Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1966, p. 3

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changes through many decades discussed around central stove in ospringe store township deans up rood hat dumpers keep dumping by mrs d g robertson the essay that won first prize in the wellington county historical research society competition was written by mrs d g robertson about the place she knows best ospringe store mrs robertson is the free press correspondent for the district and she and her husband bought the store in 1925 the store will be demol ished in september there were 13 entries in the contest and the judges were miss dorothy ltghthart and prof margaret evans irs robertsons interesting psay follows ne ol the few remaining eral stores in erin town ship county of wellington is situated in the village of os pringe at the- junction of high ways 24 north and 25 of inter est is the fact that the village lamed after a villa in ningham store on the site or the present china and gift shop and on february 1 1910 josiah stewart became postmas ter mail was carried by horses lrom erin to guelph a large driving shed at the rear now long since demolish ed accommodated the many horses and vehicles coining to the store home churned dairy butler frrm fresh eggs poultry pota toes maple syrup apples etc were traded for groceries and mr stewart vvas a regular sup plier of the veeklv market in guelph on ihc return trip sup plies were brought back to the store including cured meats oatmeal flour and sugar and save now s our centennial year ap- england by early settlers of the anderson and baldic families the building containing a store and dwelling was former ly a hotel one of the many be tween guelph and erin in early days the frame of the build ing is of barn structure with hewn timbers in 1910 mr and mrs josiah stewart father and mother ol david stewart of the village bought the building and 50 acr es of farm land from charles anderson brother of george p anderson who had a house and woodworking shop on the op posite side of the road the stewarts renovated the building and opened it as a gen eral store the post oil ice was moved in from thctorrner cun- united church bible school vacation bible school will be held at the united church for two weeks beginning monday august 15 the sessions under t d ol the rev dwi t engel will be from 930um 3d each morning special material is being pur chased lor the vacation school and a volunteer stall i being as sembled children of any denomination will be welcome to attend the classes which will bedivided ac cording to age stone school facelifting the former acton continua tion school later known as the stone school is undergoing a taecliftiny during summer holi days one room downstairs two up stairs md a hallwiv ire betny dressed up with tile carpenter pete turkos is laving plvwood base with tile on top he expects to lay close to 4000 tiles belore ihe job is completed the rool on the roller t little public school is being removed and a new one applied in hopes of preventing further leaks the same application was installed at the 1 z bennett scliool some months ato tuesdays downpour ol rain doused some of the classrooms where old rooting material had been removed caretakers were busy tuesday night mopping up fell from tar girl injured a small roekwood ehild was iujuied viondav afternoon in i tragic accident near acton when she tell lrom an open rear win dow ol her lathers car milton opp said sharon welsh tour and a hall ear old daughter of mi and mrs ken neth welsh ol roekwood was ippaivntl leaning out the rear window when she lost her bal ance anil loll to the pavement the car was being irionb her lather she wits treated at the oiiilo ol dr v hutchinson ol acton then placed in a guelpli hospital tor observation she mil i civil seeiv abrasions to her back anil the back ol her head the accident happened earh mondav alternoon on llighvvav 25 just south tit the eloii town limits const l kneil ot milton opp inxestijnuedt film jr ciopirq pivot developing kodak film photofuth supplies cameras hintcns 5c jo 1 store proaclies interest in local lils- tory grows this week the free press is publishing a history of the ospringe store on hand is an interesting history of bal- linafad church written by miss bea hilts we are not holding these until centcnnlaltvear since they are ready now and by then we expect to have much more material to publish in 1967 there will be much val uable material to be collected by those interested in local his tory there is some thought being given to printing all centennial material together in one section of the free press so it can be clipped out at any rate we can only suggest now that this his tory of ospringe store and the upcoming article on balllnafad church and others be clipped and saved now in expectation of more caddies of chewing tobacco this commodity- finding a ready mar ket among the farmers in 1919 mr stewart sold the store and dwelling retaining the 50 acres to robert lindsay gor don who came -from- arkell where he had operated a store during mr gordons stay large quantities of produce stilj were traded in for groceries and like mr stewart mr gordon sold them on the guelph market the gordons were assisted by mr and mrs peter sims the latter a sister of mrs gordon in 1923 the gordons sold to mrs ada ecclestone itnd son fred whose stav was short as they sold may 20 1925 to d g and mrs robertson the robertsons came from guelph where david in partner ship with a cousin lome mat thews established and operated the five point grocery merchandising then was vast- h different from ihe present lime no electricity and cars were not so numerous most farm wives baked their own bread and had their own cows milk and all kept a lew hens this was a