Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1966, p. 7

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canada and geography sugar and spice back issues by bill s m i i c y we read this week one mans sug gestion that since onethird of our total earnings goes to taxes we can assume that the next four months of 1966 we are making not a penny for ourselves all of it will go to- the government of course that was assuming that our pwn expenses came first and taxes last and we know thats not the way it is the taxes have to be paid first and we spend whats left ourselves wejfare baby bonus hospitalization subsidies pension schemes a lot of the tax money is handed back again after passing through the red tape of govern mental departments some of the taxes are increased because these things used to be looked after by individual enter prise while we wonder where the govern ments many millions go and how much of it is reasonable we are pleased to come across a government publication this week which tells us where millions ately for overseas work including church programs with famine in india ou regular assistance there was increased by 13000000 during 196566 fiscal year there were 533 teachers overseas 39 educa- tional administrators and 31 advisers the number of foreign students here in creased from 1820 to 2538 canada was a founding member of the colombo plan for economic devel opment in southeast asia and is still a principal donor country at 670619000 last year cold cash and hard facts add to the romantic names where does all the moneygo here and we can be proud of it ceylon pakistan malaysia singa pore afghanistan brunei burma cam bodia philippines thailand vietnam indonesia korea laos nepal basuto- land bechuanaland gambia ghana kenya malawi mauritius nigeria rho desia tanzania sierra leone uganda af dullats l t com ill y a w zomb a camorounc a dont ask mc what im doing in a hatel room in calgary writing this on a rented typewriter the bestlaid plans of men ulh stubborn wives gang aft aglev we should be at home right now but get m wife and daughtet onto a posh hotel and the only way vou tan get them out is to call the management and tell them ou have no money tiavel is supposed to be bioademng and it is in the first place joure sitting aiound on vour tail most of the time in planes trains buses and hote1 rooms seeondlv besides the lack of evereise vou eat too much and too olten between the two travel is definitely broadening travel is also exhilarating expensive and eh uisting the best part is starting out on he tup 1 here s the excitement of anlieipation now scenes new faces new epenenees you le loeling first rate all oiii elolhes tie clean and liesh and piessed you have every cent of available cash on youi hip tik woist pail is the tail end of it the anticipation has turned to satiation you re feeling awful whether its eonstipa lion oi piles oi dire re ai or ust the laet that vou re utteily bushed every rag vou own is soiled and crumpled and vou are not onlv flat broke but vou have sign ed a couple ol cheques that are guaran teed pure india lubber the pi amies aie verv wide also long but don t expect a sea ol waving wheat like in the novels ti oni 33 000 leet its the same old patclmoik quilt as clsc- wheie ruithcrmorc those ol us who don t live there have been getting a burn steei for yeais theie isn supposed to be any water out theie but when vou look down theyre ciawling with lakes the rockies verv rock also high lots of high locks theie no what made me gasp w is i he- thought ol the earlv buds hi si the e plorers like mckcnic and iloinpson who fought and stared then wa lliioiili that massive menacing wall 200 cais ago willi at sack ol peiniiucan a lew in dians and a canoe how their lips must cull those eulv buds as thev look down and see us t oil nig through in 10 houi s and heai us coin plaining about the lack of space m oui compntment the lack ol vanitv in oui meals and the slow seivice in the bat west coast ven coast like good deal ol shoiehne and watei chief attiaction ol comse including magnificent mountains gbigcous gai clens and salubnous sea ai was haiassecl hugh son and heir met his boat with great excitement 20 years ago taken from the issue of the tree press or thursdav september s 1946 