Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1966, p. 9

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m th acton frr priis thursday september 8 9a6 ukrainian camp closing depicts popular writer till lite- ill popular pnel anil wiilii lgi liaiiko was coin- iiiiinoialid stiiulis alliiiioon wliin over 50111 illiiuliil hie jlllli annimrsai v ol tin- ukrain ian yiilh iniiviiiiinl in canada at l in- tamp cast ol alton in spite ol curlier rains the crowds kepi arriving at the lamp throughout the dav to watch the closing exercises and hear tuesl speakers over 1000 hoys and jifrls who hail complet ed their summer camping en- icitaineil with jivmnaslics anil ilepiiied the- prowl h of the huiviiiieiil from the injiinniilir in l to the preseni ilav ilnr- iiit a proiain in the iveiiinc camp coiniiiaiulant then wol- ishyn wilcoiiuil the inanv juirsk aiiilint kiiliuvil dr m hula head nl the ukrainian youth movement in canada dr iluln explained the purpose ol i he yoiffh mpvcmonl anil took t lie salute in i he march past im nier toronto alilirman anil imeiuhcr nl i he iroviniial larlia- meiit was iliesl ol honor ami illirin his speech loniiiuiuleil tin- youth movement t kuvni ak heail ol the movement fin jntario was also on hand bach year the camp opens lor the various ago groups and the campers enjoy swimming gym nastics anil hikes as well as arts anil crafts durinji their slay the campers have become cpiile familiar to aeliin risiileiits as thev iire in town occasionally l liioiijlioiit their campinf per iml jiiesls were present from- ac- ton various parts of ontario ami northern utiileil stales darts on road youngster hit coustiihle bruce- mcarlhiir ol the acton olt ilefachiiieiil in vestigated an accident tuesday llmilllillj involving a lliiee and a half war nltl child anil a ser vice liiick diiven lv llarrv slioriill const vie arthur npui ted the ouiigsler andrew kriieevv liarlcil iroin hehiuil a pa i keif car on vlain si north near knox church after a ball and was seen a the lasl mnnieiil in the truck cli tver who bra keil im mediately the younysler received two lacerations to his lorclicail anil hruises on the side nl his 1iik and was tnaleil at the ilm luiv oil ice car out of control driver suffers cuts booth planned for fall fair meetings resumed again alter a summer recess lor ihe acton auxiliary lor the north hallon association for the lentallv c lariled at ihe home ol mrs k ioiiiiti ivil st on siitmelici i a piaver read bv ihe jiresiil eiil mrs ioulelt openedtlte jm rf planning float for fall fair at the regular afternoon meet ing ol acton cuildeii age cluh on thursday it was decided to gel husv on a float lor the ac- ion iall fair parade an invilal ion was ivatl from lakeside chapter loivfi to joinvvtlh liem on tnesilav scjtcmhejp at u pmiiv the jtsion auiliioriuin luhear mrs jtortihlf ol the canadian arthritwiirid kheuniatisin jiiio august toll millon 0l t riporl 31 acci dents occurred- in their area during the month ol august bringing the total lo dale ihis year lo 2 there were 14 in juries and a property damage toll of s2v5ts this hiiiigs the total properly damage liirliiis war to si7720s the rcil gross advises dial iii svviln with a lilc jikel on use t side oi liick stroke a poi l credit man norman grace who is employed at the uk 1orier plan in acton was hospiialifd thursday ot last week with nils iii his head fnl- iouing a ingle ear crash east of town mr traiv told dr i a car- lelt ik- icached to viiul up the passeiici s window when he lost control ol his vehicle the iar t rave led along t lie shoulder n the road into the ditch over a laneway aj ihe mel mccul- lougb farm and continued on an angle with two wheels in the ditch ujyil il stopped at a high way siyns i r the car slopped jusi 10 feet short of two boys walking along llir side ol the road they didnt i now which way lo jump ihev said afterward constable bruce kressler of ihe acton oil detachment ra dioed lor a ciuelph ambulance anil ilirected traffic until the ar rival ol constable a collisson ol the milton oiv iv detachment who look over the investigat ion mr grace was taken to iielph lcikril hospital where lie was tiialed lot head cuts he was travelling alone mis head struck ihe