far cry from the present when bread and milk trucks call at i arm homes oat meal and sugars were stored in huge barrels and bins at the end ol the counter soda biscuits tot were sold in bulk and each weekly order contained a need lor coal oil lor lamps and lan terns gas and coal oil were brought ir each week by a team ol hors es lrom acton b the late mr kannawin the gas pumps were later removed lrom the trout ol ihe store when the highway came through and all curb pumps were prohibited halton warden bert hinton now honorary texas citizen one of half a dozen inviletl canadian guests at ihe national as t a couru- ties conlerence in new orleans halton warden bert hinton has come back as an honorary tex an with the keys to an ameri can city and with plenty ol information he attended the liveday con lerence as a member of the ex ecutive ol the association ol ontario counties similar things are being done in the lisa and in europe in dilferent ways and mr hinton lelt he learned a great deal that will be ol specilic benefit par ticularly interesting to him were the sessions on regional gov em inent and on welfare county government in the states is verv strong and im portant ivprcsenlntios are elected politically especially well received were ihe six canadians mr hinton had taken a supply of new can adian hags and these weie much appreciated by those ol the 1000 theic who received them in exchange mr hinton will receive a texas hag he was the onl delegate to be made an honorary texan by the delega tion i mm that state he i was also one ol only thive at the conlerence to be presented with thekevs to the city of baton rouge hv the mayor ol that ci- iv mr dumas who is also the current piesidcnt ol- the asso ciation this is the second us eon- iviertce ol counties thai mr hinton has attended two vears ago lie was in washington alter the ollicial conlerence he piined a group on a postcon vent ion tour to mexico thev travelled bv land troni mexioi citv to acapulco stopping oil at tasco the silver mining cen- lie and at busturic sites he sponsored v motion lfiir next year ihc postconvention tour be to expo 67 and this was so well received the canadians were asked to look alter ar- langements while stockpiling information lrom the confvrerice mr hin ton is also involved in a pro gram ol studying european re gional government the first week in september he leaves for london lor a study tour of gov ernment svslcms sponsored by the ontario municipal associa tion every person has been es pecially asked to attend every single session in england mr hinton savs with a background ol information obtained from embassies he- is looking for ward to amassing a great deal mole intormaticm on regional government during his weeks avvi alter two weeks in eng land the group divides to stu dy local government then half go to germanx and sweden the other hall to the netherlands and denmark mr hinton js wellknown as a keen collector ol informa tion he has tiles whitli place pertinent information light at his fingertips as he attends his many meetings he was another who had dif ficult coming honie because ol the airline strike in the states garden vegetables are negin- ning to come in and many resi dents have enjoved leedso t resh beans spinach heels and cab bage tomatoes aic lorming niceh but require plcntv more sunshine and water belore rip ening the store was heated by a huge stove in the centre of the lloor where neighbors and cus tomers sat and lingered many items of state and country were sometimes heatedly discussed and settled on a cold blustery winter afternoon the odd game ol checkers was played- interesting to nole are prices paid bv customers in april 1927 eggs were 22c a dozen and dairy outter 42c lb poultry pric es paid in december 1929 were geese 22c lb hens 20c23c lb chickens 23c27c lb turkeys 34c lb and ducks 20c3c lb dur ing the depression years of the i930s eggs were 8c a dozen and potatoes 30c a bag in 1932 the store received a facelifting when more modern shelving and a new floor were irstalled previous to reopening a dance was held attended by a goodly number music being supplied- by the ospringe or chestra george p anderson violin oscar locker guitar and arnold sunter drums electricity had not been ex tended to rural areas and it was a morning chore well per formed by mrs gertrude sun ter clerk for over 20 years to eean and mil all the lamps used lo light the store one amusing incident conies lc mind ice cream was sold only in the hot summer months and was packed in ice and salt which had to be drained oil each day this was thrown on the road to help lay the dust neighbors cittws hungry lor salt used to come and lick up all they could llnd one bossy more venturesome than others walked through the open door and came in the store to lind the source of sup ply needless lo say she was cautiously ushered outside oe- lore anv damage was done the gravel road as it was then known from guelph to er in was taken over by the de partment ol highways and pav ed in 1951 this proved quite a convenience as tratfic was great- lv increased resulting in more business in 1950 elect ricityvvas iiisfalf ed in the store and modern store equipment was added on october 30 1947 the govern ment with a view to economiz ing removed and closed i the post oil ice and patrons are now ser ved by rural mail carrier after serving the village and surrounding areas for 56 years as a general store september 1 1966 will see the end of this era as the department of highways has purchased the property which will be demolished to pro vide a clear view corner at the junction ol the two highways relerences used post office recoids talks with lormer own ers and present owners know ledge it is amazing to see how- much has been dropped there since thursday night nassa- gaweya