Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1966, p. 6

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11 vton iw rtwfc lto mmlw closed until next year the ukiainini uimp east of acton was crowded with vim ton foi the 20tfi anniversary proqiam of tho ukiaiman youth movement in cunidn tho alton iamp is the scene of much oitivity doiinq tho sum iuoi months x ivth hos and olils miul suv 01 al xxoekx oiih m vrtinp uiulas xxa tho i los iih pr sonic of thr oiilh ato shoxvn iknuu the niaikh pw archbishop will visit diocese the aichbishop ol canlei- bin ilie most rex ei end ai th in imicliaci ranisex is to 1s1i niapaia diocese in ixhuli st albans pansh acton is local cd on scplcmbci 10 and ii on sitnuli mm mini lucl rockwood ratepayers meeting called may change school district on moiulax aiiiusi 21 a moot ui was held at ihe lianiosi public school to discuss the- ad xisabihtx ol ie villi- tho poi lion ol linmoxa township ifoxi on vuiist 4 ls 1 tin- ic hiiosi ol tin 1 itopaxei s in tin luu tli pu 1 ol linnosa i own ship tho 1 lainosi coiniiil pass 11 1 a iisolution to loouosl tin ml lolm t dennis is 11 pal- liiil hi xuelpli i10110111i hospital this xxeok mi loo wliilliinn is a paliont in litiolph iiiioinl hospital this wo ok mi mill mis ii aihn anil iliiioia nlslud in ullnui on siuulax lohu heath mill onion id rcl nliiin i llmisdiu i iiiiii 1 tarn plni liollilan 11011 i li- hi- 1 ion mi hon i 1 11 i has in 011 ii fallout in iiiolih tuiuiil llos pllil mils wiok ki ill vliloi with mi ami ml hull id oil m 10 ml and mis ii win hieil i i111i11 mi and mis wall on wimd anil sun slopln 11 ol si 11 thai iii will mli koilll illl 1 w illi 1 1 iiiim s in ai ion mi s i ilna i app lion hi iil vipoma vlslliil will hoi mull ml lion krril and mr kii d on 1 limsiln mi and mis iiiii ninlmi iiil naih liax 1 1 1 lui in il in llioiia i una al u 1 a liullilai with lolatuos in 1 1 mi and mis i low ml i ulo ami laiuilx loliiiiud h plain tills wook liom a xaialloii 111 noinni m0ii11i who tourkril on iho stall i wintloi niiio mouse miiskoku has 11m1 iiril homo and w ill ho lolm nine in ac lou lllyli school mis maiv miauliv spent tin wookinil willi lolnllves in slial i oul and with llitlii alliliili il iho swan loliniou in sealnilh on siiiulny mi anil mi ii ai 1 1i1 don anil miss lox iiiiiii ii tin in d homo 011 i 1 id i nlilil 1 1 on i iilu- ili id all mill iii mil olln 1 pi u 1 ol niloi tl mi noiii linli ol hiua sp 11i iii wi ok nil wllh mi mil mis hallos nils iiid alii 111i1 l lli iialianil inline wi ilillni in 1 mi iiivmi oil situi li si pi 1 1 n hi 1 i iv1 1 anil mi llin mi 11ii01 li anil 011 ii nl llii anniiiii vis iliii 11 lillvi ami i ill nils in i iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi mi 11ii01 iii now on iii vihalloiiil tall ol llir si iiiiiii loi lli di i in mill 11 mi and mil lnnos mi imi 11 had 11 tlull ion-si- ml i i lahi iii mi diiliiv ol vain oil 101 mi nnil m11 lllll knpiky nl wliinipoy man mi ami mt 1 a oiti ini li and lunlly ol ol lanilo i loi ida m11 i isli inlin 011 anil mi i allan ai inn ml i mi i 11 li 1ilimuii ml anil mi dli 11 ii o lo 1 hoi l i on 11 pi nl hit holiiliv in 1 k oil al liki vliiv i nii ulo li iolnl mn ilia ll on i ah ivii iliniktljli mi w miki nii anil vli ol vnl llipinall illillliil a mill 111 1 si i in 1l1v al amp i 1 inn 1 lllll ami 1 i i aiii i ai loo pall nl liny vi 1 1 al a livi 1i1 lamp 11 1 iii ilinlll uk iii 1 i in inn a inn li pi 1 nl it vi wi 11 id 111 v van sli ah 11 i i inn 1 1 11 m ii 1 liinl 1 nl loll 1 co 1 ii limn 111 i i 1 hnol prepare entries for fall fair i lilt i s an alirulv ik nip pit paioil loi llili viaii jali imi lion nl llii tail 1 111 i in pi 11 ii is ai 1 mini ini 1111 1 1 1 1 awanl 1 in jilmv 1 la 01 1111 in