Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1966, p. 1

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ninetysecond year no 14 acton ontario thursday october 6 1966 authorized as second class mall the post office department ottawa 14 paiges price 10 cents mother mid daughter mrs a h mckenzie and marsha mckenzie were the only two local models taking part in the fashion show spon sored by the daughters of knox last week the rest of the models came from guelph and ryans stall photo of guelph supplied the fashions left to right are mrs jerry collins guelph marsha and her mother and miss eleanor martin guelph a crowd of close to 275 watched the show at the high school auditorium i- long struggle by principal may result in auditorium a ihrccvcar struggle waited warrant it all i ask is for vou could be includ alongsidethe by principal elmer smith or the m z bennett public school for an auditoriumgymnasium at his school may possibly pay off tuesday evening during the board meeting the subject arose again and board members were in accord to obtain the views of inspector w l mc neil regarding the need of the addition this is the first step on the ladder toward approval ol a gymnasium there is an auditorium at the robert little school but not at the m z bennett school in the past all school functions have boon held at the r l school mid pupils at the m b school have had to trail to the other school lor practice ses sions physical educatiuii com ses at the m z b school have beeti limited until last year when the high school gym was obtained pari lime lor this pur pose the subject was opened by trustee cyril bishop who lonn- orly supported the principals request after a report of pre school children had been pres ented report showed 95 child ren at the age of live years 102 at four and w5 at three or under it was also noted regis tration lor kindergarten at both schools this term was 104 mr bishop said it was evid ent additional classrooms were not needed but asked principal smith to submit his immediate needs regarding a gymnasium secretary treasurer win mid- dleton noted that before grants could bo obtained proof ol the need of any addition hail to he submit ted to the department ot education principal sinrtlij liillenped the secretary and saiul dont have to prove the need it is already here the department says there must be three physical education classes per week and by using the high school gym each class is getting one half hour per week at no time have i askedou to consider class- rooms tjae population jocout to consider rinding out the costs and sec about grants and it is always put to one side chairman vic bristow was of the opinion the board should wait and see il additional class rooms might be required due to the expansion of homes in lakeview heights and possible change in the school boundary this doesnt make sense its like having two bald tiros on your ear and waiting for the other two to go bald before buy ing new ones remarked prin cipal smith he informed the board the possible location lor the pro posed gym would be at the south end ol the school between the high school and the m z bennett school he also re minded board members once acton boulevard is extended to meet a proposed road from churchill road n the school parking area would be lost he proposed die parking area sm the board chairman wonder ed if the plunkett report might have some bearing on the school situation and perhaps the board should be thinking of the future not just a year or two ahead not that everything in jhe re port is going to be done or is right he remarked to conclude the discussion mr bishop and trustee doug manning moved a resolution to approach the inspector and ev eryone was in accord approval was given for use of the robert little school audi torium to the loyvn thursday november 24 tor the annual nomination meeting it was also agreed to increase the hourly rale of the part lime caretakers from fi25 lo si35 per hour principals smith and mckenzie were authorized to obtain ice time at the arena again this year for school child ren accounts totalling s2240636 were approved lor payment vehicles halted all this week safety check discovers defects department of transport of- ticers are assisting aclon opp detachment with a car safety check this week with equipment set up on fellows street motorists a iv being stopped hv police and pulled into line ups along mill street by the former tennis courts to wail llteir turn tora car check first stopping point is a check for lights horn windshield wi pers ivar license plate light drivers dtidowfiership license and signal lights the next de partment of transport officer checks for wheel alignment and headlight beams as the vehicle moves along the front end is ihoroughly checked and finaljy the brakes if a car does not pass the check motorists are notified to have faults corrected and repoi t back to the checking point or to local police when the cluck started monday police had cais lined up back to the canadian tire store waiting lor the chock corporal ray mason ami his detachmeiii are iving assisted by constable hong llrickcr ol burlington ivtachmciit ivpait- rticiit ol tianspoii ol titers in chide ruil wade ol millhrook who is in charge hoi t lichti of woodstock floyd brown ol mil ton grant bruce of bancroft and hugh strath of burlington the traffic check was closed tuesday morning due to heavy rain during the night which pre vents an accurate cheek it opened in the afternoon again the safety lanes will be operat- inj until friday plunketts major munic recommends a twocounty scheme to re place existing municipal gov ernments in the present hal- ton and peel counties an entirely new concept of local administration in ontario has been recommended for the neighboring counties by thom as j plunkett special commis sioner who conducted the peel- halton local government re view plunketts new concept en- visions two new county struc tures the rural county of