Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 2

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tho acton frro prov thursday october 13 19no bounty nurses focur attention on problem of bargaining unit hal ion county noises who linve been piven ro oct 21 ro reapply loi then jobs have thixlencit ihev will maivli to the oeiobei 18 nveiinit ol conn me tutonei io meeting twin ji iiiiiin tv coiincir al i eontereee-u- uletusiiiiv heal 111 units tlielr employers refused to ncriv lute lolleihvelv with litem as well as the llalton muses i lie oiheis seeking ulogmiion lie i mm sioimoiit dniulivf nntl the the toronto hetulquii lers of ihe registered noises association or ontario live ol the muses headed hv mis floia hesson said thev would draw attention to their pioblem bv marching t iho meeting with theii hus bands and suppoi lers the 22 muses aiiaehed to hal- ton coup iv heal 111 unit lesigned unir weeks am attei al tempts to 8iin a bairainintt iimi were unsuccessful ttie nume m seeking van ous methods ol supporl mrs hesson president or the nurses association of the hal- ton cotintv health unii met jasl week wiln oflictak ol the registered nurses association ol ontario rcpicsenlulives ol about half ol onimurs 1100 rnihlu health nurses aie expected lo meet in toionlo oil is to decide how fat thev will suppoit two as soeiiilions ol public health nois es who have lemgned beetiuse churchiu gioups have agieed lo suppori each other the muses sav thev feel il is essential to take a stand now thev ask volimtaiv recognition as a toaigaining unit irom their boards thev do not have cettl- lication under the labor rela tions act the rnao hai askrd the oniniio government loi colic live bargaining foi mjlises ibernao hopes that when i he hallon dispute is settled u pattern ol bai gaming will be set up that could be copied in other units di a r bull and two lemain- mg muses have continued the woik ol the hallon unit as best thev can the preventaiive health measines have been sus pended while iivumimiilion continues hallon counl health unit ad vcrlised lot nioie muses and has hatl about a doen applica lions hallon unit has been grc listed in i he rnao insurance inspectors pined forces with acton tirefighlers wednesday during inspec tions of several industries during fire preven tion week listening as fire chief mick holmes and deputy chief bern vanfleet gives inslruc- ospringe tions are insurance inspectors ken merchant jerry hacketl norm himes ron jemar wayne mcmujleo william denny bill huether lome heycock brian ellis larry aaussellmen and stan schultz many visitors on weekend mrs archibald wi hostess ucw meeting football injury irk fair exhibits of interest the churchill ucw met at the home ol mi and mis j mcculloch loi then regulai meeting on wednesday evening oclobei 5 with a tail attend ance president mrs w thompson was in charge and opened the meeting with ptuxci she then called on mrs mcculloch who had devotions choosing iloi hei topic a look can hull oi heal scnpturc reading i uke chaptei 22 veies s462 uhioh was ver mleiesling mis all red winlei read a chaptei ol the studs book and dealt with the questions and answers some business was dealt with and it was decided to have a halloween paitv ogain this vcai mis thompson closed the meeting with purser a lovely lunch was served b the hosiess ami assistants mis leslie swsfckhumci and mi s f macarthur a social time was spent and mrs mcculloch was pleased to show some ol jiei treasures she brought back from her trip to england mis williamson thanked mrs mccul loch loi the use of hei home and hospiluliu imr and mis george stephens entertained then tanub mi and mrv bill mceichern ol bel- fountain mrs mais stephen john and joan ol toronto and mr and mis tons dnmm and linda at a thanksgiving dinnei on sunclas at their home mr and mrs f gray and lon- da of cooksitle isiied on mon das with mr and mrs biuce leilch and bevci les mrs alfred sauncleis iust re turned home from a motoi m ip visiting li lends and i clafivesih nova scot ui tor three weeks congratulations to paul kar tlenezbv nelson anderson 80th birthday a happc event took place on sundav when mr nelson an derson celebrated his eightieth birthdav at the home of his daughter marion mrs art dia mond and mr diamond at r r 2 rock wood the othei two members of the lamih cather ine mrs walter freeman and son douglas were also present along