Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1966, p. 7

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the acton fw pfss thursday sptprnhr tt9aa a r sk jms- millr imloto sunny acres nature park is a scenic park- site located behind the owners home in nas- sagaweya two pools a volleyball court and space for other qamos are lochlod in a sylvan selling leneotli llu lrfs new regtfrtaifo mr must stopfcr school bus hon irwin ilaskett minister of transport introdirml in hie lttislaliuv ihv following aniinil- iiitiils in ili- iliylmav trit lie ait which have been enacted al llu- session just i oiii luilccl slartinf sopl ember i motor- isls will he required lo slop when overtaking and when ip- ploachiny a school iws slopped with signals flashing where a school bus is stopped on a highway on which the niaxi- niiini speed limit isgroaler than 35 miles per hour for die pur pose of rocijvin or ilisrtiiiin school children the driver of a vehicle when overtaking a school hus on which i he words do not pass when signals flashing are marked and two red sijmal liflvk are illuminated by ink-c- inilleiu flashes shall stop i lie vehicle before reaching ttie school bus and shall riot proceed until llie bus resumes motion or l lie signal liylils are no longer opcraliny j likewise when meeting on such a highway olher than i- highvvav with separate road way- i school bus on the front of which iwo red sifjiuillighk are illuminated with intermit- tenl hashes motorists must slop belore teaching tin- school ihiv and proceed onlv when the sig nal lights are no operating halton herds improve in dhi a production a large swimming pool nt sunny aero- club momlrr nature park nassicjawcya township await cluklnn nassaga weya n udists sunbathing in a sylvan setting by roy downs half a dozen children splash ed and puddled about ihe child- ions wading pool each of them nude hoys and girls together nearby in a larger adult pool a man his wife and his teen- aged daughter dove into the clear cooling waters laughed and talked with each other each was najkod two menplayed a rousing game of table tennis on a green table set beneath a towering maple live they wore no cloth- es and a fes feet away enjoying a sunbath without the encum brance of scratchy bathingsuits two young girls and five more adults sprawled on towels to talk or read or doze il wasnt a page of pictures from a mens magazine or an art film or even a sex orgy tt was just another day of care free relaxed nudism at one of ontarios small but rapidly growing nudist natinv parks the resort is sunny acres na ture park in nassagaweya town ship just a few miles away from milton campbellville guelph and acton the people we mention were members of some families who belong to this elub and the cliryi is just one of 15 similar nudist playgrounds to ontario where young nia old men women and children ol va rious races creeds colors and walks of life go to enjoy their favorite past lime the free dom from being confined to clo thing john and irene pries who op erate sunny acres park have been nudists tor about ii years they love it and each of their four children ranging in age from two to 14 years loves it too the sprawling rolling grounds encompass 10 acres ot heavily treed and neatly landscaped jiro- perly set well back frjia the toads to ensure theutienbers of the privacy they require hea vy stands l maple yarn beech balsam and cedar and fields of high grass shield l hem trom the world where clothing confines ihcm where puritans warily eve them where nudism has not yet been i ill i y accepted t the masses members at sunny acres can visit anytime although most vi- tils are on weekends and holi- davs a large tillered swimming pool and a separate childrens wading pool have been provided for relaxing dips and members can enjoy other sporty includ ing volleyball badminton table tennis horseshoes uul croquet in a sylvan setting the beautiful woodlands sun ny glades and open lawns lend themselves to walks or sunbath ing and showers and wash rooms are right nearby the park is laid out lo accomnnv date a large- number of tents and trailers and the proprietors offer snack bar facilities and light snacks sunnv acres opened in jury of 1961 most of the members are city people from as far away as