mi- liir tin mill 111 w i ahli 1 i10111 1 1 ill m ii v 1 i in man 1 iil in ln iii i 11 1 li lion rn il 1 i il with in i piii ja 110 liinl 1 inmi o jiiv 1 all ili li la i pilnj lllll i lliiv i l lllll 11 i ill ilay salinilay pi11 1111 1 1 i iiii attended to in ill details this week by the hardworking ian hoaid nndoi president jack mai shall and secretary mis in tie siiackhainei lust ol the fan events is the pitlmiinarv iiiljing of the miss ac ion 1 111 competition this s 1i111 day a i the luh school recent guests inn kj nnil vrt cnii vi nnrs m w i imlrl mr mil mi riiliim fuim of ri ion mil in u1ui11 n ji wid md inilr 1 wlnl 01 lh n 1 ji iiiml il 1 11 it tli 1 lii y ird f r u rru wollmglon toiiuu couiuil trr lake out thit pail ol 1 lainosi ujwnvhip ninth ol lot m tioiu tho ciiulph llij si hnol iii ami itlcich it to the leijiis hieh school aicti 1 his was done b tho connt coiuiiil al thai time since that time mans ihanois hii boiii made 111 sihool bonn dai ies rocenth the cent io 1 1 linton high sihnol aiea has boon loi mod to amalgamate iho f loi a and reijjus high sohool distucis this is tho chsliut which iiuloilc the 1101 lh pait ot eiamosa tin high school pn isihclion discussions aic aheaik beini hold lo loi m boauls ol idma- tion wheh would hae 11l011iic11 boinulaiiis as the piesent ihyh school bonnilaiies 1 his uoukl moan lhit all education si onilaix anil elemental would come nuclei one 1b01t d ol cdu cation lot the distiict the meeting of ialopaois was called to discuss this situ ation mi whitliolcl public school mspectoi was piesent ti ansuoi questions no decision was made at this nicetiin but it was decided to call anulhci mcctini 111 about iwo months time it seems that the iatcpaeis concenicd would petition the tiainosa council to iocit this poition ol eiamosa back lo the iiiolph lligii sihool distiict along with l heu7vtl the town ship winnipeg miiiuohi i 1 lends woio soi 1 to hoai that mis lames mooie onoi 11 si hail a i ill in hot hoinc on satin da and stilleied 1 liu lined hip she is lestuig ill i hi cuelpli coniial hospital she had ionnth i t lit 11c cl imni tin hospital allei being a palient theic loi seoial weeks bauinafad several attending university in area oil to school niaiin lot the inst time and sonic to high school allan janiieson lo wal 1 1 loo uincisit donna slioitill to guelph unneisili also gaiin blown and bi 1111 simian to guelph uniieisitc june a ihimbci i10111 tins ills tncl attended the steam ei a show held at milton ballinalad did iei well with then hoolh mis ruth ann elliott ol campbell die spent the week end with hei sistei mis david mcenei mivand mis richaul slioitill nd pannh mi and mis reg i lench and lannlv spent the weekend at pan sound mi ud mis jesse mccncrv attended hanoei tan un sal- uida and wsitod with then ilaughtei mis john pea 1 son dr reids flock ol sheep were bulk inanglcd b dogs 011 1 lies da 11101 mug sceial weie kill cil mis richaul slioitill si and mi han slioitill cilchiated ihejj bntlulais on monda mis neilson and daughtei susan hne 1 etui nod lioin i cmondcd 1s1t at noa scotia guernsey islanders compare cattle at mcculbugh farm i iiliii in tiii y 1 illli and 1111 nine anil al i ulliiii- thud mmmm jo tmi mmily surprjs6 the family with a new dessert featured this weekend pecan pie 7a if in i wsi oila iflliiiwr siillirr it ttrolnv rrt im1 it armmfi ai a ihn ilrn earls bakery joth he mill celebialc- the hok euohuxjst it clnisl chinch ni agaia kills ini ol the oldest chinches in the niagaia aiea at 5 0 p m the same di hi will hold 1 pi ess ladio mi tel evision conleieiici in the shei a ton block hotel niagua i alls at 630 pm he will dine willi the ileigv ol the duiiesi on sundai moimiig i he aichhish op will celebialc in st colum