Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1966, p. 10

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ft thf artnn frpp prfiss thursday september is 19on report considers debt in fourcounty region nnssagaweya twp discusses control of education costs the municipalities in the four- rourih central ontario econom ic region had in 1964 a total net debenture debt or well over a billion dollars the exact figure is sl130989- 552 according to 1964 municipal figures published in 1965 bv the ontrfrio department of munici pal affairs the latest available at the time of the studv the la and debt studv was perform ed bv the newlv orpaniyed cen tral ontario regional develop ment council the ligure was the equival- en ot 5 per cent of the gross provincial product of the amount metro toronto was responsible for more than half or s6b470855 metro tor onto and the municipalities within its area were responsible for ovei two thirds ol the figure 9720477 the stud indicated the regionconsists of halton peolyork and ontario counties and metro toronto the total debt lor all municipalities and counties ot the region was 2113 per cent ol the tnuihaxable as sessment of the total region rwcludmy comity government debt the debt was 20 82rei cent ol the legions uxahlonanes menl the pro inciil lotah of municipal net debt lot purposes ol compaiison was 16 73 per cent ol ontarios ioij munici pal taxable assets the highest per capita debt among all 69 municipalities of the central ontario economic region was to be found in oak- ville the ligure for the com- muntiy was s394 06 per resident metropolitan toronto was sec ond with a per capita debenture debt of 357 11 in third and fourth places were toronto township and vang nan town ship with s352 and s32207 of municipal debt pjr resident re spectively however averaging the debenture debt per capita taking all ot the metropolitan toronto municipalities together produced a tigme of s565 84 although oakville had the highest per capita debentuie debt in the entire economic re gion a comparison ol us total debenture debt to it total tax able assessment base indicated that debt constitutes only 15 86 per cent of the assessments this is r b the ontario municipal board as a relatively healthy figure only the metro toronto geo graphical area oakyille metro politan toronto toronto town ship and vuughan township were over 300 pei capita debt in the region the mves per ijpa debt ouisde the ljiircs compiled lor the- counn aj- caledon last th s ae ot 6m inhabitants haii the luttisj deb 1 igure in tht ir ciuitv tegon it s16 per fesdent mmui uas in kund plite for lh entire re gor mih 31 7 o mnnnipal debt or eh o its 8 584 resi di-rt- swansea was in third plan wh sm pkr capita debt joiijuiiv in 1iurth lowest place toi the icgidii by forest hill at s58 8 oi the 6 municipalities in the area ot responsibility ol the central ontario regional de- yeloprnent council only 14 weie under 100 in pei capita deben ture debt nione ol these is in halton county seen l them aie in ontario county tyvo in peel loin aie in metr and only one in oik outside metro that i rust gwillimhury tovn shir with a pei capita deben ture debt ol 88 21 in examining taxation the lig ure used was the tolai lew iiwrtjpl h population the high est pei capita taxation tigme foi the foui counu region was tound in leaside hoie each resident hul an axerage annual lav bill ot s24 10 toronto was in second plii e with a ti bill ol s22i 7t toi every lesident new lotonto was next at 221- 72 forest hill lollowed at 198- 45 in theoretical ta billing fot each resident wiilim this mini icipahn highest township li levies accotding to the analysis weie m ciobicoke twp 172 6s niorth york 16072 toionlo township slsjis aiul kciigog township tlso 21 lowest pr capita taxation was tound in caledon east cale- don east it y ill be noted also had the legions lowest debt fig uie caledon east tesidents on the axeiage pn only 58 v2 each in municipal taxation east gwillimhinv was next loyv est in pei capita taxation lor the region at 7002 esquesing township was in third place at 7029 followed by cannington at 7048 in fourth place the lowest per capita taxation in york countv in the metvo tor onto area was in mimico at 11242 long branch at 119 8 and east york at 12202 follow ed according to the ontario mun icipal board safe municipal bor rowing limits are exceeded when total municipal debenture debt goes beyond 25 per cent of total municipal assessment closest fti the four county let- ion according to the cortxf studv to this 25 per cent level was stouffville whose debt was 2433 per cent or total assess ment according to the figures examined toronto township had deben ture debt rated at 2301 per cent of its total taxable assessment mid had the second highest fig ure for the region the village of bolton with a population of 2075 was the fourth highest fig ure for the region at 2120 per cent it lost third place to vaughan township where de benture debt was 2t88 per cent of a total assessment base how ever the metro toronto area a nonadministrative unit consid ered solely for the purposes of comparison had a total debt as compared to its total assess ment of 2240 per cent the highest percentage among halton countv municipalities can be found in burlington at 1734 per cent with acton at 1630 per cent in ontario