Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 6

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6 the acton free press thursday october 13 1966 street loitering costly continued from page 1 the nurses for quitting he then council- he learned a meeting suggested the nurses return to was scheduled shortly and the work tuesday jrtd a meeting eubject would be discussed the councillor also wondered if the development commission should make some effort to im prove the industrial site on main st n by possibly- instal ling a roadway deputy reeve r r parker said the commis sion had received advice not to spend too much money on the site until such time as inter ested developers had indicated intentions of settling there mr drinkwatyer also queried some articles appearing in a toronto paper regarding the de bate between halton nurses and the halton board of health he claimed the report said the original committee had refused to meet with the nurses until the nurses ibccame certified imr parker claimed this report was wrong and said now a war dens committee was handling all negotiations he was cor rected by the reeve who said it was a committee- of halton county council of the whole mr parker explained the nur ses had threatened to quit on september 12 and the board of health had met with two rep resentatives from the nurses on the previous friday for three hours the nurses then reques ted another meeting monday september 12 in the afternoon and mr parker told council he had reluscd this in the shad ow of the 5 pm deadline set by would be set up for that day he said this was refused council learned from the dep utyreeve it was the opinion of the board of health it would be impossible to meet on the monday due to pressure to fin alize the problem before the 5 oclock deadline reeve hbiton in reply to councillor drinkwalters state ment of the report in the tor onto paper remarked you are referring to a report in the star which was complete fabri cation it the statement was never made he referred to the fact the committee had re fused to meet whh the nurses the star reporter and mr parker almost came to blows over it added the reeve in caiiiinuing mr hinton said the staff of nurses has been reduced to four from the normal 26 members the nurses were being misguided by their leader and were now playing on public sympathy he said peel county nurses were certi fied and peel county council had someone to negotiatewith we have no one he emphas ized in conclusion he repeated the nurses were illadvised the reeve gave a brief report of his recent trip to europe stating it was most informative and he was grateful for the op portunity of going bawling league scores listed rockwood this week in the rockwood and district bowling league the rebels blanked the bombers 70 as did tri hards with the rockets the 52 scor es were for munsters over big six the wps took humes te xaco nichols pals over kay mobile feeds and carneys plumbing and heating downed kens novelties in total points the munsters and tri hards have taken over first spot tied with 19 points nichols pals are second with 17 points followed closely by rockets and humes texaco each with 16 points another tie is for fourth and having 14 each are carneys plumbing and heating and kay mobile feeds following are the big six at 13 the w ps witlf 12 and the bombers 10 together in the cellar are the rebels and kens novelties each with 9 point mens high triple went to bob vincent at 695 with irene la- voles k25 taking ladies ted jestin had mens high single at 27 and irene lavoie rolled a 259 for ladies high single obituary garage operator j whitham dies after yearlong illness obituary fine craftsman elijah davies dies in hospital at age of 74 elijah davies of 3 young st acton passed away suddenly in guclph general hospital on fri day october 7 at the age of 74 funeral service was held at the rumlcyshocmakcr funeral home on saturday october 8 conducted by the rev dwight engel and interment followed in fairview cemetery pallbear ers were neighbors c holmes w dumarsh and g simpson and lodge brothers s snow c leathcrland and h ritchie surviving mr davies are his wife mary florence pritchard a daughter elsie mrs chris swackhamer acton son ron ald c guelph five grandchil- drcn and two brothers waller davies and jonah davies both in england he was predeceased bv one son james two sisters and seven brothers all or eng land and one sister mrs jos brooks formerly of the acton district he was born at dudley near birmingham england in 1892 son of william and elizabeth davies mr and mrs davhrs were married in blackheath on christmas day 1912 the late mr davies came to canada from blackheath near birmingham england in june ol 1920 making his home in limehousc he worked on the installation of actons waterworks and later was employed by beardmorc tannery in the warehouse he then became foreman for the toronto lime co at dolly var- den until that business was sold and closed down his love of outdoor life led him to learn stone cutting in the free stone quarries sur rounding his home district and he became superintendent of baronston quarries owned bv col and mrs d h c mason on their estate near georgetown