Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1966, p. 1

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ninetysecond year no 7 acton ontario thursday august 18 1966 authorized as second class mall by tlic pout office dupni tment ottawa ten pages tori cents wrong contest firefighters win anyway acton firefighters were- am- ong hundreds of firefighters from all over ontario attending the gala firefighters associa tion of ontario parade and con vention in milton saturday through a mixup the local brigade missed getting a prize- for their appearance and march ing in the saturday parade an error in the secretarys records entered them in the class for regulation dress but they re ally were competing in the hcancvdresl s of the competition judges named them third in the regulation dress grouping behind dundas and ajax departments bern van fleet and john kra- pek were actons official dele gates and they sat through the days business sessions held in milton arena close to 20 men from acton entered the parade and stayed for the dance satur day evening george bttndy deputy chief of milton fire department was el ected president of the associat ion for 196667 arid took over the office at noon saturday next year the convention moves to mount forest and a four day event is planned for the civic holiday weekend plunketts report just a month away the longuwaltcd plunkett re port on local government in halton and peel counties will be in the hand of the minister of municipal affairs by september 16 it was authoritatively learn ed by this newspaper this week no indication was given on when the minister would release the report cither to the public or to the participating county councils peel county has re quested an opportunity to study the report prior to its release halton county council declined to support the feel motion at its july meeting favoring instead a general release of the report amalgamation approved at joint meet of parks board recreation committee a little travelling music was supplied for the summer playground program youngsters while they waited for the circus- parade to be gin wednesday evening of last week by marie jordan dressed as mickey mouse the parade marched from the cnr station to jhe arena stuff photo where the youngsters presented a onering circus kneeling in front are warrencoultrlp- as a pirate and janice ellerby as a clown back row left to right are clown diane buckman marie jofdan and clown david mills stuff photo joey marshall drew a large ovation from the audience wednesday of last week at the playground circus when he played accordion solos halton sign for an agreement that minister of reform institutions alan gross man suggested will be one that will change the whole face of pe nology at legist in north amer ica was signed by representativ es of peel and haltoncountv in an historic first joint meeting on tuesday the agreement lormally sign ed by the wardens and clerks is well as the provincial minister establishes a committee to pre pare lor construction ol a re gional detention eentiv to re place existing county jails the new centre its location yet un determined will be named maplehursl were not just building an other jail mi grossman told members ol i he two councils gathered in the halton county council chambers he pointed out inanv ol those in county jails dont need maximum se curity facilities and those who are innocent should also be peel minister regional jail treated in a different way to those already juund guilty the proposed onestorey de tention centre will include fa mily visiting rooms and facili- lies for forensic treatment es timated cost ol the- tadlilv is s200000 the agreement calls lor estab lishment ol a live man coihinit- lee with three members t nun peel county ami two from hal- ion the committee will be re sponsible lor chousing the site and subsequently lor construc tion and adiuiiiistiution a site near hornby has been rumored peel county representatives mi the committee are toronto fownship reex c robert speck brampton mavor kussell prousc uul chingiiicoiisy reeve cyril clark members to rcptcsciit halton have not yet been ap pointed at tile outset of the meeting which halton warden ii ii ilinton described as the lirst of its kind in ontario and which observers declared was the lirst between the two full county councils members from peel and ha lion were introduc ed it is a pleasure to host this unique event warden ilinton declared the meeting included 11 halton representatives anil 24 hum peel in a call for any joint busi ness lor discussion bv the two councils reeve cyril clark sug gested members discuss the terra cotla road as one of the common