Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1966, p. 3

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if- j s r i a stnfr riioto golden ace club members enoy shuffleboard at the arena every monday night during the summer months getting ready to push the disc left to right are a b sandy mclean robert allan and jack ford burning gun powder at maple rock shooting rangl top scores this week at maple rock shooting range were jim coulsori with 21 and 10 in the partridge walk wamic lead- sfon with 20 and a 11 in the pait ridge walk paul wacldell with 19 and 6 in the partridge walk and jack wensles with 18 team scores tins week weie squad no 2 with 68 out ot 100 with genv lamaiche waxne lcadston jinlcoulsonjnd jack wenstetpreent squad no 1 got 62 out of 10 with dae john- ion bud webster harry john son and art uaxxes piesent the partialh formed no 3 squad with both members piesent paul waddell and rax tost got 24 out ot so a xisitoi at maple rock shoot ing range vtas bnict kusslei in regard to the canadian li- gratorv game bud poi nuts thex an requited to hunt diieks geese woodcock coots nils sandhill tianc mouining does band tailed pigeons galiiiulis and snipe the pei nut tosts 2 and is ob t ined at the posi ottin out pei nut is goinl anvxxhti i in c in ada but dots not take thi plan ol a hunting liciiiti on nuist liaxt a huntiiv imikc loi the province hi vniiivii uu aie hunl- in addition to iiimii tunds lor impro in nesting pi minds etc the permits ait usts1 toi oh taming mfomiation on hinilti success and keeping hack ol tilt vvalcrtowl 5 bag limits nn lx set to kcip tht nnnilui ot buds killed in coriett ttlafun with the vvatilow1 population part ot the permit is a tin in on whkh the luinttt lepoits all buds killed wluie the wne killed ttt this is to he snt lo the ixpai tills nt ot lands and lorssts in addition question nuics will rc nit to luiiiits pitknl at i jiiiliim loi tuilhci in lormation the acton tri countx mini hocktx association t in kt itvioliwill hx held at maplt rosk shinning rinfi siptetnbei 10 and 11 tli twodax ixint will iiitludt 22 i lilt and h ieun competitions at still tiytls this week i would likt to give some inluniialton on hap hoottng thi iiiiiiglnit toiiststs of lie stations spaced in an nt all b auls tixni ill u ip house and thitt xmls apul the shootci tiif liu shots liom tath elation mox mg to tht next station tn tht ugh with a toll mpi id hk ait n one at ikii mation t ith shoottr in s out shot in tin n villagers tie in final game bill denmv tanned nine oak illc hittci x last wetlntmlax night as cainpbelhille midget s wound up then legulai mimhi with a 1 i tic the vlllasjcsrs who timshed in fourth plate will host tht league tournament on saturdax siaif ing at 9 a m in going the disunite dennis limited oakville to tie hits tanned nine walked three and garnet mitchell had tile only hit a iuile- nntil lie has invd lie irom his station and then hi moves to the ntt station he does not load his gun until it is his tuin and iink loads om slull he loads his juin puts it to his shouldii anil whin leadx tails pull and a t lax hud is it leased the clay birds conic out liom the liapjuuse jft xaids lrom tilt- should at 54l miles an hoifi the tla buds aie a in ihametei and 1 in height and vveiyh 3 5 ounces ihex can come out at anx angle i torn a straight awax to a 90 degiee angle to light oi lelt the shootti lists 7 shot tin shooting in1 hi tsptciallx liitkx on a wmdx dax 1 lit xvind i in lause tin hmls to use sharplx oi llx low oi curxi anx one who has nevii 1 1 it il li ap shooting tan shoot a lotktd tiap al i hi buds tome out llxm stiaighlawax tiom station t tins is fisin thin shooting a itnlation tiapandyixts tht lx 1111111 a ehantt to get tht lul ot tin taijit and also lus iun icix lumttis tut moit thin 100 loiinds i m u whik hunting uul it is link wniitlei thtx in mi n t piotitient with tht ii shotjun i lap shoormg gits iik luiiitu ustil to ins gun and hi liu rs in hit uioxiilg taitts shooting as in all olhn sports iikts pi at tut and lots ol it hioit anxonrcan attain i nionablt aniounl ol miui li ip shooting is oik ol tin hist iiihotls to hitonii plot it it nt uilh a shotgun minx liunliis lit mi n 1 1 to tiip shooting in lilt o stason to iiiaintaiu and niti east ihtii abihtx merchants back in contention with wins over burg hunters the acton free press thursday august 18 1966 acton merchants jumped right back into intercounty fastball league contention with two big victories this week over their nearest competitors friday night the tallend mer chants got lo strikeout pitching from ed