloiifil wrilmrj the nwoid wis estilll hy oork sinclcroii widow of the formor pnh- in loldtions olticiu ol the cmndinn binker assoc lotion inlendnd to en fouitie weekly editois lo prepnro lhoticht piovokinr nlitoiiils concetti iik national interest llic award will i x presented anniiiilly mr marston has puhlishetl the mo la lxpiess since the drnlh of hcr inii band in i9i0 in addition lo raising a family of three sons and a dauqhlor she has been active on a number ol groups and committees ranging irom the board of directors of the canaclion weekly newspapers association to pros idenl of the local drama group the ftora players the cwna named three new honor ary life members including the first wo man over selected for the honor mrs doris sanderson has attended all but two of the cwnas annual con venlions since 1945 and has worked on many proects involving the association wainwriflhl nnd jack parry rlmbiy sits kilthowih wnllor tolfflr tlninliolill and lrnil noufeld weyhutn mnutnlm hirlo hawkins the wvcinilnu wilen i iiiiiitlion mil t s voiinlilf hiiiik iln onlino werden ucivens llollriti clenild croven ridflotown onvld dills ailon ciricriynii loshbrook kodnny fjuti bee rocjor alnrln vorclun nnd irniln aaii ler motilrenl nova scolln r aaor ion ijiirlinotilli and c i allium nnd provlncml groups of weekly ntivvr pnpors also rinrnod life momhon of the wna were inwrnnce c gngo edlttjr lor thn post a yenrr of the st john ouelipr nnws nnd robort mooro who hos hren nssotintocl with the swift cur- rnl sun since ins inthor purrhnsucl the paper in t 909 llus year for ihe firt lime in iiuiny ye us i jills printing and puhhslmifi re ttnvrd no rtwnrrls due to an ovoright and our rhngrin the atlon trccj press wr not entered the aadton canadian champion il- ihnuqh reqtilnrly twice the sio of oiir aclon 3iiper falls in n higher circulo lion category whero the compolilion is very keen winners were courtonoy b c abbotsford b c dowmanvillo nnd leiiniingjlon weeklies there representing the dills family were mr and mrs david dill and kathleen of aclon mr and mrs jim dills jiteven and mark of milt6n there were special events for the children not the least of which to their minds svere apparently the discovery of iho alarm system on the elevators and the way lobsters are cooked harvest time in halton county sugar and spice by bill smiley spent a week in the old hometown lecenllv and as usuil it was am thing but a icst the wealhei was peilect but the hospitahtv was exhausting y it s ntit icallv mi hometown 1 didnt glow up theie phvsicallv but i spent a decade there in the newspaper business and mavbc i grew up there in other wavs nwav when von walk down the main sticvt and cvcrc seeonil person stops to shake- hands and ask about voiu timih aiiel tell von what iheli kids ate ilom now it s vein hometown a small town changes and vet remains the- same v few businesses have changed hands some ol the stores hvve new hunts the paint on the hotel his been changed i iim passionate purple to ghastlv gec n the shadv lice lined street tin which von list d to live has been npetl the t itelv trees c til to nglv stumps is the stuet is to be widened the blgpest ehanges are in ihe- peopie the voung men von used to woik and pi iv with are- ji iled or as bald as egirs thi voune women von used to lixk at willi some intciest bee uisc- of their t ig eves are sagging and dentured the love- able kids that our kids used to plav vvlli ire hulking delinquents with poliee- ie mils auivoui old pirtner oiiee- apparc nt lv indestivietihle is taking eight difleienl colors ol pills despite the changes there is continu ilv as eornlortable as an old fishing hat the chamber ot commerce is still light ing over store hours the industrial com mission is on the verge of announcing a huge new industrv the fre brigade lacts periodical lv to the town dump where the incinerating process has pot out of hand because the caretaker has bogged off for a beer some of the local characters have gone to their reward but manv are still around the local tawver still plavs his electric organ between clients the iocji millionaire still slugs hags of salt and leee into the hack ol his 66 model and lugs it out to teed his cattle the baibei with whom von opce shared a riotous legion one iillv still quips with his cus tomers though he went olf to fight in a war dvci so vears ago the cannv scot chortles as he tells von his shore lots arc- now going over m000 