Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1966, p. 1

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vtjr ht jvttim mttt ft ninetysecond yearno j 3 acton ontario thursday september 29 1966 aiilhorurrf rccond rln mall h thr pnal ol lice ijcpartmom ottawa 14 pagesprice j 6 centi pngnmat y m overtopping there will be no duplication of program for boys a g at the community centre and at the ymca following a meet ing at which the y program was mapped out recreation dlrecioi howard fcnrvw met monday evening with y board and the two y instructors for this year call chadbourne and pete lawson registration begins next mon day monday evenings at the y will be boys club night there will be group participation in age groups in a gvm and club set ting as well as snorts there will be programs dealing with camping fishing regulations woodwork and othcrvxjrafts ages ore 1 1 to 15 u from 8 to 10 pm there will be the y junior loaders corps a training program for specially chosen leaders tuesday nights will he given over to the basketball team the court jesters foi practices and games wednesday nights program parallels mondays but its for girls the first and third thursdays lire reserved foi the golden ape club and the second and lourth continued on page two december municipal election start of new twoyear term voters going to the polls in the municipal election tins de ccmbci will mink ballots lot candidates loi ouniil hvilto electric commission md public school board who will air lake oil ice lot a lwovcai leim this tlcc is ion was linallcd uhwh pmrmott np9lt the plunkett commivsion re port on local government in hiilton and peel counties will be unveiled tonight thurs day i for councillors and the press of the two counties at a special gathering in oakxillc the rcpoi t is expected to car- ry som farreaching sitgges whipper why watson british empire wrest ling champion willingly receives an arm hold from george rowsell poplar avenue acton as brother robert watches prior to the mam match between the whip and sweet daddy siki at ataff photo the arena last week on thursday october 6 the popular wrestlers return to town and the main bout is a death match between sweet daddy and whipper billy ttons jollhc future of the two counties and many of the mum cipalitics within their borders j w spooncr minister ol municipal affairs for ontario will preside over the gathering and present the report it was written bv thomas j plunkett a special commissioner appoint ed bv the department to con duct the vear loisg studv of lo cal government at thursdays meeting copies will be distributed to council lors and school boa id rcpresen tatties from halton and peel minors reeves and depute reeves ot- local municipalities plus the school boa id chair men hae received imitations a detailed analysis ol ihc te- port will appeal in next weeks paper st work n w new hydro building weve dune two v ears work tonight commented h d o chan man tod tyler last thurs- da at the regular meeting of acton hdro commission wheq the commission approved the signing ol a const met ion con tiacl with whitnev construction ot brampton toi the new fcl sso hdio of i ice and woikshop building while weve got hei on the move wc ic going to get some criticism he concluded the contract covets the con stiuvlion ol the new bin cling on alice sticcl but does not include elect i leal wiring an condition nig oi healing paving and sod ding the wuing and licit ing will he handled in the commis sioll stafl i lee 1 1 leal healing will be used in the building the present contract com pales with the tendcis submit profitmaking roller skating replaced by winter program recreation dircctoi howard peaixc asked and received pel mission from the recreation committee to spend halt a dav a week in the mca to run ladies slim and trim classes as pait of the recreation program mr poaixcvwll also consult and advise the two ymca headers from the univeisitv of guelph so no duplication ol prugtams will ocelli mi peaixc s ivpot l opened the ivgulai meeting ol the iveiea lion committee on the heels ol a loint meeting with paiks boa i el and no i eommiltee ol council called to untangle the legal measures needed to amal gainate parks and recreation pcarce plans lor slim and turn akc vail toi a session on thurs dav evening with mis art coop er actine as mstiuetor preparations ten the wmtci season at the ctimmunitv centre arc well underway mr peaixc uitormed the committee- rolkr skating which showed a prolu m its first eai ot operation will be finished oetobcr i new paits have been ordered tor the kc making plant and it should be ixadv for operation shoith after lhe re rcceivxd herb ritchie has been encag ed for the wintet months and he ii commence his duties in the commurutv centre cm 1 property chairman harold tovvnslev cnumeialccl sevxial problems lo rv soliid in the arena hefoic tlk season stalls win- received for the ends had to be sent back and reordered elsewhere since mr tovvnslev felt a pmck could go through the mesh the schomberg machine which sleeps shaves and floods the ice is