the six flagstone terraces lead ing to the church of our lady iri guelph are a lasting monu ment to his ability as ri crafts man during the second world war he worked for viclorv aircraft malton and contributed to ca nadas war effort in this way he moved to acton in 1944 and laterbecame a partner in a firm of building contractors un til ill health forced his retire ment from this occupation he was a member of walker lodge he continued to beautify his home and grounds using his skill in carpentry stone cutting and gardening to the extent of his ability until the day of his passing no fire good job bad fire no fob fires in places where things ore made and sold account ior ncarly half the annual waste at least 600000000 is the cost ol industrial frrus in the lavt ten years in canada fire disrupts production and employment in a small com munity the loss or jobs is es pecially serious lf the plant is the only one in town every citi zen directly or indirectly sut lers if it permanently folds minor fires become big ones largely because ol construction weaknesses lack of protective sprinklers and alarm svstems and inherent fire hazards com mon examples of structural faults are missing division walls and unenclosed stairwas and elevator shafts in 1965 there were 56 major lires in canada each costing up wards ol a quarter of a million dollars the destruction ol these 56 fires was 31172800 wellknown throughout town ps at honest and sincere busin ess man joe whitham a garage operator in acton for the past 30 years died september 12 at guelph general hospital follow ing an illness of almost a year mr whitham who was born in bradford yorkshire england came to canada in 1921 and af ter working in toronto for two years made his home in acton he worked for the hewitson shoe company when it was lo cated in the building presently occupied by force electric while with the film he was ac tive in company playsand skits many of which he wrote and directed he was also popular in singing roles at company events he later went with sandy mc- isaac in the garage business un til 1936 when he started his own business in march ol 1937 he married his wile the lurmer josephine mckvown and during the last 20 years the couple have resided at their present resid ence on young street he was one ol live childien born to benjamin whitham and anne hall besides his wile he leaves to mourn his loss two brothers fred and frank in eng land he was piedeceased bv one brother jim and a sister nelly his love for singing made him a popular choice for minstrel showswhicb were staged in earlier years here and he was a member of the united church many from this area exhib ited at erin fair on the weekend the international plowing match got under way tuesday choir for a number oycars be- at seaforth many from halton are competing or attending the show which lasts till friday sides his favorite hobby of me chanics singing was his next love his careful study of municipal and worldwide subjects made him well versed for topics ol conversation and many hours were spent bv former friends chatting around the stove in his garage funeral service was conducted irorn the rumleyshoemaker funcral home by rev dwight engel friday september 14 with inleiment in fairview cem etery pallbearers weiv brothers- inlaw ol the deceased milton watson duncan mcmillan llovd gordon irwin and ralph mckcown although he never participat ed in sport himscll mr whit ham was an avid tv ian lor all sporting events especially loot- ball he was a lurmcr chairman ol acton planning board and a member of the acton garage opeiatois association urge controls mice damaging fruit trees have vou ever seen a healthv hint tree quickly turn vellow and die manv times this is a icsull ol mouse damage mice will eat the bark oil the tiunk ol the live down at he soil level ii the bark is eaten all ol the uav around the tree then the tree will die ii the mouse only eats part way ar ound then the tree will look sickened particularly on the one side mice will also eat the bark from some ol the this was a sharp increase over the picvious year when the total loss from major fires was 14- 290100 burning gun powder at maple rock by art hawes action was slow at maple- rock shooting range this week with most of the members awav en hunting trips top scores were wayne leadson with 23 and gorrv lamarchc with 18 and 17 the moose season got off to a poor start this ear with manv areas reporting onlv a small pei con tage of hunters succcsv tul we have just returned from an unsuccessful hunt in the matachcwan area in that area the hunteis cie plentiful but lew took home their winter sup- pl ol meat the moose were appaienth holed up deep in the bush and werent moving the department ol lands and ioiests in that area report the moose population is as large or larger than last ear the also report a good call crop with a greater than usual percentage of twin calves the department ofticials in that area expect as large a har vest as last ear but claim those hunting later in the seasoriwil be more successful than usual this week is expected to be good il the weather continues as good as it was a the start ot the week adverse weather condi tions were