Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1966, p. 5

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jffti tyft district news ebenezer rev mrs w d clark observe golden wedding anniversary two rockwood ball teams top contenders in leagues rockwood congratulations to the two rockwood ball teams who are both top contenders in their leagues the seniors have up to august 4 won is of their 18 games their nearest rival glen williams was defeated by the rockwood firemen 192 on tuesclav night thursday saw the georgetown club downed 151 under the twohit pitching of blake hind and the solid rockwooil baiting the juveniles have been run ning up impressive scores as well their latest was a lcvl drurtbing for morrislon on wed nesday and a 73 win over brock rockwood visit ball rematch firefighters on park program road in rockwood on saturday night both seniois and juveniles aie entered in the orsa and willi tegular jjames plus plavolls and orsa matches it will take some planning to get every thing squeezed in especially for the three juveniles who also have their regular spot on t he- senior team good luck boys lor the re mainder of the season and lo everyone in the area a hearty invitation to support- your ball clubs youll be glad vou did last thursday two busloads i ransponted1 37plavgrbund66ys and girls from acton to rock wood lo spend the day with i heir counterparts there the program included mock track and hold events games and contests enior team downs hornby rockwood behind the steady pitching ol john salmon rock wood senior soltball team shel lacked the hornby squad 70 monday night in the first of a two out ol three playoil series under lights at rockwood park salmons stead hurling struck out 15 batters to spark his teammates to the important ic- lory dave bacons home run and 17vearold norm beat lies spectacular put out highlighted the vieton lor the home club sevortd sacker beat tie who also wears the juvenile colors stabhed a line di ive vvilh two on rolled two or thiee times and while still on the ground threw the runner out at lirst to stop what might have been a ralk b hurntn each playground formed an alkstaf feall team and they play ed a match rockwood emerged victorious as a result of the dav in rock wood the 10 acton playgiound leaders challenged the allstar team lo a ball game the young sters won 104 and theres lo be a challenge rematch again this thursday afternoon today last friday afternoon at the playground the fire department gave a demonstration tor the boys and girls scotty mccris- tall and wayne kelly demon strated resuscitation extinguish ers and ladders and sprayed water over the ball diamond the children seemed to have hundreds of questions to ask which the firelighters answeied willingly the men told the playground youngsters exactly what hap pens each time the fire siren sounds the circus last night wednes day was the big event of this week itll be reported more lullv nel week friday is the linal day of playground program lor this year guest evangelist at tent crusade rockwood many from the rockwood area have received a blessing irom the georgetown lent crusade sponsored by the acton pentecostal tabernacle and their pastors rev and mrs thoman the guest evangelist has been the rev james pierce ol winnipeg special music was provided by the galileans a male quartet from guelph the gospelaires an instrumental and vocal group including becky lefneski and laverne pharoah of guelph with syd durose and murray taylor from rockwood other musical groups came from erin toronto and other points special organ and piano accomp animent was enjoyed at each meeting rev pearce loreelullv covered many varied subjects so peitinent lor our time and based on the inspired wold ol god during the three week lain paign many irom a distance as well as the immediate aiea ill- tended the meetings rev w d and mr clark weie honored bv 30 or so ol their immediate relations at the amber cupola on their golden wedding anniversary mr clark was born at milton during his lathers term as pas tor there the w stands for i he willinott family who took an active ipait in chinch affairs then and i believe still do so one sister and 4 wo nieces of mr clarks and a sister and brothei- inlaw ol mrs clarks were ori ginal guests 50 years ago their daughter ada now mrs ross vogan lives in slrauord their son george is a bank man- ager in toronto ken vogan played a selection on the violin anci debbie clark icndered an accordion piece the clarks lived in eden mills during their term here alter 1he lonmer parsonage manse had binned down they are now liv ing relired in wingham remember you now have 10 extra minutes to gel reaclv loi church sunday school is at 1030 and church at 1140 mr and mrs walter lucas had a second honeymoon trip noith thev accompanied mr and mrs cecil baker of nelson lo round lake soulh river as guests ol mr and mis george smith of rockwood mrs jack teasdale and bill and bob spent a few days with mr and mrs bruce teasdale at balsa lake a good congregation greeted the leemans on their return irom a lesiliil vacation at kat- line among the beats coons and churchill ne reunion hold barbecue on retirement rockwood bob and kav dai on were guests ol honor at a barbecue held recently at the home of mi and mrs rov love ii bob has been lor many years the pupulii managci ol the rockwood branch ol the royal bank the news of his rctnoinenl due lo uncertain health was received with regret bv all in the aiea dining the evening a new pipe was present ed to bob and a loel lloral centrepiece to his wile kav evcrone is happy to know the couple will continue