having minor repairs done including sharpening the blade the property chairrpan div closed the insurance underwrit ers objected to more than two person usip2 the referees room last season and there wcie loui retcrecs m it he lelt the room would onlv house two men a suggestion lioni the pixipei tv chairman that ihc laige worn downstairs could be partitioned and an additional room loi ret- cixvs built there vvas left until the teehng ot the tall tan boaid vvas known members lelt the i an boa n1 had iiiiisdiction over the room as pail ol the agicc- niviit doling the building diivc llicv adviseel mi tovvnslev li sonsult ihvm bcloix- anv clcei sums weie made the secretary lead a lettci tiiim acton disuict high school boaiel lcplving to a request tuim the recieatloii commission to diseiiss new tennis eouits in town the hvtaid stated thev h id no tiuilities available toi tennis member hugh patterson vote ed his e one cm vic nist asked them to talk about it he said helen otteibcin was moie ob- lcstive retelling to press re- ports ot remarks attributed to the ehairman about the abuse calamity corner records another car accident total damage to two cais m volicd in an accident at the mill main st eiirmi satuulax ecnin vvas estimated bv con stable pete i campbell of the acton opp detachment to tc ground 250 a car driven b clarence rognvaldson main st n tra- v citing north on main st and one dnven bv britta larson acton travelling east on mill st were involved this is another accident for the record of calamity cor ner and condition ot the old minis she stitecl wc plavcd tennis on the eouits toi veus and the cliaumans rcinaiks ecitamlv didn t applv to tliein wc paid siio a veai loi use ol the- eouits and thev wcix alwavs in good conditions only tender toi iciital ol the loud booth at the community centre tam liom ip6its coin ci piopiictoi rov goodw uwylic cvnimtlcc asked lie administra lion committee to meet with mi goodwin to discuss the iv n tal beloie an igicciiictit is made the commit tci agixccl to p i tecs ol svs to enable iccicatum dllcetoi how a ill peaice to be lollc to t lie soelltv loi cllixe tills ol nillilu ipal kiuillnil 1 hi- bodv supplies diicclois wilh hilplul lilciatiux and inloinia lion for the benefit ol miiiibcis who xvcicti i at the loint nieel ing beloie chas leatlic i landxji plained what tiaiispttehl and mged membeis to think about ihc implualions o the dcpt of munieipal alhm idea ol amal carnation 1 lie eelctus w 1 illsl file tc d to title out liom the cleikad nunisiiatoi it the eonimittcc was liable loi the ttactoi used 111 the eommumtv ceiwie eiulim elub ixques to build sbebes and dig a two tool lullell llllele i the si a is in the 111 ii i w is ippi nved tv c til i lis m liming in vv slotii s mil tlu idilitional spin is lueilid to stun tju in lnipiiviiikiits wilrbc it their expense financial statement number seven amounting to 31923 was approved for pav me nt chairman len lovcll presided at the meeting with members c peirv o coultrup h patterson mrs h otterbcin h tovvnslev mrs g frver c leatherland seeixlarv ait cooper and how aid peaice also in attendance led and iccctcd in june last veai which at thai lime ranged between a low ol 94600 and a high ol 104 970 but included heating and wmng a recall of tendcis in novemoer brought lendcis horn 919 to 105 41 s the pi ice ol 61 sso is a result ol negotiations and icvjsioiis to the plans between aichirect don skmiiii and whitnev constnie hon the eonl i ict vi as signed tuesday ol this week bv chair man led 1vlciand sccrelii mis audiev 1 1 ejiihit t comple tion is scheduled loi dcccmhci ii li6 vvoi k is to commence lie s t week also approved at the meeting was i 1 s00 faeelilting for alice sliect to include street lighting and undcigiound sei vice to serve the i edcral building the ontat io hvdro inleiim opeiatlilg lepolt foi seven months leeeivcd bv the com mission showed levenue of 188387 against expenses ol s16s2si pioviding the local com mission with a 23 136 operating piolit the retut n to the com mission is at the rate ol 122 per cent the leport also noted 72 pei cent ol their 1966 capital c pciidituics had been expended bv julv ii 97 pel cent ol the aiiioiuil budgeted foi transform eis has been spent it is an tie pa tul fuithcr expenditures mav be anticipated commissioners agreed to iii l tell tile elliplovcc bcnclltd picpcscd loi the municipal woiks stall through the mutual lite insuiancc company chair man tvler said the proposal pro vides itiereasesd benefits with a vtiv small amount of money involved mav or dubv advised commissioners the proposed ad dition to the benefit picks up all the loose ends well never have to deal with it again the annual cost to the com mission goes from 198 78 to 2s3i up 5438 per vcar or 27 per cent accounts totalling 1 82957 weie ippiovcd for pav ment ss 000 was to be reinvested by the cliuinian and tieasurcr in to dav lieastirx notes it is not anticipated the 6s0o0 will be leqmiid toi pivnient on the iiew building until the comple tion of the term mav or dubv asked commis- sioncis to consider what assis