lelt to be the cause ol the poor hunting during the ejil part ol the season since 1962 the department ol lands and forests has been ear- tagging moose in the geraldlon district this summer two cam era crews were on hand to re cord the action on film one group was from the na tional geographic society and took still photos for a future article in thoir magazine the other group took shots for the television series wild king dom shown bvmore than 200 tv stations in tie united stutci a helicopter is used to tag the moose the tagging is done hile the animals are swimming so there is no danger of injury to the tagging crews or the miose the department of lands and forests is especially anxious to get reports on all tagged moose shot they ask that all hunters check their moose for ear tags and if thev shoot a tagged moose to report it to the nearest department ol lands and for ests olfice the department is also anx ious to get the lower jaws ol all moose shot most districts give hunteis a suitably engraved sou venir of their successful hunt last vear hunters received a jape measure and the vear be fore a lighter in return for the moose jaw s the purpose el the tagging operations and collecting the jaws is to estimate the age health and other information of the moose herds this enables officials to gain further know ledge so better success can be citjocd bv the hunters partridge were plentiful in t he- area ol the north we hunted but vxe didnt see nearly as many ducks as usual rabbit season opens on octo ber 19 in halton wellington and surrounding counties the bag limit is 6 per day on cottontail rabbits with no limit on eur opean or varying hare- although we havent received official word fnmi the depart ment of lands and forests we understand eight of the ten southern ontario counties have approved a deer season for this fall wellington is reported to be one of the eight giving ap proval the other tw6 counties have not been contacted yet further details will be passed on when information is avail able more shallow roots causing similar symptoms in a commercial orchard mice are a severe problem thev at tack trees ol all sies thev aic not always a problem but in anv one year could damage a huge percentage ol the trees even if the trees are not killed it will take many years to get them back to normal controlling damage by mice means understanding the mice you must remember that mice dont usually eat nark until their other food supplies be come short this usually occurs in the tall of the year mice can be controlled bv keeping grass and trash cleared away from the tree trunks mice do not frequent bare soil but like to live in matted grass chemical weed control or cul tivation can be used to keep a clean area round the trunk of each tree tree guards made of wire mesh can be used to keep mice awav from the trees these should be wrapped loosely ar ound the trunk and set into the soil 1 or 2 inches deep wire mesh guards need to be loosen ed as the trees grow the alternative to keep the mice away irom the trees is to poison them there are two commonly used techniques at present the first is to scatter corn or apple pieces that have been treated with zinc phos phide around the trees in the giass the mice will be killed when they eat this material the other material used as a poison is endrin endrin spray ed in the grass will kill mice on contact as they move thr ough the grass this material is very toxic to children and now that the frost is on the pumpkin farmers are busy plowing the fields halton coun ty plowing match is scheduled for saturday oct 29 at frank peacocks farm in north oak- ville slop look and lessen ac cidents is the theme lor octo ber salety month actonians who left the beau- lies ol their own gardens lor the beauties of other places lound the trallic terrifically heavy service hubs plan baxter seal campaign the community service clubs in the counties ol halton brant wenlwoilh and norfolk which will conduct the 1967 easlei seal campaign held a joint meeting in dundas on tuesday october ii the district meet ing was called by the ontario society lor crippled children at this meeting service club repiesentalives met with soeielv peisunnel to discuss plans and preparations for the 1967 easter sciil campaign scheduled foi next febiuary 23 to march 26 repoils irom the service club members revealed that through hasler seals crippled children in the area were provided with hi ices and wheelchairs camp holidays transportation to treat ment centies and hospitals and othei services that are vital to their much needed care and treatment the chairman ol the meeting was amice bvnum lions club ol dundas and sei vice clubs rep resented were acton rotary brantfoid rotary burlington lions dundas lions george town rolarv hamilton rotary milton rotary oakville rotaiv simcoe rotary and waterdown rotary representatives fiom the ac ton rolarv club were jim led ger chairman crippled chil drens committee and fred gordon easter seal chairman fish etc so must be used with extreme caution these methods of controlling mice are all quite effective if carried out properly care must be taken not to poison anything but mice when poisons are be ing used