Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1966, p. 7

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hanging role of government county councils are on the way out in new brunswick and minister of edu cation w meldrum suggested to a group from across canada at the annual con vention of the canadian weekly news papers association the changes in ad ministration would affect olrer provinces across the country it was a subject of considerable in terest to us as we await trie report on local government in halton and peel from t plunkett the new brunswick plan despite strong opposition will eliminate the county council the province will bear the full cost of general services to peo ple such s education health welfare pin suc a euulmimi hmiiii wcnoi and ustice the local municipality will provide services to property such as streets parks water sewage industrial development local police tourist pro motion and such items with the provinces acceptance of the responsibility for education will go im plementation of a provincewide teach ers salary schedule the number of school boards will be cut from over 400 to 34 and one room schools will be dis continued the province will be assessed on a uniform basis and construction of hospi tals will be entirely by the province formerly a municipality had been re quired to raise 25 per cert of the cost the location of such facilities will now be established on need rather than the ability to pay welfare will be taken over by the province in one case it was learned the social welfare committees fees were presently based on a percentage of the welfare budget while in another case one of the committee was receiving so cial welfare under the new program it will be paid and administered by the province many ails long out of date will be eliminated and crown prosecutors and sheriffs will become civil servants elimin ating the patronage appointments of for mer years in new brunswick there are no county roads as there are in ontario so this was not a problem in eliminating county councils you need not assume that this is only of academic interest to you either because our success or failure in this program of municipal reform will very the means test those responsible for waging the governments war on poverty will be faced sooner or later with the need to take a long hard look at the means test as a statesupported policy capable not only of causing but prolonging in digence an unskilled laborer with a family whose chances for fulltime em ployment are limited will use every ruse he can think of to avoid being employed on a temporary basis because he ii be cut off social assistance if his income should rise above that which is allow able under the means test he would rather draw social assistance however limited and have something coming in regularly than accept temporary em ployment which will because it is tem porary create more problems financially and in terms of red tape than it will solve it takes a man of strong moral character to escape the snare of social assistance once he has accepted it like a rabbit in a trap once in he finds it next to impossible to escape the means tost also fosters habits of deception and dishonesfy since a man can t usually support his family ade quately on social assistance he wants to have his cake and eat it too he will ac- the pennys obsolete from th button ont advanc so obsolete has become the penny that a large toy manufacturer has an nounced that its line of pnny banks is being discontinued from now on the company s toy banks will be geared to take only nickels dimes and quarters come to think of it about all a penny is good for today is to pay sales tax and now even that takes a nickel on the dol lar the contempt with which even youngsters view a penny today was b much affect the future of local govern ment in each of your home provinces the speakeemphasized i have predicted and i think im being conservative in this that within a decade some at least and in some cases all of the procedures we are trying now will be adopted to cure the ills of muni cipal government in other jurisdictions the education minister suggested it may well be that this type of gov ernment reform in new brunswick wi be reflected in the report from mr plun- hstt for halton andpeel indeed in on- tsritt already the number of school juris dictions has been significantly reduced whether the county level of government stiilf photo is also becoming unnecessary or whether it is to be strengthened in some new regional form is still a matter of con jecture the minister of education for new brunswick hovever is a keen advocate and an able promoter of the program adopted by that province we feel that the formula worked out can provide that in all parts of our province the citizen will be able to re ceive an equal level of service for an equal fate of tax regardless of his or his communitys ability to pay the program is having a rough time from the press of new brunswick it was therefore surprising to find in pri vate conversations with several n b weekly publishers their genuine support for the program they could point to instances where one teacher in a one room school had over 100 pupils of instances where the one room school was with one teacher running classes half days for one group and the other half for another of in stances where one