tance the commission might be able to suggest in provision of lighting in the grounds at the centennial hbrarv as well as chairman tyler commissioners brown dawk- tns and mceachcrn and mayor dubj attended tuesday night when a bylaw adopting the twovcai lei m was approved bv the inijoiin nl council only dissenting vole was east bv couneiltoi c i leit hci land acton fire hall will sometime in the luttux- house a new lue 1 1 tic k luesilay mglii council approved the tcndci litim c i hickcv and sons loi the new li uck at a pi ice ol 22700 ihc vehicle is being pure based tin del lire linvigency measuits oi ganiation plan and 45 pei cent ol the cost up to 18 000 is home bv the government with ihc town assuming the balance ths means a giant of 8 100 will be paid leaving ac ions sliau it 14600 as the hock is not expected to be dvhveied until next veai pavniint toi actons sliaie will be taken cue ol out ol hie eqilipmenl linnl established this vein it wan explained to eotuieil that ihc inc maishal had visit ed town anil inspected the pics enl i9s3 cmc liiiek now l3vcatsold he told maoi its dubv once a lux truck is is veus old it can no longei in hitled in oi sold io anolhei eoiiiniuniiv but could be kept in good rcpaii and used is a see ond vehicle it was also leained thai uiidei ihc 1 m plan onlv 2s iiucks could be puichased this ci uid acton vvas 2hd on tlu list itthetowhdccldcmlatjahistpiu chasing the truck this vear llnre would be possibly be mi ollici two oi thiee ycais wait ihioio it would become eligible uiidei the plan again two other bids received in eluded one froml hciniiseaifrave at a puce ol i2s7s7 and one i rum i a li anee at a pi ice ol 248 clerkadmlnlatralor jack me gcachic advised eopmil he had leieived furthei woul fioni the dcpailmenl of ihglivvavs slat ing signal lights could in in stalled at the mill main inleisee lion but the town would heal tlu- entile cost ll was noted lie lcu iiictit is available loi desl and luvuut ol the lights i he i lei k was instiiie led to have the dtrttrvnt prepare plans ml s hi e ilions which will hi studied and leiiileis called to obtain pi ices 1inul decision loi iiislallalion ol lights will he has ed on the total cost attending the meeting vvcie tovvn assessoi william laskine aml town emplovee lohn dunn mi i i skine was pnsinlcd with ins assessoi s tiilificale ill lei completing a lhtjimai eomsc liont queens univeisitv kiuk- ston hv ihniiked council loi sending him on the ionise and said il look a great deal ol hind vvoik nndsludv hul he had unin ed coiisitluj able knowleilge from i he itmne which would he a gieil heiielit to hlmsell ami ihc thr luvpavtis vvas un in tiiiu b nil members pi event john dunn was piesented with n ceisilicate tioin the onlailo vvatel resouixes coinmissloii loi suicissliil coitipletloii of a i luce mt com si- in xvalei pol liillon mi dunn expiessed up piecialion lt council for nendr ing tuiti on the coutse and mtiid it gnt him mote initiative hi woik he sulci ho way pleaied lo woik lot the town und al though the leilillcatc could come in handy to obtain a job almost aitwmrtteie i dont in- tend l lufv acton lie a mayoi dubv and council mem- heiscogialulnled the workman in tne iniiiinei he cat lies out ills woik mid the inleiesl hv taken in it accounts totalling 859681 wnc appioied loi payment investigate expansion of town office propose including library hallway i xpaiision ol kvnf laeih ins at the tmimchpal otitic is clink i eoiisiditilion hv vniiii il bv iiicoipoialing tin piesinl lilnaiv loom ami possibly tin 1 1 out hall ol the ym a lite selav iiuiiiig council ag md lo txipiisl an illicit don aid sklimei to inusligali and upon on appioxim ile costs loi tin ii nov alions mini illni fail masales won dc ml il pints might hi obtain ed liom loial lollllk loi s and was told ibis would hv possible but ibi advice ol iithci the u clulccl oi an iligliieei would he niicsstiv lo dc le i mine- the slicss and sliain on piesent walls a long hard battle bv tom hiankiewie to have ins piopet tv ii zoned i nun u m to h 1 in otdii lo allow its development caiiit to a conclusion 1uisi niglil wlirit the change mt niankkwic7 had visilid council on stveial oeiasioiis and iht last tune was acioinpanicd by his sohelloi atthls llleeling couiiitt appioveit on ihc solicjloipolied imi by leaving the piopulv oiled km only apat tmeiils would he pei inillid and in his tsliuialion ihe laud didnt tiialll foi this due lo tin proxiniilv ol the cmk bed and link ol p liking men by remilullon ihc planning coiisiiiihu will he ietuisled in i liange on the oiling map hum km lo im designation piopci- ties on main st n liom ihc hoiintliiv ol the hiankiewie and lloiiuette piopeilies south lo and ini lulling ihe anikei pto peitv as well as in lulling all ol ihc hiankiewie piopei tv conn eilloii koheil drinkwaliei and i ai i masales voted in oppusl lion another icsolulion pisenlcd hv councillors c i i citluilnnd and mis dolls 1ivei lo change i n the 7oiiiiig in ip liom r i lo it 3 desiunalioii all piopcims p1atts-28- mtt 315 lytmr iioi th nndtvesrol the landstid ice ill lo young