Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 12

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b4 the acton free press thursday september 1 1966- silverwood institute caters sales arena friday mrs claie wilson mis dun can and ions mis beit ciaig and miss joan ciaig spent txvo weeks at waxaga beach lecent- iy- silxoixxood womens institute catered at the sle at ccoi mo town sales iea on fiulav aug ust 2e mi and mis 1 h doiukop ot chicipo xxorx vxcciit isitois with ml ami mi- haux scott i oar readers write several accidents no personal inury tviwl 1i tw0 vas oxtinuwxl js swvlax xiiim l on i vmi osi ixli at tvio ooiiui ot mil a 11 msnl vvlv xvhol iw vooos xvoio mxolxvxl ooi-s-i- meix m hmvss o the xvtvmi oit wtuhniciu aiixov vjpanl avul ix ux1 a 111 ww x rxn bihtiv ol ivui tnyivuxjh jwl mofpcnl 4oi the ra- noix tnii xxtvn a vcoenid cu d vcmiivij t iho imc duovtion ivn h in mam lulod to stop in tn iv ivxxn ot the sooona eu xxv cvootvv oivnvvood ol ai- 111 ssvdav ljt 21 xnwimimi pu tt cavruvtmu xi thi lival dclali mosii mxosiifates1 a two cu xah on atam st v xx henacai driven bx murrax dietige ot tiixtll s mi vi 25 hichxvax tailed to stop at ihe stop sign alui crossing the mam st railvxax tiack dti- xor ol the second cu invoked xva- james kenstii ot rock- xvood xvho xxas negotiating the turn ott main st onto no 7 highxxax xxest tow ml guelph total damage was estimated around 2q0 mondax iigut 22 constable harness lnxestigalecl an accident in front ol watson s restauiant involving a truck duxcn h rox butler travelling xcest on mill and a car diivin b mis doi- othx robinson aclon xvliuli xcis in the process ol pulling out fiom the ciiib damage xxas esti mated aiound s75 j closed meetings n on quarry issue dear sn ah the promises of politic ians i seem to lecall reee bill coultei of nlassagaxxewi pionns- nig the taxpaxeis that thetv xxxiuld he no closed council nieetings this was dining the noxv historic tow nsliip hall cen tennial pi oiect discussion but m the pen in ixilitical stxle that promise has noxx been ciicimi- xented with special meetings coiiimittecs ol the xxliole etc oxx i peisonalk think some niatteis ot health and vvellaiv should he discussed piivatelx hut h no stickli ol thi iniagina turn do giideis and qxiaiues line imiiti health and vvel- lno the choice of the lomnuttee to smdx om ouaiix issm dis ipaxs me ohxuxiislx it xx ill also deal with tlie jt ixel pit problem too and comic illoi mtlion as a giaxel pit oxxnei cannot be im- fiaitiil reixe coitltct hoxxed ouitc plamh xx hose side lie will t ke xx lien to use hi own xxviids he iiejmtisod a xote at a i event touikil nieeting a xote siippoi mix a hid to deux coup- cillor mabon the light to xote on a quai i guixel pit issue rcvuiso ot his xested nitnests it looks as though councilloi micitluit xx ill haxe an uphill st niggle all the xxax v johnson ttr 2 kockwood new golf course progress continues trees liaie been idled giound levelled and aililicial ponds made as a new gull coiusc two and a hall milt- north or aclon takes shape six business paitneis have been busx on the project lui the past vcai but wen held up last i ill due to pooi ucathtt condi tions at present fairways ait ust about leadx lot lccling gieens lie in shape lot planting and ponds have been made toucucr jiaiid holes on the tiickv la- liiil the cnfiic com st is sui- louncled bx lues at tin inoniint onlx nine hul ls aie plannid ror the pax as- xon plax com si a clubhouse to include dining aiea and pio shop aic also included in plans as xell as a laie pat king at ii im pations cais rutin c plans tall loi anothei nun boles partners in the pioint in- ilucli geoige gibson islington vli s helen hambliton sml- gioxt pels riaul lull cot- ta gioie rue is bi amnion lc i j x piulinoii walirdoxmi and n 011c mtguum dixit i yn suit a home tin vi i mcgowiu is belll complete ll 11 1 1 it site l thi eomse and lilci l lie i pail lie i s e pce to l l tc 1 house- 1 ol till illsclx i s i 111 llllst piomiulix 1 c i l 1 ixpillcd to be i 1 clltlcllllcll im local nlleis who piiseiiilv ill ici si vi i il milis i i aiii ol oll i 111 in ionise i i ic alttl nisi mil i ll ll i 1 1 ii oxxjiid bx mi 11 ul m s i i mil shields in till ll s line i i 111 loxxnship 1i i i ti it i he 1 i ll uk woi km uul s 1 mil dill iii till llclki ills n in s 1 1 t lie 1 hy on lour frienoiy pharmacist guarding your health is our foremost goal our only aim is to assure careful and quality service for your good health acton pharmacy bill yundt manager 2 main st n 8531620 fra pickup and delivery