Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 5

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burning gun powder at mapi f rock shooting rancf jack roberts blanks mitchell george chester blasts homer by art hawo in this weeks action at maple rock shoot in range results were art hawes having the top score with a 22 and 4 on ifte partridge walk jim coulson vilh20 bud wobster with l dave johnson and gerry li- imuvliewilh 18 each in team compel il ion squl no i had 59 out til 75 members present on no 1 squad were dave johnson hud webster anil art iliiwcs no 2 squad had n total it 52 out of 75 willi jim coulson gerry kainurehe and jack wonslev present visitors thin week incluilel keilh andrews who got 22 and ix onithe partriilge walk other visitors included doug krcllcr john cordcs don sliddeis don bridges pete nadaline and frank vadori finch year is we see ihe list of new guns offered by the var ious irtanulaoliircrs wo notice that the trend is more and more lo ihe stiniuiilomatic action and magnum caul ridges and shot shells these weapons arc lor ihe most part very functional and quite attractive the jiuns imaniilacturcd today aiv also liighlv ieciirale pveiv hunter has his prefer ence of action and calibre many prefer n holt action rifle because they are more accurate than ihe semimlomal ic pump and lev er action rifles the lever act ion of course is a tradition among deer hunters many of the lex experienced and younger hunt ers are turning lo ihe newer anil faster ivpeaters while many change lo these guns because ihey like the design and appear ance of ihcscguns lar too many are changing because of the lirepower offered in ihe last- shnol ilij lllllfll shell gun ll is unluiliinate that so manv liunleis are so inaccurate with their lilies thai ihev must re place accuracy with firepower the opinion seems to be so what if 1 miss the lirsi shot l canjl ire jive more- in three spioiuls oiul one is hound to hit the amrnal another nolicille trend is the magnum calibres that are fine for the purpose they aiv intend ed but were often meant for hunting large and dangerous game and aiv far loo powerful for deer hunting tlvis is also caused by the hunter being tin- able lo hit his game where he wants to many hunters try to titul a calibre thil will knock tlown their game no mutter where it is hit the gun doesnt exist in sport ing arms design that will put a deer down to stay il it has been shot in the stomach or has a bullet through its leg it is pos sible to get u gun that will blow the leg off or hall the insldes out but this will not stop a deer in its tracks the result is usually a long chase for the hunt er ami a slow painful death for ihe deer all hunters should gel out nnd igfht in their guns beftore fhe season they should do enough shooting so they know just what their utility is and what range is max i i mint for them and their gun a deer hunter should he able to place his shots in the chest area of a deer at whatever range he is shooting if ihe deer is beyond his normal range and he is no sure of his ability to kill it cleanly at that range then he should not shoot while we use deer hunters throughout the above this is juvt an example the same thing ap- plies lo all hunters melng a prnsninn means more i ban obeying the game laws and respeciting the property and righls of the landowners a line spoilsman will kill his game quickly and cleanly with as lillle suffering as possible oddly enough the best sports men aiv not always ihe best shots bm they do confine their shooting to ranges and condi tions thill ihey know are well within l ho ability ol themselves and their yuns canvpheilvilli came llimuch with a win in then first yaiiu- ol ihe round ronn series to deter mine the ontario inlermcdiatc c champions the defending champions de feated mitchell m in a last well played game in camphellville on sunday bill they will obviously have their work cut out lor them as corimna the other entrain -i- defeated mitehell i on saturday as pitcher peters a newcomer lo cormina struck out 17 milcliell binmets in cumpbellvllle all the scor ing took place in the second in ning i cairns walked ami was sacrificed to second slu king doubled down the let i field line to drive in what turned out to be the winning run king moved to third on an infield out and iihen george chester lofted the hall over ihe lei field fence to make it 30 and thats the way it ended oiorgp cimsrir hells home jhtm the- game featured the hurling ol icoige money for mitchell and lack roberts for caiupbell- ville toveney held campbell ville to three run- nil tour llii he- walked lliirr atul sirnikoiil six lai k kolinils hurled a miv lirlnl sliul itil as he limited milcliell io three scrrnvred lilts ik- laiiued eiplii and tliilnl walk a single halter menaugliloii miu lull a n d toveney all singled lor mitchell lor camphellville norgc flies- ler honiereil stu king doubled and fail i inn uml lack l in its smgliil loolnotes next w e e k e n l tamplielhille uid mitchell linlh play ill col mi ii i on siitenilii ii camphellville goes lo milehell