and oueeii jsls bill not including schtlot-prv- pel lies was de lea led mr leatherland m icqiicstltnj ihe change said homes in thin a lea wiiiiiiol all classed us r hul vailid including some bu-il- ness ivsldeiiees and was of ihe opinion llieiv wan land available which could he btilll on by vet- eiaus unilei ihe vimeiann luind act lie saltl these could corn- pan- to the piesent itonien on chut chill road n these home ait not serviced with newer hut hv septic tanks lie vvas of iht opinion council would be sitiiiiiiih the grow hi of ihc town by not allowing home lo be t lie leil vvitlioiil sewei servicer lie was lold by ihe clerk that seniles wen- available on part ol huiihill kd n and one home was alieatlv hooked up mavoi us dubv himself a reni- iliiit in this at cm said il was ihe giiicial opinion of the few itsldenlh lliev could gel hywllh sipiic tanks uuiil such time a hctovatfttondiifraxihl t i stall scivrr mnhin durloc ihe number two nam- uilie tepot i il was larned len adams nropt ittor ol w- bun continued on pane two to seek amalgamation advice on recreation parks board in court i incs totalled 748 and com i costs 144 in milton police com i mondax when 25 ollciul ois appeared before magistiatc c w guest and seven ol fenders settled out of court chatgcs were laid bv ihe acton opp detachment included in the charges were 17 tiaflic ollenses loui illinois ehugcd with consuming hquoi three with having hquoi in oth er than their residence and one impaired tlnving charge i moils to amalgamate paiks doaiil and ihe recreation com mittcc appi oved in piuiclple bv bolh bodies weie delened until a till t he i meeting wilh le picscntatives ol the depai i ment ol lilticat ion and the- de paitnient ol municipal allans can be arranged i his was decided it a loint inciting ol the two boa ids with the no i committee of council clerk admimstialor j mcgcach ic and secretary art cooper in ihc council chambers thursday evening councillor chailcs leatherland acted as chairman object of the meeting vvas lo tliiesh out the legal problems involved in amalgamating the two hoatds iurlhu advice will hv sought since conllicliiig views on the possible mciger wcic piesented liom depart merit ol i ducal ion and depart ment ol municipal affalis ic pi esc illative doug iallon an i represent i live tor ihe cominumtv prt- giams division ol ihe depart ment ol education advised re presentatives from bolh bojrds at an earlier meeting amalgam- a lion was a lairly simple mat ter ile produced drafts ol a by law to hack up his case clerkadmlnlatralor jack mc- gcachie however closeted with an official of the department of lilunicipil affairs at a recent seasons opening for acton y m c a takes place next aaonday when program director carl chadbourne and assistant pete lawson start the fall and winter prog ram j this aaonday the two men who arc attending guelph university met pboto with acton recreation director howard pearce to map out a program left to right are pete lavfeon carl chadbourne and howard pearce a complete program for all age groups appears elsewhere in i his issue convention was advised amal gamation was virtually impos sible this official declared bolh paiks imt rcct eat ion must have iwo sits ol hooks but it was ihjssiblc lo have the same mem bership mr mcgeichie lold ihc meet ing hoard ol parks manage ment was in the same situation as school hoards they can ap proach council and demand mo ney on ihc other hand ihc re creation committees requisition for moncv is at councils dis cretion in the ensuing discussion parks board member nino brai- da felt the onus was on ihc re creation committee to prove amalgamation was needed since they initialed the- move parks board is running smoothly he si id i wonder if all this trouble is worth n i cant see one board running two scls of books and iwo sets of minutes haiinian charles leather- land disigrced with mr braida it would cut meetings to one where two are now needed he ilcclarcd duplication of work nil the- lack of liaison between parks and recreation would be eliminated suggested complement of new board was seven parks board members who would be loincd hv five additional mem bers for a recreation meeting i m inclined to go along with nino said recreation committee chairman len lov cll all this trouble doesnt seem to be xvorlh it two sets of hooks two meetings in one night the chairman injected but the department of education man seemed to feci one board cood do the job he intimated it had been done in other centres mr mcgcachie felt before anv decision was made a meet- in with mr patlon of the dcpt of education and mr taylor of thr dept of municipal affairs should he organised his sug gestion was acted on and joint kccretary art cooper was in structed to arrange for mr pat- tons attendance mr mogea- chic will contact ihe fepresca- talivc from the dcpt of muni cipal affairs in the meantime members of both boards were a by the chairman to make up their mind if they are in favor ot seven man board with tive adv continued on page 2

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