Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1966, p. 11

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b4 the acton free press thursday september 8 1966 vfc more recollections jitat hf jckcct at the ja4 jcctt after jetties etf iszo another instalment of history in the ballinafad area has beertwritten by spry miss beatrice hilts its thought perhaps she is the only one in the district now who has this fund of information of the communitys history with interest in our origins increasing as centennial year approaches we are expecting to publish her facts and recol lections and those of others when ever the space is available her accounts arc read with pleasure a problem in the keeping of theseard- cles one suggestion is to clip theifc out and glue thenn in a scrapboojc an attrac tive scrapbook with a special centennial cover has just come into stock at the stationery store and costs 59 cents early records of the pioneers coming into this distnct erin township and northern esquesing was in 182021 a few men came to claim their land they each cleared one acre and built a cabin they returned in the spring of 1821 with their wives and what children thev had at that time ami settled in these log cabins from the place where the railroad now crosses the 7th line near georgetown thev came through the bush following a blazed trail to their homesteads a great manv were united empire loyalists here is a description of one of these log cabins a one room log cabin cracks caulked with mud to keep out the wand a bark roof a floor pf hewed logs a fire place and chimne of stones adoor of split cedar with one pane of glass for a window a few j ears after the founding of the settlement the people decided to put up a building that would serve as a school and a meeting house- mr nathaniel roszell gave land off of his farm east corner lot one 7th line erin township for this school thev got material readv and in a short time a verv comfortable log building was readv for use just opposite to where the store now stands as soon as the school was finished weekly worship services were held there and it was surprising how the people turned out a methodist minister a mr hevland who had been visiting the scat- tcicd people in the bush was their first minister names of some others were belton shaler rose williams and demurest ser vices continued there until the methodist cliuieh services began in 1842 names of some of the pupils who attended that school were alice and sarah roszell marv roszell mrs comfott thompson marv jane mccallum emma johnson martha beswick mrs ira hilts ceorge and ebenezer beswick sarah keirt- ner bert and alvie kentner frank czer- winski miss bella young was teacher when that log school closed in 1869 at least ten direct descendants of some ol those pupils are still living not far from the fad i could name at least three dozen people who are still living and were mem bers of that methodist sunday school and church for some years before union in 1925 some continued to carry on in the united chvroh here when that log school closed in 1869 some pupils went to the new brick school at peacock corners lot 5 erin township and those in esquesing to blue mountain school south of ballinafad in 1905 another brick school was built at peacock corner with a basement the former school and wood shed were sold that school has gone the wav of all one room schools now about two years ago it was closed and children are picked up bv bus and taken to a more uptodate school at brisbane in earlier years children got fresh air and exercise bv doing some chores on the farm and walking to school and back except in the severe winter weathei our dad would hitch a team to a sleigh and take all children down to blue moun tain school and go for us at 4 pjn and it nevci cost the country a cent when i started to school there was no well there some time later a well was drilled by the gartles two bovs would be sent up the hill to mr coles to gel a pail of water we drank out of one tin cup when fortv or more had a drink tlieie wasnt much left to wash hands befoie lunch it s a wonder anvone lived to be 75 or 80 cars vet some of these are still liing and able to be arouncl one is even 90 i guess the plain substantial meals and farm work made us healthy and those one room schools sent forth manv wonderful citizens i would like to add mr thomas merrv a native ot the emerald isle is credited with giving ballinafad its name ballinafad school bull in 