Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 7

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ccttiftrekehjme recwmehdatbh while the initial reaction to recom mendations of the plunkett report ap peared to be a negative attitude on the part of elected representatives in the southerrfarea the report was given qual ified acceptance in the editorial comment of area newspapers we feel that the report given the in depth study it de serves will form the starting point for fruitful discussion and recommendations locally the report is being studied indi vidually by councillors and board mem bers before any formal inmeeting rec ommendations are made it is our expectation that all the local governing bodies will meet and present one comprehensive set of recommenda tions to the department of municipal af fairs by the december 31st deadline it would be unfortunate if there were a multitude of formal and possibly conflict ing reports submitted from each of the municipalities cchfftfehce in future the announcement in this issue of the conversion of the free press from a letterpress to offset production is one that expresses our own confidence in the future of this area we anticipate not with relish the technical problems that will arise with this move however we feel confident that with the coopera tion and assistance of our staff the read ers and advertisers the move will be accomplished with a minimum of disrup tion the excellent progress being made on thenew library building and the start made on the new hydro office and worlo shop both reinforce our belief that ac ton is once again reacting progressively the cecision of council in engaging an architect to determine how the addition of the library area in the ymca build ing can be incorporated in the municipal offices is a progressive step forward we feel sure that municipal offices of adequate siie and prestige can be incor porated in this location which will serve the needs certainly until regional gov ernment is established and after that time as a local administrative office editorial page cditcrial hctej the announcement this week that poly pentco canada ltd will establish a manufacturing plant in acton industrial centre is indeed welcome news we join with all local citizens in welcoming the company to acton with the expectation that their establishment in acton will be beneficial both to the company and to the town we couldnt help noticing that some joohe cars that perhaps should have at tended the department of transport safe ty check were conspicuously absent from the streets during the time the checking equipment was in operation perhaps when the safety check returns arrange ments could be made to have compulsory checks later in the evening when the excuse i was at work when it was c open could not be used safety checks are a good project and we commend the local detachment for their efforts in bringing it to acton with the ymca fall and winter programs in full swing we expect the next step will be the installation of ice at the arena for its winter program with these two facilities ready and able to provide excellent spare time activities the complaint of young people th nothing to do irtacton is totally invalid the two experimental nights of wrestling in acton arena were an un qualified success we look forward to this entertainment being included in next summers activities at the community centre the injection of the number of outside acton spectators at these events can be nothing but beneficial to us all welcome mat ti cut announcement of the establishment of the provincial agricultural museum in halton adacent to the kelso conser vation area is good news the action was predicted several weeks ago in this newspaper and the necessary negotiations have been known to be under way for some time the suc cessful completion of those negotiations is a credit to a number of people in volved the land adacent to the kelso con servation aica known as the a r ser vice farm is ideally situated for such a project with its frontage on highway 401 and close to a 401 overpass the prox imity of the facilities of the attractive kelso conservation area adds to the de sirability of thosite the heritage of agriculture in ontario is significant and halton has played an important part in the progressiveness of that major provincial industry the loca tion of the museum in the county high lights that role a provincial museum of science and technology which the province has un dertaken as its centennial project will now be augmented by the provincial museum of agriculture to round out the recognition by the province of science industry and agriculture hopefully now the province will turn its resources and experience toward de veloping a major representation of agri cultural history that will suitably portray the dramatic changes that have taken place in trns important industry it is good news too that the museum will be developed in cooperation with the steam and antique preservers as sociation who have been sponsoring the annual seamera in milton the grow ing attraction of this annual show indi cates the interest this type of project has for people not only in ontario but also in neighboring states we are pleased to welcome the pro vincial agricultural museum to this district grim note the teenage daredevil who drives too fast never stops to think that his obituary may be only one para- praph long with no eulogy perhaps nothing would be lost by ending all bomb tests even under ground by this time everything must be pretty well known