to make their home in rockwood hold second mil death casts pall of sadness rockwood descendants ol the late mr and mrs a g milne gathered recently in the lovely dundas park lor their second annual milne reunion swimming and races as well as many amusements provided by ihe park kept the young folk entertained the older mem- beis found a great deal ot plea- suie in isiting recalling mem ories of past clays and becom ing acquainted with the new generation owing lo the critical illness of f cl budges ol branllord his wilcfhe former gerthide milne and their lamilv mr and mis i north mrs a horner and mi and mrs alex bridges ol peter borough were not able to attend word was received during the altornoon of the passing of mi bridges which cast a sadness over the gathering each year there are changes and this year two deaths thai ol mrs j k hunter and alfred horner were reported three happy events were reported in the birth of lulienne banner and lisa connor grandchildren ol mr and mrs j h banner of brant lord and jeffrey hulchin- son the grandson ol mr and mrs r b barnett ot arkell then- were no plans made for next years reunion relatives attended irom eden mills ar kell everton hamilton branl- ford cainsvillc kitchener ac ton and rockwood holiday trips in weeks news mr and mrs charles binnie visited on sunday with mrs eagles and mr and mrs w i sinclair and family ol hillsburg mi and mis william dobbie have returned home irom a holi day in north bay district visit ing at powassan and sturgeon falls friends of mr and mrs don brown ol limehouse are sorry lo heal she has been in hospital everyone hopes she can soon return home mrs tressa keeler returned home altei spending a week with her sister mr and mrs r l davidson miss lovce denny has return ed home irom three weeks holi- da s with cousins in beamsville air and airs ernest daw son and miss carol ann of lon don also miss karen widdilield of oil springs and mr robert dawson ol chatham visited last week wilh mr and mrs fred mcarthur also mr and mrs le- rov macarthur and family limehouse minister from glasgow takes services at district church those aw a recently mr and mis j roughlev and mi and mrs august spiter took ihe exclusion tripbv tram liom slew ontario to muosonee and moose factory a couple ol weeks ago last week ml and mrs rough ly mi robbie anil gari ileislei spent a lew das fishing in 1 mi ll gam i the ralph turners have le- turned liom holidays at beai lake the fiauk hall s holidayed at doisel and siidhun recently mr- and mrs mac menmgton and cluldien and tiss marlcnc heisler spent a week at wasaga beach the- a bentons visited the will red gtvenlees at campbell- ille on sunday mt and mis bert benton visited hei patents mi nul mrs ouinlon mealoul on sun dav mrs j l campbell ol hamil ton has been visiting her moth er mrs a v norton and otheis here rex robert paterson b d minister ot kings park parish church glasgow scotland the largest piesibvtenui cngrcga tion in scotland conducted sei- ices at limehouse prcsbvtei tan chmch last sundav he will do so on august 14 u 45 a m also mis d s mcdonald ot milton spent a lew divs with the gis- bvs mis rov mcquillan ol foion to is isitmg mis w mitchell mr lome noble mr and mrs phiel and family ot naughton and lis- k noble of hamilton have been visiting the nobles merediths and karns mr ronald hachey and miss bonnie kcxes ot gananoque and miss maureen sosnoxvski of mil ton heights vverexvlth the hach ey family recently sharon and june peavov of hillsbuig ate with the deloiesfs lot holidavs mr alfred crosbv of bataxia n y and mr and mrs bob crosby ol rochester were w ilh mis bveisand lamilv last week end grass fires acton lireljghters received a second call within as main davs to light a grass tne in nassaca- ueva township thursday of last week on wednesday thex ex- linguished a grass tire on pro- pertv recently icnted by holland height the second tux broke out next dav inns for tne family due to circumstances beyond our control we are adopting the following hours for the next 3 weeks open daily tueswedthurs and sat 9 am to 6 pm fridays 9 am to 9 pm have you tried our bakery treats fresh from our ovens delicious cakes cookies pies wholesome breads buns etc drop in today earls bakery 32 mill st e telephone 8531290 acton dollar day sale choice of 2 custom suites 5pieces inlaid top featuring handleback chairs rkii walnuigiained table top with smart old inlay design plastic moulding tapered leg- plus tour stylish chaiis with deep box seats coveted in twolone gold leat and vvy tuvvixid table measures v x t0 5 piece custom suite get 2 extra chairs for 100 5pieces oval styie featuring twotone highback chairs custom quality for home or apai tment oval table measmes vi x pv walnut aibonte top plastic bumper moulding high hack shall s cncied in twotone jerseybacked lloral punt vnth vvvnawoou mm plus two extra chairs for only 100 acton home furnishings porcupines the lovelv floweis weie in memory- ol the late mi alvin anderson an uncle ol mi s murray llivward and a cousin ol mr nelson anderson the opening hvmn was thai old but ever new favorite there were ninety and nine that salelv lav in ihe shelter ol i llie old the thiee parables ol the lost sheep the lost coin and the prodigal son ate all thought ol logethei sheep were and still aie very impoi tanl in i lie holy land they have to learn thai ihev cant jo bevond limits thev must slay close ti the i old of course ihe womans coin was also valuable to her but people are more important the prodigal son should have listen ed to dad and staved with the chores what is man thai ail mindful of him our span of