wednesday the citizens of ward 5 lsepiesing township honored those who seiveti in the wai at a public reception m ac ion pai k the parade headed by acton bovs and gills band with two lunnei wiens as standard beaiers lormed it the- town hall and paiaded to the park mil a padbun was maislial mr w j he utv was e ha ii man honored weie 33 me ti md ihicc women tlorcnce salt mar god soniciville and joan waldie g ai pint w davidson c diedge e footilt lootill r tootitt n gibson f herens beige i s joe d jordan m jordan l keelan l utham g ml hugh j mc lluh s mclluh ii mclnlvre j me isaic k michie b pargeter g pargetei 0 pittmaii d ross e rvder w sterntt t tomlli a waldie w waldie c wall a wilson c wcbstci ii wood all lioni this section ol esquesmg who had enleicel the aimed service had re turned home igain e j spiowl vas pisielcnt ol the committee and l l mulliil scciol uv ticastirci aeton schools le opened on tuesday with iccoid ciuolment the capaeitv 01 both schools is taxed to the limit the continuation school has an enrolment ol iis with ss in giade ix teaijiers are c a slew ul pnncipil mil mclean as sisant mis cat ton and mils on 50 years ago liken from the issue of the ircc tress of thursday september 7 1916 m m people aie laving in unusallv iiilc supplies ol houcv owing to the seal eilv ol luiit it is cheap and wholesome tlicie u is quite a heav v i lost on sun d iv m the vicinity ol ospnng and lvci ton tile llienv peals ol llie school bells lesllllleel ig nil miss illlel monlellh ol stialloid the new tcachei in the pi unary elepai tintnt is at llei post and aheady wmiiuv the esteem ol hel little hock misses i lorence holmes muigaict bennett rubv clai k and jean smith rc liiinctl to tin onto on monday evening to lesuine leaching miss bcithi blown is on the occasional teachers stall theie i lie plenelul stone load thiough spec side his biouglit an unusual amount ol inoloi ti illie i u pule essence ol soap hakes 10 edits i lie mcll odisl sunday school picnic pioved conclusive iv that the pal k is a luglik silislactoi v place the meinbeis ol the school aic then li lends met on flic c lunch lawn at thiec oclock headed by aeton citien sband the pi unary and in teimcdiilc seholais in decorated autos md the sciiioi seholais oil icei s and leach cis on loot moved in pai ide to the paik a caielullv planned piogram of games and athletic contests was pioeceded with the uitos were i r some ol pic ism e to the kiddies and woe kept lnis all altei 10011 iimiit ndes around the flack sonic e lis c ai 1 v nig as mam is 20 01 2s on e ich hip i lie iuvciiiils made- i prcllv sight 111 then holiday clothing fhcoldei membcis ol the tompinv occupied the iaiidstincl 75 years ago j taken from the issue of the free press of thursday september 10 1891 the pne list foi acton union ex hibition was issued this week and from the many inquuics loi it this past week theie is evidently a giowmg interest in oui populai and successful fall show owing to the deshuction of the exhibl tion building by the cyclone last year ex hibitois arc somewhat inconvenienced by the separation of the hall and field dcpait ments the action of the council in remov ing the drill shed to the- paik and fitting it up for exhibition purposes a few months ago has remedied this defect somewhat after neai iv two years of patient suf- fenngs mis chi istopher masales died last thuisdav from consumption the daugh- tci of the late samuel woulen sr she was bum on the old homestead on the lifih line in 1832 and was all hci life a icsidcnl ol acton and vicinity the funeral on sunday was conducted bv the rev mr campbell t the occasion was unproved jiv the seinion i10111 the text it a man die shall he hv e igain in 1 espouse to a petition reeve lowry has pioelaimeil next tuesday istll inst a civic hohdav no doubt the toionto tx hibition will be the obiechve point for 111 mv of our eitiens this is one of the best clivs and lout bands will plav re turn railway tickets will be ssued that dav foi single laic a number ol othci towns and villages hive elected the same day foi civic hoh da feel with excellent reason thisreport accounts for the money spent on canadas external aid programs this includes economic technical edu cational assistance emergency relief food aid and special loan assistance for