poelhalton and the urban county of jvlississauga stret ching along eastwest lines be tween metro toronto and ham ilton the proposed rural county would include nassagawcya es- quesing albion toronto gore chinguacousy and cale- don townships plus the towns of milton acton and george- ray thompson buys garage the building operated as a garage by the late joe whitham has been purchased by ray thompson of thompson fuels ltd and the young st loca tion will be renovated and op- j crated as a sales and service centre for the fuel oil business mr thompson does not ex pect to take possession of the building for a short lime mean while mrs whitham will con tinue to operate the garage fire prevention week stressed the week of october 9 to oc tober 15 has been proclaimed fire prevention week aclon volunteer fire department jojns with thousands of other depart ments throughout canada in stressing the need of fire safety not only during this week but every week of the year inside this issue of the acton free press are stories and ad vertisements stressing the im portance of being fire conscious acton firelighters will be con ducting an industrial inspection as well as checks at all schools within the acton fire area dur ing this week town and the villages orcalev don east and bolton the urban county he is sug gesting would include burling ton oakville streetsville port credit and toronto township brampton and t ho new unincor porated town of bratffistea that is still under control of ching uacousy township plunketts proposals were un veiled thursday evening at a joint municipal and press con ference in oakville sponsored by the department of munici pal affairs the 126page re port was grabbed up like hot- cakes when minister of muni cipal affairs the hoh w j spooner announced they were ready for distribution the special commissioners ideas for the future of the two counties are not mandatory but will require your most serious study and careful con sideration the minister em phasized local councils and school officials were urged to study the report and present their praise or objections in writing to the minister by dec 31 the proposals for peel and hallons future constitute a form of regional government a subject often discussed for this area hampered by a multiplicity of local boards and commissions an education sys tem that is outmoded inlcr- mtinicipal rivalry lor industries and a hodgopodge of other problems hal ton and peel need a larger structure of gov ernment plunkett recommends the rural and urban count v system would wipe out most local councils and elected or ap pointed boards or commissions for the southern urban county he recommends a 19man coun cil wherein each councillor would represent approximately 12090 constituents with a three man executive committee compri- v the mayor and two other members to do the work a citys board of control would handle the mayor would have increased power including the right to veto a council move a separate hydro electric commission police commission and public library board would b established to handle these three divisions of municipal work and the council would su pervise all other facets or ad ministration the rural county would have a 14man council with similar veto powers for the mayor and each councillor would re present about 4000 people in the four urban type municipa- silies acton milron george town and bolton an elected public service commission would be responsible for wa ter supply and distribution sewers garbage zoning roads lire and police protection and recreation and an additional tax rate would be set by the local commission lo cover these costs plunkett recommends the ad ministration of justice and op eration of the local registry offices should be wholly assum ed bv the province his plan also scraps local educational authorities ex cept separate school boards and calls for a board of educa tion in each new county to handle both elementary and secondary school education the proposed areas are suf ficiently large that real problems can be dealt with by a single responsible body and not lost in a bewildering confu sion or intermunicipal arrange ments intermunicipal commit tees and intermunicipal agree ments he sums up plunkett at a glance the plunkett report peelhalton local government re view is its official title which was released thursday recom mends an urban county of mississauga encompassing burlington oakville toronto township port credit streetsville brampton and bramalea with a 19roember council lo assume all the present power and responsibilities of thesemunicipalities the mayor to be elected at large and the councillors to represent districts toronto township port credit and streets ville 7 brampton and bramalea 3 burlington 4 and oakville 4 they should serve a threeyear term an executive committee including the mayor and two councillors to carry out duties normally assigned to a board of control the mayor is to have the power to veto with limitations three separate boards to govern hydroelectric power police and library services to be established administration of all other municipal services would be the responsibility of the county council with at least 12 separate departments under the general supervision and coordination of a commissioner of admin istration and a rural county of peelhalton encompassing the remain ing municipalities in iho present peel and halton with a 14- inember council including the mayor elected at large plus 13- couricillurs representing- the following areas acton i george town 3 milton 2 bolton i albion 1 caledon and caledon east i chinguacousy and toronto gore 2 esquesing and nassagaweya 2 councillors here would also serve a threeyear term and the mayor would have veto rights in the four urban areas milton acton georgetown and bolton local public service commissions would be elected to assume responsibility for purely local services an executive committee would also be necessary administration of justice and