township road superin tendent grant mcmillan jiold council on monday night mr mcmillan talking about the garbage dumping problem on the nassagaweyaesquesing bible school at seven homes a five day summer vacation bible school begins lor young sters five years ol age and over monday august 15 until the fol lowing friday sponsored by th child evangelism fellowship of ontario the annual bible vacation scliool will be conducted again this vear by two missionary girls who will oe in charge ot ihe various classes held at dil- lerent homes in town and lime- house the classes arc interdenomina tional andincludc songs bible stories and coloring sessions youngsters wishing to attend are asked to register at any of the places nearest lo iheifi classes are being held at the i ol lowing homes mrs charles 1 andsborough lake ave mis murray scoxne ill elizabeth dr mrs allan ellerby 54 ac ton blvd mrs stan cripps 95 agiles st mis gordon ralston 60 mowbray place mrs william rochester 132 churchill ril s and mrs carl hill liniehouse township line just south ol milton heights said we clear ed it all up thursday and today we liuishcu idling in the area it is amazing to see how much has been dropped there since thursday night since ihe area has been clean ed up however council has 11k- en sleps to have closer police patrol ol the area and signs in- dicntiiijj a 550 line lor dumping garbage will soon he erected mr mcmillan also mentioned thai due to the lack ol rain this vear it was necessary to rent a 2000 gallon water lank to spray the roads belore calcium could be applied the i nick was lenled lor 14 davs the acton free press thursday august ii 1966 new regulations must stop for school bus modern research has made great piogress in the diagnosis and treatment ol inborn heart delects vour ontario heart i ouihlatioii points out hon irwin haskell minister ol transport introduced in the legislature ihe following amend ments to the highway trallie acl which have been enacted at the session just concluded starling september i motor ists will be required to slop when overtaking and when ap proaching a school bus stopped vv til signals i lashing where a school bus is stopped on a highway on which ihe maxi mum speed limit is greatci than vs miles per hour tor ihe pur pose ol receiving or discharging school children the driver ol a vehicle when overtaking a school bus on which the words do not nass when signals hashing are marked and two led signil lights are illuminated bv inter mittent hashes shall stop the vehicle before- reaching ihe school litis and shall not proceed until the bits hmiiiics motion or the signallights aie no longer operating likewise when meeting on such a highway other than a highway with separate road ways a vichool bus on the i rout ol which two red signallights lie illuminated with intermit tent hashes inoiorist s must slop beloie leaching the school bus and pioceed only when ihe sig nal lights aie operating pollack and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 6217580 new policeman constable bill joyce of the milton opp detachemnt has joined the local detachment to replace constable bruce kressler while he is recuperating lrom an injury constable joyce began his du ties last week and is expected lo remain here for the balance ol the month at this time con stable kressler is expected to iclurn lo duty add name in the account ol the wedding ol oollv vincent gall lo paul renwick gall on july 14 the name ol tile brides grandmoth er- mrs c d holmes owen somiif was inadvertently omit ted the brides mother is the lormer gladys holmes of ac ton lous no gardener but hes hoeing down used car prices for a real bouquet in a used car bargain drop in now at lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 clearance on carpet in stock savings up to 3 sq yd rexoleum 9 foot widths 99csqyd belfore 6 foot widths 79c sq yd 4alkers home furnishings 127 woolwich st guelph phone 8222420 mr eric ladner mrs hannah servos oner of milton department store ltd is pjeased to announce the appointment of mr eric ladner as general manager mr ladner is married to the former mary davis and is the father of two children todd 3ge seven and coblna age four he and his family have lived at 28 britannia road east streetsville for the past 10 years and they are members of streetsville united church mr ladner was the charter president of the streetsville kinsmen club and for nine years had 1 00 per cent attend- ance at meetings he ist5ast chairman of the board of ste wards of streetsville unifec church a director of the streetsville arena board a member of the citizens cen tennial committee and an ac tive member of the chamber of commerce for three years he has 14 vears experience in the clothing business work ing in brampton goorqeovn and the streetsville distnc he has 12 years of anarjena i ex perience and for three years was president of enc ladner limited i he enioys reading plyinq golf hockev as a spectator and is looking forward to participa ting in activities in town and becoming acauainted with the citizens of milton and the many faithful customers of milton de partment store summ mu ram specially selected value checked branded blade roast 55 lb tender juicy 59 short rib or shoulder roasts king of roastsshort cut chef style prime rib roasts 89 ideal for barbecue fresh mincedburger blend ground beef chuck 69 c ib ib ib fancy quality clarks 48oz tin tomato juice 29 best buyi save 14c fruit drink powders read sweet koolaid save 10c for salads or deep frying 24oz size maz0la corn oil 5 49 69 manhattan reg 69c potato chips 59 picnic 48 ax size assorted drinks 3 89 fresh fruit and produce home grown no 1 cucumbers 3 25 home grown potatoes 10 lb 41 we reserve the right to limit quantities

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