Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1966, p. 1

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1 f record crowd enjoys 53 rd fall fair on weekend aunt stu ninetysecond year no 12 acton ontario thursday september 22 1966 alitliurlul i simild riass mull li till- pusl ofdir tvpilliuiill oltlitil twolvo pages ten cents miss acton fair marqaret given 15 year- old erin township qirl was crowned friday night at the arena performance back row left to right are barbara mceachern 16 yearold acton high school student runner up last years start photo miss acton fair patti mckay and 1 7yearold denise parker acton also a runner up the at tractive trio and all the contestants were loudly applauded full list later fair prize lists summarized witlf pultit wtilhe lot i inhume and nidging ompiii ihn was killl till million t llllbt hisms 1 iidav and satuiiilv i lllbls 111 smili lji luiulltl lltoppiil ill disappointing low numb i 111- t ii till st ilixil eftllll u 1 v lk wls ilisplavid iii ilk alslll all i hul illi sl oik ill till wall tlts mill llllll i in pu s 1 1 ii ii kind iga lvil in j i ivll v lll i i llvlfv lllll i till i iv iii tllllt vllcluu 1uii llv i ulv tilt i i 1- 1x11 pv tr i hi this ui iik liulv thi on ro hii i 1 it ii uil l hi iik it silools spivsltll 1 1 hilt house vvlloon hi i vnivmk 1 ivuislip opi v- xiivh1 aikl hiookv illt st h domestic science v ii i i it- uvu itlulslllllv mvl llvl it is i lltl llnislul ivsim and l ilnix mis vmiiiiii roni hli i aki kit i lupin i 111 1 ml- lioi iin mis ilminp spi and li s l st ivn iii lop pi i s a uk s p ants mil mi 05r li nt iikius itiii t nui vi ibit and ludgi ciitnt 1ussv i hul a lllltllllt ii ik iluosllk wlllllils hough iimi s i ilii ptiiinl plants wit kran s i uk ait llowi tiiangmu n s iii pkn tilu kiitling in alt k ii u iik split if u ik uiilivtii nun aillik vltlltl dspavs in the canned anil panniil pitiiliiiis scititin iik iusiiis in o ixullti again ottiuj a nii ltiit in ik itiiljvs wk wtiit litun mi to iii tasting ik lull aw ai ding i ilhans i nil its in iik lut i i t tt t i luluts weie t high ipiiiti in llio vhiivlicii ngns ilass 1 smith won the bank ot man deal tiophv with his giuid ehaiiipion male as well as mp ping the fc hiaula and son tin in the hcrcfoiil i lass c v patttison won thi v miviu tiophv wilii ins land iliam pitin male and c i lvcutli won tk gi and iliiinpion lemds t 1 iss hie i biaulijjtiihl son ihil lenge tiophv loi ciiailtl chain puni shin hum malts vcup i clinis i asb md son with s i di il i in anvl sun nipping the continued on page i lie sutt photo time marches on and this watch has ticked off 50 years harry harwood left actop as a sergent with the first contingent in world war 1 in 1914 above he shows mayor les duby the gold watch presented to hirn by the town of acton after he ph loi iinj champion lemalc was invalided home in 1916 he now lives in windsor and came and niam othei pives thiough heie last weekend especially to meet former friends and visit out the competition acton fair mill main lights promised at official fair opening riding high a record crowd at actons 53rd fall fair heard a native son now deputy minister of highways declare the town will soon have stop lights when he officially opened the fair satur day afternoon with perfect weather cn expanded proqram and a large midway the event drew over 7000 to the park on two days for the highest gate receipts ever after the saturday parade with its two bands floats and comics cars lammed the park and lined the streets for blocks around police supervised the slowmovinq traffic am under president jack marshall and secretary treasurer mrs irene swjackhamer the multitude of simultaneous events ran smoothly the many on their committees looked back on an extremely sucossful fair at their usual lair mqht dance in the arena highlights ol theliila i in included the li idil pi obtain with the smpiise naming ol miss acton pair the satin dav paiide and an iiiuisualh lull piogiam in the lair giounds the niidwac was cueptionalk good with seveiil i ides and jiames lot adults as well as rile usual tin ills lot children the hooths ueic lammed foi the two das late a i night sal in dv while i lie closing dance was held in the aiena the bughl lights ol the midwav still k fleeted in whorls m the told wateisol lairv lake although the hall exhibits had been icauanyed to tnakt inou- on the plat loi m on the iouikis with the davs mastei ol teiemotues vmce mount- loid tur piesidcnt jack mar- slull mp dr harrv harlev and m pip geoijie ktrr rtie words that ollitiallv opened the fan were spiken