operation of a registry office should be turned over to the provincial government a single elected onelevel board of education to be es tablished in each proposed county with an elected board of trus tees equal in number to and tor the same terms as members of the respective proposed county councils the proposed urban county would contain 211300 acres or 330 square miles and have a population of 227000 plus an assess ment totalling 457000000 the proposed rural eountv would have 326300 acres or 510 square miles with a population of 49000 and assessment totalling 567000000 the names mississauga and peelhalton are not to be con sidered as definite names but are used throughout the plunkett review for identification of the two areas petty cash stolen at custom cleaners a 12yearold suspect was ap prehended and questioned by- acton police saturday after customs cleaners had been bro ken into friday night and close lo 30 stolen from the cash drawer a lip from parents of a boy who had received some money from the suspect led to the ap prehension the front door win dow had been smashed and it is presumed tiro- intruder reach ed in to unlock the door to gain entry the suspect trad been passing money out lively to other young sters and one of them went home with some of the nionev and told his patents who notif ied police rifling through their plunkett reports at the dinner last thursday in oakville are mp p george kerr and acton repre sentatives high sclfool board chairman tom watson public school staff pbolo board chairman vic bristow mayor lcs duby and deputyreeve r r parker reports are being studied and comments will be prepared and submitted to the department of municipal affairs thfee alarms township dump competitive art for fair ruled out acton lirelighters made three rush calls within as many days to nassagaweya dumpsile to ex tinguish hlaing debris on sunday the tannery siren sounded but town sirens were silent until firefighters arrived il the hall lo find relav switches controlling town sirens had trip ped the call was for the dump tire and firelighters doused the blae with water from booster lines short iv belorc 5 pm on monday the second call came in and lirelighters arrived at the scene to liiul the dumpsile blaz ing ireclv watci limn tin- boos ter- lank was used but the lire was- hill ning iiiideriouiid and impossible to extinguish with water trees iji a sum uhdrng hush were wcttednlowii before fire fighters left the siren went again tuesday for a return call on the way firefighters checked an over- flooded space heater at the i home of mr and mrs morrtte on the fourth line of nassa-a- wevj public school pupils will no longer be allowed to enter art competitions at the aclon fall fair this decision was made tuesday night by school board members lolluwing a rccum- nvndilion troni the depart ment of education in giving his report principal elmer smith noted that art in spector blackwcll had visited the schools and recommended no 1 hither poster or picture competitions principal g w mckcnie in humed ihej board ihit milton and aclon schools were about the only ones entering fall lair- competitions and next eir milton were slopping every thing il was also learned mr blackwcll was of the opinion art is not competitive but an expression of feelings mr blackwell had suggested that one poster competition per ear forgone gradeonly might no considered by resolution the board disajiprokd of ww lurther fall 1jir cotugettfiftib and will advise the fair board o this i mayor lcs duby councillor f oi oakes and clerk administra tor jack mcgeachie were pres ent to explain the twoyear term which will be adopted at the december election under terms ot the twoyear term by law council members public school trusiccs and hydro com missioners will ill he elected on a twoyear basis previously her- was an election each year lor ail members ol council and both school board and hydro lonnnission elected three and two members each year on a staggered system i he mayor explained that council had taken the initiative to adopt the biennial system and through courtesy to the board were etlaining the new system trjhltejfpby the visit he noted that if the board and hydro had not been included in th- new systenj it would still riicaiiau election each year lor three trustees and two hydro commissioners trustee cyril bishop said l was possible an allnew hoard could be elected and continuity would be lost councillor f oakes remarked this is the chance council has taken every year but it seldom happens that way board chairman vic bristow said he personally favored the twoyear term as school admin istration was big business and generally trustees couldnt com plete a job in one year he also agreed il would be lool- ish lo create an election each year for three board membeis finance chairman oakes in formed the board it could now borroyv directly from the bank instead of having to go through council he said the difference in procedure was not in dollar saving but channelling finance in thewright category clerk mcgeachie reported the provisions for this were includ ed in the schools adminislrui- ion act idaicd i3 secretary william middlcton wvs of the opinion this applied to high school hoards onlv and was am azed the auditor or school in spector had not pointed this out i guess i hey were like you and me they slipped up as well remarked the clerk mr mcgeachie said he had at tended the clerks and treasur ers convention at honey har bour this year and had spon sored a resolution onlv to lcanl il had been enacted in 1963t in concluion the mayor re minded hoard members a sub mission rrrdmg reactions to the plunkett report should be handed in b tliff end of dec ember and suggested immed iate action to have submissions compiled a meeting in camera not open to the public is to be held by the halton county con sultative committee and public school board to discusss the plunkett report

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