Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 3

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mr fred coles pel st is a patient in guelph general hos pital mr marvin burgess spent the weekend with friends in wind sor mr and mrs howard dol 0mn of weston visited with friends in acton on saturday mr morlev allen nsrted friends and relatives on mam toulnv island mrs f hirst of winnipeg has been a guest of her cousins mr boyd and miss robina clark this week mr and mrs fiank brown ing of toronto visited on the holiday weekend with relatives in acton and milton imr and mrs mac smon barbara and anne spent the holiday weekend at their cottage at kahshc lake mrs john lambert visited sgt and mrs f w bowes at camp borden on the thanks giving weekend mrs charles campbell ol sault stc mane visited with her niece mrs maiguente taylor last week flight lieutenant robert plat i and kav pfaff jane and rick of ottawa spent thanksgiving with acton relatives the free press siafl misses henry hanbers hes having tests in guelph general hos pital mr and mrs m yabslev and sons ol ottawa visited with mr and mrs w j mclcod ovci the holiday weekend mrs g h lanl7 ol halton manor and her daughtci mrs isabel gordon ol toronto weie in town calling on iriends on saturday as chairman ol the conven tion committee of ihe internat ional ys mens oiganizalion mr g w mckenzie attended a meeting in milwaukee last week- r end k mrs clarence kcntner and grandchildren steven and don na of toronto spent the week end with relatives in acton mrs rochlit and her daugh terfrances of exanston iii spent the thanksgiving weekend with mr and mrs melvin mc- cu hough mr and mrs jamctgardncr and wilfred or bothwell mr and mis edward hawcs ol limehouse and mr dean lemon ol milton osd visited mi and mis tivd lemon and jacque line lor the thanksgiving lioli da s mcgladf itv1 mr and mis jame lev and miss evvonne rc spent the holiday with the lormeis sister and lamilv in palmerston visitors with mi and mis donald reed dining the thanks- giving weekend included mr and mrs blain edmandson burlington and mi and mis don reed ji parrj sound mis w t a bell ol toionto mi and mis norman small of niagaia tails and mi ami mis tom holmes ol hamilton spent thanksgiving with mis r m macdonald spending the thanksgiving weekend at th i touch rivei with rev and imis dwight in gel and familv were mi and mrs case de jong and lamilv now ot toionto mi and mis henrv deveau visited on the weekend in mon ireal with his mothei and oth ei ilatives mis deveau who livid louneilv in acton is in ian health in a nm sing hoiiu thete mi and mis alcvawea le tinned home on ti iclav evening lioni an cnjovablc motor tup to the west coast thcv ac companied mi and mis algci ci ipps wasaga and were awav a month in a lettei to the free pi ess this week h s harwood ol windsor lecalls his weekend he ix at the tail he had with him the watch the luvvn pivs eiiled to him when he was in vahded home alter the tnst world vvai although hi saw manv loimei 1 1 lends in savs there weie olheis hed like lo have visited with lied wught among them madeline 1ew frank harding married at st josephs church a doubleung ceremony at st josephs church acton united in marriage madeline irene drew and frank edwaid hard ing father v j morgan ofli- ciatcd at the marriage on satin dav october i at ii oclock yellow mums formed the setting and miss irene mulholland plav ed the organ the bride is the daughter ol mr and mrs b drew 27 brock st and the groom is the son of mrs ella haiding anil the late mr john hauling rr 2 acton the bride chose a white sheath dress with white lace topped bv a nvlon dustci with tiutf sleeves ar white tlowei headpiece held hei shouldei length veil and she earned a bouquet ot vellow losebuds with fern white tulle and streamers bridesmaid was hei sistu bcrnicc drew who wore an aqua sheath with nvlon oei skirt aqua shoes and aqua flower headpiece with a shoul der length veil she earned a bouquet ol bronze and vellow mums with tern and vellow streamers her eultuied peat is and eat lings weie the gitt ot the bride the bude was given in mam age bv her tathci groomsman was neil john son a iriend ol the groom and the usher was ken marchmciit uncle ol the bude the wedding breakfast was at the home of the hrale s giand parents mr and mis w maivh ment the mother ol the bude chose foi the occasion a navv blue dress with pink hat and pink rosebud corsage the grooms mothei woie a navv dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds bellow and white stixameis and vellow hued flovveis decot ateil the bouse congratulations were sent from the grxom s aunt and un clc from lake lcnorc sask the brides aunt and uikic trotn windsoi and an aunt irom pet erborough guests were pixscnt tixm georgetown brampton milton aurora woodbndge hilkbuig kilbride ballinalad peleiboi ough alton norval eden mills glen williams and acton a special guest was miss et- tie tellci ot milton the brides mothei inule the wedding cake and the llowxis vveie courtesv ot hinn goilei kilbude llorist the hrule s uncle lv le mauhment ol ui- oia was photogiapher the couple lelt on a niotoi tup the bude wcanng a navv blue slicath with iiekel mm medwithwhitt lace white how ci hat and black patent icecs soues and a coisagc ol white carnations thev aie making then home at r r 2 acton