Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1966, p. 11

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rev d r nicholson inducted af campbellville nassagaweya acton lions sponsor peace essay contest th acton tree press thursday sepfembpr 15 166 b3 its getting worse firm counsel was given to both new minislei and congre gations at the induction 15f rhe rev d r nicholson into the pastoral fhupe ol st davids campbellville and nassapaweva in the picshmeiian chinch in canada on tndav evening the rev l l degioot or dixie presbyterian church charged the minister to remem ber the meaning of his call and acceptance to resist the temp lioo to entertain his congie- sations and preacti the word of god to tackle all aspects of his task and use his god given help ers and to remember jesus problems when discouraged turning to the congicgation he reminded them that thev had called the minister thev ought not to sit back ihd relax he asked them to rcimembei that their farming methods had changed grealh and to be will eden milis ing to make elnnges in the chinchs method li necessuv he urged them topiav lor their minister recognmn his hu manin and limltv in the sermofi the rev d t herhion ot tun emphasized llic need ol love in the church and called on the i ongrepihon l bein to culivali n bond of love with then new pasiui at the commencement ot his mm istiv rev d r nicholson annual memorial service at eden mills cemetery a large gathering allendeclj the annual memorial service ol eden mills cemeletv sundav when relative and friends paid their respects to the dead b laying flowers on the giaves owing to the cool weathei and chances of rain the scivice wis held in eden mills presbwenan church with the salvation ai m band rendering secial num bers and the mens chon two numbers major g clatkc was guest speaker assisted b rev lei man or tden mills united church mr clarence ramsey of the cemetcr boa id gae the ad dress or welcome he also made it known that anotbei piece of land was to be purchased joi future use mr and mis howaul lames attended the conle lumlcv wedding at beamsvillc saliu dav mrs shulte ol eden wills kh for a months sj m ciimin mrs kave stevenson and son dnn motored to boston with mi and mis beit stevenson and daughter who were leaving for scotland alter an extended holiday in eden mills and guelph in the guelph hospital at pics- ent are mr george mcalpine mrs henrv bardcn and little lorna mclean visitors of mr and mrs wilk wilson were mr and mrs clat ence spmks hamilton and mi and mis i lank spmks bui ling ton miss banow lias iist return ed irom a motoi trip out west mr and mrs fcl jennings weie in bovvmnnwlle over the weekend mi and mis ralph thomp son veic in pcteilioiouyh clis li let ovei the weekend mr and mis bell irom eny land have been visiting uieir son and i imih rccenllv the moderator of the piesbv ten or biampton rev r g mcmillan knox church oak ville conducted the service and the induction while the steps leading up to the induction weie natratcjcl bv the interim moder- 101 ofthe claryc the rev 1 ty col j m andeison of oakville the right hand or fellowship was extended bv all members ot brampton preshvlerv present a reception piovuled b the ladies followed dining which welcomes and good wishes weie c tended bv th rev r p l leffares ol st geoigc s angh can lowville on beluill ol the guelph line ministerial assoc lation and hv the rev j k l megovvn ol knox church mil ton on behalf ol the vlilton and disliicl ministerial association appuci ition loi the work of the liileiim modei aim was cxpiess eel in o k van sk kle on beliall ol tin chai go mr nieliolson a native ol bianltoid took his ai ts studies at waterloo lulliei an univeisi t then giaduated in theology irom knox college toronto in the spring ot 1965 subsequent lv he seived as an ordained mis- sionaiv at melton sask com ing hete i i om that appointment as a student he seived at bulks i alls and shake speaie out mis nicholson comes fiom summerland bc and thev have loin children roger douglas gmffre and calvin the vouth or the town or ac ion have been sixen a chal lenge to develop a plan foi world peace in their local li ons club a challenge that could earn one of them a 25 0110 educational andor career as sistance giant the acton lion club togw thei with i ions clubs tluough out the woild is sponsoiing a vvuildvwdc essav contest tor lhe woilds vouth on the most