bas chinch- st calh ies at sam at ii a m he will pi each at the calhodial chnsts chinch in hamilton unloi tunatih loi acton aug licans who will be attending thou pansh picnic in an case even the cathechal sciaicc on siindav will be out ol llii quis lion because ol the pi ess ol iiumbci s following the cathcdial sei- mce ills ciiace will sign the msiiois book at the cit mall hive lunch and a 01 10i lest and will then be taken to malton lo catch a plane loi ins next stop ping point portable rooms take overflow rockwoocl it isnt von long nice m addition was eioilcd at rockwoocl public school l- icach thoio is an moil low 1 pu pils ami two poi tabli class looms hao boon set up in the gioimds din mg thi suinniii a cation ihese will cun the load until tile new rockwoocl school is completed glades lixe and six willi miss lloise watson as teichei will iiccupv one ol those poi tabic sliuctuiis willi glades si and se on taught h mis liaiicis maoi m the othn back to seln ol dais lied i tia laulioii mil comtcsv b both inghwa tiillic and slu iliiils make i 1 wsl 1 11 and a sale oik loo e- big week for baseball rockwooil what 1 wnk ol ball this will he loi both rock wood iiiiis il tin wcithn man cojipeialos il is a bi load with 1 1 1 v lughl lull ospciialk loi tlu lint 1 who pla on both liivoiuks and jmiiioi s i lion is aid os an i tia stiani dm mg plaxolls and crs tmals io nl link hois on know clloho is cllllllllg loi 1011 imuoil suci s 111 the loigus dislint high school aixa 10 the cuelph high school distiict hmehouse wa booth at steam show jimniv thompson ol acton msited with the ralph turneis on august 27 mis bint liom neai mont leal isitid hei sistei mrs moil 10c last week mi and mis l kai n cele bialed then 20th wedding an iiixii sai x willi a pu t loi i i lends and 1 elit i ox u t then home the exening ol august 27 mis brecn oljuit ciedit has been visiting hci sistei mis woloshvn mi anil mis snippe and chililion visiieil with hei sistei at london and her puents at clinlon on hohdixs leeentlv we welcome ncwhweds mi and mis john bakei to the neighboi hood t hex ale lixmg iii an apai tmciit with die smppes mi jiid mis chailes mathei hai ic tinned hum thiee weeks hohdaxs in england tiaelhng in n robbie rougbley spliit the pist couple ol weeks at camp ion 1 jin mallbis and rogeis lam ihcs ban hohdaxed at the- rog us cottage luar dmit mi and mis daxid batten spent the weekend at petciboi olljll mi and mrs john bakei spent the weekend with hei pal on is a i am 01 a wc xvelcome li and mis i poikl inn iona and daiul liom natihton to iho ijlagi i in ladies had a n siiinsslul sale ol lood al the 11 booth at llii steam i 11 dining till wi eklllll mi and mis dcuk haes and httli son icconth home 1 10111 1 11lanil aic piece nth utli ins paiciils on the sixth lllli couple are honored on 35th anniversary rockwooil moie than 2s iclalixes ol mi and vlis heib bolton honoiod the couple le- centlx on then isth wedding 111- nixotsaiv the gioup met in roekwood conseix ation paik and dining the alteinoon pie- sented the guests ol honoi with a loxeh poll lamp rolatixes wcie piesent liom i01011i0 mooicluld haiiiston i den mills and the roekwood dis tiict t ongialiilations anil best wishes uc cxtciidid to the coup- le b flic 1 1 nianx li iciicls jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs f acton phone 8s3o730 lous on a diet hes reducing his stock of cars for a high calorie buy on a low calorie income see lous selection lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 i no down payment if credit approved in ni s liom tin in nriy island wen lonipaud iclnji mi and mis ii l 0aniio ol st l it i ioi t dm insev ill lli iiioiusev islands wcie the guels ol ml and mis mel mc i iilloilgh hue i in