coun ty inbridge 1835 per cent ajax 1810 per cent and whit by 1612 per cent had the high est ratios of debenture debt to total taxable municipal assess ment in the countv of peel the predominant municipal ities were toronto township 23 01 per cent bolton 2120 per cent and brampton 1861 per cent in york county excluding metro stouffville at 2453 per cent vaughan at 2188 per cent and aurora at 1729 per cent had the highest debenture percentages only two metro toronto mun icipalities had a total debenture debt ol oxer 10 per cent ol their t axable assessment hoxvever the metropolitan toronto area for purposes of comparison had a debt total 22 40 per cent ol its assessment metro toronto was highest at 14 14 per ceni scarborough sec ond at 11 99 per cent and etobi- coke toxvnshin third at 8 55 per cent least in debt of all regional municipalities relative to their tax base were the municipalit ies in metro toronto mimico led the region at a mere 161 per cehtfblloxyedbxr forest hrll 1 80 per cent and caledon east 272 per cent the communities with the loxxcst relative debt in their re spective counties were nassaga- yyexa township at 697 per cent scugog toyynship at 3 21 per cent caledon east at 272 per cent mimico and forest hill at 1 61 per cent and i 80 per cent respectively leading the re gion and york outside metro georgina at 5 09 per cent and naorlh gyy illiuibury at 5 22 per cent highest total figures on a county basis metro toronto ami york taken together were repealed lor york coilnlv where the aveiage per capita luxation xvis s173t2 and aver age per capita debenture debt yyas 544 s4 halton countv at si13 1 per capita taxation and sv4 21 ot individual dehenliue debt ie spectivelv yyis the seioiul ol the tour- count ijs lollowcd bv the countv ol peel at 128 24 pet capita taxation and ss pei capita debentuie debt onlii m was the loyyest in the economic regiont where per capita taxa tion averaged out at 122 51 and where pei capita debenruie debt was toiinit to be 221 is the regional total population yyas 2281376 the axeiae te- gional net capita taxation yis 16502 and the legional aveiage debenture debt xxas s47 l the corresponding piovmcial figures lot all municipalities in ontario with a pi ov indil population ol o3423 weie- per capita taxation si27o and per capita debentuie debt 3h departing from ti adit tonal municipal liscal lepoiling the central ontario regional devel opment council aveiaged the taxation and debt liguus on an administtitive county basis separated municipalities weie excluded and the counties own ccbenliue debt liguiis is ported weie used v oiniiy ex penditures aie genet allv less ex a thorold resolution calling for provincial government to provide at least 80 per cent of municipal education costs was imioi sed by massac a w e y a 1 own- hip council at their meet- in on mondtv and the motion spnkcd a lenglhv discussion on educations rising costs councillor ross gordon leaf ed local councils and schools boaids would lose control of tensive and this is rellecled in the avenges halton countv government bis the lowest per capita taxa tion figures h si 1 10 york i oiiiiiv is next highest at 1306 then peel countv council sl345 and ontario with the highest i iguie it si6 52 peel county government led in the sic- ol its per capita de- bcnliue debt at 49 06 followed by halton at s34 19 york at s3 1 97 and ontario at 1711 malei uil used in the develop ment ol the report can bc- loiind in the ontario depart ment ol municipal affairs 1964 annual repoi t ol municipal sla- l isi lis this is the latest com plete compilation ol these lig- lii es available copies ol the complete fioin the municipal oh ices of any menihei municipality in the loin counlv economic region or tlu oltues ot the corih news- let lei po box- st6 station o 1 oi onto 7 onlai in the money if the province took over a largei share than the ap proximate 51 per cent it now pavs reeve william coulter warned if all the control was given to the province thev will come hack on ns and sav thev an- going to lontioli develop ment too councillor mrs anne mac- ai thur felt the local elected rep resentative had little control over education costs anvway they tell us how- large to build our schools and they tell us how to spend our monev she claimed after further discussion the resolution was endorsed and halton mpp george a kerr was to be notified demonstration larry gardhouse and verna thompson representing the halton 4h beef club competed in the 4h intercounty demon stration at the cne on sep tember 2 they demonstrated and discussed the beef feedlot of the future their feedlot for a 20 acre farm with all the feed grown on the farm consists of three silos and a pole barn corn silage havlage and high moisture corn were their leeils used to fatten llie steers this competition was won bv the guelph 4h call club with the halton team plating in the a group manor wa will attend convention a discussion on the auxiliaries convention to be held in london september 26 27 and 28 was held at the septembei meeting of halton centennial manoi wo mens auxiliary president mis s allen presided over the meet ing the auxiliary will have a dele- gale at the convention loi the thiee davs and a ciilnid ol ladies will attend the- sessions on september 27 the president informed the auxiliary that about 60 u-si- dents