Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1966, p. 7

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1 20 auction sales complete holstein dispersal owned bv henrv arnold irjr 5 milton lnl monday september 19 1966 at i 00 pm at georgetown sides arena mile south no 7 uwv 8 miles noilh intcichangc 40 oil 401 hwv on tialalgar rottl 60 grade holstein milk cattle 40 cows in milk the greatei part calved less than 90 days 10 cows calving in the next 30 davs 10 2 year old heifers calving in the next 30 davs this is a voung herd olfeung holsteins mostly fiom unit sn es a leallv milkv heid ol cattle in good condition and sound uddeis vaccinated and area test ed lor bniccllosis and tubercu losis all animals sold are pregnancy tested dont miss this opportunity to get your fall and winter milk before the demand becomes too great rockwood international limited sale managers box 67 geoigetown ontano phone aiea code 416 8774101 17oll clearing auction sale 20 auction sales alregis auction sale at the glen auctions gun williams onl saturday skpt11mbfr at iis m lor mi s enumi keeler 20 auction sales 17 of household furniture carpenter tools etc w the undersigned has received instructions to sell bv public auc tion in the twp or trafalgar lot 5 con 10 njd s at the north east corner of hwv 5 and 9th line noi th of oaklville fok mr john anscomb commencing september 17 1966 at 12 30 pm the following cattle 1 hoktein cow fresh in match selling open 1 holstein cow due aug 9 1 blue holstein cow biecl heielord cluevou 6 dm ham covv hied hetflotcl due jan 27 1 red holstein low calv ed mav 22 in lull flow 1 ilii homein cow calved jul 10 in lull how i holstein cow hied hereloul due sept 24 1 heie lord cow due ian 7 1 holstein hereloid line date ol sale 2 a i shire heilei rcad to be bred 5 earling holstein heileis 1 led holstein heiler rcmilv to he buil 1 holstein tecr 12 hull cahes lot vealing horses 1 pinto mare 8 veais old 1 pinto gelding 9cns old hogs 4 sows have been running with boar since june 14 1 doen ot geese hay grain met straw quantiu ol rodnc oats urpro 2000 bales ol choice mixed ha- quuntiu of clean oat stiaw i tftactors and farm implr mews i s2 massl liaetoi 1 case vs tiaeloi in gooil i tin ning condition 1 case v with side mounted mouei 6 tt cut 1 new holland ha halei 66 with engine in good woiking oicler 1 hx combine 66 s it cut in good working condition 1 intel national 5 ot ha halei with continental motoi i 1 point hitih cultivator 2 cultiatois on wheels 3 2lunow plows 1 ther- sol leeel mixci capanl 1 ton used onh 3 mos 1 intel natioyjfty- haniniei null 24 liamnuis bace nexei been tin tie el 1 duowell wheel t littler escalating tipping with 16 i t platform 1 iiibbei t u id i aim wagon 1 steel wheel laim wagon both with laeks 1 homemade giain collai coin manure spieader p to i taco mamue spieadei 19sf station wagon bindei int oi national 6 ll ml bindei in i ei national inhbei tiled 10 it cut set ol fleui bissel discs 8 ft h mil gi am dull coekshutt 4 bj side dehei lake heicott giim thiouei with pipes 2 double row eoin eultivtois set ot harijivtv slliioiis 3 point hiteh watei luiiovs plows intel national lla imiini pi o 7 it eut ferguson post hole digger 3 i point lute h 1 buck boaid 1 pom cut 1 100gal watei tank emu lit saw w i l h jj anie antique coin cutlet 2 push tiollixs 2 ulmiii sepatatots inlet national milking nialliine quantity ol woik beneh es i as biooileis gooil as tuu nunieiou wagon and bugg whet is a couple ot wall ulcphon es tantiqiies quinttls ot haul wood planks quantil ol log ttte wood plus a quantit ol light itiewoeid quantit ol lahbit sii j os sonic laim tools els eti i and mans small ait isles too mim clous to list i in llse o bad weathei sattlei will be sold inside terms or si e cash nothing to tie ijuoed until settled lor lumli available fveimhing must sell owner gi tins up i arming ownei and auctioned not res- ponsiblo in ease ot aeeiilent ela ol sale chris a schouten auctioneei phone 878 2576 jim langedvk cletjv 20b 19 chrome set w linger washing machine jewel combination el ectrie stove quebec heater 2 space heaters 3 piece chcslci lieki suite studio couch steel bed and mattiess school desks