Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 4

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tii j ji atmuilm ill n i tofrlsidaamems oaliwaaa arte a ffltateff at qwla ttftmtf whos the guy in the fur coat official nohflcatloh was re ceived bom th wjjla just bdkm this paper wnt te pitas thai aw agreement had been reacnetil whn the otna regarding intermediate hock- y- tne agnesraent giver tit qtla exclusive jurisdiction over intermediate hockey bt all except the northern group cluttered around the wing ham area lmm years wjoaj con vener boh marshall drat was notified by orka past presi dent pat patterson of gu on tuesday afterhoost our the w0aa did not signify the agreement was signed unth wednesday when ii was re leased- to the press the woaa execuhve de cided minor hockey was in jeopardy and the overall in termediate picture would benefit it the move was made it possible int t teemsmtc felora and cheltemuun will remain in w0ajl if no ser ies edits for them in the oka however they must first obtain the ohas per mission otherwtse the entire area referred to as tile southern group which includes acton is now exclusively oha ter ritory that means that the acton tanners wlh be play ing ojfta hockey for the first time since i9m a meeting to kitchener last night wednesday waa set up to start the ball rolling on groupings and to hear the oha proposals several members of the tanners ex ecutive attended j rv 1 1 1 j s hi ir o isjl a rjj a rjjbj the acton free press thursday october 13 1946 tkwwm hus it j il r if w ai sports eat by the hffiylmghi is newspaper has been put to bed there mov be an unswci to the hotkey question which crops up year after vear will it be the o h a or the w 0a a for acton tanners the oh a had a meeting last night in kitchenei obiecl of which was to stall to untangle some o the confusion in intei mediate hockev circles and to put it back on the light luck youll remember old hatpin annie had a similar meeting in the suds citv last eur then however thev were at odds with the western ontario athletic association an organization which had the sympathy and suppoit of many of the representatives piesenl in spite of some lenglhv discussions and vague piomiscs fiom ollicials the meeting tailed to achieve its purpose main reason was thie o h a s svmpalhv lor the wo a a their lack ol rapport split the meeting wide open support ol delegates swung to the rebellious wo a a a year later and a whole lot wiser the breath with the w o a a healed the o h a is set to trv again according to pat patterson a past president fiom nearby cuelph j line has been drawn wheie the urisdiction ol the wo a a ends and the oh a begins the line which this scribbler has not vet seen is around the village of arthur west ol it is woaa terntorv east of the line is o h a ground consequently if the foregoing told to bob marshall convener of the woaas southern section last vear is a honalide agree menu the tanners will be plaving oh a hockev this season in fact mr patterson would like to see mi marshall as o ha convener for a similar grouping fergus orangevillc and hespcler have alrcaclv agreed to plav oh a said mi patterson and there are other teams inter ested the noithem woaa intermediate grouping will remain under the same auspices with a winnei allowed in the oh a playoffs last night in the large half of the twin cities the issues will have been discussed objections raised and perhaps a start made to have intermediate hockey put on a healthy footing again if the venture succeeds it may not be long until the teams are clamoring to get back under old hatpin annies umbrella world series thoughts twas easv to see bv the pictures the dodgers had really slumped but it was almost taunting the reason to belicwr thevd go 11 innings skunked were these the giant killeis the team which edged tlu bin- the national leagues top bilk-i- or victims ol plain hard lmk m whatever our thoughts and opinions im afraid voull have to agree the powerful baltimore onoles outplaved outpiiched outhustled the bov s from los angelet and it all stalled with a pitcher bv the name ol drabowskv how else but bv tin owing a hex on the dodgers could the orioles have silenced then bats not that tin buds were batting much more irequenllv thev weic iusi hitting them longer like over the tenet when the dodgers managed to put one ovr the fence it bounced ovti loi a ground rule double you vouldn t tault the los angeles pitching but who da thought thevd have matched koutax drvsdak etc and went one better like manager hank baiui mentioned our pitching isn t as bad as it s been painted he didn t mention the pitching was done bv a van gogh or a rembrandt with strong strokes ol the brush so baseballs crown sits on the orioles heads and the dodgers stand accused of dragging the lead but the american league boosters are glad of the end they stand vindicated once again beat bits final registration for the acton tncountv hockev teams will take place saturdav morning at the communitv centre from 10 to 12 a m the first signing attracted the largest number ol candidates registered vet in a initial attempt financial and tan support from fans was so lucrative you ii likely see wrestling installed as part ot the summer program at the community centre wrapper billv watson promoter dave mckig- nev and entourage were pleased with both promotions here recreation director howard pearce joined the ranks of the bene dicts last saturdav the popular director took advantage of the weeks lull in activities