developing countries and amounts to 140 6 millions a year as well as this canadians contributed 25000000 pnv- better than tradition tradition something a small town gets when it doesnt want to put up a new building well if tradition is what acton had plenty of before were glad to see were getting away from it and into the mod em trend of growth and new building the community centre began the march as all of ontario parades its pros perity actonians worried about it at first donated a bit gingerly in some cases but generously enough and it was completed to a great sense of pride the band hall has proved that a bmall group can take giant steps with bigger groups two new churches have been erected by smallish congregations now we have the centennial library all bricked in and some people said it was impossible the writings on the wall for the next two steps to progress the idea of a new status symbol the neighboring county of welling ton dominates the field in regard to the population of horses throughout on tario this situation has existed for sev eral years and is believed to be the re sult of so many residents of this area being interested in riding and show animals and of course the existence of the ontario agricultural college in guolph likely hallon shared 111 this change 111 the picture as far do dobbin is con cerned in other sections of the pioviucc the horse is gradually fading from the farm animal picture according to official fig ures of the ontario department of agri culture ind food wellington county accoidmg to the latest census has some 4 000 horses which is the highest density of this once necessary farm animal in the province waterloo county is next with 3 800 horses and it is estimated that about 1 500 of these arc used by mennonite farmers more and more farms in the acton area are owned by people who have full s time obs elsewhere and of course own ipg a horse is one of the pleasant pos sibllities of having all that space there are several riding stables and ranches very close just recently horse shows are held regularly at style acres ranch back 111 1921 45 eiis ago when the horse was at the peak of popularity there were 3452000 horses in canada about one for each three persons this is now the ratio of motor vehicles in most of the densely populated areas as the tractor gained in use the horse pop ulation diminished and by 1931 the numbers dropped by 300000 and in rican republic chad congo ivory coast dahomey gabon guinea mala gasy mali morocco niger rwanda senegal togo tunisia upper f volta barbados windward and leeward is lands british honduras jamaica trini dad tobago and hasnt geography changed since we were in school swimming pool is finding wide accept ance a hydro building is nearer reality we have found we are not too small here to afford these fine additions to our fine town and we want even more one of the things that bothers all public minded citizens is the wilful dam age and vandalism that occurs at the site of any community building proect an incident at the school this past summer was the damage done to the materials on hand for the reroofing of the robert little school a second case was when the plumbing in the new centennial lib rary was damaged over the labor day weekend along with the disappearance of supplies and other equipment break ages the lack of parental concern for what their children are doing is certainly discouraging to citizens who are inter ested in the progress of the community 1965 there were only about 396000 horses in alj of canada numerous enquiries are received at the ontario veterinary college for in formation on the care and particularly the shoeing of horses dr f j milne of the department of clinical studies ovc suggests that the horse is getting to be a status symbol in some circles briefs guerrillas 111 viet nam cause a lot of trouble on the other hand it took 300 years to subduo the indians in north america the city of rome is said to be over run by thousands of cats in the american home some think one cat creates the same effect the hasty get rich quick philosopher should know some steady 9 to 5 workers frona whom he can hurriedly borrow lunch money not until he departs from the care fully prepared text does the political speaker become even mildly exciting