bv cameron mcnab on hehall ol the prime minisiii ol his piovintc and the mimstei ol highways within the next month oi two om dangeious interscc- i ion will he litcl up he assin nl his mim lisienets he mdi- iiled linaikial assistance might in available this was ijoiki coniinued on pago thiec miss acton fair crowned at friday night program appatenllv erin twp rais es quite a numoer ol attractive uuii beauties for the thud time an etin township girl was chosen as miss acton tair beloie a luge enthusiastic audience ol well oei 1000 in l he aiena ti ida night pert blue eed brunette margate men iseuold et in high sihool student was ciowned miss alton tan the nc queen is the second oungest daughtet of district laimeis mi and mis thomas jien besulis hei patents the oueen s lout sisteis loi rie linn- catln and pat mis fled kentnei ji at ton weie all on hand to tongi atulatc the smil ing oueen this is he hrst time she has entered a contest two acton ynls shared in the itiiimpli when the weie named iimneis up and sened as he oiieen s lovck attendants thr oughout satin ili fair miss batbaia mteathein 16earold daimhtci ol 1i and mrs wi1 i ltd vlieiiliei n riei st who alttiiils tliii dislnct high sthiiiil anil miss denise paiker 7tarolil ilauylitei ol mr and tlis finest patkei 14vlowhia plan anil who attends john i kim sihool in oiitlph pltiiil i in id hoth ieteted a huge uiiiiui tioni the iimul when t lit v veit named tor the first time in the lout eu liistot ol the miss alton ian iiinlim linal nidging iin loailtitted helore the f ndn night iinwil it took two i omuls ofiudgmg klott linal aojujimccilient was inidi thi pi e ions sturda puitl ol thite nidges mtsspai km onlaito jimioi farmei hit piisitleiit maioi ralph innth ol the llth field regi iviiit ciitelph ma chnles ells ol the guelph business college mien itwed the mill contest ants at tht high sihool ftcr the satuidav judging ill miss timi ian lommittee held a speiiil meeting and de- iidtd all nine lontestants would he tniiimiiiitl at the arena iiilav total ol points tiom both nidging mould iletetmine uimiirs judges frulat tom- piisul miss mksson edwards of hianttoul who is retgntns miss snow quetn at waterloi um- uisit itnuiit rogei s and terrv speus hoth radio announceis with cjoy in guelph during the fnda night xhow in the arena the nine contest ants paiaded on stage before the audience and panel of the nidges to receive gilts ot french purses presented b charles heaid fiom beardmore and co lid coiittblants included the oueen margaret gnen lunnns up baibara mieaihein and denis rent st huts and susan blatk also fiom fun township bienda mtkeown and lnda reineis dso i torn at ton joan ogoinian horn nassagauea township and gieta fienstra liom esquesing township after the initial piese ntatiun of purses contestants weie es corted to a ilownstuis loom in the aiena wheie linal iiidging took plate cheeis echoed tin oughout the aiena when the gills hied back to the stage and committee than man bill nelles announced tht winners miss gien bioke intoahioad smile when her name v as an notinced as the 1966 miss acton tair oei the j loud speakei ti she tongiatultted all ton continued on page sten loom school ihikltens wink was all out on the lie suilaie iheie weie still tin- usual ciowils ending tatlt chspla comineit iii txlubils gale out somituis with i ii i of malum a ml deilei s weie pleased with the i espouse at one end o the aiena the plitloim liom tin i i ulit show was used salindav loi ilii pop nl ii hib shou with aihiinlng itlilms lingua the taptivitui and most unsill ttuisiious en ii nils while the midway hlaiitl a loiitinuous pnigiun einanalid liom the plallonn wluie piking singing vint e mount loi d was in tliugi he winoiiiitecl ients wiuniis ami spm il guests maioi lis liib wtlcomed thi now d m p lt hat tv llii lt anil m pp jtoige kei i hoth spoke hi itik paiut- winners hiln nintisl wimieis am thing aiulihlt was anmninced bv mi mount loid n im lilled in the blanks with songs and okes c i biowne 96 waslheolil est pi i son on the giotiudc 1 in pi ii loi the peison lompi liom the i ii t liist tlistante went to joseph gu ih liom km must helm south west mutant v hl is tisilnig with dauglili i s anil sons in law until xicmbit mi anil v1is adam liost jnii lanith iakeview subihi ision and mr and mi s biluit cl muthlhathei wesliott road llndei the itees the alton pairs and sqilaics danced to loudspeakers to earn themselv es gtasshoppers badges given to tilth nienibeis who dance on the glass sotiit ol the memb ei s ol ihe tluh this suninitr taiiuil thomselies duck hady es h dancing