Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1966, p. 8

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jfc- the acton frp press thursday august 18 1966 taff photo beatnik performer nancy oakley amazed clowns frances goru- robm marshall and susan marshall when she appeared at the playground program circus wednesday of last week in the arena the t50 children taking port in the summer program en- tertimpcl with dmc nonqs accordion solos and clown acts close playground program with onerina circus in arena onering circus mills tcirv holmes susan mat i hews and robin marshall dtesscd in gieen clf outfits a brother and syrtetlcam ingnd and colin moccoll pleased the lutlienee vvitli a lap dancing nuinbeis llllovvccl o songstei tedd hagn with two cioud pleasing songs usualh when indians went on llie wai parti in the old western ilivs then was aluivs trouble duiing the cuius this was re arsid as seven voungsters in iruian coslumt event throuuh li ibil dances without a shot 01 aiiow bung fired taking pail eie joe schuls david mcgillu uiv sheu phillips connie lav loi calhv roach dann la j mirsli and cirulv mcgillovvav a one unf emus complete with elephants liorxcs clowns dancers indians and a magician moved into acton aiena wed nesdav night ol lam week as clnldien taking pait in the sum iner playmoiiiitl piogiani en in tamed puenls and lnends tin tm ivkcs slailcd out with i paiadeluini i he cnr slation lo the pal k although the had no bind lo march bv the vuingslcis made then own music healing dniins and sing ing along tile i utile constable peter campvull ol the ac ion opt cklacluneiil headed the paiitle- mi he police cuusci with ihi led dome lipht ing hash paivnts and lnends of ouni cnlertaineis almost idled one side ol the seating aiea as lights weie dimmed in all but the tentre ling ui- moil dnee lor uowaitl pcaiee announced the different nimibeis under the snapping whips ol rinjnnwti rinv se finis and henn toehes ini petloiming hoises weu pit thiotigh then paces as lhe spiang thiough hoops and clamheieil oci roll ing hu lets undeicomi men act ing out the paitsot the named aiumils weie mini eon geilh and athv miintei rubin insem and ronnie 1 ui kos i nulv toe bes and chi is se hills 1 mih llodustin and lohn i hompson jiiiuuv mntluws and rddi cnpps susin mills entei timed llu audience wilh a ninilem i 1 ilinee tollowed in 10 hi how me ekphanls swinging then minks as thev atid mil i ski is pi i giound leailus mhu ton 1 ink rieplianls diessed as ekph ants wiie david mills hams goi nip jam piiuii cathv turkos debbie turkos dunn biickman robin inscoe caiol jot clan ronnie luikns mil mi na pitakv wearing hawnllaii costumes complete with leis lind 1 dejoi est and vluiiel holmes danced iindei tin sputlitriil smiling joe mu shall iluv a laige juiind ol lpplausi as he plavel sivciil iciioiilion soos is llu ipoltight hi lined on him mociiciis is iiimpkli without clow ns mil ilus one hid 10 ui tu taming at ihe snu tune in thi one line e n s us 1 ikuie pill wl le jallki i 111 ihv it ukis nil hip m lllleell ielll i 111 1 1 1 megilwvav olliell medlllo va i nun vanlawki 1 mil to conclude the program mrke drohan ol guelph en lei lamed the parens and kid dies with fcors or magic disap peai ing eaids golf balls rope li icks and a sword trick using howard pearce as his assistant nere among the manv magic acts perlormed as the lights dimmed in the nng eveivone flocked to the ind of the arena flooi to spend ihen pennies on games of ihanee throwing balls loss my lings bieaking balloons and mam otheis lhe en ens wound up the sum niti plavgiound piogiam loi iothei eai and all each the mumgstesi aii looking loiwud ll lllt se ison mi peaice lonimended his slill ot lapabk plivgiound tea ileis loi the iviillcnt ob thi have done thrs siinimei make us your headquarters for harding carpets armstrong corlon congoleum 9 and 12 foot lengths vinyl stair carpet dominion tiles free estimates given home furnishings 127 woolwich st guelph phone 