Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 2

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the artnn troe pre thursday september 1 i9m tour farms see cms ebenezer brother sister meet again after 47 years 1 five maryland 4hers visit halton mis mfmini bono who makes jioi homo willi mi and mis hoh giegg kr 1 amphellvillc on joyed a ihiiv wtok visit with hoi brolhei and simiim livi mi and mis a g coopei aipniji ton kent ilnirluiiil mi coop- ei is mill umljihiij hcnih in j london college mis bone had not seen hoi biolhei nue she sailed lor canada in juno 111 mt and mis lwin vvikon ol watsons miml stoic at ion withllumi son st ott icientlx en- joved xlioluuv with then vn dtlmar and his lnnik in suull sle mai ic on ihuisdav iionin al ft 0 and again at 10 n in the stoi ot the gioit dr bth miolmv will be on tv oi bob is one ol the tmlv gioal missionaiv hei- oes ol out dux don t miss it the official board ol i ho pis- toiiil ihnyc is illctl to niut on ylonilux stpt 12 ni xt suiidiv the stniii school cmbaiks on the thud icnr ol the new in i iiiilum some o the i lapses will ho ix- ceiling the snndav li as dim takehome p ipei rev w leemuns sei nion on snndav morning don l loi eel 1 1 40 is the bom now 10 extia minnlis to sloipl was an inteisiing mti oeliiction to the- wntincs ol st luke- the phxii- in 1 lie cts ot the posli ii nnhl ho nioie appipn atclx tailed the ct ol the holv spnit and the gospel ol 1 nkc const unto about onoquai toi ot the vow testament thou i- a l eden mills mrs millson ucw hostess the uh ot uui mill- l n iled chuieh was houj on wil neclix twin bi mis l mill von jrs t cvivi up id b devo o i ii ik vxih a imm sing the svt rx u w is ikin irom phillipians chmui ms rcju u w is j i o i oiii u iru en and n so ot lto aid rni h h tut i is i a h piv m m isin sis ii i j of h hs niss r xl s wl c0tj n aid asko ju au tiiun ctt v ii ulil toil lliil i like was hoin in annoili ihe bnlhprue ol saul later paul 1 like and lil could have gone ty the same sihools luke shows ins piu lical knowledge ol nioduino bo notices sul lei nig he is iheonlv one who tells ol tlie cood sam antan he has llnonev in the language ol sulois the ihsuplos became apostles aftci the rsuiroojion i like nviv have boon one ol the 70 disiiples sent out i like 10 i he mav have hoen the one who walked wiih cloopas on ihe rmiiiaous roul on the lust 1 asiei wn n ing olboi silioliis sav 1 like never saw lesiis i nke ihe ihvs man sol tens up muks iiiti cism of the moihcil prolession 1 uko s 4 the mom excellent theophil us to whom 1 uko dedicates ihe two manusoiipls could moan an lovoi ol ioil however theie is a strong probahiht that thoophilns was a high ro man otitic beuei with guat inllueiiie the loathoi on whuh lilt lottois wtio wutien woulil be icii evpensivo i hex woulil be sfni io in inipohaiit poison loi a spenal ivasmi to per suaite him to use his inlluoiue to stop eeiumj the chiistiuis 1 uko xv is coiisoined about the blciding suttoung chustians it on i liuh is weak theie is no one to blame but our own lamoss studv the bible re load the fust ihaptei ot atts sixeril times this xveok mrs sheldon trousdale con tinues io make good progiess m guelph geneial hospital where she is lonlinod with a broken hip conaiatulaiioiis to mr ami mrs bill diamond on the ar rival f a woo diiuhler oailx sund i moimng a plaxmate foi lanei and kexin din liit ih wiek ol vugiisi 21 halton l iminx wils host in live 4 11 i luh mi nibi is 1 1 oin man i ind li s v mil iht n i sit iislon i t ailoi i in s iv i- fcji in si sin ii cw hangc vvllh iwclliii t iiimlv in jis thai halton has tikt n pai l in dave liwlli is xeus ol agi lixim delaware and dale unman 17 i hi n lliatllox 17 naiux lleaiii iq aiul i imln hiiiivn is all iioiii salislnuv vveie the visinni 4fi tltl gates lliox vveie itionipaiuoil bx thou 1 xleiision goiit doniilil lossolvn who vvoiks with 4 11 and yulli gioups opoi itlllg 1 1 1 1111 lilt hill voisilv ol miixlaiul during llielr slux in hilton oiinlx t it doltgati siaxtd xxith ivoo liost i mi 1 1 us whose ihiltlien woiv eithei 411 homo making oi 411 gi it ulliiial club nienibeis i lie delegates weie taken on a tup to the nl in tot onto vtheie thex wauheil the daiiv iliiitiss i otupi iilion and discuss equipping centennial library tut mime and etpiipnienl lot the new tonloiiniil hbiuv vveie ilisnissetl u a speual nieiting ol the libi ii v ooutl the liouil agiettl to miit iwue a monlh oi nunc olttii il neiessai dm mg the lonxti uiiion and eiiup- pmg