life on earth is so vcrv flcctingr let us not be sn engrossed in on i work tanning housework factory 01 whalevei that we neglect vvoiship ii the sermons are boring pi av lor xour minister it somebody did something of which vou didnt approve lorget it look into vour own heart ll is possible jlo have your liearl in rbeneer as a building bill not know god it is so easy to get lost il vxe dont stay close to jesus remember what ebenctr means look up 1st samuel 7th chapter and the 12 iii verse and quit hissing over nonessentials wc are reminded that general council meets in kilchenei aud itorium on september 11 plan to attend sing song begins al 7 10 you will need to reset vc ti ckets birthday greetings to jen wil son nine years old on august i 1 the kilchings many incnils hope that lillle jav will soofi lie able to conic home liom hos pital bekfled birthday greetings to doris mollal also not belated to stella ogorman and to mrs ken griffiths nellis reunion held on sunday about 55 enjoyed the mel i is family reunion sunday after noon at oiinac i nke park on ihe loin iii line the group spent the afternoon chatting playing horseshoes boating and swimming and cli maxed the day with a picnic lunch following the lunch a shot l business meeting under the chaiimanship of chester allan levieweel ihe minutes ol ihe pre vious ycai and elected the execu live lor the l67 reunion namely president laurence johnston secietarx helen wesno and sport committei ihairnian i loyd nel lis a progiam of contests was in cluded laurence johnston won the mens lowing contest at 225 minutes in the lugofvvar win ners were ihe i cam of captain mansell mclhs laurence john- the acton free press thursday august 11 1966 ston murray scoyne and john wesno those from the farthest dis tance were john and helen wes- mj of toronto oilier winners in iu a loiupetitions weie liils s and under kuen ncl lis boys 5 and mulct iatv scovne girls 6 and 7 ludv scovne boys 78 wayne allan gieg milson girls 8 and l hea ther milson girls 101112 san dra henrv young ladies helen john ston young men john wesno voungesi baby 6 mouths duinv johnston son ol mi nut mis laiuence johnston oldest wo man berlha nellis womens nail di ive roberta lleinv mens null drive mmrav scovne cars damaged i cars driven bv alex cushner of rr 4 acton and elsie arm- nia llodgins of guelph received 15i total damage in a collision on s siiieionl in nassaguweva saiiiidn evening milton ojp investigated it was ihe only re- portable accident of the past week in the north halton area h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27 1 so thia service will provide you with plenty of hot water for ou your household needs hydros mew hot water service a low monthly charge covers installation of a modern auto matic electric water heater all service and maintenance including replacement if necessary cost of electricity our staff will be glad to tell yon all about this allinclusive hot water service fcyr acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n 8532410 live entertainment changes weekly in guelphs liveliest entertainment centre the enrertainmenl starts at 9 pm every nite lounge opens from 12 noon to 1 am matinees every saturday at 3 pm completely aneonditioned lor your comfort fischers royal hotel downtown guelph at pete mass0n motors now buy a brand new pontiac buick buick special beaumont acadian over factory invoice plus license sounds unbelievable but its true pete masson ywll xll you a brand new l6 pontiac buick buick special bciuniout or acadian lor urn lac toi lmoicv price plus onlv 50 00 plus license anil onlaiio sales tay s20 lor a si and s2s lot a v8 this is no gim mick yon can match the- serial number of the car you chose with our lactoiy inoice any accessories mhi chose lo add uili be priced t our installed cost this is the best time ever to buy a new car i we haye never concluded a sale- like this bclore and may ncvei do so again i n i delay lake adinuiic ol the low prices saye a lull yins depiec ijtion now iheie are i union is ilia pi ices on the f7s wll be going up all cars will be cleaned and pieei icecl according to laciors speci fications all cais luii- lull laclorv vsanamc 2 yen s or 24000 miles the most fantastic new car sale ever held in halton county lov cm ui do tins we haye leached our car silc ohcclic lor augusi veiv eu ly ihis yeu and every car sold lihin ny nil ihe end the month is a plus ur for us wc still iuvc a lame s4 lee hon ol nevy cars left and c e yyani in g i mil tttietisoiy down is lou as possible rn- i i e the t7s ire mil idued sii i aie culling puces to the hone will pete masson take tradeins the ansvmr is yes hut please heu in mind that c llll ilce ell llees u j im vs 1 1 bll colli ell at 1 lie same- piiu thai ec won m pay it ihe in lion m liom othci dealers inolhei unls wholesale ii ill boils down i the fact thai il you umt lo trade 0111 e w the dollars ddleieiiee is ic most mipoiiant tigute toi ii with ihis in mind we lie sme u m save 011 mouv no tight money here we use ihe fimac rmance plan and the- rale lor this sale eompiie lavourahk with eveiy hank luiiiiee plan only 10 pel ill down il your eicdit 1 gonil i walling toi s 01 0 days foi credit appioyil v eu hu ciedil appioycd ill 21 hours 01 less o ehaltle hkji t ige- 011 y our household luinishings no assiyiiiuents ol m pice 011s hie insiuaiicen policies this sale ends august 31 1966 and will not be extended hurry dont delay for the buy of a lifetime pete masson motors limited acton georgetown 351 queen st e 8530450 124 guelph st 8776986 open each week night till 9 pm

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