8322430 first ballinafad church services date back to 1842 history recalls harley goes wesl kerr easr as members enjoy holidays hallons federal mem- pailiaiiicnl di llarrv tlie history of the presbyter- ian chinch in ntilllnnfatl till 1925 wlieii it becuine hie united cluirch if canada luis been wilt leu by hcntrlce illlls service began in the metho dist chinch heic- as lai back as 184 some veats altei this the presbyterians desued a place to worship so weie giantcd the use of the methodist chinch as the methodists had been holding sunday school and ser vices in the afternoon the pies- bvtenans held thenv in the lore- noon while the congiegalion was gelling a start llu lot onto iusbvei v looked altu pulpit supplies when more pusln lit i ins set tled in this iinnl lli decid ed lo oigame mc build a chinch ol then own a site was procmed lioni a mi datd mill and the woi k began in 1878 a mi white an m p had the honor ol laung the coirui stone neighboi mg muuleli rca fowlie ol cun being one hail charge ol the linpiissivc scimcc in the autumn ol thai e u 1878 di h d mel iien ol chil tenhani being iiukiuiioi ion dueled ihe opening sc 1 uie willi giatelul heal is tin pioplc n loieid lo think ihiv now h id i climchol then own in which imii ship god as ballinalad would ihen in linked with melville eongnga lion then pasloi and session olhcialed al ihe in si commun ion seimce m ihe new chinch the first elders ippointed viie mcssis john russell stli line geoige yemen 7th line and james mai sh ill 9th line toi the lirst lew veils theie was ruithei music il lnstiumnil nor chon mi roheit aikelt led the singing lalei an oigan vv is pnieliascd and i chon oiginied which continued all thiough lhe e us toclav theie is i good chon which adds mueii lo the seiviee also a lew good musicians rev a dobson was the inst old uncd minisiii tin rev william ka 1888 mil 1s8 a lew i us al tn tin chinch e is hmlt ihe eongielalion di elded lo piocurc i home loi t he ii minisici ind theie line hough i the piopcil in b ilhna lad which cvei since has beni known as ihe manse whether the two mentioned above lived it the manse oi not i do not know out i do know all otheis did rev l ernes 189194 rev d l campbell 195 97 rev geoige milne 1898 1909 rev p cuiric 1910 12 rc n waddell 1912 25 the lasl ol june 1925 the un ion ol the three denominations look place the pieshv tcnans heie united with rc n wad clell and rev a evans ol the methodist cluirch oil mating it the inst communion sc i vice rev waddell i cm lined till 1927 after this mmistcis usu illv came julv 1 up to the end of rev w id dills pastoiale lhe minisieis chove to melville nine oi tin miles no mallei what kind ol i oids oi wcalhei and thou hi il ta candic i 1927 29 rev geoige mil ken 1929 is rev a toieman i91s 45 and rev 0 flindall 1945 4s vvlio was lhe lasl oidamcd nnnislei students weie william gibbs hini eus n russ two vcais g rownsend elm veai a nee ion ivvo vcais m mebiidcvtwo cai s c ueaton two years d riemingr two vcais g bates i wo ears 1966 when rev foreman was here a lew ears he vvus asked if he would take on mother congie gallon he was willing so on lhe in si sunilavm julv 1940 cliuichill came in as the thud i luii th on the ballinafad charge 1 linehouse was going 10 be tlosed othei aruingcments vine made lot lhe glen chinch i hose had been ihree churches on one chaige in 1954 the ballinafad congie ilioii diciilitl lo put a oasc n i ul mule i tht chin th in sepl ihi veixlbeiii irlcuij nesl sun di school and services wne tonducted in t lie old hall b llu lslm is we wile back in lhe e luii ell though much lemaincd lo he clone voluntteis doing llu ii bit u apr 1 1 the woik was lin l she el lhe sane iii it had hull lushlv dccoialed an oil biunci liiiniee wilh manv conveniences i is placed m the hisomenl ivfany former membeis and lnends galheicd with lhe con jitjiiioii loi lhe leopening and iceleilieatiejii on sundav mav 5 l5s rev roicman conducted l lie opening seivice and riv slew u