kitchener toronto hamilton arid st catharines nudism la moat prevalent am ong the german race for it was in germany as early as 1903 that social nudism began however this wav of life has been rap id i growing especially since i lie late imos and has spread through out kiuope and 5 real ihilain only in more recent ears has nudism become accepted in north america the united slat es is launching new clubs almost daily canadas first was organ- ieil in 1w and the second not until l today there are i in ontario alone nudism is definitely not a fad and not a cult lis prime pur pose is heallhy and happy fam ily recreation and it is almost entirely limited to family mem berships a nudist will tell you he en joys nudism because of the sense of freedom it gives him some describe it as giving you a closeness lo nature others find it is the only way to reallv relax another will extol the va lues of the allover suntan or l he new social life and friendships the hobby brings children in nudist families en joy it even more so they have never been taugrht it is wrong to undress in front of the other sex except in public they do not grow up curious about the physical structure of the oppos ite sex but they grow up as strong and healthy as the fresh air and sunshine will allow them and what oov willive forget his iirst skiimv dip down at he old swimming hole for john and irene pries nud ism has been a wonderlul way ol life since they first discovered it 1 wars ago he is a native of germany and she came from poland alter they were married ihev lived al weslerland on i he- island ol svll germany ami one day john wandered hv ac cident into i lie nudist beach al that lime the iiudisl heach was right next to what ihev call ed ihe lexiile beach where bathing suits were recpiiied when lie came home he told ir ene he would like lo join and she like most women when 1 1 1 si confronted with file idea rebel led she even laughed at the sug gestion but the next summer john pave her a choice- accompany him lor nude bathing or stiv home with two small children she decided to give it a try once and ihev cveled six miles to a beach in another town so no one would recognie them after hie first visit i loved i she reports she admitted being nervous but her fears and lake inhibitions disappeared with her clothes llial lirst dav now it is a normal part of our life she adds they came to canada nine years ago and began working at a burlington orchard homesick and wilh little social life in their new country ihev sought out a nudist camp at sun valley gar- iiens near fenwick and immed iately made many new friends when john bought the nassajra- weva property in i 360 ihev de cided to open their own nature park to serve ihe last grovvgjp populations of the cities in we immediate district people in the city arccooped up ail tlay and all week lhey reallv want to gel out here ev ery chance ihev gel mrs pries explained as sin- told ul the im mediate welcome ihe new park uceived lioni district nudists nudism is an excellent wav ol relaxation for those who are fed up with the public beaches where yon have lo step over one another and hide lo change vour clothes mr pries agreed we reallv enjov it and we are- pleased- r have other nudists to enjoy it with us the children feel the some w a twelve year old daughter angela presently awiv lor a holiday with relatives in iermanv hail to purchase a bathing suit lor the trip and shc hates it the children dont know anything dilferenl the 1ries explain the club season lasts from may nut il- oclooci i in win ter members keep up their soc ial life although the canadian weather is not conducive lo out door ntitlistn thev treuucnll dropout to visit john ami irene lor an afternoon or evening in the winter months the proprietors have had vir tually no trouble from people attempting to gam miliulul en try to the camp or spying iriiin the hushes once a group of bovs attempted to gel in but thc police were nearby at the time anil the boys were caught no trespass jul charges wei c neccs- savx llie hoys never came back the neighbors have been wonderful in their acceptance of the camp mrs pries- reports none have so far found the cinip objectionable or noisy and several new homes have been built nearby since the camp opened john a