Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1966, p. 8

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8 the acton fre press thursday august 111 966 safety stickers given at playground roadeo constable peter campbell of the acton o p p detachment was on hand mondu afternoon to inspect bicycles and hand out safetv stickeis to children with bicles during the pla ground program roadeo previoush constable camp- bell had instructed the children on bicxle safety and made an appointment with the kiddies to icturn during the roadeo he handed out safet stickers to childien whose bikes were in a sate condition as well as book marks to eveijonc taking pait obituary former band master charlie mason dies uniformed members of acton citizens band arc to form a guard of honor nthii afternoon thursday at the funeral of their tormer bandmaster charl es william mason who passed aa in guclph general hospi tal on august 7 although ill uiiu- t his r- de- tenorated rapidly for the pre vious four das mi mason was 88 ears of age he is suried b his wife sadie guinn mason at their willow st home daughter mrs william e ramsden eleanor bui i ilo new york grandchild ren rex di w e famsden jr and mrs charles p derner buf falo and three great grand children he was the last of a familv of eight children ol william mason ai d isabcllc suitzer mason broheis and sisters who prede ceased him were bert mason amos mason fiank mason who died at the age of 13 mrs maude agnew mrs ida mcln tosh lottie and hud mason mr mason w as born at lis1 gaicl ont on juh 10 1878 a ictired glove manul acturer he had moved to auon from kit chtnei about 40 voars ago he used to recall that when he was living in gloversvillc n he was one or the band membeis who met tedd roose velt when he i etumed to wash ington liom the spanishamer lean wai boston baked beans wcie seived lo the band he re- meinbeied trr i89 m actorrr he married nellie jane boyd who died in 10so iuneral service is to rc held at the rumlcv shoemaker fun eial home on thuisdav aftei- noon todav conducted by his grandson rev dr ramsden of buffalo and his minister the pev dvvight engel pallbearers are george mason toronto howard switzer hills- burgh george svitzer etobi- loins mcgill owen sound charles demer buffalo and charles kirkness acton aoron citizens band in uni form is to form the guard of honor and act as flovei oearers interment is in fanview cem cterv actons band wis founded in 1875 bv john hill and one of john hills boys was charlie mason mr mason look over the band when it had almost ceased tc evist with a group of about 25 oung bovs in the earlv 1940s the bovs band becamcstbe box and girls band and its clowning achievement came when it placed first in its class at the c n e in 1947 charlie noted with justiliabic pride that horn this group came a veter inarian a doctor two lawyers two ph d s in science two chem ists a newspaper editor and a lieutenant commander in the naw to mention a few the others too have become worthy citizens with a priceless legacy ol training some of them staved with the band organizing it into its pies- ent lorm when mr mason retired as bandmastei he continued as an active plamg menioer of- the band until about two years ago mr mason has said one ot the greatest studies in the woild is music it follows on and two permits during month artet climbing to a value or si 085600 foi the liist sit months building in nassagn- weva township slackened off duiing july during the month ol july on iv two pei mils were issued one loi a residence valued at 10000 and the other for a gaiage val tied at 1000 pel mils issued during the tirst seven months ol the year now total 1096600 obituary district farmer funeral wednesday a district i aimer william robert watson ol r r 1 ac ton passed away suddenly jt his home on august 8 funeial service was held at the rumlcvshoemakei funeial home on wednesday afternoon august 10 conducted by the rev dvvight hngel pallbeaieit were l marsden ross goidon w lasby d moffat m moflal and mansell nxllis interment was in ebenuzer cemetery mr watson w as born in nas sagaweva township son of len ard and jane walson he moved to his piesent home fiomr r 1 campbellville 14 ears ago in 1908 he manied