important world subect todax peace the contest ohoi s 50 000 in total awards includ ing the s25000fiist pri7e eight semilinal woild regional aw aids ol 1000 each and travel expenses tor the eight winners to chicago illinois in jnlx 1967 at that rtrhe the first pne winnei will be chosen liom the eight also moie than 20 000 local dfstiict and mul liple awards will be made we are hopeful one of our vounu people will win this woild wide pixsiige awaid i ion chicl dave hunlei of the acton lions club said in an pouncing the contest locally to elav w nassagaweya council briefs elenezme t cancel services eden anniversary chinch and sundax school at rbeneer will be cancelled next sundav in lavoi ot eden mills anniveisaiv services at ii and 7 30 fhene7ei annnersaiv vmii he held septenibc i 25 at 1 1 and 7 30 guest liimistei will ih re v mccoll ol fust united chinch waterloo friends of mr nelson andei son wish him a speech recoveiv as he is j patient in guelph ceneial hospital the ucw ladies discussed plans lot an annivoisai v suppei on luesdav septembei 27 when thev mot recently at the septembei meeting ol nassagaucva township conn cil held monday at the council chambers councilloi s wo nde i e d about the aclvisabihtv of holding municipal elections every two vears instead ot annuillx reeve william coulter suggestod the idea had merits because it would ensure continuity on tin council and it would be purlieu lailv helpful at the countv council level il was noted bui- hngton oakville and milton councillors aic piesenth elected once even two vcars and acton is eonsideim the two eui term as well no decision was made reeve coulter upnrtcd there was no new mloimution on the wcjl conlanun itieiii piob horse show len ai milton flcighls and the o rt was still investigating membcis noted only one ol the unsatisfactory wells was in nissagaweva and the rest weie on the esquesing mcie of the town line a committee of councillor william imuhon reeve coultci and deputy reeve hoe was scl ected to look into a suitable sue loi a lutun dump in the south end ot the township a 50 giant was approved for acton agricultural societv h s holdem optometrist 36 cork st east guelpk phone ta 27150 roc kw ood tiail ricks lloisc show wood school the roe kw ood will sponsor a t the new roek site on simd iv jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks cinder blocks sand livestock concrete brick clay brick stone and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs f acton phone 8530730 septembei 18 at i p ni i his will be open to ill inteiestcd 1 id cis ihcmowlll be- lticllsses w ith tiophies and i rbbons pi evented llus wil include 1 luhsli wcs tcin and lunioi classes re licshmenls will be served and gtmeson horseback eniovej1 watch for the all new 1967 chrysler products coming soon if you cant wait check out in one of these 66 piymouth sports fury hardtop 383 cu in enqine 13000 miles power brakes radio lie h 9804 63 valiant 4 door automatic lie 38610 k 63 rambler classic lie h 9310 59 ford station wagon standard lie 99770-x- frank toth motors 12 guelph st acton 8531 840 mayflower plans every move to make it easy for you safe for your furniture when you put your longdistanc move into our hands mayflower assumes full responsibility for get ting you out of your old home and into your new one americas most recommended mover f s movers storage 343 guelph stj georgetown ont calthrfreiestinum 8774106 ianon 10 pel cent to style and live pci cent to mechanics mi hunter said the mechanics segment will he used lo appraise the pram mitieal construe hon ol the es si three judges will he tppoint- ed to evaluate the enlnos sub nutted to cull club ml hun lei said ii om pinner can advance ihiough the luclging stages up to the world tinals he will receive un expense paid tup lo chicago to attend the lions intel national annual con vention foi the linal induing ol lns essiv in addition to ihe si 000 aw aid mr hunter said he hoped local young people would accepl the challenge and entei his clubs section ol l he contest closing date lot ihe clubs con lest is deccmbei 10 166 students wishing lo enlei the contest should contact 1 ion chief dave huntci to got hill details ol the contest he said application loi ms will be- avail ble at the high school fight against roadside dumpers the contest open to voung people who will ho 14 hut loss than 22 cuis ol age as ol lanu ii v is l was