ol the nexx building chairman geoige i iv piosid ed and uicmbci maxoi les du bx repotted on lonstiuition others present xxere menibiis tod piatt fi ed new douglas copoland anil rex rilihu ml mm rax xisiieil lnanx of the exhibits also i iii liicliil in thou stax was a ion i ol soieial points ol in itiist in llallon ctnnil x tlanx in i luiit ami miishiooiii latins and i lltiiist on lueulix in ning il jhi aiiiiiiilluiil ollito i at ii ikligali took pat 1 in a ills t nssnui on the plates ilnl poiuls ol inliiest in mai x land on suuidav the nienibeis io 15 attending camp each day mioul is no aiteiiiling iht umm t imp at kiitkvxiuil ton stivit ion ilea tiill ilav tills xvtok band leulei itoige ll hot is in ihaige ol i lie pio giiin uliiih nit links some ict tealion is wellvis iiuisii in si i in t ton r oltlei hand inemhei s no as sistin 1 i in t in uisli iiiling iht iiiiiioi s mi ned jiomc with a iniuli hel iit kntiwlcdigo ol ontario and in pailiiulil lhvllons4ll piojrani ii is hopvil that in ihe in ii in line seveial llaltnn t 1 1 i s is ill ho able to if turn io malvliiul tin a sliii t sla impaired driving brings two charges a hoi gotow n diner l lunged bv tonsliblo petoi ainphell ol the ilon olpp deklchmiinl with impaiietl dining ippeantl in mil i in toiiil moiulax a nil paid a total ot si7s m huts anil louit losls an alton 22veuold man was ihaiged bv aeton polne satin tlav willi imp in oil mil eu eless ill i illy mil lodged m vi il i on ul conslables nuk pat ion mcrviu llai ness and auvilian pnlucmin lio rioiiioi madi tin at rest al in a chase into the iinil aioa the holiday plans ol some ailonians hav been spoiled hv the i ail stnke hall reunion about hs allendcd ihe hall reunion al wingham on sundiiv mi lulling unite a lew irom al ton some went thiough the le- livision station theie during the dteinoon miss mat orie hall leiiiained io stay with her sister inlaw mrs jancl hull whose husband died sudilonlv a kvv weeks ago summer sale billinafail scout and guiile motlicis held a suiccssliil iiini- inage and bake sale in ihe y m a on sat in day alteinoon ilkeie was an early msh ol ins lomets looking ovei the ilotli- irg books and olhoi ailiilcs kitchener driver apprehejtikd here a 22 vmrokl klliliener man was appiellcndcil in ai ion i ties tlav evening mill taken into i its lodv pv const hi nit- miailliiu ol llu alton olp dclii luikiil iuiiliii al i tx al ol kiti iteiui ioiko inllowiiii a inl and mill ait ilk nl xvluili hail otiuiiiil in kitohenei emliii hint evinini il was lepoiteil bv const mi al t lni the kill lienei diivei imd gone llnoiigh a slip sluel sit ink iniolhci velilile mil look oil pile tat lie xvas lnv nig slopped on i lie weslcilv skills ol alton ihe diivei went to a ncaihy lioini anil lelephnii ed kitihenoi polite ol his xvheroahoiils tonst miailhnr who was irtiising in ihe aiea saw tin damaged lionl end ol tin pnk ed vcliitlfj look ihe liiense mini her and was about to iulio loi a ilieik when he was lagkejl down by i he diivei who told him ol rfie kilihcriei imidcnt he was detained in the alton iiiusei until kilihcnei puliti arnved to lake him hack tluic i he vohu ii was lowed to loth motois cur no o rvd or h t mrs e h liss xx s j 1 silt am bs h i mh ion t i l a d tj l 1 p 3x t i til mn jtft xa0v as vs v y- r rx s t- s ir and mrs cecil t t nj i n s dat c m- j ms k lrn t s j k christening t- nonx tis m s p hf c iuh xhsii m- ii g r s cvtnson i j m k ii s t s- jii w j ig s x s vtto t ej i s j jrrd ii ii 1ji 6 ot r aid mrs b s e t ro fit d x i n s i n i gueiphpt- i iit i is ilr tno- x m- a id ms tc j ings lr aid ms oi ai pan- r 1- d mrs kjii mr rid ms r wngh tp iu i- xxtktid at mr and ms uj juinins coitat ji ku i ikt a siiipisi partx xa hi id saturdax cxtn nj 1he ociasion bein mr and mrs wrights ixcddin armivcrs ir gallagher coulter represent halton on jail committee rtoxe gordon gallagher of burlington and reeve william ctniltci ol assigawea viere nulled ti idax alteinoon as hal ton counrx s leprosenlatixes on ho rotionil detention cmtie bo l d motions calluu for the ap- r ntments wore passed xxi thou t opposition a frulaxs special iiiiotinj ot countx council reeve william hunter of gooreoxxn stressed the ap pointments to the detention centre baard should be made cash xear from different muni- sipalnes depulx reeve frank jsotrs of burlington suggested 1 don think xxo should haxe xxo noi mernoirs on each tar reeve george leslie closed the opic with ihe suggestion xxt should leave the decision oi ra