with the five grandchild ren and seven great grandchild ren more than 70 iriends and former neighbors also called to help mr anderson eniov the happv occasion onmondas the actual buth date other iriends and neigh bors called at the home ol mr anderson s son douglas in e ton all joined in wishing mr anderson manv more ears ol health and happiness the october ucw meeting was held in the sundav school room mrs dunbar mrs george robertson and mrs blvth were u charge of an interesting eve ning a film on brail was shown a number of ebenezer ladies went to the nassagaweva pres bytcnan church to help them celebrate their thanksgiving service the speaker was res lfuyson a former minister who had a most interesting message anniversary rockwood congratulations find best wishes are extended to mr and mrs albert shultis who celebrated their 47th wed ding anniversary recently en and debbie hamilton on their success with then exhibits al ei in tall fan with then 4h calves and giain and weed ex hibit lot the inter club woik visiiots on the weekend with mi and mis ward hamilton wete mi and mrs ian wallace and megan ot london mi and mis noiman tuinei n david spent the weekend at noith bav with mi and mis il g tuinei thev lepoil the wea ihoi deliglillul and the tail col tits mosi heautitul all are soi rv lo hear mastei lohn ihonipsim son ol mi and mrs i i ink thompson was in i ik- hospital and had tonsil lectomv opeialion last weekend he is doing line mi and mrs lerov macarlhui and sharon also mi and mi s liod macaithui enioved a pleas ant drive through huxlev val- lev to barrie one day last week fi lends are soi rv fb heai ot rutland mcculloolis jiccidenl when plavmg loothall at school he has a splintered ankle bone- it is in a cast and with crutches he is back at school svmpitliv is extended lo mi i aicltihald in i lie sudden pas sing ol ins biothii in loionlo iccuillv mis colding ol loionlo spent a couple ol das willi im son in law and daughui akck and mis slewail mi and mis william mann and iannis loionlo spent the holidav weekend al then laim home on i he second 1 me mi and mis ken smith ol feigns visited with mi and mis noiman mckenie and lamilv on mondas mr and mrs ross i erguson and lamilv moved in the home on the coinei ot the highwas and the town i uu iccciillv pm chased horn mi bnin robin son mis wallet ciaik was in shoemaker leieiillv whcic she i it tie i i 1 ol hlc altciuled th lime tiie ud mis ticoige i iiih i chiltlien aie coirlined lo home vv ith si it u t leve i mis t biplie ol giielpli eil on fi ida willi mis m son lit lie tii eg millson ol iuelph spent the weekend the smie home mr and mrs pole ilavdeii ol ciiielph visited with lit i paienls mi mu mis win wiagj tlui me 1 hiuksgiving mi ami mis robeit cuug lirfda and steven ol i onelon spent sundav with mis ci ug antl lllell v isll lack alsti 1 1 pauills hovvai el mis clua mi wind mis ii r blicklock tin on- board accepts tender for new public school the ei amosa tow nship school board has accepted a lenclei lor the constiuction ol the new rockwood public school the tendei of west oik construction toronto was the lowest tender at 315773 00 allowing lot aichitecls tees and contingencies the total pi ice is sfis 092 00 appixivals hebeen reectved liom the depaitment ol educa lion and the ontano municipal board and work is expected to eommencc immediateh the school will be readv for occu panes for septembci 1967 this school xv ill contain 13 clasvroonis a large multipur pose- room 40 rt bv 60 ft 18 ft stagey change rooms stalf room tcacheis room and other aux iliaiv space heating will be bv oil mci hot watei the- site loi this sehool was purchaseel from mi button hill and was owned in the latv edtsar hams it is bordered bv fall marx antl pas mote slieels in the village ol roekwood no decision has been made bv the school boaicl on the inline ol the present school it is a two storev structure and there was not sulficient land aiea foi the necessarv expansion of sehotl accommodation the piesent personnel on the ei amosa school boaid are the than man vlunas smcltei sice- ehaiinian di r i hilton mis tees ross medoiigall douglas buttcnhani antl 1 lovel waddell obituary mrs janet sword esquesing native runcial service was held al while roek bc lot mis jan el swoid ol 1112 stavte road white rock who passed awav at ihe age ol 84 she was born in esquesing township september i 1882 she and wal