couples mi i in tin spi mg whin the- mccul loughs win on a loin o the hi ilish isles mi aiino is 1 loinici nun islei ol agiiciiltuii loi the is land loi nine cais and was especially ihtciestcd in lai inuig methods heio lie noted the till iciencc in guoinscv call ic liom then oiigmal home and hole in canada the vastness ol canada un picssed thi ni 111 gucinsix time an pist 2s sipiate miles xilh 450 unlcs ol mads time aic also 41 miles undei glass whole tomatoes aic giown i lie lop cxpoi i ol the island the loin is uidusliv ts second loi teen dance attracts 430 an estimated crowd ol 430 at tended the reon dance special at the commumlv cciitic on i 1 1- dax willi the pioceeds to utse nionox loi the liophx case uglx ducklings fioni toionto x ellknown to the ucciiagers liom the chljm cliai ts and ac tons shaxnes plttxid about two bonis each manager ol the shaxnes is huold vie in tire and vocalist is iciix chui chill anolhci dance was hi id sat uidax altoi lollci skating al tended h about 100 band was rallies i n co i no i a t c il i ium gcoigetown fourth annual fe acton jait competition deadline for entries extended to friday sept 9 1965 winner miss patfi mckay judged on appearance personality and poise out of town judgfcit i stt preliminary judging to select five finalists at acton district high school saturday september 10 200 pm winner crowned friday evening september 16 tworunnersup will act as queens attendants prizes for all contestants many special prizes for winner requirements single girls 15 years of age and over wcr street dress high heeled shoes must live in acton ds townships of nassagaweya eramosa esquesing orerin s entries accepted by members of fair committee w nel ies 8530656 m sprowl 8531 1 95 h hinton 8531 246 patti mckay 878636ct nettie tryssenaac 8569833 john chapman 856 1261 l hemsley 6530918 bob kerr 8531959 ml ouini i- a niliv ol i he island and peak palm i n nch s will as lnglidl ml 0hi ir is lioin scotland i in v calllc alio hx llip arid v i si led linnds in hamilton whtic the mc ullough nut i hem last ihuisdax lo bring 1 c in lo acton i liev aw ill oi i and eniwd the c n i i hex haxc loll now lor nei bi unswick whin thcx will xisit leiatiies 32 mill st e telephone 853120 act0w georgetown band takes first at cne ciloigctoxin band placed ini in coinpctriion at the c n c on music ila loi 1 he lliiul consceii lii eai thc nun sm0 anil kucp the tiophx pn inanciillx theic aic- sexual jills in the jcoijieloxmi band alton hand didn t cntci this xoai since the incinbeis aic de lotinji so much ol then spale tinic to woikui at band hall had thev competed thcx xxould haxc been in tho same class as gcoigetown k anolhci hand in the gioup is delhi citizens band xxhich came second news iclcases liom kpo 67 indicate delhi has alicadx bion accepted to plix al the wot ids lau aelun also hopes lo be askoil to come 1 he lxpo appeal aiice xxoulcl not be in competition coming canadas internationally known evangelist heard over 26 canadian radio stations rrlljrjirg chin toronto sunday 8 am cklb oshawa sunday 845 am we invite you to the max solbrekken salvation healing services prayer for the sick lame blind deaf no charge every night sept 16 to 23 8 pm evangel tabernacle 33 churchill rd n acton on your savings withdrawal any time no servide charge on reasonable number of cheques start your account today 4v29 special savings reserve accounts interest reckoned on nimmu ionthly balance you n ay wihdraw any anounl any time en person or oy n ail but no checiues iay be issued haltdn peel trust savings company 252 main street milton lorne skuce manager 878 2834 office hours mon theirs 9 00500 fridays til 6 30 opening soon in georgetown

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