vcars council weve done our ob wevc appoint- tj the iepnsontaties for this x t ir n agreement callm for the is ibhs lmtnt of a live man re gional deennon centie com- iwii with three memhors i urn pet countv and txxo irom halton countx xxas signed ear- lit r this month bx peel countx h ilton tountx and minister of retorm institutions alan gross m in the committee xxill be re sponsibk for ihoosing the site and subsequentlv tor constnic hon and administration of the niw reforms centre which will nkelv be tailed 1 iplehurst keith allen wins tuition scholarship iscith allen son ol mr anil mis beit allen gcoigilowii was aw aided a univeisilv ol waterloo tiultfem scliolaislnp on ihe basis ol his linal examiiia- non in the lust year sc enc in oidoi to qnalilx fcjv liu award a sluuent must obtain an aveiage ol over 80 per cent kcrth stood 22nd in a class of 328 he is a grandson ol mis m allen aclon two accidents on thursday acton lesidents wire involvid in luo accidents on llighwax 7 west ol town on thursday ol last week in an afternoon collision thiusdav cirs dnven bx percx r neal ol oshawa and christ ina duiker of 16 wilbur st ac ion iiccived s200 damage oath imns happened on uighwax 7 east of the sixth iim masxa gaxviva ihit ivenmg tars diivin bx phillip bonus ol t rin and ro- hut biook ol alton collided on highvvav 7 at the tust i ine fs quesing for si 10 tot il damagt possibility of apartments debated at golden age club 42nd annual reunion staged by storey family at pinegrove slalf photo ready for school tyler transport buses are qeared or first pick ups tuesday ted tyler jr qives instructions to lorne aailler as they change the amber flashing lights to red to comply with the new department of transport regulations peel beats halton holsteins at cne though inanv were still somt what tired from the dax long trip to oixin sound the previous da a inn ix gioup ol goldin ageis mined out to tin itgulai txt ning iiililinii one of the highlights xv is the pi tsliilalion ol a nisp nnx is bill donatid bx ait gordon manage ol ai ton canadian tire store thiough mi txler tovli- mat v miaulev u ho had coned lv jjiie to the the mallest liaclion the iniles travelled on the bus trip mis mcaulcx got a great hand irom tin membeis then and also later when attei a little conspiration she announc ed he i decision to tuin the prize ovei to the qinlt kind lor the centennial protect another highlight was the pre sence of maxor dubx- and coun iilman c f lcatherland who talked on the eosl advantagis and obsitaclos attending the con struction ol a modern nexx housing development with con- tiolled icnt lor senior citiens ol acton the maxor said it would lake time to accomplish as a central location would bo essent 1 1 one close to stores church ts post oil ii i etc ihe binldinir would hi txxo slonvshigh with bachelor units and smle hoilioom units all pailiallx furnished the lecki al governniont would pax about 90 per cent ol the lost 111 dipaitminl ol wtllerc and mnn ii ip il council would shan in the tost iih jn loi tl group could help sponsor it tin delegates answered quts fons th- n asked lor a show ol hands liom those intnestcd and the uiiorit ol tht members raised their hands maxor duln ililmxleaijherliiiilwrc thank ed bv the president on behall ol the ilub a varied progiarn followed john rosell plaved sexual stl ict ions on his acioidion talent ed marianne coles sang a ftw numbers and aiioinpaiued ho sill on the guitar tor some of them mrs mccutcheon gaxe a nue reading the bonnets vlx grandmothei woie bob vvmlon al the- piano and bob ohara with a mouth or gan plixed a lew me rrx tunts an hilarious game of musical chairs was cnoved bx the par tieipants as well as the audi ence mrs simpson ended as winner haxing captuied the lar yesl seition ol the last chair a nue lunch was served the next meeting will be held thurs dax september i at 2 p m in the y building the 42nd innuil st ire x icon ion xxas held tlis vtai it pint fioic school ma stirx i mrs andx frank and htr lumr- torn mitite- had tables se- up in tin school sports commit tie nienibeis xxere di hat old mason kile h ener and andx i iank milton nearlv 100 of th stoiex dose endants had gatheied to lenew old acqiiamtaiues this xeii richard blown had passed axvav rile eldn inembeis tinn itus xeii weie i ish biownlee toronto agnes c ovo and mrs ijr meglaughlin vlielngan a daughtoi ol dave stinex ot mas sagaxveva also dave stoiev irom guelph andx iiank u ted as piosi dent tor the business