in a pool at hospitality inn ihe gioup weie advertising then new sea- on dancing on the giein weie auihei and llnolil dennv i ilna and minsll nellis mane and geoiice ii u gi hi- nan and stu kted iin and jjc hai hi pettv ol alton with ptvtlhs and bill cutiiiinghim ol port cudit noun wiltov wis talln hoist- shoe pitching uas lo i hid behind the iiviii lo biing siiilaliis lo iien a not he i toin ct ol the itowded gioiiiuls lions club inenibet s helped wilh p iikmg and dueitois of i nil agricultural socieli took tickets at the gate selling tickets in ihe booth weie local bank employees who lot ailed up about s400 more than last tai satin davs gate admis sion neat iv 1 1 ached s20m and with niaiiv cxlubitoii and child- iin inltiing without chngc the alltndilice was set bv guess at ovii 7xfl loi both das alton ciliins rand pi neil on tht liatk dining t lit alln- noon with three dunces on in town salindav evening th u was a smallei than usual in nil at tin llu dance mai ion fans ot- ihestii plaved and the event niuli a lewdollais ispc-c-ial- ly those vvno had vvoiked so hard to make ihe tur the suc- tess tt was cnioved this even ing ot relaxation i heie mas the regular legion dance and a special danee at ihe new hand hall as well as usual ihe dependable st john ambulance bngade was on duly fall fair fills free press today full prbc lists of winners in nil ciusrch at actons 53rd fall fulr will he published in nxt wcckk tone of the free press with the time required lo type- off lengthy lists from the judg es books and set them in type for publication early thursday morning it is just not possible to have them ready for this week instead there is a summary of the prize lists including win ners of specials two bands floats officials draw applause on parade route tlons tan dav puade this mat changed its toute liom tht tustoniarv enhance to llit pai k via knox avenue starting liom the station it continued west on mill st and cntei ed the park gates bv wav ol park ave wait ing spectators 0 mam made a surpnse dash to lhe cornci deiotated doll buggies hnvt lys and tt itvtlcs weie the lirst lo amvt and weie jtidgiil in the paik ihe paiide headed bv alton citinis band bepin ivith a tunvci hole containing fair boatd piesident jack marshall and laches division piisidcnt mrs melvin mccullough this was followed bv the at ton 4h club float and an optn tonvcrtible containing vlavor actons oldest citizen charles kelly browne chats with deputy minister of high ways cameron mcnab centre and haltons member of provincial parliament george kerr matt photo prior to the official opening of the fair by mr aacnab saturday mr mcnab who lived ip acton as a boy ahd mr browne recalled mem ories of the town jn earlier days lis dubv and ins wife and ac tons curienl citini of the yiu well known f i wnght nevt in the ptotcsiion was the lirst pne winning cubs lloat so ovei i lowing with lads some walked bitnnd in a con- mitibli rode ftciie jim milne of liamosa township and rtevt geotge leslie of csque ing township a rickshaw with sandra mc- i ell in nding m il and pulled hv wavne mc lei ian and david biovvn atliaited plmtvol atten tion clown rill tavlor delight ed i lie ihililien di esseil in old lashioncd garb on the cioldeii age club float wttf bonietiil mis jat k har- tivi ti s peu i kennedv and mis r i davidson with pion- n is lult t oi cl james ralston and i it k llai gi iv e this lloat uis awaidid thud pliif li i tin nihci s o ilii tall tair huiid had pints ol honor in two itinvt i lihls s still active in the lau r i divulson ami ab robiison ioil lneiher in the nei tar wire luijioraia life inembei s sandi klejn dun- iiii walvht a id smith gnffin sr mis eton i til lair margar- it iiitn ol 1 i i township and her mniieis up barbaii mi- latbiin anil i irse paiker of aittn and all tht lonlcstanls drew waves a id scattered ap plause in mi ii lends lliev were in seveial ol i lit l ninverttblcs ihe siioml sttiinn nl tht par ade was hiidcil h the otielph optiknights harul in bright col- uitd nnilorins as thev marched al a cpiitk pas i shorlhorn las- sits sandra peu t and judv oll- mout lollowiil n an open con vertible tlu tharming brown ies lloat ilepittid the floral em blems ol ihe pro iriccs ladies froin llc alton fair lloaid loiuiiillv decked out as a firtui iniisiv al group called the lerniitis rtteivrd plenty of applause another hoat was entered b norm turner riding together haltons members of parliament dr harrv harlev and george kerr greeted the crowds lining the route continued on page three

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