school of over 60 pupils couldnt get three to a high school level the office of government is not to confer happiness but to give men op portunity to work out happiness for them selves we have no utopia here nor will we have but we are not ashamed of our province nor reed we be the educa tion minister concluded and perhaps we will be learning from new brunswick too in this part of ontario where local government is being put under the microscope not only in halton and peel but in other districts as well cept casual employment and fail to re port it having done this a few times it becomes for him a way of life this furtive approach to life often encourages him to turn toward activities which are on the shady side of the law mostly because these can be carried out without having to be reported making it less likely that his moonlighting will be de tected by the authorities what is the solution to this problem there is a basic minimum income required by every canadian family if they arc to live above the poverty level income beyond this basic level becomes taxable income the only control on income required since it is generally conceded that the unskilled laborer is not likely to find fulltime employment why not allow him to earn up to the taxable income by casual labor before he is penalized this simple change in our regulations would not only end a lot ol hypocrisy it aould in this day of automation and lob displacement help a lot of respon sible canadians over the hump of tran sition from one job to another without reducing them to a state of permanent indigence brought home to us in a local store re cently when the clerk offered pennies in change to an eight yearold be shrug ged his shoulders and said i dont want ihem this is quite a change from not so many years aj when a kid with a couple of pennies was pretty well fixed he would stand before the candy coun ter for a matter of minutes figuring out how to get the most for the coppers clutched in his hand interested youngsters listen care fully as missionary aaiss manlynn weis- more tells a bihln stary during one of hams kenneth swan john scoyne scott malcolm barbara reed heathir reed janeen stewjirlc3a rry scoyn michae the summer vacation bible school classes the classes are sponsored by the child evangelism fellowship of ontario lis tenmg attentively tuesday are kevin harrison cheryl williams david wil- morris monica heptner marie harness david morris linda shadbolt judy scoyne linda stewart and helen robert son over 100 youngsters are lakinq part in the five day bible school sugar and spice by bill smiley burning desire of most city people in the blasting heat of mid summer is to flee lrom the conctelc camons and head north viierc theic is cool blue water and golden sand and you sleep under blankets sr well we hie in the north lomp iraliie- l and usually it s just is the city denizens picture it but this summer alter sleeping under nothing but a lilm or sweat toi three weeks we cleeided to seek refuge from the heat how do you do it head lnllui north nope ou head south tor the eilv and elieck into in anconditioneu hotel with a swimming pool it was done on impulse with no room reservation we were lucky after four phone calls we found ourselves ensconced n a fine big room cool as a tomb over looking the swank sivimming pool and et it was right in the heart of the city virv pleasant tue paiking and fi ee lee cubes appeal to m scottish slrafii we called a lew piople and li 8 oeloek the omt was lumping room sei vice was on the gallop and the room was tilled with everything lrom teenagcis to a grandmother who had usl knocked off her 79lh hnthdi and was picpaicil lo celebrate the event till dawn fortunately cooler heads pieail d and b ii p m all had gone then vmoiis is what to do toe late for dinnei or a show too cully lor bed m wife who turns into a gooo gul when she gt ts into a hotel loom and has not got anv meals or dishes or laundn lo worn about suggested we hit the coffee house circuit ml daughter whose lore most desire is to do just that but b herself demurred who wants to go thcie with pjrjis and besides i heai thev dont allow old peopde into them vacld t me ill old people ehoinsed her old lad and hei old m in vhen the kid ieahid lluie wisnf i hope- ol elllll- into ih it leellai 111114k on lie 1 own she liacioilsh pel untied lis lo jo along and that s how vie i011111i ouisclxes 111 i anions 01 ml uiioiis yoikullc al mid night with about 4 xx voung people stioll nig up and down i he saeied couple ol blocks on ll ell nijlitlv pilgi image within five minutes we il hicn spoiled in one ol m sluelenls who seemed ele iglittd lo eateh mi simlev in llu ae i so to spiak we look leliiv in a eell 11 joint m i be i ill i tl in old iiideiust but the cot tec houses liaic chiilccl gicalh and toi he woise iii the lii e lis sinee i le been ihele iilcii lhe well inn in 1 n tliusi islie amateuis u could spend 1 whole eve ning i01 a dollai and a qti 11 it anil the intism was pi o 11k el h ouiil lolk snivels some bus some iood but all seiious and lalhci sweet now lhi e lrfiiie loiimicicial tin ie s a stillih coici ehnjzi tollcc is so ceiils a wallop and lollcii and tin miisu pio- ldedb gioups whose sole puiposv eems lo be to dne n out ol 0111 skull is one icil blast ol cleelioine noise and shoutil iioiuealk the plaicslim luionu oo expensive loi