philips as they defeated third place hulsburg 52 under the arcs here tuesday under the glen flood lights the merchants jumped out of the cellar and past george town with a convincing 111 vic tory big strapping carl tex leybourne hurled a five hitter striking out 18 hunter batters the return of phillips and leybourne to the team brighten ed the clubs stock for the play offs they play host to george town here on friday night rockwood leads the five team league with only three losses this season followed by the glen hulsburg acton and george town in that order ed phillips and lome peavoy team mates on the station hotel team in the town league hooked up in a hurling duel here friday with phillips emerging the win ner tuesday against georgetown the merchants blasted 18 hits from two hunter hurlers as ley bourne set them on their ear the lone georgetown run was scored in the ninth while acton plated two in the first singles in the fifth and sixth a pair in the seventh four in the eighth and finished with one more in the ninth clarence farmer sheppard spearheaded the onslaught with three hits while andy williams harry phillips john dunn how ie leader george williamson playing coach mel sheppard and pitcher carl leybourne collected two hits apiece bacon got two base knocks for hunters rue acton 200 oil 241 1 1 18 2 gtown 000 000 001 15 1 acton a williams cf c sheppard 3b h phillips if c leybourne p j dunn lb b sheppard ss h leader if g williamson c m sheppard 2b tabbies extend play oft series athavsumfun halton selects nip shorthanded sox tamed tabbies in the lust match on their own hunting grounds atton wildcats turned the letuin game with west gaia gaivs into a knot before they squeezed out a 97 extia inning decision to even up the best-ol- lluee plavolt series wednesday at haxsumfun paik on lake bel wood batks lo the xxall the petu lant pussies allowed west gaia lo score at the end ol the sev enth to oxen up the scoie at 77 then the cats scoied txxo i mis in the lop ol the eighth to xxi ap it up manager charlie thomson pin led like a kitten alter the big win we can win when it i omits said lie dvhghledlv do ing a buik and wing at the othei end ol the phoui heroines ot the equahei ueie tiatx leiesa maivo kella slexenson palsv wheeler jo anne landsboiough and sandia shngei land tracy stalled the eighth oil with a single kelta slammed a run scoring double wilh two out and sandia belted a single to centre scoiing kel ta xx nh an insuiante ran winning pitiliei was joanne 1 inilsboiough who allowed 10 gai- hits anti x truck out tlnee losti xxas gail lex bourne who was nicked loi 17 safeties she stnitk out lour cats sandia slineeiland excelled on the basivs torthc cat- as- well as belting thiee safeties as did kella and tiacx double sxxatleis wvre joanne landsbor- ongh l17 kirbx and patsv wheeler donna rowe ruth mtclellan and gail lexbouine knocked txxo apiete loi the gar s atton 100 121 02 9 17 west gaia 400 020 10 7 10 wildcats gail triei joanne 1 amisboiough kelta slexenson sandia slingeiland bev bum i lie i 1 kiirn kax clusholm ialsx wheelei lois knkxxood 1 c i csa maro wtsi gaia donna rowe roth mtclellan helen smart laila migowan gail lex houi ne mai g mtclellan li hutchinson 1aiv simpson maileiic rowe halton hopes for princess title halton countx s dani pmt- icss loi l9od 20xeai old maigai it huntti ot r r 1 burlington will bt toinpiting in the on- lano dairx pi nittss compel i luni at tilt canadian national lxhibition on 1 hutsdux august teen dance special fri september 2 acton community centre 9 pm to 1 am featuring the ugly ducklings from toronto and the plague v efuy advancfc tickets at the arena 125 single 200 couple prices at the door 150 single 225 couple halton county allstai s halted a twoyear losing streak on sun- da edging the shot t handed biantrord red sox 54 beiore 250 chilled lans at wallace park oakville sporting a 462 batting avei age the league s most valuable playei dundas shoitstop lar- iv wilson cracked a bases deal ing double in the fourth in ning to lead the powerpacked allslaib to victory wilson recognized as one ol the leagues best hitlers xvas named as the leagues mvp just one inning eaiher jn making ladies fair board seeking new members the ladies tair board meet ing xxas held at the home ot mis a robinson on thuisduv exening august 4 president mis mclvin mcculloiigh opened the meeting and the minutes of the pnxious meeting xveic lead bx mis w j mcdonald vanous plans were made foi the tan mrs calxm aitktn and mrs geoige wallace xxeie ap pointed lo assist on the baking committee mis willied