ter sword weie mm tied in 1921 and lived at omega a numbei of eais beloie letuing to white- rock inlernienl was at vallev view mcmonal gaidens donations to st johns piesbvteiian chuich white rock weie ac cepted in lieu of floweis 10 mis j alton i vei ion visil etl on wcciilesdav with i and mis ritbeitson miss viiguui snvtlei niiist- in li lining al kilchenci hospi lil spent llu- week willi hei pi iciils mi and mis ioidon snvtlei students home foi the holi dav weekend included uonni weeks alma college st i liom as cinl puller and suiitliu me 1 wan uiuuisiiv of guelpli hiiiv biuce western univei silv 1 oiidtui diiin leoheilson liisiiiiiie of rechnoloi ii mill ion miss htvtilv billet muse in hauling wesiein hospilil loi onlo was a vveekeiul visum willi lid piicitls mi ind mis llkn lliuct- mi anil mis ainoltl sunlei niagaui i alls visiletl vvilh llu loi me i s inolhei mis g sunt 1 1 tlui nig llu liihdav iiiniet hnice loionlo was home- loi llie holidav weekend wild ins p in ills mi ind mii wllel billet mis i aiehibald was hostess loi lilt inonllilv nieeling ol the women s institute- on wcdnes dav evtlllllg miss dulls lilies piesided and mis g i ullei leul ihe nullities antl give i he liniihiil iepoi l plans weie made to iii the iieenoeh and mimosa instiiui es in pin chasing a couih foi ihe leaeheis loom al ihe local pub he school the euchres weie discussed and plans weie made lo siui them in novembei mis i aichibald icpoiled on ihe ic- eeiil ai ea convention mis sloiev sent along sloi its ol ihe womens inslilutt woik in the noi 111 west iviii loi ics and also told of i lie on gin of ihe institute- eiest and eolois mis w mtlton lead excerpts liom home and counli relat ing to public relations cur- icnl events sent bv mis g aitken weie read hv mis h r i low aid 1r wm milton assisted the hosiess in serving lunch university student honored at shower rockwood sharon smith gianddiliightei ol mi and mis cvnl lilt r r 4 hockwood was honoied at a peisonal show ci i cccu l iv held in no 8 com- iminilv cenjie shirin passed hei grade 13 examinations this veai and was an onluiio schol arship winnei i lei manv friends wish hei continued sue cess as she luitheis her educa tion at wellington college llni vci silv of guelpli presentation for newlyweds rockwood a large crowd ga ihcied at the no 8 commumtv cenlie- to hunot thiee newlv wedded couples ii and mis gai ritchie weie piesented with a lovelv wall niinoi and floral centre piece- while mi and mrs clar encc mceacliern and mr and mis wavne wilson received caul table with chan sets mrs wilson is ihe loimci fargaiet guthrie visitors rockwood visiting mr and mis d mcnabb and ot hen chi li ves in rockwood aie mis came milne saginaw mich mi and mrs w alcorn and mr and mis ned milne any way yon figure it i the finest welcome i to acton is welcome wagon a vllt from our hmttrw will ntnkc von fit nl tionie wlttl li r liinkrl nf ttlfln ami ntihvvrit t iu hlionh jihtmit the town its hrrvlrrn and fuiilltl juhi cull ettnietoan phone 8s3 094s wfltomk nkwromtthlt uc ihli coupon to let u know youre her name address town pleaae have the wel come wagon hosteaa call on me ii would like to aub- crlbe to the acton free presa i already lubscrlbe to the acton free preaa fill out coupon and mall to circulation dept the acton free presa j lakeview discount centre 126 main sf 8531190 supplier for draperies tiles wallpapers glidden paints prtehnished plywoods let us help you build a complete roof of planned protection safecoclifecoegeneral insurance 7e tlite sctluc wishinglon besaedwithpackase protection service from vow safeco agent youll save money too let safeco put all your in surance under one protec tive roof home auto life business- everything fits together to stop dangerous gaps save money too for the most complete roof of planned protection at the lowest possmo cost call us today dennys insurance agency 54 mill st e acton 8530150 residences bill 8532645 harold 8532565 00 you uke hot water really hot and plenty of it for your letmdry for your batb for your diaheo for your riiflriran for dozens of other things about the homo ss1 siuh kke hydro new ot water service which provide yon with new modern automatic elec tric water heater end al the hot water you need for one attrcttta low monthly onr staff will be to tell you all bout this alli wot water sbkvica acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n u324u