problems between the two counties reeve leslie halton road committee chairman observed he thought this was to be a quiet formal little meeting to the amusement of members hi noted however the county had looked at the routes proposed hut had not yet linalicd its ac tion proposed new zoning jsjexpected within 30 the long awaited proposed zoning bylaw lor the township of nassagaweya will likclv he in the hands ol tow iiship ratcpav ors within30 days at a meeting ol the fownship planning hoard and council on wednesday ol last week council lots inspected a revised dr tit ol the bylaw reeve william coul ter said lollowing the meeting council will discuss the bvliw at its next meet in and torward suggestions it any to the plan ning board at that time the pla n ning board will send out copies ol the proposed bv law along with an explanatory letter to all rate payers of t lie township hie letter wilj also contain the time date and location ot public meet ings which will he held to dis cuss the bylaw and the town ships otiicial plan which is also being drawn up planning board c h a i iyn a n grant campbell esplainedat the meeting weve worked very hard on this undone into every detail ol the plan u the inlaw we certainly hope it will prove acceptable he described the bylaw as being er mild and indicated maybe in a lew cais it will need to be revised assessment notices out in mail soon acton homeowners will soon be receiving assessment notice- town assessor william frskinc noted this week notices would k- mailed out within the next lew days tenants occupying two ot n me rooms where they cat and sleep will also receive assess incut notices ibis year ibis doesnt mean tenants will ha ve to pax taxes but simply entitles them to v vote in the municipal election through this means names are compiled for the vol ets list bylaw days were all verv conscious a the tact that were not going to try to hint anyone as non a the bv law is amende j a eupv will go to iuiv ratepayer inl theyll have two weeks to study iti politic meetings will be held lor every part i the lowtisiiip reeve coulter explained bv conducting it ihis wiv council w ill have a chance to know the lecling ot the ratepayers even he i ore the lirst leading deputy reeve william hocy commented the board lias dune a verv tine job ol getting this inhumation together i can see in n mind ei y lew objections it any councillor ross gordon aid it looks pietiv good to me members agreed to liuui in abeyance an interim statement from project planning associ ates ltd the company that had worked on the official plan mi zoning bylaw the statement was tor s37634s more than lull ot the contract total of 5jo0 poli ice warn cnr payroll cheques forged local merchants were warned in police this week to ne on the alert lor forged cnr pavroll cheques which are expected to 1 cashed this week the honatiile cheques issued by the cnr after august i have the date and signature ol the person issuing the cheque in red ink it is presumed the lorged cheques will be in green ink merchants have been warned to detain the forger as long as possible uoiily police immed iately obtain an accurate tlcs- ciiption o the person procure a license plate number the cheque is not to be handled aiiy more than ncccssarv acting on the advice of a neu tral chairman mayor les du- by at a joint meeting monday night turks board and the ree- i cation committee instructed nkittia secretary art cooper to draft a letter to council point- ing out the two bodies wish to amalgamate and asking steps be taken to initiate action on the request al the earliest possible time 2 jrop rose n i a t i ves born jbojji partts and recreation attended i hemeet ing which discussed t he- pros and cons of combining the efforts into one meeting instead of the present two they gave unanimous approval to the move subject to councils approval mayor duby pointed out the need to streamline municipal work and abolish much of the red tape and duplication pres ently entailed he licked off six points in favor of amalgamation of the two bodies it would release two coun cillors from the present two boards for other duties 2 justify a digger budget re quisition and carry more weight wilh council 3 mean only one secretary- treasurer instead of a joint em ployee as at present 4 avoid duplication of bank accounts 5 facilitate speeding up ol projects planned 6 be much simpler lor the auditors fear that the present two bod ies woulcl be overheavy with re creation committee members who outnumber parks board 10- 5 were discounted by recreation chairman len lovell and other members council could make- sure personnel from both bodies balanced- on the