of prescriptions complete veterinary una taxpayers stuck with cost of lights deal su exei since the strategists tm- ploved bx the jockex club decid ed that nassagaxxexa would be a good lolalion lor a lace hack some assagaxxovans seem to think that xxe the taxpaxeis should make saciilitts to the gicat god mohawk foi the itst ol out hxes granted we in nassagaxxeva ieap a nice little tax harvest from the riicc- titick but the attitude that it is located m out loxtship solelv lot oui benelit is i iilituloui 11 is also iidlculoiis lliat the las panels mam oi vx honi aie limn i ix paid woiktis and not so puis pcious laiiiius lliough soiiu ait both should subsidise the lo tlvix club tioons bx pniny pait ol then iimiio bill i refer to the lights along lilt canipbellxilli road oulsuli ol the mohaxvk rate liuk ihe hxilio that we the taxpauis pw tot this xlielch a i ioul isnt astionumicil but 1 toiiiuicl theie is a pilnciple itixohod al leulx xxe have a special in i ixx exempting tiailcis al tin rats itick i torn oui iiionthh tiailti b laxv tax hie ixmses lot ibis iximption aie main oik bnuj that these tinlei people al llic tiaek do not use- oui sthonls well xxe have people ining in tiaileis in nassagaxxtxa who do not liaxe school age clnlditii ajltitlxei excutv is that the moliaxxk pas enough taxes ol course the ansxvei is thai tlnse people aiv ouneis tiauicis tie and oui own people gel exact lx the same seniees 1 10111 the tow n ship as these people gel to me mohaxvk is a business pist as the cointi stoie ot null is a business i gciain thai n i tain tax exemptions aie olkn gixen to industrx located in cet tain aieas but i think that acl xeitised leteipts appearing m the press clearlv show this einer pi ise to be a luciatixt one which is well able to pax its own wax without assistance liom llu uti ens ol nassagawexa i am sn 1 ouslv thinking ol not paxing nix taxes until n siupiclitx ceases william a johnson rr 2 rockwood appreciation i would like to thank the people ol acton foi the xcix in loxable vacation j had in then town eveixont xxas so kind district president institute speaker m lie aunusi iiiei ting ol llu nassagawcx1 vvonii n s institute was held il l lii in i in ol mis i 111 ru hiiilsini in dm lih in ihi lllsi iii i ol i in pi isidi ill mis i ml i ilu nils i in niiitliil was loiidut li il in mis dnul li hlauw ihi x ii i piesiili nl i in urn ling ope in il u nil i in si iiiiii ic ol llu oik 1 1 lit li pi il ill llu mai sli xx ill c o i 1 1 i l mint n ic iiiln is answiitil tin mil i ill in gi ing i i in u nl i xi in oi naming a lallin ol t onli deii i it n l si iiiil dial it is ol business win di ill willi i iji niiiiihus win askul im lonli ibiilliins lo the c nil v il llu mlllon i in vxliuli is a tolln ion ol 10 ii in its lot i child s hiillulis paiiv i hi mikiii in i nil ill ol llu lush ink i unit ill urn in dm lli on si pit mlit i i mil 20 w is in iih ii i a miling ji ligirc iiptin ed on the eoinpletlon nl llu lnsi mss mis john iknn iiiliuihu cspie i ilk li uul li s alh n who sc ill a lie mill ill c iki ol wilconii 1 ami nix son sli ill nevi i im git llu kmiliitss shown id us iluimg ill x ixxo inoullis slax youi s mis maigaicl iivun 272 doing il ave bcllasl 12 n iicliiul i d tin gin st iiakri ilhl lit i pitsltloiil mi i w wtbh who told ol tin loiliiillii of llu in 1 1 itilt i mi n v i ii s ap mil ol llu miiiiv sci x ices lilt- pi i si nl ihi y lilsliliiles pc iiloi in at tin- ton t iiihioii ol llu ulili eis t u h iiuiiilxi vv is askul lo willi in i low vv mils llu il opinion ol in li ink ni lint i in opiiiiiins wi it v ii li i hill ill a hi i lmiiki it llovx ship vvis i main liatini mt s mulli n i li a n k e d llu spiakci and pusiiiliil in i with a gill as a lokin ol ippik lalinii gi ic vxas sung mil tin lios lisscs scivnl lollic- iii it llll anil i ike mis li hliinv iii ink id mis it ii i iu il son lot iki lius ll lilt v ikaciok saiiiy 1 1 ic iiii salt ix is no act ic ic nl mils xiisililt iiikiiiiic has lie l llllk llll iii llll soiii ll ol poivl i ill i i ill s ll lias ilso htiomt oui ol inn iiidsi dingiious mi iluiiis hut iiiosi tendinis tan ix piivinliil nine out ol iii iihioi in idcnts ai i causitl by hum in i i tin 1 1 not iiiiiliiiiuil lti iktlnw ns ilitiium lliivtan hi piticiitcil ijijjy voui tiae tin lo slav aim alunapad graduafes picnic serviceof interest iiiiiiliiliithuii me cxtciiilctl lo inn hljh miiooi kikiii iimi iikiciii allen iiiiiiicmhi ion mi slioillll milan slntlan n i v hinwn livll nieldi and ciitolvn mi im iv wi limit i shlllll il ml 111 l 1 iii illtsl