the same waiter insults t lie same customers in the pub the same people still come to the sime collages tvcipt that th pregnant voung matron was a skmnv kid in bare leet last time vou saw her and hc hand ft mne voung chap who works at the sum met store was a tvke called johnnv cake last time vou saw him however its good to he hack for a visit nd it s never uneventful kept mv hand in bv writing a few news stories lor the paper took the lamilv to the indian reserve same beau-li- inl v evv mil easv going inhabitants drop ped in tin old friends and got the latest elope on who was coin era and who was runtime aioundwith whom mad a beer at th- cedar rail most unique hn in the countrv ami with the best prises it s a sheel on a farm full of tools and baled hav cedar rail extends across the tront you stand there with voui farmer friend lean on the- rail and look at the lake down below weve seen deer and heir from there and covered local politics and talked cattle got stuck in the sand at the beach to the rage of mv wife she went flving off to find a tow truck in a friends car while she was avvav i was pulled out easilv bv a man vcith no arms who had a chain in his trunk a wife to drive his car and a gagqle ot kids to help push sounds like fiction but its fuct il could onlv happen in or around the old home tpvvn f xtt fcs back issues 20 years ago taken from ihe imue of hie irec irvtm i hiiimliiv aiiuum h 1946 altons iitiptiou anil wihiiiiii- lii lliusc who sii vi d in lli ivtt vviimh in id siillililitv siplimlii i i hill puk i hi re will 1 a ioiiiii p ii uli willi mm i hand with inii ii id ionic 1 iim i a italic c mriiiln i ol iln iiiiiiiv ol the i ite mi mil mis tcillli minuii ik id a inn iiiiiiiv iinnimi al tin- pink anil ul tin lioiin ol aillni iiii inlln ml iiiu ihowii ivn i lot itlt v iiihsii oil iiin llv in km kwi oil i hilt- win a ii- vv al mi im in ii ik al a incelliik ol council i in- ii ncli i ol i bonus iilliii was uceptccl loi i lie- c ollcc lion ol hii in tow it hi- will in piicl si 700 s20ii men ibm li 1 vc il a in w c cllli ill him k ulclil urn i biiii bllill iii svinoll ilci die in- toi- i oiiiitliiliiins ai inn liid mil ihe v ill- in biliij in it 1 1 loi i ul ix pi i in w din luic- i iiiiihiiiii in mi ii ot iln vvoiiii n in slniili is m liking it lli 1 in i v i aiv willi llic public aliiiii nl i in loin il lnnl il wr ill miv iil that mi fiiulii ii iv ill a llic- loii ii snli nl nf ac hut mil cm imii win ki i ill iln vv i i nl to i nil liinisi and ciijmiiiiii i in in inch mi kobeit diiiiihlv wi iln in i pu id nl with 12 member onlv mm ol iln i h ii let iilcniliii s has n t nil d me iribii luji ini 2s viars and lliit i hi a i suit hill si mis w mile in ii i c lo c- cc i rid with 22 ycus ol i oiitiiiiinii mi nihil tup tin his tor v was i niiipili cl l mi illiibv a in vv imiup ol lioiin i be mg i uc ii cl on tin lliiid inn icli inl lo aclon hv scvet il ac ton nsieli nl ilinidis miph din ii uc i i lullv pa s il in iiioi in 1 1 in ul 1 1 mi i i i r ji ii kile lit in t ieli iliilililkil c hrxil mil plllis c c lite i tile vi ii i ii il i ill i jill s il oac lie scivccl in tin in foil i in s w louiilllil el 50 years ago taken from the issue of the tree prcws thumildy august 10 1916 undo the i iiiiininil of seoul vi i ter sere i coles ai on iln seoul oip lo the iiliinhci ol 42 lell fiw ii on saturcliv at 2 pin marched hviasv t igcs in blue spiiniis ink and aimed it lis fenll were p u lied and then the s out- bul supei altcive uel there vccie ports winnns weic c c asvccll d wilson i wirreii r ancvc ii williams ii movcil i sivcc- i k iiniv j lsgregr ii oennidv ii ri id fii iri antltrson so svv icuiencr 111 re i is not much sleep the first night minv visitors called sun div alte i noon sluclcnts who are promoted as soon as tluv hand in a sclisfic ton colkclion ol insects are i iicclord i carnn hell ii r ii iv n vnhhins j ikiitw t joe a lohnstonc ii kermedv a martin i mcdonald o moore s mclam g vic i iiigthlin ii ritshic honors m robin son c starkman hcnors g super honors i v smith l williams g ainievt g andeison k rrov n l bntlon m drudge honors i kenneth o mow at c mcleod i mcplurson orr r plank m slevvut signed v ii stewart prin cipal among the men selected to form l special overseas draft frejrn the i nivcrsitv ol toiono officers traimnt companv was pnvale h h o wordcn son ol mr h m worden ouelph who previoci- to enlist men cj was a member of the teaching staff of the cuelph