had enjoved the recent bus trip the auxiliary- sponsoied hobhv craft will open lot the fait and vviniei season on sep temher 22 and it is hoped as manv ladies a possible will come out each thittsdav to help the october meeting will be preceded by a pot luck liuu b- eon arda grants are available for enlarging small fields runners in halton countv handle tpped lv small ileitis mi suitable tor the use ol modem liun iiitclnneiy may now re teive a- s ist tin e uiicur the an iiltuiil fseliilnlit itioii and lie veloprriiril c i ilidei the iiniil fidei il piih viikiii agiccmenl tiiin opciit ois will be ahli to lecene iman- cial assistance lot the lemoval ol fence- to enable eionomic use ol large fields which lend themselves to mechanical equip ment many farms were laid out in small lielcls separated in stone mil brtist iciues whuh arc- now impraiticil under modern larrmng proidmes lender the plan the federal piovmi iil ari piv 40 per cent of the cost to the farmer of hir ing heavy- equipment and oper ators tor the removal ot stone slump and brush lenee rows up to a maximum grant of 500 per larin ritmeis wishing to partici pate in the ptoposal can obtain an tpphcation form from the agiiciiltuial otfice milton the arda grant xvill be paid on pieseniation of a certificate that the work has been carried out over 30 per cent of the drown ings in canada last vear result ed from boating mishaps red cross reminds you to think halton country club owned and operated by boris trifonoff open for pay as you play o twilight hours 150 open for membership golf steam baths olympic size swimming pool tennis sauna phone 8786701 4 miles north of milton club house privileges dinner served saturday and sunday how to get there no 25 highway north to campbellville sideroad no 5 west lo third crohroad then north to the club milton fair friday and saturday sept 23 24 hall exhibits open friday 730 pm to 10 pm horse racing saturday sept 24 700 in prizes outstanding exhibits of i livestock farm products 4h club work womens work school work enioy the county fair at milton join the crowd see top exhibits m i dw ay by king shows vince mountford aster op cepevonie5 milton girls pipe band v attendance official opening 2 pm saturday vmioniv wisor fnttniiiioiimt wlnl war 5000 lwstitsu hit mom than thirty yian ipirlrie la fmtwtnc pod will in butintn ani community lid for mora inform- ttoa about mi phone 8530945 welcome newcomfr8 uit thk coupon to irt know voure hrrr fill on plpa hav the wel come ivatfon hostess call on mr i i would like to sub scribe to the acton ffe press i i already subvribe to the acton free preis out coupon and mall to uution dept the acton e pre the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about home heating pick yours up now while official discount prices apply at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch open and build a family expo 67 tour accotint be our fa sees expo 67april 28 to oct 27 at montreal the chartered banks serving you and your community are you confuted about homo hontitltr fuel what ttuhivi and his brother tell i up you bow economical convenient quiet ami automatic bis particular syst em w you nuit feet like fl inp south for the winter rut if you have to stay and face a cold hatil winter like mnt of us better read these cold hard facts wood and coal aie probably the nost economical fuels to buy but they if also the lea a etlicient and sooner or later youll get ttied of lav ing over a dirty furnace ihen vhat you can choose between a liquid fuel or socalled flameless heating or natural gas all of 110111 claim to be the best vho should you believe initial installation costs are higher for liquid fuel equipment than for gas gas unit has fewer moving parts leeds less maintenance and therefore lasts longer in order for flameless heating to compete in operating cost it requires extrathick insulation throughout the home if your home had extrarthick insula tion no matter uhat kind of heating system you use youd naturally cut fuel costs with extra insulatibn or normal insulation a gas heating sys tem means lower fuel costs by far you never have to order natural gas its always there a good old- fashioned canadian snowstorm cant stop natural gas from heating your home storms can stop trucks they can ako knock out power lines and very often do unless you have your own generator flameless heating can pive you the cold shoulder just when you need a warm house lets face it nothing is as dependable as natural gas with modem gas heating there are no hot and cold layers of stale air dust andhirt particles can be filtered from the air and humidity controlled wouldnt you rather have a heating system that took care of these vital functions when you get right down to t modern automatic gas heating has the edge in just about every deportment but if youre still not convinced may be this jvill help if you install a gas conversion burner jn your existing fur nace now or install a brandnew gas design furnace well spread out the cost of the installation in easy monthly payments over 5 years if vasa be unless you know mthbom wholl chop ydur wood for free you wont get a better deal than this anywhere why not make the switoh to natural gas heating right wow united gas lmrrm gas makes the big comfortable difference

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