most ol lh minn people this weie intended loi ieihips iii it s win ihex xx ilk up niel iloxxn out mile in one ll loll iv eiiixil hit is i ixx ixs po lent 1 illv a mob oh xxcll it was i d hi kt ml we hid budgeted icn enie infill onlx rut xe lllllll i wlke lip ii 111 ll checkout llllle it xx is slll ste lining hot outside inel i he liils enitle up with some ol th it xxciiel liiiunine i lcxxhich ptimdthit e could allot d il il xxc cut du 11 on somclhuv u olhei so 1 wis hook d loi 1 not lie 1 21 hours ol pi etc nihil- to be 1 million 111 e wi lolled sxx itu xx itched i hi real iich people spoiling then kids hid an italian dinner and look in li ie nicol s eomcilx catching thicc seats in i lie second ion in pun link i liu il it but i 111 ah ud il xx ii hit bi 11 idixix about the s mie e ii i will the nobet pi le viil home suitilix up tile liiilixii 1101 til icsicd mil ic ficshed i milling ill the xv ix it those sun hoi in tl cxh uisled x ualioii 1 s pom 111 south on thin xx ix link li 1 ill the silii iwilll lo llie hop ic il cil ontario lures u s tourists figures for the first fixe months of b indicate that ontario is in for a rtc ord baaking tounst vtar according to honorable james auld ontario minister ol tourism and information mr auld aid that figures show an inccase ol nearlx h pi r cent in tile mini her ol us automobiles entering the pro vince for the months of januarx to lav t compared xxilh a nular period last ear the remainder off canada showed an increase of onk si per cent the number of travellers vehicle per mils issued at ontario border points for the fixe months totalled 1801043 a gain of 20s944 oei the januai max period a ear ago these tigurcs mr auld said diow the preeminent nile placd b ontino in canadian tourism then also illustrate the rapidh increasing importance ot tourism in the ontario ecopomi a factor in this increased winter and spring business the punster saidl his departments car round advertising cam paign and special sluing promotions lait war the minister said us tour 1st spending in ontario alone totalled ah est mated 333400000 this is an increase of just less than 80 per cent since 19s9 when us spending in the province total led s185o00o00 ontario he cmphjsied receives per cent of all us tcrariot apiaidut ui jlinh plus mot he 1 40 pel cent of all nvirsus teiunst spending 111 anidi in ivs ibe latter amounted to dn additional su 801 000 lor ontano ontarios aggrcsslic advcitising and promotion progrims in the inircdiatc- mr cild snd hae paid handsome elixi dends in the eears sineo im in these eirs the total i s populi tion his crown h onlx 91 percent xxhile the total number ot u s ears entering ontario has sxxelled b 2b pel cent to a tot tl ot 7 141 s30 in 19to ot eien jreatcr inpoi t nice said the ministc is the fact thit more 01 these xisitels arc siaxinu lonsei in lse0 811 72s of thi i s cais entering ontino staxeel in the pioxiiicc ihiec dax s 01 luncci in wto this linc h id swollen to 1 140 110 an iriiasc ot more thin 40 pu cml the julv 14 weekend was 0111 of the basiost oxer in ont irio checks xxilh the denrtmepts re ep hon centres it lour rnnor points i ara falls point edward barne and corn va shoxxed that us travel into the prox mce was greater than on the holiday weekend a cir ago officials at the blucxxater bridge at point edward near sainia said that is cars xx ere dossing into canada at an average of 10 ner minute on juk 4 traf fie counts at the slngira tails bridge also showed i sinifj mt uicr ocl the 19w vxcckuid the nuiutcr oaid back issues 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday august 15 1946 wiard i of esquesing township paid tubule to one at her sons who gave his hie in the war andnfade presentations to 24 men xvho served in the armed forces at a celebration at milton fair grounds j e whitdock was master of ceremon ies and murrav sproat spoke on behalf ol th- eiti7ens in tribute lo the metnory ol pte david harrop two minutes silence x as observed m j carton was chair man and mav xvell feci proud of the ev ent willi the thought in mind of promo ling t met home giounds and gardens ac ton lair this vear will offer two sub stantial pnes loi grounds and homes anothei wai casualty will return to the ian the hall exhibit and arena show will agim be leatured the nv boxxhng gicen at rockxxood is picscnt my a line appearance unci the tennis eouit opposite the post office is completed the smith clan met jt the home of mi and mi s r i davidson for their inst minion since the xvar between 70 and 80 sat down lo supper on the lawn six of the clan xxere xcelcomed home i mm the xv ai subect to the approval of the war i 1001 boaid local 26 of the national shoe and ucathei w01 kcrs union has leached a new agieement with bcardmore and co employees who have been with the company for two years will noxv re eeive two xxeeks holiday with pay sta luloix holidaxs arc chnslmas and new yeai s d ix the working xveck will be re eluectl lo 45 hours distributed over five dixs pioxidcd the present production is maintained a scale of minimum rates has been set up 50 years ago taken front the issue of the free press of thursday august 17 1916 i he fine piazza and entrance to knox e lull eh mans u about completed and he a decided improxenient to the ap peal ance ol ihe premises i he lanulies ol messrs john r ken ncelx j imcs i warien w johnstone and