considcrinq the ccfafysion in vict nam ti s a wbndcrtiow anyone can tell whether vshats going on is a riot or uot a traffic am the army s scheme to use trained bed bugs to locate the viet cong is op posed by those who think it would be more humane to stick to poison gas the reason hair grows so fast on some heads it may be is that its trying to gel away from the dismal thoughts inside wc vc seen a fair chunk ot the second laigest country in the world in the last few davs jet liner to vancouver back ov ti am thiough the rockies to edmon ton davlmei ugh to calgarv to monow oil to banff all dav back to catch the et and into toronto tirrpoi t ill the dawns earlv light aftei a 22 houi cla and a couple ol thousand miles yes even the bouigeois aie getting aiound these dajs now i know there s nothing quite so dull as healing about somebodv elses holiday ti ip so 1 wont bore you with 1 icsunie of ouis exeept in the next two 01 thiec columns jtlst a few general 1111 pressions im not sure lake supeiioi is still theie is we well above cloud when we tlew ovc 1 whin it was supposed to be nice cloud though as luck would have it in fact as luck always has it we couldn i have met him on a woi se dav noimallv he has 10 houis olf put this week he was changing lioni dav shift to night and hid to woik 1 double shilt so he had thiec houi s oil his mothei s lace fell a fool woi king 16 bonis a dav he hid 1 twitch like an old lightei pilot but it liadn i mipaiicd his appetite i noticed when i was pavinu the bill loi clonic 1 hi left with a big gun anel one ol my best shuts well lie 1 c we lie running out ol space and i haven t even begun to tell vou about how kim lell 111 love with the- 1 1 rcguard in edmonton 01 how my wife fell asleep on all the sightseeing touis 01 bow i fell into the lap ol a nun when the tram was swavmg 111 the rockies oh well at least i haven t made you look at colored slices anxious to start school children lined up at one of the doors at the m z bennett school on opening day tues day teachers were prepared for the rush and had pupils line up accordi ig to their caascs before filing in to school i jbtarley to halron by harry harle 111 p i lie pai hanie in ol canada has been lee ailed to coilsidci tin lailwiv strike and 1 nlw iv kgisl itinn tills is iiccessarv heeiuse 1 strike ol iiilwav wolklls and the lesulhilg loss ol railvvav seiviecs is i nitiond eiisis md must be settled as mole anil moie ol oui eeoiiomv becomes paialvcd the government brought in a bill to settle the stnke which docs seem to have been misunderstood tjie bill wis b sid on justiec munioes re poi t who headcd oik cone illation board it would oidci the i ulwav woikcrs back to woik md give them i minimum wac ills le ise ol 4 pi i cent 1 itl o litlve to j iii u uv 1 lfii anel anothei 4 pel cult as ol julv i wtf in addition to tins lt tustin mini i oi- lee omiiiendi d anothii 10 per cult w ije mile is tor lv7 ratln r thin put ibis pr7 it oiunii minion in lilt bill and hive tin dove itiiih nt lix vs iges the fiv ei iinn ut lilt this i mil hcuii otwage lllcllise to he winked out in niedi ition bv the iliions and the railway it the railwav and tin woikiis ire unabli to ionic to igicinieiit bv the isth ol novem bei 1906 then an vibitiation board will be sit up and eompulsorv arbitration take- place it seems sure that the fptal wage inercjse will be at least 18 per cent over the two year period the leader ol tje oopo to moved an amendment to kill this bill which was eventually dileatid by tin combined i i be i il jioe i ii t leilit ind i it ditisti p u ties hid the tlllie i idi pi lldillt ml lllhi i s on monday iviinng md the itiisdiv ive nm an it ti nipt to pi oloiv i he sit tin lilt into the ni was picvciilcd on tile lust occasion bv the coiisen ihve putv and on the second occasion by the ndp on wedllcsdiv there was llcelllcllt to sit until llii passing ol the bill was eomplet ed till bill was passu ill piuiciple sec ond hiding bv the same putv votes is belole with the exception ol otic consel vativc mr now i m who voted with t ti s government the goveinnic it the n vicell is iskid hv llii opposi inn t pi lee 111 tile bdl illlie mllilm s in mi mi ml if ion lorlf7 11 ir inui nig u li 1st 10 per 11 11 lor 111 it ve 11 mil hi mem tin lot il nisi ovii ilu two