poisons should not be used until picking is com- pletedind ground apples are picked up use care and com mon sense and vou should be able to develop a verv effective control program for mice fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st georges sq guclph ont telephone 8242071 mrs frank taylor pnoto vvilbert freemanofrockwood has worked for months round ing up centennial farm owners here he displays one of the signs which are erected by the junior farmers halton members will enter provincial 4h competitions jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire fully insured pcv class fs ft f acton phone 8530730 halton will be icpreseiited bv six teams ot tw o members at the provincial h interclun competitions to be held at oa c university ol guelph at guelph ontauo on fndav oct ober 21 these teams will com pete against others i rum all across the province in the jud ging of lour classes giving rea sons on each class and answei- ing questions on all phases of the project in the daiiy section eliza beth nornngton and rosemary booth will represent the hal ton 4 h jorsev guernsey avrshire calf club lairv pick et and don brander the east halton 4h holstein call club lois hunter and lariv ben nett west halton 4h holstein call club keith and wayne alt ken ot the acton 4h call club will compete in the beel section two field crop teams are ent ered bill lasbv jiul walter trvssenaar irom acon dan iloalheiington and doug stakes irom the halton 4h grain club this competition is consider- td one ol the highlights of 411 club work in the province last sear halton vas siiccesslul in w inning the field crop section georgetown arts and crafts annual exhibition and sale saturday oct 15th 1030 am 430 pm at the riviera norval ont admission 50c ample free parking coffee and donuts 20c 1030 am to 100 pm 1 30 pm to 430 pm afternoon tea 50c milton retoesal thursfrisat oct 131415 the naked prey in color cornel wilde the town tamer in cblor dana andrews i matinee saturday at 200 pm montues oct 1718 three on a couch in color jerry lewis janet leigh cartoon kangaroo courtin wedthursfrisat oct 19202122 the great race in color natalie wood tony curtis cartoon tease for two owing to length on shew each night at 8 pm show times weekdays monday through thursday 8 pjvl friday and saturday at 7 and 9 pjul moose hunters visitiing the northland have been coming home empty handed the moose didnt seem too plentiful espe cially the rirst week of the hunt apparently partridge are quite plentiful and many bag- tjed the limit of birds about 200 have signed up for night school classes in mil ton most popular are welding furniture rolinishing and art ac ton hasnt hud a night schopl lor quite a few years ilow thaffksgiving sunday was observed in local and distiict chuiches with special services the annual sale of christ mas cards and wiappings at the robert litue school is undci- vvay this week prolits are used to buy something special lor the school in milton theres to be a vole on sunday movies milton and acton high school commencements aic the same day novembei 4 children causing damage have held up work at the site of the new hydro building it was the same story at the li- brarv do youngstets realize the extra work and expense they are causing the y program is well un derway with shouts and laugh ter indicating to those out on the street how much he bovs and girls are enjoying it apparently extra copies ol the plunketl report are not available for acton they were on order but jack mcgeachie had a phone call recommending those with copies might lend them to others instead hikers along the bruce trail had plenty of company on the weekend classes on now mathematics for parents have begun at the m z bennett school district roads were crowd ed with leafviewers all vveek- d some times traflic on highway 25 was bumpei to bumpjft practically try the new fast more powerful homelite xl700 no you tin cut 15 iiarrfwood in 1 jec ufirj5 16 softwood in m secoiiilsl double fuflliiirf oil capacity weight only i a lbs ins bar and chm all anions hflmehle professional fea- tures straight bars up lo 36 plunge- cut bow cjearinj and utility bats coma in today for free demonstration a kerr son rr no 2 acton ontario tel 8531959 quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8532174 mm makes your payments for you on loans over 1500 when you borrow money for any good reason its wise lo protect yourself from unexpected hardship with gac aid plan coverage if you are unable to work for more than 30 days due to accident or illness aid pays your monthly installments until you recover or until your loan is paid in full in the event of death aid pays the out standing balance of the loan in full aid is simple inex pensive provides worldwide protection and is avail able to all gac international customers up to age 65 whose loans exceed j 1 500 stop in or call find out how you can get dollars worth of loan protection for only pennies with gac aid loans uf to smm 6ic lutf rmtioml rinanct corporation lid 75 mill street -acton- phone 853 2960 12 main street south georgetown phone 87 6971 kitchener- 1252 king street east phone 7441153

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