1325 or 626 i p cured above trie school was cosed n 1669 ore o tne opils martha bi r re o r fe left in the second row became the wife of ira hilts and the mother of miss b hilts the author of the artice on the school fair dates sael- sep- aki le vi 11 vr 0 iwj v bii h ei j it- chj sep s illl ill sen c iii oe v li mi s p i i s i ml j kit i s j 1 iu i a i i s ni m li fi s m n i at j lui it k v vjtv o 17 za 14 17 iu- j 1j 17 1j 1 1 17 24 i lj motel rises i j jk in and wmk is tx e mi tl is week oil the stalls v ttc ew in el jl lla mohiwk report damatil milton op p rcpuit slid toi il d linage in a twocii collision on tile second iik nvissii ue i mond1 inomiiv i lie diniis wele mabel anna 1iikei uid michael lanndge bulli ol uk 1 cimpbcllwllc four more homes for nassagaweya 1 r il 11 u i iii i ullll 1 it ll jiik l l4ni will inminl iuii ail cist in tlii imwimip el lj l i hi pe i nuts iik lustcil lour hi i i u n side mic i w ill iliu s c iir in j40hi smxx to i xx dili ii cl ii1h- will loi i itxll sillel iltie d at cxj and ui u uid it sju il dale dunnj s pit mils with a total vtlue ilt v oh ll im been issiud i his likliieliel i lai o ulditmn to molutw k race wav and 21 new dwilhncv ets play bridge i by bill coats did you have a nice summer bndgcwise that is- it was a mite hot lor budge most of the time but a terrific summer lor the holidaveis now that the coolei weather is heie our thoughts and act ions turn to bridge the george town duplicate budge club is underwav alieadv x tegular night is tuesdav at 8 pm and they meet in the legion audit- oi mm in geoi getow n the acton budge club stalls ts season nel mondav seplein bei 12 we meet at 31 young st in acton at 8pm shaip so far as we know the ciin duplicate club is meeting on the hrsl and thud thuisdavs ot cell month in the anglican pai- sh hall in eun it ou like to plav budge but lnnc ncci tinel duplicate budge come out to one ol the local clubs you will be eiv welcome and i am sine that von will enjo oiusclt yon can biingvuui own paitnclrjil ou can come alone and a pai tnei will be lound loi ou yoin tn st night is on the house at any local club i spent most of m sumtnei maiking gi ade xiii cxannna lions in toionto this little- gem ol a hand occuiied in a noon lioui budge game its elilticull at times to aelpist voui game to a strange pittnn so tins mav account loi the bicl clin but the plav is the tiling m paitlki made excellent use ol ins cauls to eontiol the hand dealei south north s 5 2 h 10 9 6 4 d 3 c a k 9 8 6 2 west east s k 10 4 s oj987 hj 7 2 h 8 3 d a j 9 5 2 d q 7 6 cq 7 c j 10 3 south s a 6 3 h a kos d k 10 8 4 c 5 4 the bidding south west north east 1 nt pass 1 nt all pass m pai tnei opened one no turnip with the club suit vwde opeii i his is not a lecommend od pi act ice as noith i do not haie enough points to laisc the no 1 1 limp but m almost solid jlub suit looked good lor some tucks so i gambled with llnee no dump m gamole pio- ed to be instilled b inv pai t ne i s good judgment aud caid eontiol west led his lourth best dia mond the live east played the queen and declaici won with the king now at all cost east must be kept oil the lead dec kiei led a low club and when west plaed low won in dum- m with the king a heart was led to get back to soulhs hand south led anotlici club and when west pioduccd the queen a low caid was plavcd tiom iliiiiiim since a club must be lost in anv case this was the best time lo lose it west cashed the ace i nk ol diamonds and led nine dcckiicr continued line pla b dlseai dinga spado and two clubs lroutdumnriv he and the his tax notice 1966 municipality of acton third instalment now due attention is ill aw n lo the pavuicnt ol 1966 taws which ate now payable m loui instalments i axes aie payable to the municipal licasuiei at the town of acton municipal office ymca building faxes for the period jan 1 1966 to dee 31 1966 were due on may 16th and penalties will be imposed if instalments of same arc not paid as follows first instalment second instalment third instalment fourth instalment may 16th july tsth september 15th november 15th aeeiiuliiig to tin i i c olleelioii h law i pciiillv ol i pei lent pi i month 01 li iitnii ol i month will hi ulilnl on the amount 1 1 niuniiy imp ml illn tin loth it i ot m in litis puitlte applies to c ie ll instalniint in a similai in nine i 1 in attention ol rilipiviis isilnnlid to tlu ieii ill los hill it lie i el illse is pilllle ll ditul i vpltlllcil iii lie tail on iel i i dill makl ba1li