waldic and mis william thompson xveie appointed to see about do- mcstii cases 1or centennial xeu mis james mcculloch mis don malthexxs and mis jesse meenerv aie to see about an tinging for a float loi the lath duectois toi the fan the ladies aie looking for next niemheis anxont mleiest- ed is asked lo get in touch xtith anx minibus lathes tieie pleased to see some pictuixs ol the iasluon shoxv that miss hha peaien had taken each committee xxas to tix to come up with next ideas loi cnitennial classes next ea i the hostess and lunch com nultee mis j dennis and miss elxa pcaitii seixed reliesh nicnls mis i loxil mieniiy thanked even one moving call mayflower for safe easy prompt service moving soon then de pend upon us to explain ind arrange complete may flower scrxicc right away tc will make it easy for you safe for xour fur niture our pndc pack method protects china and glassware bcit call us to day mov w iihoul a worry f s movers storage 343 guelph st georgetown for free estimate call 8774106 the axxaid umpiiein ihicl mike timmis stated lai ry was our unanimous choice cluudx skies and cool lempei atuies alternately threatened lo lain and lieee the game out but the ram held oil and the con test went on jbranttord a poxver in the sen ior inteicounty league xvas di eadfullv undermanned lor the game and manageisecondbase man bob salvisburg xxas lorced to enlist oakville oak huilei gaiy hughes as a ninth man in his lineup toui red sox shai cd the mound duties all ol xv horn had limited experience for the allslai s danny aibe walked thiee limes and stole two bases dick bondv walked once and singled twice al wingiove singled lairv wilson doubled and walked munav hall walked txeiee john claike ol burlington singled twice doug mccutcheon ol milton xvalked in his onlv tup to the plate jim marlino ol dundas singled and xvalked spike coughlin walked and tail cairns ol campbellville walked lr lus only irip to the plate charlie clpola jim toi li mait seais and robbie vipond all saxv mound action loi the losei s diamond dust minute s silence xxas obsened in honui of pete memullen ol milton loi mer president ol the halton countv baseball association who died on satuiday exenmg olh johnson of oakville bill bateman ol oakville and campbellville managei len an dreus took pail in the pregame ceremonx len took a hard cut at a pitch thioxtn bx bill bateman and fouled it off soper family holds reunion about 70 members of the so net family met at brookville to attend the 18th family reun ion on juh 21 the afternoon was spent with laces ball and hoiseshoe pitching xvhile the oldei folk talked ol old times and 1 1 lends about six o clock thev gath eied in the hall lor supper all sat down to well laden tables wilmerfrxci said grace evei v one salislied their heaity appe tites with all the good things tlat weie to be had after lunch the meeting was bi ought to ordei with the presi dent mis vlina black michi gin in the clian the theme song was sung the more we get togelhei rhtie was l wo minutes mi- enee loi those xxho passed on in the xeai it xvas decided to hold the leunion next xear the thud satuiday ol july at biook- ille the one coming the longest distance to the leunion vxas joe llaidsand ol bell gardens california the eldest was mis hannah wilson idancing xxas enjoved with the milcoil oicheslra in attend iriet with tom mai tin ol the bland x band ol detroit on the elect he gullai to accompany them after u cup ol col ice exeix one said goodbye loi another eai relatives weie present fiom california detroit london al lislon milton aclon campbell v i lie as well as surrounding dis tricts accouling to iamilx records the lust ol the soper elan to en- lei ontaiio came about 1812 fi om ihi united states theie arc many descendants reduced fares to the canadian nationalfxhibitioli ilinin drying parking long at iii u worries problems walks go by bus direct into the grounds august 20 to september 5 reduced fares adults students 355 305 round trip includes admission children 125 bus fare only leave acton 858 am leave exhibition 1030 pm afttk grandstand show daylight time exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at toronto bus terminal to buses running into the grounds tickets and intor niation dt wiles bus depot 18 mill street g l adams agent telephone 8532600 acton teams ose both ends boxla bouts acton minor laerosse teams lost both ends of a doubleheadci with orangeville here saturday but thev made the game close orangeville novieesedged al ton 43 in the opener xxhile the visiting pee wees had a txxo goal 7 s edge on the locals billy