the- gioom is e mptovth at attc i otlas i ic s several special events weie held belou the wedding cons uis ol the bude held a iniscel lancous showei at the- home ol mrs john huntei glen wil hams aug 20 a 1 1 tend gloua rodv and sisict be l nice drew held a miscellaneous showei at the rodv home sept h the glooms mothei hi id a bnthdav putv at hei home rr 2 sept 10 and time was a pusentation sept 29 at fiank hellei and co while the bude is cinploved mi and mrs james mcglad- rev and mr and mis george umed iccentlv from a eek hohdav tup to hie mauttmes wlulcthere they visited with mi and mi- pauls daughter sheila and her husband mrs- rotot algie bowei ave hul members ol hei lamilv for ihe thanksgiving hohdav di and mis mer mendelson and saiah ot philadelphia pa mi and mrs llovil algie and lam ilv ol poit credit and mi and mis bruce algie ol orillia the two voting ladies who have iiist come to canada lioni india rosa and suzie chen spent thanksgiving weekend at the i tench rivei with rev and mis a h mcken7ie then lam ilv mui guest v thev aie linding the weathei vcrv ehillv alieadv both aie woiking now in gu elph spending the thanksgiving wnkend with mi and mis al beil schupp and lamilv here w is mrs vlnipps biothoi wal demit rimkehl who lives neat ilanovei geimanv ml runk ehl has heen in montreal pie piling an exhibit building at i po 67 lot a gioup ol euiop can industiiahsis mi and mis a m mae phei son mi and mis ross goidoil ol rockwood mis hiibetl mac phetson of eden mills and mrs maigueiitc tavloi al tended the tuneial ol the lormeis sistei mis h noole in toionto last week mi and mis mac phei son remained iheie loi a lew davs visiting with relatives mis llowaid hvserl of gias sic has bevn visiting the acton membe rs ol hei lamilv the past lew vvccks hosts were mr and mis rubei t andeison mi and mis i ml kentnei si and mr and mrs victoi bnstow- mis andeison bean ice and mis kcnlnei doiis aie daughters md mi bnstow is mrs hvs- crt s son at the ontario counties a soeiation convention in bauie waiden beit hinlon was re eiected lo the boaid of dnectois he was paiticularlv involved in the meetings taking part in a panel on childrens aid socict tfs and chairing one of the luncheons mrs hinlon accomp anied him since letui mug he has reccivid two pirtteiilailv interesting letters one liom the issisiant eleik ol gieatei lon don included detailed informa lion on the svstcm ol govern ment there which is sunilai to mctio toionto the second was liom hubeit liumphicv mce president tl the united states about the national ssoctatton ol counties conference in new oilcans which mi llinton at tended a new dawn is break in lor eountv government the lcttit stated countv govern ment appears to be preparing lt- silt to meet the opportunities ol lomoirow mr humphrcv who met mr hinton recalled the eonlerence with pleasure wondehui worn weathn dining the holidav weekend en abled manv gardeners to get out the land and clean up th icmninls ol the summer eiop w stock and order mccall butterick simplicity patterns hintons 5c to 100 stoke 64 interest paid on guaranteed investment certificates amounts 100 to 100000 term 1 to 5 years enquiries invited halton peel trust ft savings company hiao orfkc oakvilu okok vooiyqiomhi h c ires john hewitt township building inspector i- the acton free press thursday october 13 1966 3 experiences teaching indians described to golden age club rockwood in the absencc- ol reeve lush deputy reeve tied cox presided foi the oct ober meeting ol eramosa town ship council several items of coriespondence were read and dealt with as moved mrs tom maltby wa wms hows rockwood the presbj lan fall rally will be heldocto- bei 25 at 7 30 p m in st and rews chuich guelph this was announced at this october meet ing ol the rockwood presbyter- iarrwa andwjms mis tom mallov was hostess to the nine members andone visitor pres- erit the piesident miss min nie nickely opened with a poem do all the good you can lol- lowed bv the minutes and treas- uieis report the membeis an swered the roll call with a seiiptuie veise containing the woi d meicv devotions were given bv mis cioidon swanslon and mis d b giav the seiiptuie lesson was irom acts 2 4247 with mis grav leading in piavei seveial paits of the seiviee ol wot ship tiom ihe glail tidings weie fol low ed mis j rieeman miss i iva peaicn and mis w swan slon shared the meditations the ladies weie told that the guest speakei at the tallv will he mis j mcintosh a returned inissionaiv fiom japan miss elva pearcn thanked mis rieeman mis bultenham and mis mcnabb loi supplving lloweis in the c lunch lor the anniveisaiv sei vices thanks was also extended to mrs j du bv lot mowers in memory or he 1 late huoand a vole ol thanks was given mis d giav and mis aitken loi their excellent icpaii woi k on the church hvmn books bv mis fieeman and also to the ladies responsible loi ihe line chinch housecleaning elloit it was moved that mis w swanslon and mrs 3 tixeman be the nominating committee lor the new slate of officers in 1967 a hvmn and benediction closed the meeting lunch was served bv the hostess as sisted bv hei sistei mrs ord in the absence ol the piesi dent mrs johnston miss elva pearen conducted the w a meeting following the interview of six ipplicantsior ihe position ol building inspector the council passed ihe following resolution