pnneipal stewait have been 1 imp nig al blue spiings palk this week the foundations aie being put 111 loi mi kohci i watsons nexv residence on ciluichsl a piopomiion xx ill come before the hoaiel ol education shortly toi the icacluiil ol music 111 the public school please don i diop empty envelopes papci hairs circulars etc on the street the red cioss wants them all and all tulv ciliens want the sheets to be clean and atliactixe civic holidax xxas evidently too much loi some of oui austrian citiens the d ix xxis spun in the bai rooms and a sc epic i lo llns bibulous bout was a most un seeinlx ill 1111 ken row among ll lends and id ilixes men and women who knew each olhei 111 the old country dunti wedding was solemnized al llu hoiik ol the bndes patents lake ave list tiiuisdav afternoon when miss aniue a irvev daughter of mr and mrs john 11 11 x ex became the bride of mi a w somcixillc ol ton william rex j c wilson ba peiloinied the cereiiionx 40 000 laim laborers wanted 12 lo winnipeg 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday august 20 1891 special services and a commemora tive tea meeting will be held to mark lhe active operation of knox church sabbath school for 50 years aicli mceachern of ospnngc met his deajh under distressing circumstances he was subject to ills and feeling one coming on he went to bathe his head in the milk tank when losing his selfpos session he fell in headlong and was drowned workmen have been engaged in re pairing and impioving ihe tower and spire of st joseph s church a large por tion ot the tin work has been renewed the spire has been repainted and is now surmounted bv a gold cross nine feok six inches in height the original stone which bore the inscription zion churchi 1867 has been removed and a beautiful marble slab xvith the name of the churchi in gilt letters the gift of the rev fa- ther kenney of gue iph nowoccup-iei- its place at the semiannual sessions of the district council ol royal templars of temperance in milton ihe delegates from acton xxere bros rev j w rac j l warren dr lowry h p moore and c jenner and sislers sadie tui ton hat- tie thurston mary umibcit lottie speight and ada claik the fust public meeting undei lhe auspices of the louie association of the patrons of industi v was held in the lome schoolhouse mr chai ies davidson pres ide nt occupied the 1 han olhei s who took part xxcie i exvis conn and lachlan cur- ric mis john cnpps at the oigan robert brown w t c1110ii and william mccar thy w campbell j davidson and t mc lean baseball is again being lcvived as a past tunc the acton free press business and editorial office phone 8532010 voundcd in ir75 htih isiihlishd every thtsndau nt 30 willow si artmi on tario member of hip audit bureau of circuit tionb the cwna nd own a adv crtlliitl rjtcs 011 rcniif subscrip tions payable in advance 4 00 in canada 7 oo in all countries otner than canada infflc eoplc- lot authorized an set nd clati mall pout offlrc department ot tau adverlkliik ts eptrd on the condition that in llir rvpil n t potfr iph iriil irror th it pni tlmi of tlir id erthlnr np icv o cuplrd bv thf trinitrons item ttfirlhc r with n isnn ihlc illo unre for flanaluir will not br f htrrrd for hut the balance nf the ddvrr1kmenl will br pild for dt ihe ipplluitlc r itr in the rtjt of a tvpokr phk il iror adverlhlnr coorlji or sirvttps tt wroic prlrp goodi or kcr ilpi may not he sold adi prilling is mrrclv hii offer lo s and may be uitldr w n it tin tin r puhllihed hv the mill rrlnllng and publlihinf co ltd did k dun ma i iit ne hditor t ip right 11 jfttt rtsz church notices trinity church the united church of canada mmistii rev dtaght i ivngel ba bd oitjamsl mi ocoie llhott m a ph d presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rei andiew ii mckenic b a b d- minister mi 1 a hansen ba ji2rimst and choir mastei tombini i summer slpvicfs at knox prcvsbuenan thureh slnoay aucusi2i l966ill00 i m pt idler rei i lnertl bethel christran reformed church etop ontario re wicbc an dijk phone 33b85 m vox ai ist21 10 00 am fnplish service 2 30 pin dutch service 3 4s pm sunday school 1900 maple avenue baptist church georgetown si vdvy lgust21 1966 4s am sunday school j i 00 a in vlorning scr ice 7 00 pin uvcning srmcc edlleda 8pm pras er meeting cion 83 9 georgetown 8776ft evangel pentecostal tabernacle pa 0 c 33 churchill road re s m thoman pastor 8532715 stmdyugust21 19o6 jo 00 am sundav school for all ages 1 1 00 a m morning worship service 7 00 p m 1e dnjiclistic service fiicsdav s p m pravcr ind bible study riiuijja spm ca setvice the church of st alban the martyr anglic a v corner willow and st alhan s drue rev ritchie mcmurrav m st3 trinilv l si iv i isi i irv onoam hol i ueharim during august the main scivue will be at 10 a m with semion and music 10 00 a in holv eucharist acton baptist church founded 1842 pjslor rev slinliv gammon re- 144 tidcv ave ph si m5 srmt ai usr i i 9 4i n churcii school adult cl 11 00 a n mrnins riip spakr fr ronald camp i of dearborn mich subject ou have been called there will be no eeiung services during july and august wednesday prayer and bible stud 730 thyrsdav 7 30pm choir practice all visitors welcome to our services doctrines we preach and believe the virgin birth the diclv of christ his bodily ecouiiccuon lhe second coming

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