to tie the knot he intends to be back in time for this saturdav s dance and skating if the ice is in some of the acton tncounty teams have already had practice sessions on milton ice pat patterson of nearby norval o ha lefereeinchief and a figure well known here has been selected by the international world fee hockev association to supervise the officiating at the world amateur hockev championships in vienna austria next march once at the top of the hate parade here pats qualifications are certainly impressive dont confuse him vwth pat patterson of guejph past oha president theyre different types refs focum milton will horn an ontario minor lloikev ashocihiioii ke- leives foilim on cklnlin 21 i he annoiimcriicni ol i he foi tun wiih mude thin week it is ivpeeleil about h ullli litis piiniiputlv those who woik iii coiuily vllniii juiiiis will ul- lend it will be tin alldiiv tlfiilr stinting tit a m with lift in en lusting into the ill lei noon a juvenile game will he slittvd in the ill 1 1 i noon mid i he ol 1 ic litis will i ike linns uleieetng the hume a wiiiuij lest will lol tow to be a inun ik to leel that through ones own mini ibiulon one helps to hinld the world liom tviies des llommes the theme ol pxpo bv anlolne de sulni exunerv angler nets huge rainbow jon chlsholm mcoonuld blvd landed one of the larg est rainbows taken from the ntitluwasiigii river during the current ungllng season on sut urduy terrible ted applies a bear hug to gene dubois in thursdays wrestling show i fishing with his tut her bus jon hooked the trout which scaled at over 11 pounds using a spinner for u lure the trout was close to the record 12 pounder landed on the same river this yeur a beautiful specimen of pis catorial splendor the fish had dimensions bound to make fel low anglers green with envy the father and son team also hooked a hire pound rainbow und u pickerel in the prelimin aries whip wins death match with sleeper but brawny black bear show star sweet daddy siki and wlup- pei watson s headline bout at thursday wiestling show was billed as a texas death match but it lan a second lo the i ing toss terrible ted a 700 pound black beai and trainei gene du bou staged for 1s0o partisans at the arena here reared by dubois who is real- is promoter dave mckignvv in trunks the rampaging biuin beat a lusty tattoo on his train ers extremities and chased him irom the ring at first glance the bou i look ed like a reheat sal ol a new singing group with herr bear as lead ted dressed in his lur coat not only subdued mr du bois but chased eddie allen of rexdale and a ringside headline hunter identified as mike out ol the ring as well up for grabs was a 1000 prize for anvone who could pin ter rible ted with the money safe and ted sitting on his haunches muvle lemoved the promoter showed een bears can belong to the pepsi generation his carnivor ous designs foiled ted guzzled a bottle of soda pop with peri odic pauses for a glance around at the audience who lapped up the scene with much mirth main bout of the night was a triumph fur virtue and clean liv ing although for most of the leature there was some doubt about the outcome sweet daddv siki unencum bered bv the inhibitions exhibit ed b whipper billv such as gouging eves pulling hair bit ing off oars and strangling had much the better of the fracas before the whip applied his sleeper andi ended the affair pronto prior to that watson was the victim of scoundrel sikis underhanded belting and bolting and was down for three falls he pinned whitehaired daddv twice it was a challenge issued bv watson vvhieh led to the ttxas death match after our hero was nearlv done to death bv the ring ropes a couple of weeks back juveniles champions rock wood the rockwood juveniles took the eramosa pus- linch league championship on monday afternoon bv defeating arkell 138 it was two games straight for the rockwood boy s norm beattie was winning pit cher and the loss for arkell was charged to jim corbet t one of the three arkell pitchers con gratulations boys for winning both your league championship and the ojrjsa juvenile a in the same season revenge was far fiom hts mind but indeed it was sweet itji ivervone but daddy siki was lost in a world ol hiitterflies and slars tiger tasker corpulent mass ol muscle who lelerccd the bouts cnquiicd anxiously about sweet daddv s health alter whipper billv had applied his sleepei the whip obligingly plaved in si aid attendant with several vigoious shakes of sikis noggin sweet daddv levived a chast cued and shaking tigiure unable lo faee the indignant watson victory libation now preening himself modestly foi lan adulation frcnchy lamont and rogei i ittlcrnook opened with an exhibiliun ol midget wrest ling which i ik- much maligned pieneln won although fans sus peeteel his eve geiugliig was in directlv responsible 1 ittlcbrook an apt name loi the gnome sied i nghsh native had his innings but the magnificent phvsique on i amonl a sudbury native stood him in good stead anel roger stumbled irom the nilg beat t n litttxbiook bouneed back however exacting his revenge in the mixed tag team match alhed with pat flannigan the irish deacon in a bout which at times ic sembled an aerial performance bv high wire ai lists flannigan and i ittlcbrook the good guvs humbled villainous bob leipler a towering figure casi in black trunks and bud civ frenehv la mont there were kicks kick backs flvmg bodies much argu ing fan participation and modi fied mavhein belore i he good guvs won flannigan who made his en trance