amalgamated committee he said parks board chairman george- williams said some parks board members toll projects like the glcnlca park development would be deferred if the board amalgamated with the recreat ion committee mr duby point ed out however the new body would be responsible to council for both parks and recreation secretary art cooper told the meeting lie had personally poll ed members oh parks board and found no one against amalgama tion our biggest problem now is to find out how these boards can be dissolved and how soon said recreation head lovell earlier the secretary had read andrew drenters guest sculptor the annual summer art fes tival in ouclpli painliny-on-lhe- grccn will beheld this weekend at the delhi st recreation cen tre one of the special guest exhib itors is andrew drenters who lived formerly in acton worked here at one time not long ago and taught ligure skating his brother josef is also a sculptor the art of sculpture of the loiind object is the special in terest of voung mr drenters who works now in a converted sheepstall and pig pen on his farm al rr 1 alton born in belgium and sell taught during the past lour years he has col lected dozens ol horseshoes some i ix years old a documen tary of pioneer days these horse shoes have been welded and shaped into figures mr drent ers sculptures are made prim arily ol old discarded farm im plements the artist says of his work as ioiil as i can remember i have been fascinated wi h found objects 1 teel sad that these agricultural items are melted down so i decided to give them a place in our world once more mr drenters has exhibited at the gallery house sol in george town at the gaslight gallery m kitchener at the montreal mu seum ol fine arts the pollock gallery in toronto and is a mem ber ol the sculpture society ot canada on logs park caretaker heih ritchie on monday hauled out old logs which have been lying in fairv lake behind the wading pool for years he used the tractor and a- cable lu do uie liaulhi cheque forger live locail merchants were each duped out ol j21s by a cheque forger recently and were unaware of the forgery until the cheques were rcftimcd from toronto banks the forged cheques were made put on legitimate style acres ranch cheque forms with the forged signature of ranch own er bruno sclissuzi a idler from chas lcathcitand clil ls representative on the recreation committee stating ll- parks board bad been set up by a vote of the electorate as part of ihe parks act the secretary said he ullotight it could only be dissolved by a vote or by a special bill passed by council its my impression said mr cooper that the vote- would be much faster than the time it takestlo pass a special bill mayor duby agreed there was uncertainty as to how the pres ent set up could he dissolved nut didnt doubt other municipalities had faced the same problem he offered to discuss the prob lem with councillors from other municipalities and ask the ad vice of clerk administrator jack mcgeachie on i he matter in the meantime the secretary suggested perhaps the tw6 bod ies could accept the suggestion of doug patton area represent u live lor community programs division of the department of lydiicalion mr patton suggested the two boards could act in con cert until amalgamation was passed several objections were heard to this method of coopcration but members agreed the sugges tion was worth looking into and possibly something could be worked out suitable to both bodies mayor duby chaired the hour- long discussion which had chair man george williams and bill williams in attendance from parks board chairman len lov- cllharlcs perry hugh paltcr- sun and harold fovvnsley from the recreation committee as well as recreation director howard pea ice tom mckeown tops 17 graduates in acton grade 13 exam results a record number of graduates 17 will receive their upper school graduation diplomas this year principal fed hansen re leased examination results on monday and noted with satislac lion the schools record is very good this year there were 30 writing examin ations here for a full year or just a lew subjects and 29 were successful in all or some of ihese ol 150 papers written 125 were passed a good percent age of 84 per cent this is a considerable step up mr hansen remarked the students did better overall top student whatever way his mark- were averaged or totalled was thomas mckeown son of postmaster gordon mckeown and mrs mckeown he has five lirsts a second and two cred its for a rtrrato 10 papers this yea r languages indicated as one- paper are counted as two tom passed his grade 13 history and zoology last year and his bot any the year before so his grand