ada grace cleave and she passed awav in 1941 in 1952 he marned edith may nellis who sui lives him also surviving are daughtei moima mrs o hull milton edwin rr i campbellville of watsons music stoie in acton seven giandcluldi en and nine great grandchildren brothers victoi guelph and chailes hamilton helps vou make friends wherev cr vou go a member of the chai tcr exe cutive of the golden age club when it was first organized a few vears ago he was naturally chosen as convcnei of the nuisi cal program another of his hobbies was gaidcning and his gulden was i place of unusual beautv he was acme and dert and intel ested in town affairs until just iccentlv woik bees at the band hall aie continuing during the sum- mei some ol the voungei plav eis are helping paint this week many aie letuining liotn then holidavs sun tanned and icady foi woik irarmeis who weie hoping foi lain a lew weeks ago hoped it would hold ofl eailv in the week as thev stalled thieshing then grain ciops the big steam eia show will again be held in milton on laboi day weekend several duflers have been driving golf balls at the giounds at the high school and m 7 bennett school thev leport gel ting in a lew svings bcloie the aetonlegionropcntournev latei this month opinions vary with school pupils now that the holiday pei lod is last chawing to a close thre young boys on monday weie picked up hitchhiking al ong the highway when asked jokingly ll thev were going lo guelph to puichase school books thev replied almost unan imouslv wight as well be back at school hues nothing else lo do a combination of leccnt rains and lawn spnnkleis have liesliened up several lawns en ough that home owneis have hi ought out lun mowers lo turn the grass the fund lo picserve the guelph bulhplace ol lt col john mccrac writer of in flandei s fields is moi in slowlv toward its goal it stands a about 12000 now about 4 000 below the goal fred a hoffman optometi ist 58 st geoiges sq guelph ont telephone 8242071 still seeking century farms accept entries to aug 26 the century signs program ol the hal ton junior faimeis has been ie opened and anvone in halton with a centurv taim who has nit legistcied earliei this sumnici has until august 2o lo apply the hj t executive announced this week centuiv sibils will be supplied b the lunioi ramie is ol ontar u tliiou count v yioups to owneis ol i aims who are diiect descendants ol those who held ihe piopcitv in 18r7 the lun iois hope to be able to help iilll k th nisands ol tai nis in on taue which have iimaincd in the same lunilv loi looveais farlier this summer the jun iois asked loi applications and weie swamped thev collected i2 licloie ihe deadline howevci ihe out ii io oigamtliun leaiin some lanelownejs ma have been llllssvel has lc opcllill the apph gallon pei uicl and halton jun iois hope am niissed eai liei will applv now toiinlv diiceoi o llavwaid plume caiupbellvillc 84 2ss 01 the olltano ucpll title nl ol agneulluie office in milton have application lornis which ihe lanm owner must fill in the signs will be delivered lo hums in october robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 1 1 1 mill st aclon monday from 4 pm for appointment 8773971 ii office size 1 keyboard preset tabulator 1 rjrifyss9aaaba m jjjjjjjjk r v3 p 1 k 1 and many other fullski features in the d bold j aaaaaaaaave st a ab ac4 1 suthcor0nvj corsair low low price 6995 1 1 quick mtmiifini suptr itioni cycolic bod lijmwinhtj intra 9 pounds klspmlnarirror control t 1 o nery 8532030 dills s t a 56 mill st e s91 any way you figure it the finest j welcome q to acton is welcome wagon 1 ittl t u tin ih i t 1 k t f nil- it ml t 1l it it t i t i l u n t i i k ilk ju i v til ixnclconieflciyijfim phono sh4 wuuiml nghm1rs i c tin io um to let k u v ou re here ddrins tow n rir have the vc tome wagon hotc3 cill on me i i would like to ub- svrlbe to ttit acton free prew i already subscribe to the acton free press fill out coupon asid mall to circulation dcpt th acton free press service station for rent on highway 401 torontokitchener route sun oil co ltd is presenting a service station-motel- restaurant complex at the campbellville cutoff field stone and modern stylmq desiqn contoured to please the eye this