masonry contractor hv liaife rniilt their home ami painstakingly cleared and im proved the land for their resort camp rules ic nased on ihe siatnlards ol noble normal hi haviour nisi are simiiar to rules in almost my organialion courtesy and good manners pre vail at all rimes anil the owners have the righ lo ban members who do not observe i he rules no alcoholic beverages are al- lowed in the grounds and anv- ine suspected l being under the inllucnrc l intoxicants is barred members aie inl rodiii eil in lirst ii noes only and all members an- bound hv llie rules limn revealiiinlines ol other nieinbeis pauiils are respons ible lor then children a i ill lim es ami no pel s are alii iweil cm llie properfv cameras vliile allowed re main under close supervision nil meinhei s must giw perinis- sim lor photos lo be likcii members nl any club are alliay eif lo visit other cluiis if prior arrangements have been made and ihe person is a bona fide nu dist i fees are bused on i a m i i v memberships anil ihe limilv rale at sunnv acres is s4t per year plus s i- sis a mem bership ten is mil trailers are a i hmed in the camp lor a mini mum lee sunny acres is allilialcd with ihe 1 astern canadian sunbath ing associa ion anil ihe iiilernat- ional nalurisi lvderalion and in quote from a recent kcsa publ icalion perhaps some ol the greatest misiuulersiaiidings alioul nuil- isin occur because other people have jumped to conclusions of how tlu- i luhs arc operated nudists do not insist on nudity at all times within the chilis it the weather turns cold ihev put their clothes on or it they leel ihev ale in danger ol sun burn they will cover themselv es thev are not food faddists exercise faddists or any other faddists anil i hey certainly do not consider nudism a fail thev do not expect that ev eryone will become nudists thev do not expect or desire the abolition of clothe thev do not expect- to see department stores d supermarkets a mass of na ked humanity all ihev ask is lhit everyone will respect and agree wilh their beliel thai the rude human hodv is not unplea sant is not indecent mii is not an inciteineiu to sex they believe that the total exposure ot lie oody lo sun air ra sunbathing swimming and pat licipaling in in inv spoils is staff pliolo young children enjoy nudism just as much as f not more than adults here two children romp and splash in the child ren s pool jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv ctm fs f acton phone 8530730 congratulations to ledgers iga on the installation of their new hussmann refrigerated meat counters metal shelving and bread display counter by fox refri0eration 1td s90 barton st e hamilton ont hussmann distributors slilf iliolu tliero is also a smaller pool for mb rg loses title hopes muearel llunleic llallons i loo daiiv princess was elimin ated thuisdav in her bid lor the ontario daiiv princess lille i lie slim dark haired 20-vear- il lost out in the preliminary i omul ai the aiiulian malional i hiliii ion maiiuei m tin also vied lor l lie title in ilos is ipdaugliler i mi and mis albert hunter i is u i itll iinvloii she i a iluluate ot keuiptville a p i i 1 1 1 1 iiiii si liool 1 the i onipelilion it i tun sd is live i oliteslaiil s talked lo llie judges displayed llieii inilkinji aliihty and gave a in i i talk mi imlkin in ibeir l olllllv llallon county herds have showed considerable improve ment in ihe l65progrcss report of ihe ojidia the avoraiie production ol ihe 59 associalions across ontario tor the past year yvas 10606 ihs ol milk 188 lbs u bulleilat west llallon as socialion with cioorge mdiir- niack as supervisor moved lioni 111 h posilion lo toiirlli in llie province the 440 cows complete record production yvas i 1543 lbs of milk 4lf lbs ol fat lor a breed class average of 112 anil ii v past llallon association under irank chisholrn moved i mm 16th to 13th position wilh 11168 lbs ol milk 40 lbs lat lor a mca ol 106 and 110 llallon centre under howard king nuiv ed irom 2klh lo lb with 1 1215 ol milk und428 ol bulleilat 105 and 108 hca the lotul or 1315 grade herds were lesled during llie year llallon had k herils out ol i he lop 30 compared to jusi three in l64 iligliesi pioiluclion in this county went lo walter kggar milton rr o aest llallon as sociation 14646 570 