windshield out he was nol thrown out of the car owner l acton flosc comp any cordon ralston helped dr carroll stem the flow of blond until the arrival of the ambu lance miliuij opp report the car received si 50 damage mr grace has been released from hospital safety program by detachment acton op p detachment this week are distributing safety lit erature and line bags with the opp crest on the outside to motorists anil school constable hruce imcarlhur who assists with school safety pal nil is expected to visit the schools and speak to the pupils on salely first h s holden optometrist 36 cork si fasl iiiipii plume ta 27130 20th anniversary celebration of the ukrain ian youth movement in canada was held sun day at the ukrainian camp east of town tak ing part in the official welcone left to right are camp commandant theo woloshyn mpp george ben canadian head of the youth move ment dr aa huta and ontario youth movement supervisor t buyniak a crowd of over 5000 was on hand in spite of uncertain weather conditions campbeuville visitors to from village highlight district news reeve william coulter and daughter cindy flew to halifax on sunday to attend the reeves and mayors convention there this week mls9 shirley ella and george flla attended the preshyterian synod end of summer conven tion in llalibuiton this week mrs fred garrett and mr and mrs william allan spent last sunday with mrs roy al lan at murriston mr und mrs flvln hurren of harbor beach michigan visited withmr and mrs robert jhui- ren and mr anil mrs howson lush this past week mr and mrs russell hurren and family were sunday visit ors with mr and mrs john kitching of corwhin mrs harry hood of carlisle spent ihe weekend with-mr- ami mrs william roberts many from this village enjoy ed the steam parade in milton oyer the weekend and viewed the relics of olden days at i ho fain grounds in milton sympathy of this community is extended to mr and mrs claude iriglis jnd family dur ing their recent bereavement of a deur sister of the former mrs james kitchen of morriston who was buried last wednesday at duffs presbyterian cemetery at morriston mr and mrs norman cook and family ot hamilton were sunday visitors with mr and mrs ruhci i li i ir rcn school days arc happy days for the youth of our township when doors open tuesday for all misses anne and mary helen wheelihan left on sunday for two weeks in miami and nas sau mr and mrs james wallace and family of holt michigan were dinner guests with mr and mrs john wheelihan and funiily last thursday and left for three weeks in scotland to visit with mr and mrs a fow ler the lattersparents mrs frank ouinlan and mrs daniej hunter are holidaying in 1 reland for two weeks misses joyce and shirley chester are spending their vaca- tion in europe mrs edith sharpe spent sun day with mr and mrs robert liliiott mr and mrs fred edwards of ualtonville and mrs vera cock ram and her father mr ehf sand went north for the holi daying weekend misses anna early and lor raine coxe spent the weekend in dorset huppy birthday greetings to mrs edward hall ross elliot wallace ella mrs john mc- phail claude inglis wedding anniversary greet ings to mr and mrs robert el liot mr and mrs elmer dredge mr and mrs david newbold and mr and mrs george tho- centuryold wagon given to stratford a representative of the strat ford agricultural museum came last week to claim a near 100- yearold vehicle he had spoken for some time ayo the old stone wagon was given in him by mrs harry murray rr 1 and was made by her grandfa ther andrew john murray lor buildiiifj stone fences n his farm he lived at that time on the first line tarm where mr and mrs tom shields are now the vehicle is about 12 teet high anil wits pulled by two teams of horses hooks anil chains lifted the large stones and they were backed up into position in the fence mas of ihis village mrs a t moore was hostess to the wa of st davids presbyterian church this past week ions meeting in june were read byimrs j buck man and signed the financial statement read hymrs jhiekman staled 450 was received in the aniuialcani- paign for l6 s4640 realized in the june bake sale and s3625 in the draw for a tray motion was moved by mrs dodds sec onded bv mrs bowen itnd