v0ii1il iiuipli will in- cult ling iiniveis ilv in s pli lulu i mi l shoitlll visihd lui i lii i mil oikis lius week slit is a paturil in llilluesl coiivjiltsi tut hospital lecovtr mi 1 1 om a bi oktn hip mr and mri cleinciils ol lo- iiinto spml a couple l lays with mi and mis patleison lius wttk a gioup ol old lunets in ovctl 1 pit as ml alkiiiiiou il mi iiiicl mis w mcdonalds pit rue j i j 1 1 1 1 i s on suiidiv il u i iiiioii xx i it ii thtv gatluitil loi a coin niasl mis ltd nit 1st ri and susin lit xatalkiiiuig in novi scotia mr and mrs toole ol div dm out visited willi ihcit mills and untie mi and vlis hi in v hills and miss bcali ice hills church service wits taken sunday by the ucw mrs jam- it son ltd this service mrs jesse mi unci y look the worship mrs iiwcch eaton ol actciti was the speaker your ontatio heart founda tion reminds you to guard the health ol jour childs heart 1 he open season f ot hunt nig dutks utese and woodcocks in ihis tiistnet will be from noon october i to demirmbcr 15 h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guei ph phone ta 27150 stiiltlt illx i it xv blanches hau hniiid lo lall eolois as usu il llns tim ol vcai it s a lit lie ilcpi cssnigl wivt had a lint suinnici and not enough ot it yet harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 8569934 24 hour service rockwood ledgers acton grand re opening thur sept 1 st ol ledgers iga are holding a grand reopening after extensive equipment changes relining and redecorating we hope you drop in and take advan- j v tage of these re- t h u rs day opening offers sept v only m j trar i a 10 ottle of iga a loar ovtn frlsh a t tf fkg mlslablm tolourld a i ll hg tack gingerale iga bread margarine sausage whilc thtr last i i t tlt r if o je at t cr vl irui uirc it with iml furchase or a 10af- at tht rlgulall rrice v nit rkvt l op a pkvj at ii t uwljv pftlce w th imc rvfi hvc of i ll at the rtoja pfucl friday sept 2 only whice they cast cheese twists rose pickles crusty loaf cooked ham with thi ruhcmam or a nt pni at thf rig c4ili wltm ihf rucmil o a kg of tun wtim imf fu ham of a i pc r imi imi 1io piiel saturday sept 3 only a m i t lllsi masttr rolch paxlv of swin s dog food cake mix wieners vfiml 1hly labll with the fvkulast ol 2 tins ai ihfc rlgulajl rwct v tm tut pe h a t f a uonarch ov i i caklmx at rtv p b v1tw tut pukchajfe op a ll pv at thl bisulah pwcfc lucky draw you may be the 19 portable winner of a f 1 1 it free spartonlv set get all entry each time you shop entries close saturday october 8th when winning entry will be selected and the winner get our handbill for your shopping convenience and other money saving features reopening thurs sept 1st 10 am politick and campbell manufattuicis of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 6217380 buying 9 hew home you can relax when youre covered by ikf llrvj ol mpfa nw because safeco covers the dangerous gaps found in many other homeowner policies for tzamfle troei ihrnb and plants harmful act of the insured building frlasi check your current homeowner insurance chance i lire it doct n of offer these important protection iplusses of guneral insurance for the finest most complete protection at tho lowest possible cost call your safeco aprent now hes a phones length away 24 hours a day nobody settles claims faster and more farfyf fss 5 dennys mil s e bill 853 2645 insurance atton residences harold agency 8s3- 853 2 565 esquesing tsa parents of public school children please note school bus routes glen williams speyside l1meh0use norval and stewarttown routes remain the same as last temm iimehouse classes start at 8 40 a w- glen williams classes start at 8 50 a m speyside classes start at 910 am norval classes start start at 8 40 a m stewarttown clases start at 8 40 am pineview and milton heights all children west of 3rd line on no 5 side r0ao will ride on west bound bus pickup will be at approximately 8 20 a m there will be no change on no 25 highway peru to milton heights all other bus routes remain the same as last term pineview classes start at 9 10 am milton heights classes start at 840 a m pupils attending grades five and six at speyside school will be accommodated at the acton public school until such time as the new addition is completed the above schedule is to apply in all instances subject to any revisions the board finds necessary following a trial period in the event of a change parents of pupils affected will be notified school opens september 6 drive carefully t 1

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