diawets kitchen china cabinet noning boaul wicket chaus pole lamp collec tanle end table bedioom chan eleetite sewing machine headboards fireplace scieen sandwich gt ill mantel ladio santbov dishes anel manv othei household ait teles catpenteis tools laundrv tubs kitchen sink pipe insula lion 2 aluminum doois sso 7hp motot gasoline motor heneli saw planci skill saw dull tiouhle light pipe cutlets use 2 sets pipe dies blow toieli es socket wh nehes hanel saws pullies laehet setewili iveis plants chisels bolt meter pole climbing spins mid harness 11 lip motot sevetal quaitoi hotse motot s dull press btaee and bits eiosseut saw kemakci with blanks and manv othei small tools a handvmans clieani ownei ot auctioned not ios onsible lot accidents on pi em tses alfred r spfnce aulttoneet 20b 11 til gewgelown 877 3306 auction sale 4 miles south ol caledon village 12 miles noilh ol ibiamplon on monday september 19 at ii am i ni hilled freneh pi ovine ul squaii- giaiut piano in while and gold chest on chest beds pine walnut ihiiki inn maple chans loikets spuutiiiif wheels lamps glass iluna new automatic wa she i 1 igei maple twin bedioom suite etc etc eti this is an cm i a good offei ing home soltl and dealing up ol business ownei and auctioned not ies ponsible loi accidents on piem tses terms cash frank petch auctioneei- 20b 1 9 tel 8772864 auction isale of complete slock of antiques with some modern piece tot mr mrs a e shaw stonehouse antiques i ot 4 caledon tin no 10 hwv toi d g robertson at his old stole in the illage ol ospnnge on wednesday evening september 21 commencing at s 45 pm 3 piece chestei i icltl suite vval nut chestei i telil taole bookcase lootstools collet table rug 9 x 12 wtih uneleipad congoleum in 9 12 oak dining loom suite i omul extension table end table 2 letneiv lamp hall m ii tot tunnels s oil lamps el eetue lanttoi cm tains blinds ilass shelves kitchen table and 4 chiotne ehans took stoe el sstiil clock dishes about 100 cts ol paint 2 uibulai bedsteads spunks and inalti esses wash stands diessei dtessing table and bench hijth chan babv walkei goeail 2 congoleum nips 9 10 chest ol diawets beildmg linens venetian blind 24 6 slot m windows combina lion aluminum clout silveiwaie eonkiiij utensils manv othei ai licks itrms cash whtn sold no open house until sale lime wy1 a gibson 20 1 1 i auctioned 11 elio woi kineii ate still p on ling light s t a n el a t il s tlitoiulioiit town 1 lie stanelaiels vslneli have been litiishetl lie gleaming like new mm i skirts continued liom page one eel a message liom a nassaga wlva stuilenl who had his tui tion paid to the john t ross school bv the acton boaul thanking the boaul meinbeis lot allowing him to lujeluik uiul obtain a ol bv paving ins tuition ilit stuilenl look sub lexis iii tills 1 1 1 1 not available in ae ton theteloie qualiuing lot pa miien t ol lees tyler transportation has been ie lined lot the vlu loi bus ttanspot tation at the iite l 42 cents pvi mile mi mollat u poited seveial impiovemeiils in toads in nassagaweva town ship have been uiaele mile lijo ins pleisuie management eliiiunan rav i bie leieived pet mission to ai lange a boa i el teaehei eel to gethei mem he is agteed to hold l he galhn uij in own senetaiv tieasutei william middle ton tepotled he could no longei wute diieellv to the de pai iment ol education tell new appointments have been made anil actons coiiespond once is all to be diiecled to g p hilmei in toionto accounts totalling ssk 1 1 7 38 wete appiovcd loi pavment attending with ihauman loin watson vveie v ill chan man cli estei andei son anil tiustees dune m mollat hj aibtc and keivvin mcphail with suniitv tieasuiei mi middleton pint ctpal hansen and vice ptmtipal loe biav largest docket iin months at court mon tluilv two ttalltc ollendets ehatged bv acton opp detach lilent paid a total ol s6s8 in lines and coint costs in milton coot mondav with 14 olliiiilits stl tlmg out ol coin t one clon in in wis niniml eel loi lieiling a clislut bailee i a cjeoigelown man ehaigid i with impaiied dt i hilt paid a to tal ol j 1 10 including costs mondav s doektt was laigest in some months as a tesuli ul lilt- in mv eliaiges laid bv the local cli