and on sunday september i i toiunna mini lo cainplulhilli- k ii i mitchell toil thw 100 i t i cville ii w 111 mill 4 mitchell ovens d m naugliloii canipbellville hi fierls ami wiiiimo herbs one garne continued lixnil iuge 4 hams collected four hits apiece lor the losers two of inns dou bles id iliilllps uul john lliiiii till salelv 111 ci- limes in li ills mi iihiiiii a ll iple ami i vo doubles hiifiuv- orif two liaggei llll iv iliillrp loiiblrd anil singled sundays limit r h e herbs 0110 km 2115 ii 21 hotel 411 1111 100 7 2 station hotel a williams a mi nabh ii phillips i iliil tips i kiddall i smilh i wllliiiiuson h sheppalil i ivi vov herbs iv mcciluh 2b i ioy b w duval in v i ll ii dniui i ii ieanc lb ii i ou ns lev ss ii leader p h doyle il laillelei- rl in v i li i archibald rl i- archibald if umpires i masales plate i manes m wallers bases liiehclnys iuiiii- r h i hold v 2h 111 12 i herbs 211 040 24x if 15 2 station hotel a williams i i a mcnalb 2b ii iliillips ii rl i diiiiii lb i iliillips il p in 1 kiddall m u fiheppard i williamson r dvlckeiv p iv smilh i in d herbs delivery i micris tall b 1 lov b ss faille lei ii ii ivairlh ii dodds i w uval mb in ii towns lev ss ll liibald i i ii lead i i i i an liilialil p lliupiies if i i i li ivii i islill plate jell liver ieoiye mall hy bases ttif aflnn tron pres- thursday soptflmhor 1 196o indian burial ground esquesing farm linda mckenzie a student at osprinqe public school was one of the many students takinq part in this years student talent festival at the nt shepresentedapitanosoloort arh-evf- the iwo shows shi is howil here thkinq to mjrv stone of the cllc who was a master of ceremonies make us your headquarters for owe indoor fill tihhi akilt use ll anywhere harding carpets armstrong corlon congoleum 9 and 1 1 fool lengths free estimates given walkers home furnishings 127 woolwich st guolph phone 8222420 during the past summer a team of anthaipoloisls rum the slate university of new york at buffalo excavated an iircheoloiical site in the mcclen- ahan farm north of 10 sideroad in jisquesiily township the site consists of the burial area ol a neutral indian village which existed in ihe first half of the 17th century the burial ipractiees of this group were described in the journals of the early missionaries periodic feasts of the head were held at which lime skeletons ol all those who ciieel since the last celebra tion wcro gathered together and buried in a single large pit at the mcclenahan farm these skeletons were excavated to gether with materials included with the burials such as projec tile points jseads and pottery fragments these objects assist in establishing a date tor the- site all material found has been sent to the university of toronto for study the excavation was pariof a project supported bv the ameri can national science foundation and l lie national museum of canada this project is studying the health of indian populations in relation to their culture and diet archeologicul material form ontario and mow york state cov ering the last 2000 years lias been examined to determine mortality rates average age at death state of dental health the presence of diseases atlecting bone and the incidence ot con genital abnormalities ol the skel eton this information is being related to what is known of iheir cultural patterns this area is rich in the remains of the neutral indians l but unfortunately most sites have been badly damaged over the years when a site is found or suspected professional advice should be sought by reporting it to the anthropology depart ment of ihe university of tor onto or the royal ontario muse um the digging ot a site by in terested but untrained people destroys most of the important inlormatiin that could be recov ercd many amateur archeologists belong to ihe ontario archeolog- ical society which holds regular meetings and provides training in excavation techniques as well as professional advice informa tion on membership is available from the president dr r dean axelson 247 trumon road wil- lowdale ontario personnel working on the mc- clenahati dig included j e anderson jmd director of the project and patrick hartney ma field director the crew consisted of graduate students from the state university of new york barbara butler jer- lorac cyhjulski anthony gullo carolyn hartney michael pieu- trusewski joyce sorianni and robert sundick twoontario riigh school stu dents were valued members of the crew ralph mccormack of milton and charles winegard of cooksville during the next year the ma terial will be analyzed and a reporfwill be published at that time halton and peel trust reports on growing business news of the opening of an eighth office in georgetown this fall and abalance sheet showing the past years business grew steadily were highlights ol t bi annual report to shareholders ol halton and peel trust and sav ings company released last week assets climbed to s642s24s4 from 5058607 a year ago the report notes the firm has 55 699161 in savings and term de posits plus 46646w invested in first mortgages during the