car ried that the acton auxiliary cunt rihute one- third ol the cost ol a eslelner for operation in the adult workshop at hornby iga and ab cash register ta pes were lo be tabulated and ihe boxes returned lo the stor es many donate itheir cash reg ister tapes to the group lor the purchase of supplies a letter was received from the directors of the acton agri cultural society and reservat ions for space at the tail lair were made plans are underway lor hanilicralts and christmas cards from the sunshine school lo be displayed at the fair there will be a draw lo raise more funds at th elair acton auxiliary members will be pres ent in conclusion mrs loutetl asked if members would favor a guest speaker at the following meeting and all agreed a light lunch was served lie ptva i i j v k tforiv tilttic reisrn bills were linteresteil thferewerc seyen tables of cticlire and three tables of cro- kinolc winners were- euchre ladies mrs william evans nifnljli mcfnery crokinoje liiifiesmiss m somcfville men borv-ohara- mrs albert shiijtis yas lhi lucky winner of u agricultural clubs attend quiz night italloii 4h agricultural cluh members at tended their final oniy- night lasl week the hai ti in members met in ihe agric ultural hull at the mil tun fail- grounds on tuesday august 31 while ihe acton 4h club mem bers met at their eoiiiniiinikv hall on wednesday augusl 31 the members ol the 4h call clubs gave oral answers to their club leaders on all phases ol club work taken up dining the meetings throughout the year members of all the other 4h clubs completed written ques tionnaires these questions count as 1 00 points out of their final 1000 points for a total score and are used to select teams for the provincial 4h i tilerclub competitions 8783272 thursfrisat ghost in invisible bikini tommy kirk deborah waliey the railrodder in color busier kuatjon cartoon elepriantastics mating saturday at 2 pm sept 8910 in color sunday september 11 pardners in color jerry havts dean martin flash the teenaged otter disney production free matinee for children at 2 pm free show for 12 years and over at 8 pm monday and tuesday sept 12 satan bug in color cdorce maharis jim erancis cartoon a pink panther adult entertainment v wedthursfrisat sept m151617 my fair lady in color aldrey hepburn rex harrison owing to length one show each evening at 8 pm matinee saturday at 2 pm yellowstone keuy in color show times weekdays mondvy through thursday 8 pal friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pjul sunday movies start september 11 matinee at 2 pm free for children evening show at 8 pm all adults and children of 12 and older free admission free admissionsfor opening show only the lowcost way the safe clean way i with a new twoelement c t r i c water heater there are sizes aad capacities to suit every familys needs now theres no reason to put up with the inconvenience of nol having enough hot water in your home install this new qurtrecovery two- element electric water heater and youll always have lots of hot water for baths showers dishes and all your laundry too call us now and see how you save money when you heat water the lowcost way electrically v tested and provenfto sftppiv more hot water per day than feven a hkavy use family rxjuires acton hydro jlectric commission 3 elgin st n sl- telephone 8532410 philco 2c thousands i 3 7w of other i imtlob ttotk major prizes your chance to win a philco colour tv and stand looooeo linwvjihj specially selected branded round steak or roast extra lean boneless rolled rump roasts 93 87 t lb c lb ideal for stew or meat 1ies boneless cube style stewing beef 69 c lb schneiders pure pork country schneiders 4 varieties 602 vp sausage 69c lb luncheon meat 2 49c best buy ground to your taste 1lb bag aunt marys coffee 79c best buytsave 1 9e4-aytmer-t0or7-tins- tomato soup 6 69c best buy save 18c with pork in chili sauce 20oittrs clarks beans 3 69c best buy save 9c heat servel 7ioz pkg kraft dinners 4 1 55c buy 1 get 7 free i mir detergent 3 for 79c canada 128ox plastic white or cider red whit 5z jr instant vinegar 69c coffee 79 sunshine fresh produce bartlett pears 99c garden fresh waxed turnips 9 c lb

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