taehiiu nl showers tea saturday bride pi lot to hoi man lage to brine llull on seplemhei 10 miss lam i alike n was honoivd oil sevetal occasions 1 lit i tut nils llltl it llllvt s miss nettie livssentai a in itlcsin ntl e n let lamed it hei hotih willi i iiiisccllaneous shovvci and bntlulav paitv on janets bntlulav on august 22 aunts and cousins ol the binle ai tanged a deliiihtlul la milv pat iv and showci held at i in honil ol mis goiclon itislie on sipiimhii 1 with 22 allciitl ing beftli laving waleiloo iii t he i in colli ge 1 1 lend- in a2 ivsidinci honoi ttl lid xv i il pit stiilaliou ol a laigt t mtiiveil stive i tiav mis calvin a it ken tiileitam eel lot hct claujihtei at a lions scan tea on septeinbet 3 1 he lea table was pieltilv aiiangil with eentie ol pink carnations and white mums anil pink can dies on a laet cloth aunts ol the bntle miss f piaien pom ed lea in tin at in noon anil mis d i cshe in the i mini mts win i ell lie id ol ciiielph the hi ide s sisltt miss nettie- tivsscnaai acton miss shu lev cam llanislon and miss mai pie allpiess ol west hill show etl tin bucks iiousseau and showxt antl wccltling till t s and also sclvltl tea to the gut sts mis tiatlk hull mtl mis w 1 ox ol bloomlitlil mts t hull ol willowtlale mis moms hull ul loionlo antl mis cam of llatiiston atlentkel liom a tits t me ousin ot the hi itle mis alt bolton of stilotth piepakil mtl se i v etl a dt in tons suppti t title meal loi ik thf arlnn freeprpss thiirshly sfptpmhtr 11 19a6 first of family two arrive from calcutta raise 540 in last weeks letoiuil ol lhi milting ol the alton anxiliaiv loi the noilh ii illon association loi the meiitallv rtlaidfd two elicits weie iinloi lunale iv mans postd ihe iiih3iint insedih the- muial e imp 1 1 u n toi 16 is ss4tr in el lot the amount uail s4s m i 1st weeks i lee pi ess c out unit tl mom page one doth mi and mis kuikv c tic woik now in the liuliui iiiitutgialion oiiill- in cakulta ihcv havt also winked as m ins lilois anil ailiiouniei s in the hioatle isting house tinting the vvai lhev aie willing to accept lobs in an capaeitv heie mr and mrs chen themselves have evacuated irom china hong kong smgapoie penang rangoon anil upptt but mi dm um the smojapanist antl pai i me wats tliev have liuel near l two and a hall decades in india and tegaidetl it as a sve mid homeland mi chen e plained in a leltii dining the p 1st tluee veais cui1l a lew chinese lesidents have lell india allot the chinese communists stalled tieating tioubk at the boulci in the past tlieie- vveie about is chinese in calcutta 1 hev lived happtlv and lamed out then vocalion with the people of dil kient iommuitiiev bui now thev au placed in a lathei thf tic ult position because of the sino indian boiclei dispute ol late the c limese commun 1st govci iimcnl put out people in a vciv awkwaiil position bv scntlinsi an ultimatum to india the chinese- communists have iicalcd all soils ol trouble ivcivwhcic without ihvnic 01 t eason mr and mrs donald beano ol ililliaitl ohio knew the lanulv will a mutual iticntl of thens mtl of the mikentes mis a hi istv put them in touch with one another while a sponsot foi the lanulv is lequucd theie is no it jal obligation tonmclcd with the lequitvment the kirk session ol kno vc is inloiiiucl ol v1i mckcntc s tit sue to assist the lamilv and thev weie toniplt lelv willing i be chiistvs antl mckenics v it ihone tl in ii t ae h ol he i loi ctvctil vtais rev chitslvwas aiciiitk kilktl in i c ai lecidtnt nil ihc mckenits consult i i he ii spoiisoi ship ol this i unily i st ii l ol nit nun i il mi inn foicign ewhaiigi inks in in ilia an iiiv light antl hit guls wtit onlv illovveel to li ins thiii pounds out ul lilt tollllliv less than sio each but they brought manv gills siii anil disss lengths btau tiliillv e in b i o i tl e i e il silk scaivts ivorv and lealhcrwoik and small coinage i lit mcken it gills have atl been gtvtn ma tiual bv thou almmelive voung guests while then selioolnm was in fnjlish thev also speak bon gali and hindi snow thev u lookinj loi waul lo then inst sight ol it district motorists fa weeks accidents repeat course in insvvti to iitquuiis lotiea lion duet loi llowaid peaixe