l ehaitman ol the hallun ilesinteiv gave an impressive stinion whocvii built thai ihuith tfid a wondeilul ob as n is still m good condition op eiutl 88 vears ago this october in 1 a shid was built to pioticl the inimei oeis horses mil vehicles this was taken down some vears aflei union as cars had become the mode of navel all these years the manse and small barn have been kept in yootl tepair years ago imita- 1 ion stone veneer was ipurt on outside el the frame house to make it warmer a new chimney was built and a new oil furnace installed and all other conveni ences including water put in the rnanse also considerable furni ture this sprlngr 1966the old well was discarded and a new well chilled we are indebted to melville and churchill for helping in the upkeep melville church closed two years ago many of the loyal members moved away or passed away till only a few remained it served for 120 years or more much the same has occurred heie we aie grateful lo the ones who hnve come to our cominiinilv tive pail and help in many ways bui most impoitant of all has been and is the sundav school tollowed bv splendid services at i i a in even sundav there was a women s mis sionai y societv before urvion in 1925 and it has continued ever since al lei noon and evening jioups a mission band and babv band were oiganized and continued lor 20 years or more women s association began ao- gani7ed soon after union and continued till the united church woman s association began ao- ont five years ago no one can estimate the good that has been done bv the little country churches manv have gone lorth to other places and have been an influence for good wherever thev went manv con tinue to do the lords work no haidship so e on id uet the c people olhei minister long- ospel is to thiv lhe buying 9 new hofeie you can relax when youre covered by because amco lift co ii cim riv vi safeco covers the dangerous gaps found in many other homeowner policies for example trees shrubs and plants harmful acta of the insured building glass check your cunent homeowners insurance chances aie it doe f offei these important protection plusses of general insurance for the finest most complete protection at the lowest possible cost call your safeco agent wow lies a phones length away 24 hours a day nobody settles claims faster and more fairly 7 54 dennys insurance agency mill st e acton 8530150 residences bill 853 2645 harold 8532565 pas si port t- v 1 ivi in opo7 pick yours up now while official discount pkices apply at your neighbourhood chartered hank branch open and build a family expo 67 1 our accoimlbesureynur famil ieerevpo67apnl 28 to oct 27 at montreal the chartered banks serving you and your community hector mel can became a iiiisskiiuii v lo lima lot ovii 20 vears peter yemen wem west mil did mission woik hiidiil new setlleis wiiliil on the sitk when lhe llu was so bad linallv took it himsell and passetl away i do not need lo tell voti about out present missionaries james and marion knkwood changes do come soonei or la ter arrangements have bttn made by the presbyterv or con- lercnce lo have churchill linked up with acton united the sei- vicc conducted b the rev i engel ballinalad has been linked up with st andievvs united in georgetown with rev kelvin johnston as mimslei the lust sunday in july 1966 9j0 a m much credit is due to all those who have kept jhe home chinch es jioinl down thiough i hi years- i could go on and tell ol the vvonelerlul galheiings heie with our minister being piesent thankollei ing services sundav school enlei lainmenls unkiv suppeis etc there have been cub u seoul gioups lot some viais both hei of hal lev i ibeial and conservative fitoiie ken hillon memhci or the provincial ln 1 iimt nl are aw iv on vaeal ions ol llaiuv his wile maiguitite and then eliililrni htuce ijouglas and ja ne i lei i loi valieouvei in a houseliailei the pu hainiiiku- in s mlaws w ill he livinit in the ilailev oakvillc- home timing the manse antl