mi p 1 irl to at least is pirctnt as pitvum iv outlined this is still i cu ir mte 1 d minimum and thi i 11 il liiiu will be iriived at bv midiition bitwiin tin 1 ulvv iv s and tin unions iipiisiiitmg the workers 01 it this i ills bv eompulsorv aibitration vr12 20 op thuisdav nioniuv h iv reconsidered and passed tour ot the eleven clauses the house reecsed lor the nuht to meet at 10 00 am to continue the discussion expecting to finish the bill oirctinic that day aid rcici it 10 thc senate a 1 trinity church i he united church of canada mmistci rev dwightl lngel ba b d oi gainst mi gcoigc elliott ma phd sunday slpiimiurll 1966 worship j hum 1 in imiitv chinch aeton nuis ill piimdid loi little chilchcil ills 1 in huic lull clnucli chin chill r11 ul n011i1 vv inn vvihoiiii tu ills v 111 it cilhei si 1 en 1 stimuli concerning chickens 1 cm kc 11 st 1 1001 llllll 1 ill nuise iv c i iss to i ide 1 ills 1 in ii uli i lei il uli h 6ls pin suiicl iv scpleiiibii ii im t 11 11 iel bus le 111 s 1 tin 1 ell tu li avi i to lenel il council vleellllc it kit e lie hi i mculollil ale ii l reluiil si vnuiveisiiv sunday sept 1 l66 se 1 vkis il id 00 a in anel 7 pin uist pie lelkl 1 he rcv dl bllcll p c ise ols cll lll ol d lie maple avenue baptist church georgetown si now si pll vibi r ii leo 4s 1 111 sundav school 1100 im morning scivicc 7 01 pjn lveiimg service wediiesdiv spin prayer meeting eion fr3 1930 cicoi gc tow 11 8776t evangel pentecostal tabernacle p c m chin tin ii road rev s i ihoitian pastoi 8s3 27i5 m m si pif mb r 11 iw in 00 a 111 sunday school tor all age 1100 a 111 morning worship service 7 00 n in 1 a112ehst1c sinni luesclav 8 p m piavcr and bible study ihuisdav 8pm ca service sipteiubei lo to 2 max solbiikkeii solvation healing crusade piiver toi the sik i one blind and de if no charge huv in lit sept 16 to 23 8 p 111 sunda lolli llajn 3 pan and 3 pm as i lo to pi ess the- inst music it alld lite iiiv cute 1 t iimne nl ol the season of the i pwoi 111 lciluc is 111 pioyiess the acton free press business arid editorial office phone 853 2010 i kir 1 in hi md j ihllhlirrj every ihursrli tt 9 wllum st a tu on i i in meinhn of thr audit bun hi nf fir il linn tl c c w n a nirl o w n a adrrlisiifj ritcs mi rcn subscrip tions pay h bio in udvanrr 4 00 in cannrla 7 00 in jill countilc other tlmn cdnuda binglo oplcs 10 authorize d an second cihmi mhii post office depmliricnt ot tawa adaorllsinft is acroptrd on ihr tniirtitinii hi it in tin event nf lypnrrciph li trior lit t pnitlnn of the- idvoitmng pme oiuud hv th criminous item litrth r with n soiithl llo sure for mtfnnturo will not he thnerd for hut ihr htlanir of llir iri criiscmcnt vaiii he piid foi it the ippll irlr rilr in thr c cut of i t pour phic 1 1 rnnr id vert 11 nc coofts fr t i ii r 1 i vvinii pil p r odi oi sci ice j m iv lift be old advrrlhins l i ci rt mi offei to cll n d nity he u iii rhhu tl it ii v tlux ruhlihrrf h thr ihiii irlntlne and rubllnbtiiff n ltd divi i h dim m ni iki k ljitnr c pilkht lh church notices presbyterian church in canada knox church acton re andrew h mrkenic b a b d minister mr a hansen ba organist and choir mister sunday si pll mb 9m 94s a in chinch school ki ope ns in all de p ii line ills 1 1h i in pubhe wot ship nl nl si i moil i he nil i nun oiniii mils to he itllllllcs i i i olll most u l ii oiik bethel christian reformed church ai ton orilai in ke uiebc in di k phom rsis85 si ndai si ill 1lil kill wi i0im a in liirhsh scivue 2 w p in pule 11 jvi u le 1 4i pin sundav sclnxil the church of st alban the martyr angikan lomcr wilnvl and st albm dn rev ritchie mcmund 1 sib imiuu l si m si pii mill kill tw k a in hoh i uchai ist lihx i in mitms following malms the i uish is holding its innual pieiue net ucek the iii nil se i lee leclts to tile lelll ii houi lt 10 10 i ill acton baptist church i ounded i 4j pi toi rr stnnlf raminon re 144 tidec aie ph 3 lel si m si ril mbl r 11 p 9 4- am church sehool adult claa 1 1 jlto i in motnuii worship 7 00 pin i eliinc sceiec wediiesda piaer and bible study 7 jo thursday 7 30 p m choir practice all visitois welcome to our bcrvices doctrines we preach jnd bcdievc the virgin bu 111 the dictv of christ his bodily rcouiiccuon ihc bexoiid coming

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