artistic ability tested et meeting gockwtxul mrf fna pclt was liosioss o tin- 16 niiinlkis- lircsenl il llu intit tliuv niffi- uii uf kockwikid unittd clmitli wo m cm i lc hviiittmiliiit ttlflllf wls llltsflll due kim tilt lllhllls rtmll llllll lilt llmiiiis mlllf in ikiiiuti llu- inttlni i inn loitlii i tils mtltit iniiotiiuiil lilt- roll mil lo in iiisvvcitil lv stitticlltintt loi which von ai t- ihiinkful enu poltv whs in uiurist l i he piiigrum seiiptutv itutl inys weie lukeii i nun i lit- books ol iuiill antl rtunins riic poem countirm voiii blessings wls leltl follliwttl hv piivfi ami i hvnin i ois losh inikitliitctl iho uiiist speaker til the eveninu mrs mury cut lint guelpli who jsiive a most iiilcitsling rnonslniiion of arlex piini broitlcrv everyone present given in oppoiiunilv ro lo their ailislie abililv durinu the sociul lime whititi followed a lovelv liiiiilt was seiwcl bv lite imsless and lunh committee edt rockwood brigade summoned to fire a flic ol unknown oiikiii stalled in iht jmiiho ol mis jickson in ktleii mills last tn da ovening koekuttotl lliellltll ueie e til etl and were ablelo kevp il fiom spixidiii is llimcs i oi i vil high above the liees an tlnp siiinniei colliue nearbv was bitik chaired on one side hmihousr 4 annual meet visits 1p news mi tml mis waller noble jiirdewldltii ol lliilililloti wen simliv vlsiictis uiili ills nun atitl untie mi antl mis luuis nulllf 1 wit k llil all inltit ltd paienls in in mled lo alleud an iniiiial nittl tun ol iht tubs mil stotil lumps ui htllinilnl ball llu- cumuli ol nov 7 i i i ol aiujmvk m hoiimic antl su i i ctlci it i itu i iidv hutu lit- mntoiid lo pelawnci to visit mioi and mis h v mom no antl lamily a lew tltvs lisi week mi kfiuielli mt don iltt is liniiit itlifi followui sttill dins in hospital foi tliabtlit lesls mi ind mis loiilis sioll and liinih uci quests at llu muntlli si lintitlii vvtddinit al the jelioyali witness 1 1 ill ac ion anil the ieteplioitillwlf uootl i lit htiiuiiis visiicd mi anil mis w ffictiiltfs ciiiiphfll 1 1 it- siintlav antl atltntkd an nimisaiv scikcs al st davids lunch mi and mis limit ct llit antl tbildiin spin die iikikiiv uillilui pikiilsiu loionlo the wi nifl ai llu- bimn ol mis kiikpatntk on wetlnisilav eit iiniti rite aisviiaull lamilv msiiki lelalivis al wiiltlsoi oti llu wt ekfiirt mi kit il hinlmi moloitd l llppei iiiic li village ind visit til cousins in tofboio antl tall ed olliii plit es while on holi tlus lasi ttctk mi and mis smppe mil district lire monday morning hunters nol- iiett smoke pouring from tin abandoned house al lot f4con- cession 2 r r 2 rockwood pro- pet iv ol miss mnttgie irving hie home was detnolbshed bv llu- i lie bin milton nilgade siy etl a couple ol bains nearbv llampeicd bv a shotlagi ol wal ci tin- r r tit k oiily crnes 5ik liallons lilt- llivllplllels bltl io tin vt lo amplit llvdlc lo refill lilt ptimpt i eliilditti and mi mi mrs john hakti msiied the raker limilv ai i andshuro lot ihanksgiving moving only 2 left 1964 ford custom 500 4dr sedan 390 motor auto matic demonstrator 1 1 000 miles lie no h 10285 save 1100 i0s fairiane 6 cyl a dr sedan turquoise std trans save 600 1967 models in stock more coming in you will be ahead in a ford put your fre ballot in for philco clock radio thompson motors acton ltd 45 main st n acton call mayflower ilk am servicei moving toon then de pend upon us to explain and arrange complete may flower icrvice right away we will make ir eaiy for you safe for your fur niture our pride pack method protects china and glaihwore best call us to day move without a worry awarcaa atatf tatcaw atarar t s movers a storage 343 oualph sf gorgtwn for free estimate call 8774106 1967 rg1 rcavlct0r 23 new vista television lifetircp guarantee on solid copper circuits 5 year guarantee on nuvistor tube cabinetry by victorcraft model mo tcj737 authentically del failed french provincial compact i 1 console in satin walnut fruit- wood or mahogany veneers flatfinished back h 29 i w n d 17v now is tha time to choom your rca victor television set soloct yours- from tho modols displayod in this dvertisomont drop in and soo us this wootvondl model no tc3734 symmetrical finewood lowbov in natural walnut or satin walnut ven eers flat finished back h 30 w 37j d 15 ask us about color tv manning electric 54 mill st e acton our 8533950 afsaaa

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