piopeilv have heen sold an auction sale was held on thursday evening lone 10 when all the hu mshinjis ol the house wen sold theie has been some guessing is io who built lhe manse oi was il then when lhe piesbvtti lans bought i tit piopeilv mis aiclue mctneiv lelatcs tint she- lenumbiis living in that house with hei pale ills iioiinil 70 veai s ago i remember visiting an aunt ind uncle in tint house with ni patents one vviniei a i omul 7s veuilsagi i also leiueitvhtr anolhei lain the i absence mr ken left for the opposite end of the nation on his vaca tion antl was ushing at spon- teis island nova scotia for one wiek he tiavelled bv air plane lo mont ton new bnms- vvik tlien hv cai to he island doouukeyoor hot water really hot and plenty of it for your laundry for your bath for your dishes for your children ilv living theie ivli and mis ad mis and two childiin these- mav onlv havi livid there a slioi i ume it is inv opinion tin house- was theie whin ihi piopeilv was bought for dozens of other things about thehome v can you afford not to have your party cottons dry cleaned it costs too much to wash a nice cotton dress and have it look drab and lifeless when our exclusive cleaninq ind pressing will keep it new looking for months custom cleaners cash and carry main st n phone 8531180 same day service exceplsaturday in by 10 am out by 5 pm if so youll like hydroi nw hot water service which provides you with a new modern automatic elec tric water heater and all the hot water you need for one attractive low monthly payment our staff will be pleaded to tell you all about thia allinclusive imtt water servica acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st 1m 83320 4 ganadian national k 1 c ougl9sept5 except sundays fejb llilj the princes gates whrtr ryou ent r r err or it w 1 end of lir qtc jnd ivallhof it t vit for yu i the e i over j rn lruiraau q p it j j i tio t diid iio ex b t b j ii wit ttl o j c i i v f l 1 3j0 acte of ex b i on paik the gayway a ihouand thr 3 every stp of tho wi in y if it c j i c af r fj j hf ipw r d mcl itirg th cp tiluhr mai 1 in rfaywh iroars 1001 i it j itf lo br ii yo h cainnra on ih iu aquabama tlr rj v rl 1 f tj t l c v 1 li r 0 i w ii h cm li ir ft 10 r i j i t it weiltl illnn in jl i ul ep 1 10 11 national film board presents film fun in 66 i h yj i en j 11 ii jv dj y i pj t j li it jii ii llin i iii t in on lu lit the warriors day parade j 000 ex sfv enfi and vrvornpn t i lo it e cit io j cjj on 0 itu d p th year tt r 4b h h i i1m5 ct wtfjt vei jry will i jd ilc pjrjd a p 0 i b i c i r a 1 13- intcrnational track meet i 1 i p i t u w i pt ml i 1 n i o j r 11 el wo 1 ji i loi llj ion tl il i y f i i tj 3 tfvpr jppur in i- c i n t j i i 1 1 i arlnlpli p- i vji3 ltd nl n iriol f o i i i i 1 cl i 1 0 jl m ii i i 1 oo ait c i i if j e i j il 0 pm iltifcol in national horse show riiirrroo hr-n- tn i rtri v to co i aa it at ll i hori tow a i jlli j l h i i r i i 9 m po in tcio to i j j pi ell jl rdtan sf27 kltlwcollim ci wren 2 adell- r cvenino grandstand show thcros no bus n i k show bus nes and iheie s no show i ko ihe cne grard- slard enlravigana will c world fjrious canadlles and howard cables star si jdded 60 p eco orchpslra slirr nrj lh smothers brothers u suny fo e s pq tj rcpdytam august 19 to 25 bobby vnton 96stra gl t ef on ihe hit paradf august 20 27 the new ct ty m nstrcts th coninenlt tor swinging soon mui al group apperir througho i don t m s t every n rjht bit pm rjn or sh ne ticksts now on sale a 19 september 3 j afternoon grandstand thrill show c jack octi- n an a dhi hei d vers in a th ii t gd pta cl da ede i a slry br 1 g your camera tvety day camera day at cne 68 general admission to tht exhibition grounds is 2 5 v w h cvmu 15 q0 ihibition grounds canadian national texhiwtlon nqiuly see the worlds largest dnpay o fireworks for children s0cforsfudnttaimm40f0 a0mt1 mth year of the worid s i arcrt annual fxhil tm

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