total is 13 papers he hopes to study medici ne and has applied to three universities for entrance he has not yet learned where he will be going second student with another live lirsts is stephen coles son ol mr and mrs howard coles he also obtained two seconds his year and had two papers i mi n previous years he hopes to attenfl the university ol guelph tom lickcown w ill receive high schjiol board scholarship lor aggijfgatc marks and also the hoawds university entrance scholarsup for ittttiiploma live credits plus fcaiflifh which counts a si iwo are no required a low ering of requirements iroin past yea rs exams werewritlcn bv 30 stu dents on the list of success ul candidates there are 28 acton names the 29 111 succcsslul can didate was an indian teacher from outoftown who came to write here in her traditional sari this year at ahs there was just one adult student mrs ted pratt who will receive her di ploma- she wrote history latin and french and had her grade 13 flnglisli previously vivian smith hopes lo train as a lab technician at the sick childrens hospital toronto other graduates with applica- lions in io universities are lin da hi aid i nancy rognvaldsoii ronald henry gay white and vicky newlon owen lauder hopes to take- journalism at rycrson and carol swackhamer hopes to attend lakeshore teachers college gary murr will he attending lakeshore teachers college axcl nicsorcri who had ger man previously is already work ing al the bank ol montreal graduate marilyn kirkwood studied spanish on her oviia id was successful other students whose plans are not finalized are russell ma- sales and susan radford x few appeals arc being made tohavepapeisjcjcih peter lawson wrote exams to raise his previous standing stu dents bob watson and tom gin per are now working in the bank of montreal some of those listed below are grade 12 students writing one or two papers due to a change- in the biology course fewer low er school students were able to lit il into their schedules this year so actually the number of students writing exams has drop ped principal hansen explains this years grade 13 exams are the lis set ol exams to be handled in this manner the 1966 exams were set and marked bv the province and the linal mark is made up ol 35 per cent teachers mark and 65 per cent cxainina- t ion mark in 1967 students will again write departmental exams but a new policy ol marking ihem max be determined between now and next june in addition students desiring entrance to college or university will write a standard test prepared by the nevvdv loriner service for ad mission to college and univers ity the following vear 1968 no provincial examinations will je set thev will be operated bv each individual school univers ity applicants will again wiilc i lie aptitude lesis prcpaied bv the service lor admission to college and university jill bagby ling c hist c alg c trig c biol 3rd chein c lalin c linda j t braid i eng 1st hist c biol 2nd che m c la tin 2nd french 3rd kathleen m chisholm eng 3rd biol c susan k clarke phys 3rd stephen it coles eng 2nd alg 1st geom 1st trig 1st plus 1st cliem 1st french 2nd iaverne l s denny chcm 3rd thomas a a ginger eng 2nd hint c ponald k henry mist 2nd geog c biol 2nd chcm c french 3rd marilyn a kirkwood eng 2nd mist c biol 2nd french 2nd spanish c ljoniia m landsborough geom c trig c gwendolyn d lauder eng 1st ihst lst chcm c latin ttrtf french ct peter n lawson alg 2nd trig 2nd linda j linhain eng 3rd hist c biol c j russell masales eng c hist c alg 3rd geom c trig c chcm 3rd french 3rd g thomas mckeown eng 2nd geog c alg 1st geom 1st t rig 1st phys bt chcm 1st french c garv m murr geom lst trig c plus cchcm 2nd victoria newton eng lst alu 1st ocom 3rd trig 2nd pins c chcm c latin 3rd axel niesi zeri ling 2nd mist c geog c biol c mrs joan f prat i hist 2nd latin 2nd french 3rd susan m radlord hist c geog 3rd latin 2nd french c nancv li rognvaldson eng 1st alg 2nd geom 3rd trig c pins c chcm 2nd french c vivian m smith eng 1st alg 2nd geom 2nd trig 3rd chcm 2nd latin 2nd carol li swackhamer eng 1st mist 3rd chcm c latin 3rd french c dorolbv r thompson eng 2nd llisi c biol c french c gordon 11 van gils eng c hist 2nd biol c chcm c robert l watson eng c alg ctrig c i gay while log 1st hist 3rd geog c alg c tng t hem 3itl fieuch c john k wood hist c alg c trig c coloring is fun for the children attending ihe united church vacation bible school this week left to right are janice ellerby kim and brcnda johnston assistant marie timbers and linda aaarriews the bible school classes got under way monday morning with over 90 youngsters attending

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