to engage john hewitt of r r i rockwood ns building in- spectoi foi the township of er- umosa his duties will begin october 4 1966 and his remun eration will be 2 50 per hour plus 10c per mile and 1 00 per pei nut the council agreed to one- land seveiance in the village ol jen mills the ministei ol ighways will be lequested to history ol wrrency detailed to wi rockwood the membei s ol rockalong womens institute held then oclohei meeting at no 8 commumlv centie with mis cviii tilt as of dual host ess the meeting was opened bv the maiv slewait collect and institute ode with the piesul cut mis noi man hal us 111 1 ha 1 ye since liistoneil re seaieh was the theme the mil call was answeied bv each memhei displavuig an old coin and telling us stoiv during the business session a papei dine was discussed with the closing dale octobei is all papeis must he at ihe home ol mis w ritchie on 01 heloie that date in the absence ol the conve ne ol hisioiical icscaich mis o butlenhani the piesident mis hams was in chaigc a most iiilciesling talk on the ins loi ol cuiicirv wits presented bv mis ii bonnei mrs k spencc and mis w guild lepoited on the tail in slitute convention held at the umveistty of guelph dining the social hall houi lunch was served bv the com mittee ol mis g mitchell and mis h bonne 1 accidents ihe milton detachment on laiio piovincial police lepoils v accidents during -the- monih- ol september with 18 lnunes and a total ol s42 401 damage- so lar in 1966 there have seen 1366 accidents 132 inuucs and 219 606 propei ty damage with loin fatalities lions shell0ut candy coming october 20 and 21 st the corporation of the town of acton tenders for watermain extension sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 00 p m est on tuesday 25 october 1966 for the supply and installation of a watermaui between churchill road and yongc street via casements and mill street the work consists of the supply and installation of ap proximately 2075 ft of watermain plus valves all as speci fied a copy of the contract documents including plans and specifications for the work may be obtained from the con suiting engineer upon deposit of s10 00 payable to r v anderson associates limited which will be refunded on re turn of the documents in good condition within 30 days of the tender closing date each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque made payable to the corporation of the town of acton in the amount of 2 500 00 the consulting fngmecrs for the work arc r v ander son associates limited 194 wilson avenue toronto 12 the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac cepted j mcgeachie clerkadministrator town of acton acton ontario designate tall st in the villuge or rockwood irom no 7 high way to the conservation purk entrance as a development road it was moved and ciined that the assessment toll made in 1966 loi 1967 taxation be accepted as presented the clerk waa instructed to icqucsl the ontario municipal boaul lot appixival to pav 6500 in 1967 5000 in 1968 and 5 000 in 1969 tills request is lequucd because the lowest tendei loi the proposed garage is 10000 more than estimated accounts amounting to the sum ol 9759 85 road 764145 and geneial 2118 40 were puss cd lop payment council ud lourued lo meet as a court ol revision and lor geneial bust ness on november 7 at i pin oi at the call ol the reeve the regular afternoon meet ing of the golden age club was luii ly well attended on thins dav though it was suspected that some had rcmuincd home lo watch the world series r l davidson tinned in a cheque fcii 5 from he ac lop tail boa id being thiid piie loi the float in the paiade mis winn invited the club lo come lo the celebration of iheii golden wedding anniversaryln st albans pailsh hall on oct 15 ihe inemheis will be pleas ed lo honor the highly lespecled couple on this happy occasion an invitation was received lo an evening of sacred music in ihe baptist chinch nov 6 many were interested in ihe opportu g lo ul ice cnpatles in maple i eaf gai dens nov 8 nov 13 al ixduc ilid gmup i ales a bus tup may be nianyed ii enough signilv then intention to go mi ralston introduced then lifelong f i lend mrs j wraight now ol new ton new jei sey slve had many yeais oi teaching ex pel ience nine of them al one indian school in ihe fat north she told some humorous epi sodes in these connections seven tables of euchre and two ol ciokinole weie winueis wne iikiiic ladies reg miss fp p detachment con- llei cumphcir visited lic schools this week lo out sale lv hteialure to voungsleis and speak to pupils about genvial salety walking lo and irom school outof i own sludcnls weie home loi the- hohdav s aluuoii y0urchancetowinaphilc0col0urtvandstand mssssfe tt i short cut chef style prime rib roasts 79 c lb tender juicy rib steak mild seasoned breakfast sausage 89 c hr lean chunk style braising rib 65 49 c lb g lb by the piece peameal bacon 99 lb pkg of 400s kleenex tissue 385 soft absorbent reg size rolls ballet tissue 8 99 aylmer 10oz tins vegetable soup 559c v clear vitaminized aliens 48 oz tins apple juice 3 99 check our handbill for added features at money- saving prices stock up now for the winter sweepstakes winner congratulations to mrs r k davidson 317 wescott road on winning an electric hand mixer v

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