war ending june 30 1966 the firm reports si 896- 643 in total revenue and a pro it of 188143 halton 4h club news halton 4h jersey guernsey ayrshire caif club by murray mecaig clipping the call club call and showmanship were the main topics ol the august meet ing of ihe llalton jersey guern- seyayrshiiv call club held at the larin ol ken llla and son llornbv mr ella showed the club mem bers i lie right and wrong ways to clip i he 4h call lor showing murray viccaig gave a show manship demonstration with as sistance from jell nurse during the second part ol ihe meeting led bv john mcnabb rile 4h members discussed herd heal 111 mr and mrs ella then provid ed refreshments and ice cream to linish oil 1 very interesting meeting were right there when you need help whan theres an emergency a call lo us gels action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 toronto by bus low good fares any day one way 155 return 280 time table change effective sept 7 1966 leave acton to toronto daily careless playboys campers and sportsnien are responsible for from 6o0 to 800 forest fires in ontario every year according to department of lands and forests records quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils ezmm oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying chary dapandabla sarvico thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8532174 congratulations and best wishes to robertsons marketer i a ospringe we are proud to have been chosen as refrigeration contractors king refrigeration campbellville 8542228 633 a m 854 am 858 am i 133 rtm 208 p m x504 p ill or hoi 619 pm 1008 pm 1055 pm x trip will exc sun hoi exc sun hoi exprf rs 5 08 p m 6 3 p rci 8 33 p m fri srtt sun express fridiys express sun rind hoi fridays only not run sun oet 9 trip will run mon oei ill daylight time for service guelph kitchener london see time table no 3 tiekeis and inlornialion at wiles bus depot 18 mill streetph 853600 g l adams agent heating modern plumbing phone 8569501 warm air and hot water pumps and water system rockwood frank carney and sons ltd girls team wind up season with banquet in legion hall train miinliii iom lie mini- afil i u f i hi in ttatiiulions iiml individuals who iniili- tin- ln1 c i t i i ol llii- ai inn junior niil- mil i h ill tram llu wildi als ail mil l hiding siricss writ lilrd at 1 ianiirl in llic legion liall tiusdav iviiiiii 1 1 i iili hi ol rhi cvrliiiii was ll iiisiiilal inll lv i lie gills lo in ii injir charlie thomson ma rlu iraiik siiilvngfl unit loliii ltii llioi liiuil and umpires lorne minnie wallets and hun e in id i wlkliiil prisiilriil kay clii- liolin presenliil i hi- gills lo tin surprised men with i lfcw well iliosin words of llianks lor lliti liiliiesl aiul work they tnt shown in the leain in ihe initial seani i kiiitiitlon director howard ieanf one ol 1lir teams insti- i ill us toutraliilaltil ihe wild rats inr the eiilhiisiasin lliev had shiwii ihroupli ihe season uliill linn reasons whv he per oiiallv wif iouil lo lie associ ated vwll i l item hoih i iacli prank rpielvogel and manager clmrlit thtimsiin spoke hriilly revkwing thf seu- sou iiiniiiliiliitini the gills on iiiikiii tlte playolls in the litir first year i n i heing sneli good sports viaeti spielvcigim hntt spet iil ixiuquets ior dave manes who supplied lite lennr with swtateis i lit jroe press tor pulilitliy mid writeups the umpires jack mecnllum for use of his serviii station for llieir first rnunev milking pro ject assisttuil jotin 1 itherbnd and manager charlie thomson ttuin member- unci gutstu wcif iiilrodiiced individually john ltiiihcrlalyil tendertd the thanks ol the galhe riuu lo the legion lalic-s- wln prtptirod and served tile dinner bonnie mi dougall proposed llu- ioiiki to the oiiitn and divinity stud ent i ii ii it- duhv said grace 1 1 ill lev cole- was mc caroline flower garden shop complete line of nursery stock a gardening niids sprays insecticides fertilizers fresh cut flowers always available fiowfrs wired anywherf phonf fl53980 anytime 0n y diiysa woek 8 00 a rn til dark veil uj todoy i 1 mllos woit of acton south sid of highway grand opening thursday sept 1 at 230 pm robertsons marketeria ospringe ont daily specials in all depts bologna 3 lbs 1 ijbhvs 4kiz omatoiuice 3 tins si- wieners 2 lb 99c allens 4hoz fruit drinks 3 tins t garden land peas 20oz tint 6 for 99c lyons tea bags get 50 free pkg 10o 79e grade a medium eggs doz 53e nylons- 3 pr ux chocolate faarshmallow cookies 4 pkgt 1 buy 4 loaves canada or weston bread get 1 free buy 1 qts canada dry ginger ale get 1 free buy 4 ge light bulbs get 5 lbs sugar free buy 1 bag humpty dumpty chips for 29c get 1 free plus many other specials lucky draws free samples we reserve the right to limit quantities store hours 830 am to 10 pm free ample parking space free congratulations best wishes to mr and mrs d g robertson on the opening of their new store robertsons marketeria ospringe we were pleased to have the contract for your new store reid lang ltd 183 duffer in st guelph 8223681

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