savs i iil lathes sum and mini e lass will stall shoillv ik will in iiieilin soon willi lite houtl to discuss piolfiain pi iii nin ik stvs anvoiie w 11111111 lllllllel lllltil iii illotl in iv i ill linn at llu iicua olha 11021 the its a vciv vtiv busv month head vsith special events lot women s oi uani itions saks a cooking school uul la sluon show ait mi link tl iveaton and district mot orists vveie involved in throe ae ctdents in the ninth hal ion aiea dining the past week but onlv one ot them was mimed cohn rttllev baket ol s4 move biav place sulleied a whiplash inpiiv tutlav when his vehicle iiid one dt iv on hv ronald its lie bioughloii rr i collided on hichwav 7 ntai ciewsons coineis damage totalled s6s0 a eai iluven bv william mid dleton ol 227 mill st and a i tin trattoi opnated b iho mas malcolm manes ot rr i collided on 2s sideioad ptst west ol the sith line on mon ilav alliinoon the ial leeeiv cd 600 damage the third accident was a iwo- iir collision on highwa 2s at llu camphellt die sideioad on wetlnesdav ol last week one diivln hv robiit john fleatkv ol r r 3 leeetved si so damage w 11 i it- the tal dllvell bv ctell gicil ol fim was undamagi tl turn to your frundh rree- press familv want ads and- see all of the bar gains offered 4 well meet you at the 4 in acton park september 19 66 i v1v i mn t r l n i tvi- o i t1 i aj p acton ifall fair 16 17 parade opening performan friday sept 16t1tijkl variety all star program acton gtizns and and concerts pairs and squares i modern square dancing royal canadian legion chorauers afeature event final judging and crowning of mis acton fair clifr mckay mc j saturday september 17 1000 am junior horse show judging 1230 pm gala openinq parade featuring the acton citizens band royalaires drum and bugle corps of guelph prizes for best float decorated doll buggies tricycles bicycles etc 200 pm official opening of the fair a t c mcnam deputy minister of highways afternoon program on the grounds horseshoe pitching tournament baby shpw acton citizens band royalaires drumytfnd bugle corps drill entertainment and contests vince mountford aa c livestock show offering increased prize money in most sections evening entertainment annual fall fair night dance in the arena 3lk8 come see our hall exhibits commercial and industrial displays welcome to acton fallfair for the best in livestock homecrafts and entertainment vince mountford mc l mrs irene swackhamer sectreas jack marshall president kl ng shows bingo midway 2 sames setter kiddieland shows t concession welcome to the fall fair have fun and enjoy yourself at thf fair when on main street youre invited lo drop around and visit the acton pharmacy bill yundt mannqer 2 main st n 8531620 free pickup and delivery of prescriptions complete veterinary line the manaqer ond staff of acton plnitmacy sincerely wish the directors of the acton fall fair bord the qreatest surross for this year s fair a full duty portable at a lightweight price new 1966 sterling by smith corona the nvw improved family portable for ihvjpudfl- t minded now featurei 88 zhmmfift oflict- me keyboard high speed ky tmf tabulator plus other popular ifirting feature farnoui 10 day touch typing course on lp records only jilu 3 95 with purchaie of new sterling 13 95 i t v when purchased leparateil tit type the new s22hi slerling today at w rffi a fw sch001 vaiues backtoschool supplies sheaffer pens wide selection t6 choose from ft-3- pens cartridge and lever filling 1 00 to 595 ball pens 15c to 198 ball pens 1 00 to 295 sheaffer school fountain pens cartridge lever action 100 to 295 ring binders 1 and 2 rngs assorted colors from o zipper ring binders school bags 89c to 295 398 to 750 235 to 395 esterbrook fountain ven your choice of nibs 295 to 395 loose leaf filler paper per package 25c to 98c exercise eoks ruled and plain wide selection felt tip markers 15c to 98c 29c to 89c ball pen refills for most kinds of pens x loose leaf refills pencils erasers celiotape rulers math set slide rules pencil p0ljches color pencils compasses brief cases and under arm zipper cases 325 to 995 dills stationery 56 mill st e 8532030 4t4yj

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