h qh volume service station will pre sent a wonderful opporlunitv for a sa es minded person to create a very lucrative iikome complete service station training is provided with pay and financial assistance is available for the person selected for furthbr information write or contact r l marck sun oil co ltd p o box 95 postal station b hamilton ne1 0421 after 7 p m onlv 25 school stirts moie clivs till milton opp aie still inves t lining the campbellville post oil ice safe cracking in case anyone has wondci- cil why the kugc plate glass win clou at the real ol the new adili lion it the high school is board ed up it s to pievent the glass being broken bv childien play ing ball during ihe holidays residenls living in lakcview subdivision owning boats have a dillieult lime launching thcin in the low weeds water on that side ol i any lake slim and turn classes so successful last i ill will stail ag an in scpteiiiibctl so mean while piospcclivc shmmeis can keep eating fortunalclv ihe weather man was wiorvg again tuesday he called for a severe storm with winds leaching as high as 50 miles pei hour with hail winds weie strong enough and lains was hcav loi a shpit tunc but evervone was happyhtotiail lell in this immediate arc not loo manyresiclenls re tinning lijfn holidays have ic jjoi led any great catches ol fish acton puk is crowded on sundays and holidays but with people fiom ou lof town at then meeting monday one ol ihe pules boa id members ic maikcd acton residents arc not taking advantage ol then irec stickeis puol ic school caretaker al belt robinson has refurbished desks ai the m z bennclt school and is busy doing the same to mai red ones at the ru belt little schuol swim classes in georgetown more advanced swimming itu dtnls lo the number of 18 are being driven each morning to georgetown pool for jtssows theie since there wt renl enough to hire a bus mothers are taking turns driving ihe- earlv hour of 9 a rn was the only tunc the out of town pool was available for outsiders the wading pool here is too hallow lor these leuneis the- second swimming course at the wading pool in ihe puk ends this triday the- pool will remain open for free swimming until school opens playground icaclc rs will take turns supervising the forest works for don t fire it you with proper care a lile ackct slould last from six to ten ycais jack ridley cartace concrete brick clay bricivv limited concrete blocks cinderblocks sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service nd supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs f acton phone 8534730 arthur g pepler rar robert r hassard is pleas ed to announce the appoint ment of mr arthur g pepler as vic president and has part ner in bob hassard mercury wes bmtted rwtl ion ntarii the dealership has recently movpd into its new building in the milton plaza and extends a cordial invitation to mr pep ler s many business and social acquarntanrps to visit and in spect the new facilities prices effective august 10 11 12 13 iga 12 aluminum 25 ft rolls foil wrap save 19c hhinz 20oz bottles ketchup 2 for 55c 2 for 7 3c coronation swelt 24o jars relish 2 for 73c we reserve the right to limit quantities frenchs prepared 16oz jars mustard 2 for 49c kraft canadiav or pkg burger slices 39c coronation swi et mixed 2oz jars pickles 2 for 73c c dz can mo 1 grade local grown golden sweet mm df corn49 california sunklst oranges doz49c procuilc of u b can no 1 grade bartlltt pears qt49c produic of usa california nectarines 6 for 49c special combination offer i of aifnf both fo tublcrlte vviciicivj u p i pkg of hospitality rolls wiener 8 pk 79 swifts premium smoked pork ready to eat sc 13c kclloggs i607 pkg miracle whip save i3- kclloggs 16oz ikg corn flakes 2 for 73c 2 for 69c picnic shoulders lean mealy side spare ribs vlplnc primrose trlmgle beef steakettes schncuurs pure pork country lle sausage 53 c lb lb 69c lb 59c lb 63c free s0 ica book with the r r c c p q a 32 size of esso barbq lighter fluid only 49c specials canada dry canned ginger ale iga brings you the toronto rifles football broadcast over ckey dial 590 1 79 case visit the iga eo0th at the cne august 19 sept 5 ledgers iga

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