lor a bca of 136 and 143 seventh in ontario i lib s w waters ooijjelown r r 2 kast llallon association m60 lor a hca of 132 and 140 15th r lawrence milton rr 1 wesl llallon l42w 515 lor a hca if 133 and 116 i6lh ialbrailh hros hiirlimiton rr i wesl llallon 132v 537 lor a hca ol 12l and i3l ihli 1 hrad lev llornbv rr i llallon ceil ire 11702 s46 lor a hca nl 127 anil 136 24lh c harlh ilen williams r r i tkast halton 13750 542 lor a hca ol 125 anil 135 25lh v j itrtavn and sons limehouse rr 1 lasi llallon 13776 537 for a hca of 126 and 134 27th c a mav anil son ifornbv rr 2 llallon cen tre 13502 525 lor a hca ol 127 and 13v in addition lo receiving 1 lie following report on llie produc tion ol each cow in the herd each dill a member received a repoii oh ihe coslot production ol milk and llie pi ol il per row in lis herd lie then is able to change his management and cull the poor product ion in an at lenipt lo improve his prolils jlc wheat rebate highest on record the ontario wheal producers marketing buartl has reviewed their auditors statement anil set the rebate on llie i crop at 1187 cents per bushel on ihe c bushels marketed be lyyeen lulv i 15 and june 30 i6 this will amount to si 167- 011101 jhe boaril lurlher set asiile a reserve nl iveo cents a bushel or approximalelv siohoodoo the boards operations for 1065 included marketing 277ihk bushels ol wheal an iniiisuallv small amount in comparison yviih many previous years re sulting in ihe highest rebate ever made hv ihe board the rebate yvill be made to 26000 wheat pro ducers prior to llie boards an nual mccling on october 4 a heallhgivini process thev believe that one- dav here in canada their beliefs will he accepted hv ihe majority of i ijiht minded people and as a icsuli nude swimming sunning and sports will be accepted as normal and permissible at cana dian beaches anil recreation ci litres milton ittfrateyi 8783272 thurssatsat sept 123 last of the secret agents in color mariy allkn hthvh rossi johnny reno in coloi dana andriiws jafsd rlssid i matinee saturday at 2 pm montueswed flight of the phoenix jav1ks stfwart cartoon loyal royalty sept 567 in color next thursfrisat i sept 8910 ghost in invisible bikini in color tommy kirk dlboraii wai11y the railrodder in color bust i- r kfaton cartoon elephantastics show times monday throuch thursday 8 pjvi friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pjm sunday movies start september 1 1 matinee at 2 pm free for children evening show at 8 pm all adults and children of 12 and older free admission free admissions for opening show only bus routes acton district high school students and parents living in esq uesing and nassagaweya townships are asked to please note times and routes travelled by school buses beginning tuesday september 6 school buses xwill leave acton at 730 am and arrive with pickups at school at 850 am route no i esquesing acton to 4th line south on 4th to 22 sidcroad eas no 7 highway up no 7 ro town line east on town line to 9th line sourb on 9 one rile i turn around to town line east to 10th line turn around lo ballmafad south on 7 ro acton crrssroaj west on nio 7 to 4th line north on 4th to tosvi line west on town lm to 3rd lnp soin to school route no 2 nassagaweya and esquesing north on 25 highway to town line turn around and back to no 7 to 6th line south on 6th line to no 20 sideroad east on no 20 siderotic east on no 20 to town line north on town line to 20 sideroad east on 22 to lsi lne south on 1 s line to 17 sideroad west on 17 to town line south on town lne to i 5 sideroad east on 15 to speyside north lo 71 sideroad east on 22 to 3rd line north on 3rd n o quarry turn around to 2nd line north on 2nd line to 25 sideroad jvfra on 25 to 1st line to school route no 3 nassagaweya no 7 highway to 5th line south on 5 to 30 sideroad west on 30 to 4th line south on 4 to 25 sideroad west on 25 to 3rd line north on 3rd to town line west to eden mills 5outh on 1 st line to 30 sideroad west on 30 ro town line south on town line to 25 sideroad east on 25 to 3rd line south on 3rd to no 20 sideroad- east on 20 to 4th line south on 4th to 15 sideroad east on 15 to 5th line north on 5th to 25 sideroad east on 25 to 25 highway north to school

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