mow ni iaki your i not ic h wlllkjiol whin makinm pwmint j mcgeachie collector tf j where you always get a little more than you expect sopl4 by thl oshawa whqilt all llmitt eipply dtpol for xogiv indpn4ntt n- pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 2 water s h oalt telephone 6217580 tl til i 1 ii i ilss remember to bring your copy of our handbill this weekend for more savings and greater convenient shopping for you extra special hamburg 45 lb pf pp a 5 lb bag grantoed free white sugar wirt thq puichair of two pkf of 2 wcminnliquie 25 40 60 or 100 wtt light lulbt t iho rogular price ledgers iga foods fine response response has been wondcr- lul io the chair repair project nitrated by the workshop for retarded adults at hornby the group rewebs lawn chairs and officials were vcrv happy with the amount of the woik the coikshop received waste pap er baskets are also being made and there are other projects in mind must not discard a heart for this suit provides the entry to dummv s good clubs declarer won the diamond nine and cashed two high hcaits the heait ten indumm provided an entry to dumnns clubs and declarer claimed the balance bv placing the lead in t he- west hand declaici lost onh two diamonds and a club ii last had gamed the lead dec lcrei would lose loui diamonds and a club when u must lose a tuck in a suit tr to lose it id the opponent who cannot haim ou if you would like am nilor mat ion on duplicate budge or on anv ol the oudgc- clubs in he aha phone bill coals at 853 2225 acton gardhouse bennett winners at cne shorthorn contests shorthorns staged a pleasing show at the cnc with num bcrs consideiabh higher than at the previous years show foui teen breeders brought out good animals for the- scrutinv of the udge dr r h nelson mich igan state unncrsitv the si rone herds of r w gardhouse milton and s g bennett geoigetown battled it out on ecn tciins the bennett entiles won lor the ownei both picmicr breeder and piemier hxhibiloi binneis eith cud house runner up in each in stance however in the champion ships aiclliciusc cattle took thice out ol lour their 11 month bull aberfewy habitant was named grand champion his stallmate a month older aberfefcty heir was named reserve grand both were sired bv aberfeldv captivator the guardhouse cow cnch- ton primrose 6th was named female grand champion ben ntt s cow scotdale ruth aug usta went reicrve grand she- had won top honors at last cai s roal winter tair howeer it must not be as- eunled that his was a two hud show good cattle from other herds from kent countv in the west to russell countv in the east proxided strong competition m alt classes make us your headquarters for ozite indoor outdoor carpet use it anweheie hardingcarpets armstrong corlon 9 congoleum 9 and 12 foot lengths free estimates given ju home furnishings 1 27 woolwich st guelph phone 8222420 were right there when you need hel when theres an emergency a call to us gets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 530640 head the class in smartness school clothes thoroughly cleaned its easy to stay out front in smartness when you treat yaur school clothes regularly to our cleaning send your school garments now custom cleaners same dav service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pjn cash and carry main st n phone 8531180 is you r home off balance o tjt ft is t you ond your family aro uncomfortable and you have dry slin problems sandpaper sinuses or stuffy- nosod children as your gos com pany inows comfort depends on the proper balance ot heat ond humidity in your home you vo heard how you always ecl cooler in a dry climate than a darrp one 7 hats because when air is heated humidity falls the air becomes thirst and dras moisture from tho surround ings including your body when mois- jjure evopcrates from yojr body it takes heat awqy and you eel cod tho family complains you turn up the ihermostot and pay a bigger heat ctl- i comfort is when humidity and heal are properly balanced you feel neither too hot nor too co d modern gas heating con give you the corr cpmfort level automatically becau gas heating can control humidity ai well as heat we ii licp ycj ochieve the propo indoor climate in your home ona save you money doing if so call your heating contracto dor store or gas company phone or write to your local gal ccr pany for a freo comfort i brochure united gas limited gm makes fro bio fcoflibrfabfe cfffanjnc

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