into the ring arravxd in a brilliant starlet robe had to rescue his buckk from the col lusion of leipler and lamont the acid tongue- of some ring side customers contributed to the meanness of the teinblc two at one point a well aimed fist intended loi i lie head oi leiplei went asliiy and landeel on the iclciccs jaw little roger point cd al leipler and despite protes tations of innocence liom the accused thev incurred the offi cials displeasure it was a cakewalk for ihe dv namic duo after that the dirty eluet exiled like the very bad loseis thev weie the success of the two wrest ling shows heie will probably see a leluin when the ice is out next spuntj meanwhile on with the hock ev season acton figure skating club all parents interested in the acton figure skating club are herewith advised that a meeting will be held thursday october 20 at 7 pm at the acton community centre agenda financial report ice times and rental fees hiring of instructor membership fees new business juvenile allstar game a juvenile all star game is be ing planned for this year by the tri county hockey association jim brockie of oakvillc has been appointed to head the all star committee the game was held loi several seasons and discon tinned last year robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 111 mill st ado monday front 4 pm for appohffmmt 8773971 tricounty hockey clubs name coaches managers iliml ivglntralion lor the iii- c ourrty llui keiy iriuiw willed liiiiye i mm novice lo nvenili will be held suliiidiiv iiioihiiik at the eoiuiniitillv ci title i nun 10 lei 12 noon miimi hockev cxiiiuiw john weliion rupoils the hi si ivnis million whs the in si inlllil al tempi vcl hut in sunn- catcii les expecinllv invelille- ihtic i still room loi moie pliyeis the new executive speai in nl ed by pivsldoni rov foodciij luis been busy oiumlnc- tin leiinis appointing coaches mil inaiiuxeis and taking heed nl illicc lives liom the piueiil ill county association lolltivvlni is n list ol the coat lies and innii aucrs appointed with no spec ii li mention ol who is which siine in many eases ull he a luil mle spill between ihe iwo juvenile a eitctoiv ictiiuiiir piobtibly the most atlinlinii will he handled bv llovvii lead u and pop si inns llimu was at the helm ol last eai s club and pop seivtd in m uiv lapie llies on ll riiciiliii ihe- mlditel club ulll he couh cd and manaireci hy doc lluk lev and id owen doc imds no inliodiiitioit shut his i net ice delayed no brine ivei vlhlnus tit readiness lo start making ice a l the commiiii lly ceiilie but late deliveiy ol calcium chloride to make niw hiine has delayed tnst illation almost a week reel eat ion direeloi llowud peaice- oideivd i lie- mitc i itl well hefoie he lefl to be mm i led last weekend he was piomiscd di i iveiv j vveek jjjo weihiesilav hut il hadnt arrived yesleidav wednesdav a week la lei hop es loi iee by this weekend wcie shattered recreation chairman i en 1 oi ell told the tiee pi ess esleidiv al lei noon that if the calcium did nut arnv that ilav ik i u rilchie would make- ihe tup lo guelpb lo tfel it the uiignul oidei vvas placed in i oiitlon and aecoiding to the firm has been shipped the delay is in liansii mr lovell confumed there would be no skatiny this week end but piomiscd ice would he icadv sometime next week bu ring any m e c h a n i c a 4- break downs wuik as inisldeni of ttc minor hoikiv assoi latioii kcil il tiling loi eais id kveii a well known iiltixt was loeuueli ol the iiiidects with hub lobh last tasiiii whin thev will file toast ol i hi local clubs herb dimiiu mil llimld lownslcv will he lu k apiiu lo look ul in hi hitiliiui teiiin until lit lb and haloid luivc in c n kvoikinc vsilli lilt hmtaiiu ini viais anil c i h i 1st hi then trains impnivi in ihe pit wee in ukel ivlt i unpin ii mil hi inn olleiheiii will iiupul liinkiv kiiowltdgt icli s a mi inlii i ol tlu local eonsl ilxilil v on the line kt ex tiitlu- and inlilisleil in vouth isnrk ill lan a loc ij bov is also in exetiilivt ineiiihei and has bun t lialkliiii ii expi i ie nee willi hovs in i lie lovvn li ikile smulleitl entry ihe novices will lh t ti it hi il anil iiiinigid hi dun vinl li l anil ii u i in stot ihtvie both kten hot key siuiltiils duns a 11111111 in w i onii i i in iniiiiti i inks but in s lietii shi pin i iiiil pliyeis loi us hui instot his been pioiiilnt nl mil bust lui ius is ini it h i in ii i hi nit an i hi i il il i vi i mliiisliil in plaviiii liltolinlv imtkiv in iskt tl lo lill mil iht niiipon in tin idvti list mi nl on llns p ilit anil hi inn il willi lilt in win il tin v niislti saluiil iv sports corner 124 mill st e si wilbur phone s533160 hockey players and skaters it is hoped that iee will be in our acton arena by oct 15 1966 we are new ditpley ing a large assortment of winter goods al sports corner final tricounty hockey registration acton community centre saturday oct 15 10 am till 12 noon registration insurance 5 00 please fill in coupon and bring it with you name address phone no date of birth please supply birth certificate when registering bowl for pleasure bowl for heart the entire family can bowl together make it a date bowl where the action is acton bowling lanes 10 main st n memkr obfa 530170 curling anyone 196667 applications are available now from ron guest telephone 8532885 or at the curlihp club opening bonce at the acton band hall friday octoter 21st 900 pm tickets aft the dooc or from the club executives acton curling club v

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