meeting and mrs george brow nice an nounied each numbet tot the program when membeis ol the xounger geneiation helped to provide the entei tunment james orourke plaxed a i ohn solo giandson of mrs an me frank of at ton a skit xxas gixen bv susan kinton and nin- cv mcallister violin solo by an d frank voeal duet bx txxo tor mor storev gnls mis mclean and mis harold roxce xiolin olo b kaien 0rouike plaxing students concerto mis george brow nice favor ed the cioxxd bv hei beautiful iinclitioii ol liebeslrmd bx liu krt skr mrs biownlee- is tali n id xiolin teat her mil i is gixt n manx umtiils and at i tinii plaxed lit 1 1 in alton molln music piedommates in tin stoi tx clan and mis blown lie lakes gtett mutest exerv tuin sin hiais someono plav a v lollll poirconnrx s hoktcm herds once again edged out tin halton enliv in the countx hold cotiipe titions at the canadian nation al i xlnbition last xvtok halton plattd st tone scxcial distiitt exhihitois lion pnos in c vi tonipelit ions haigeitlee citation ml a llol stem owiiul lis i ii mici ol nor al w is op niniot vt iihn belli i douglas a gregson of hills buigh had the icseive senioi giand ill minion bull i ihhnns with ins downaluit rillcctton i nipt i oi lolalot m ho id lien shown hv 47 evhihiiois inikinj it ttu smalcs show m a miinhot ot voos bin uidli muni h mai tin ol wtst motitiost tltst i ibtil the intiits is t t t ption illx high m tiialilv umehouse visits exhibition in news mi and mi regent and fred the have- returned irom a motor n ip to floiida donna gearv celebrated her i lth birthdax xnth a partx xxith 11 guests on the 24th miss marx lou blown spent a couple ot daxs in toronto as a guest of the cne on behall ot the 4h ilubs of halton mesdames dost of toronto and maple with their children xtstted mrs holtman one dax last week and celebrated little lddic holtman s lirst birthdax mr and mrs fiank nunes vos xisited mi and mis hank kouxman in tax lor michigan last weekend your headquarters for supplies ready to wear and footwear for boys and girls hintoim s 5c to 100 store the store that givesyou a bettor choice a better quality a lower price register now for fall ria course a challenging career as an ria registered industrial accountant a five year course of study lead ing to the r i a designation in association with twentytwo uni versities across canada the pro gramme is designed to train pro fessional accountants to serve the needs of management in government commerce and in dustry subjects include first year accounting i fun cla centals industrial legislation second year- accounting ii intermediate report writing managerial statistics third year accounting iii ad vanced industrial organization and management fourth year auditing funda n entals of cost accounting fifth year advanced cost accounting tuition way be taken by evening lectures at university of waterloo or by correspondence in association with mcmastk university hamilton for further information contact guelph area w b teasdale ria guelph ont 824 3440 kitchfmergalt j c hutacfcleson ha preston ont 653 5813 registration and counselling aug 31 sept 7 sept 9 79 pm room 117 arts 11 building university of waterloo please use parking lot o proof of education must accompany application dills stationery announces new rental ownership plan smithcorona portable typewriter corsair model 655 per month stirling model 1185 per month on the 12 month plan we rate a for school values backtoschool supplies sheaffer pens wide selection to choose from pens cartridge and lever filling 100 to 595 ball peas 15c to 198 ball pens 100 to 295 sheaeeerschool fountain pens cartridge lever action 1 00 to 295 special sheaffer ball pen with extra refill school open special reg 1 79 value only 98 loose leaf refills pencils erasers cellotape rulers math set- slide rules pencil pouches color pencils compasses venus pencils ring binders zipper binders memo books scrap books pencil sharpeners staples 5c 10c ea 85c to 275 398 to 750 10c to 98c 1 5c 59c 198 to 495 69c 795 tang folders asst colors 5 95c brief cases and under arm zipper cases 325 to 995 ring binders 1 an d 2 rings assorted colrs from 89c to 295 zipper ring binders 398 to 750 school bags 235 to 395 esterbrook fountain pens your choice of nibs 295 to 395 loose leaf filler paper per package 25c to 98c exercise ooks ruled and plain wide selection 15c to 98c felt tip markers 29c to 89c ball pen refills for most kinds of pens

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