announced b tlu pie suit m ol i ions intel nat ioiiil i dwaul v1 i indsev ol i aw i e nee mil g tcnn dining the issociations annual intern lt- lonal convention in new yoi k the peace essav contest is divided into eight woild divis ions loi the si 000 piics piesident huntei said om clubs winnei will acl vance to lions distriel all com petition in his oi hei ellorl lo cualilv lor the- multiple district contest li huntei said the contest sponsored bv mini than 20 000 1 ions clubs in inuic than 130 countiies in the hee woild will be- ihe largest 1 c tssav toniesi in the i todav thi pin pose ol ihe conlcm todevolop a loi nulla loi woildr pe ice bee uiso we lce1 tc is attainable piesident hunlei sud we want to 1 eit om vouth to the need loi woild peace and locus attention on that impoitint goal contest nts should submit then entr in essav lorm not lo exceed s 000 woi ds ludginl will lull inlo four cutejonos 7s pci cent ol the essavs points will be devoted to content 10 pel cent to oigan despite nasagnwea town ship council and road deput meiils leient cleanup cam p nun foi township roadsides urban dumpers are still dis posing of rubbish along the rural loads in ihe township and the council has decided to take stern measures to apprehend the culprits at a council meeting mondav township roads superinlejndcnt grant macmillan was amhori eel to work with milton opp in locating the trucker respon sible for tlumping two loads ol debris on a spot thai was clean ed up iist a few weeks ago bv township cievvs mr macmil found letters to serv ice stations in toronto or hamil ton among the- debi is about ship dumpers in the town- if the publicity is draw ing more garbage into the town ship harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestrouohing sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n 8544934 24 hour service ftockwood lun told councikhc believed to oolong ideal wrong side right for english drivers rockwood mi s r ieun has been hostess to mi ai mis toisdiek and then daughleis maiguet and bui ha i a ol slams i ngland icccnth mis tins dick is a niece ol mrs dean and this is the fust visit ol ihe fam ih to canada tbev aic ver mi pressed with the lovelv weather but lincl it haicl lo dine on the opposite side ol the load to w filch thev are used in i n land the latest loads ol garbage weie climipcd i list list weekend on pi ope i iv owned bv milton ihick o hut the clumpeis had lo use the ioici allowanie lo gain icccss the to id supei inlendeni sud clnmpiis have also been busv unlo iding die ii unvvunted gai haue on anothei load and each week us gelling worse theie was even a washing inach u e lluown there last week councillor william mahon re poiled people have been dump mg leluse in a gravel pit on his piopeilv as well he wondcied since dumping lias continued lollowing ihe iceint pubhcilv l3c7awb sporty and rugged for him yet soft and feminine for her notice re acton fall fair parking the council of the town of acton requests the cooperation of all citizens by not parking vehicles on either side of knox- avenue and park avenue during acton fall fair september 16 and 17 1966 your choic of motifs or ttalgi your own w my fe2l kay 9 willow st n rohftl 8532007 david took 1 7 years of love from his parents first class honours from his school and 8000 from your pockets then he left l v david left for good brilliant high school sfudent die in car msh said the headline all that love all that brill i me all that money all gone for nothing automobileaccidents kill more young cm ad lans than anything more than disease more than all other accidents put together i it costs some 8000 in tax money just to pre pare a student for university a thorough high school driver training program costs 40 per student and takes 50 hours of instruction small costs against the losses the automobile insurance industry promotes vrunr 3rvr training bursines text books and tree instruction ire ci en to high school teachers they mturi tejch the students the jndus ilso iairds cdsh discounts on auto insurance premiums to students who pass the course driver training isnt a frill school boards with experience know it s a proven method of reduc ing accidents urge and back high school driver training in your commlinity keep the davids with us all canada insurance federation on behalf of the automobile insurance industry

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