mcgllloxvay bagged txvo ol the aclon noviee goals with terry holmes potting a single all weie unassisted oiangeville counters xvere scored bv bob noble 2 alike robinson and rickv gordon bob ballantme fapped in a pair and collected an assist in their loss henrv toebes sniped one and grabbed two assists danny mcgllloxvay and chris schuts scored one each and mark nielsen and george me- phail helped on one apiece orangevilrcs big gun xvas bob bv boiden he rapped loin goals in steve pendleton not died two and banv vixi noi- man one acton novices muri av tin n hull rickv holmis lanv me gilfowax kevin jordan tenv holmes glen widoxvski doug mtgilloxvavibernic tavloi tonv lambeil jim rogers paul rog eis dennis swan bill mcgillo- iax capl ken withers aclon pee wees gaiv tuik os dannv mcgllloxvay jell cooper bob ballanlme russell dver bob knil chi is schuts pelei imonson george mcphail john joidan roger swan gaith tavloi rene schuts henry toebes bob mccallum mark nielsen interest on savings no service charge on reasona early plans meetings are being heid this week to make plans for the bowl ing season xihicfi begins the middle ol september the big lour league exec made a lew changes at a meeting tuesday cvcvning number of cheques offices open 9 00 5 00 fridays 9 00 6 30 call for folder your oca trust comptny halton peel trust savings company 252 main street milton 8782834 l6rne skuce manager caroline flower garden shop complete line of nursery stock gardening needs sprats insecticides fertilizers fresh cut flowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 853 2980 anytime open 7 days a week 800 am til dark visit us today l 2 miles weil of acton south side of highway bell lines by l g denby your telephone manager the talliti man hi ctitamk mini up mtli a ual oltl lashiontd canadian sun line i tills seal ileiitx ol heat sunshine anil tht intasiuii il lliuiiilt isim in mlhoiigh vaea lionets an hilling and us been piilitt xx i illiti im the heath oi loi tamping in mum m is loin i mils could do vxilh a leu looil i mis lot tli thnsti mini mil oops huuiui lor t llousantls n hiilijj ix 1 1 s th wialhei his rnule tups much inoic pltasuit jim i stmll tin jiirli lit nisiness settion luit in viun gins in in lit ition nt the un c aillans ait on tht inuit liceiitt pints ti mi m tnx pli x inccs arc parked along xiith hie il xthnlis vith i ibut div xxttktnil onlv a slim t ilistmi iu i i un iim th it mine ol lis mill again he on the iiiuxt to enn tin im loiu xinkciicl ol the summer months v i m i spmi iuib t hilp make xoui tups nmti pliasmt 1 1 1 lit inn pi uintd a talioiis in spui ot iht nioincnl i units to i n nn bt nh or commumtx iuitk t ill ilitul ami u i lit oil irieilds in lelatixts xwil be at home it in n xnu u iu lit tunnel it a gieat idea xxhtii on i long tiip to ttltihiin ilitul lor hotel in motel lest ixations 1 h it m n it tht oki ot a tlax nt tiitiin ininx milts bx u i iioi t i staitll toi atiiiiiiiiioit ilmiis fhi t i hi pellelltt lllli t 111 i t suit ill itliliil links tilt bus toutist i sun i i ippx li lllllll til tlullx 1 hi 111 tilt i litis i iiing i i in nv dm in in i ilo ill lie nu nui have heard or read ahoul our renewed effort lo stamp out obscene and harassing itlcphtiiie tails i hipe none of xmi ever receixes such a call bin if vou do heres what to do dot tmk thl type of caller wants and needs an audience wilh no response from xou theres imi encouragement lo continue or to repeal the call 11 wg ip put the receiver back in place quietlx- if the caller refuses to sax anything or at the first obscene word othlng is lo be gained by slamming the rcccher down in fact bv replacing it normally the caller gains no feeling of satisfaction that he has annoyed or frightened xou caii is if abusive or obscene calls persist our service representatives can cull in people we have spcilall trained lo help investigate identify and work with police in the apprehension of these callers we are as concerned as the unfortunate victim when obscene or harassing calls arc received it is our business lo provide the best possible telephone service for our cus tomers and we are determined lo slop delibcratelv irrtspsin- siblc and malicious use of the telephone on utist 2 io mtvuuixi 1 1 dun hi id it tlif at ot 7s i idi kt ininx ul hisloix s uil inn lit xx is tm- tnn itt iinuvh to im tu m h s i li s xxmk xmii istihlishul md in tht hinds l iilinltd ainl inlnit1 pmpli limi 111 hi ii s xxoik hht spiiin in nix ot ih inn i i s t tolll munitatiulis xiluth toilax lit nintit tajxi til iiilnl

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