collegiate institute trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engel b a b d oiganist mr george elliott ma phd ilc- nlimin sluckcv soriol mr w j slue kev alton has tiein vvoiuided bv a in milan bavoiii t he has lien al die lioiil sinic march is t io mi i l trnphell ilecl ioihcs and wc lev moon with llovvaicl imooic and w i lliiki- in ic- swiiiirnlnt in fairv lake- wlufi ml trnphell got into a bed ol vvcicli wine ii c mangled ins limb- ml w i iimi hniouih saw i lie litnhle irom his i- ilrm i and haste in d at loss in a ihiii anil stiicceded in lowing the en mule el vivniiiiiii lo a place ol saletv i in llvdro timiiii has bicn playing piissiim with iilhei lllieli nihl- re qui ii v lilll lv 75 years ago taken from the lituc of the free prcmi thurpiduy aupul 13 1891 iln- itovil templar- now mi cl in the oddlclliivs hall ovei mill s wtore depot they iri haviiij i h isk i s i il mi inlin vvti it ii till c vihiahlc cow killed in i hlriiiilr ii vvt ii in ttl in llillnn miiluil fin liiiiiirn i ornpinv wlmli pionipilv stilled itu- loss llv local spent- four of them lillni of 1 1 ruin- wire so liciv dig prig out a lox on a ru iihboiing hillsiclr st tiitl iv niirriirig thev i id cl lo notice ihe pinnae i ty lumi u nil live siindiv suits sihiilid and it i hoped five cor citmi more- than ordinarily active a l ii room ro v at the dominion hotel caused f 1 1 a lie- a furore one- unfortunate brawl r had his head badlv cut dr i own v is c ic d lb properly at lie corner of church and willow olf end foi ile bv under 1 in fori machine iru ihiir steam i riini lie on the move ifairi m n si manorial de vi loptrii nl in the i until at oil ie i anoi in iiotklhrik il hi ttikii its appi areric c on lilt inkv uiiie of litii the iipilil was agog ilhi i iriint and ihe eeirruo it i rrxim it ice cl li lb corridor lone bfore ihe- iriiuiiv opened vcj like in oven t the acton 4jfc free press bufri ari3 ecitronal oftrj phore 853 2010 fr dj in jr75 an1 pjbuilvrt 7 tt ufitj f m knlw h aro o- la no fmnbr of th audi bina j ra urrrultjoni th cwna a4 owa adftr rt r rcqut s p- llor4 payb in ad anr 14 0o in cnjiu 7 vj in all count rhe oitttr tkun cariida irnfflf ctti i or- auionxeci at secnrj ria ma i pent oflr- drrtt cr- ua ad r ting ti ifrjrd in th condition n in tne er t c txtorar itu iro- it c- oi c itft lix c r rxt- ip m tij le irtcrcrrrji er utr- i hr wjttl a ft a- fi- llijr alirr j i rr br ty to 5 lb bjlatic of th advrtlfr r wi b puir for rft lli applicable rar ir tr nenlo j ipos- phicil frro- fi eiiz kxxdi or nici at a wron prto wood or iirv lifr may not b mid advertlabt is rrtr i an offrr to ii ard rr- c witilrwn it my tim pbiuhrl hr ik dill prlntlac o pfclllm copnicht 1 church notices presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba b d minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master combined summer services i at knox prcsbvtenan church sl iday alglst 14 1966 at 1000 a m preacher rev d engcl i nitcd church vacation bible school be jnns mondav august is 9 30 to ii 30 each mornjri lejr tveo weeks all children welcome- bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rc- xviehc vannk phone s isss si day aiglst 14 9cv 1000 i m english service jlopm dutch sen ico 145 p m sunda school st maple avenue baptist church georgetown si day alglst 14 19ss 9 4s am sundaj school iioo am morning service 700 pm eerung service wedncsdav 8pm prayer meeting actoij 8531956 georgetown 8776645 evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 the church of alban the martyr anglican corner wilow and st al bans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb tnnm x slnday alglst 14 1966 9 00 a m hok eucharist during august the main senice will be at 10 a m with sermon and music 10 00 i m manns acton baptist church founded 1m2 pastor- rev stanley gammon res- 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday august 14 1966 1000 a m sundav school for all ages 1100 am morning worship service s 700 p m evangelistic service tucsdav 8pm praver and bihle study thursjav 8pm c a service sunday august 14 1966 9 45 a m church school adult chut 1 1 00 a jri morning worship speaker murray coles of acton there will be no evening services during july and august wednesday prayer and bible study 7j0l ah visitors welcome to our serricesj doctrines we preach nd hafi the virgin birth the fmety of chxim n the secoad bodily resurrection

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