were the war on poverty to be wag ed with the energy put into say world wlbr ii if would be over and won in about five years the bicycle might come back if they could equip it with racks big enough to carry home four bags of groceries from the supermarket a 3 per ton increase in the price of prime steel sheets doesnt frighten the housewife who seldom has these items on her shopping list sugar and spice by bill s m i o y this is a time of year when there should be 24 hours of daylight when a man- shuuld be able to keep going 24 hours a day and every man shuuld be on a months vacation think of that fishing bass muskics pike and rainbow trout just lying around there drooling wishing somebody would toss them a lure with the water so cold their flesh makes chicken taste like dessicated rubber in the bogs the ducks chuckle and in the bush the partridge chortle wheth er its a bitter morning crouched in a blind or a slealthy stroll down a sun- til tered wooded road everything beckons the hunter and theres the goll course a crisp day the turl like velvet and all the tourists and women out oi the way at last nothing to distract fat bottoms in bermuda shorts are ivplanvt hy plump black squirrels intent on tilling the lar der with acorns and everywhere theres sky as blue as a virgins veins blueblack water wel coming buttergolden sun and blazing bush to delight the eye and uplift the soul every orangeblooded canadian from the most venerable of bird watchers to the grade four ivke who must make a leaf collection yearns to be out in the most wonderful country in the world in the most yonderful time of the year in the most wonderful life that any of us will ever have and what are we all doing were behaving like typical canadians wo recognie the beauty the allure of autumn but we do nothing about it if weie voungsters we go to stupid school ii were oldsters we rake the ruddv leaves or we worry about the silly storm windows or we go to idiotic meetings to exchange inanities or we trudge off to some ridiculous job in order to put food in our mouths and oil in the tank just because its fall and all these asinine activities arc back with us its not only unintelligent its un- lair unpad iotic unscrupulous un relig ious and unbelievable for years i have longed for a holidiv in lnetalt and for years i have been denied it because of the increiliblv in sane social structure in this countrv which decrees that you have holidays in the summer or if vou can afford it an equivalent hot in winter down south who wants holidays in the summer with long evenings and weekends we can fish swim boat lo our hearts con tent and with the upcoming fourday workweek therell be even more time but were stuck with an archaic sys tem thai seems to be tied to the school vear on labor day we all go back to the plough and spend the most glor ious weeks of the year at mundane monotonous chores mot for us the gold and blue of aut umn days at our mvriad lakes the wild lire of sumach on the hills the honk of wild geese flving the wood fires warmth on a cool evening now after labor day we don sober garb and pious mien csawl back into our hut and begin once again the pretence that life is real and earnest its just as well theyre not planning lo make me minister of education if thev did there d be a months holiday in june school through july and august until one pm every dav and six weeks holiday beginning labor day dont worry it will never happen in this country its much too sensible fall color time a 4tn j centennial report byiohnwfish et 0 1 vo centennial commissioner ior a long tune i have been making iailil use ol the term birthday party when talking about our centennial ot con federation in lt7 let me warn sou one must be carelul i havent heard from the vikings of khirsc bill at least one member ol evei other race or cultmal group which has had prcconlcdeiatioii roots m canada has bent m ear on the subject ot the true bntb dale ot canada thev include eng lish scottish jewish irish fiench and iiicricaii canadians thev ucie all lieie belore 1867 there was a canada the argument poes betoie confederation the lat is there was more than one when in newfoundland one also con- lends that john cabot discovered can ada in quebec the view that jacques car- tier did draws considerable support no va scotiins and new brunswickers re mind us that champlain came here before he visited quebec canadian indians of course can discount the first two claims most disputes i have heard are good- natured ones i am happy to say it is only to a lew that i need explain that the hirthda celebrations next vear are to maik the 100th aniiivcisji ot the con lederation that made canada a federal stale 1 ik- period in instorv when can ada actually was born pel haps can onlv be discussed with am valid logic bv geologists and archaeologists separately ot com s- when that step was taken in 1867 to make canada a single tedeial state one ol the latheis ot confederation said we are stuving lo do peaceful i v what holland and iklguim austna and liungarv den- indk and germain russia and poland imild onlv accomplish b armed force have we rot preat tduse of thdrimulness tha we have found a hotter j can the pages of historv find a parallel in this world there have been a tew other federal states formed without war since our confederation of 1867 some of the modern examples unfortunately have come apart again the birth of our confederation was an event like no othlr in history con federation hjs continued successfully for 100 ear and the biilhday is worth celcbiatms im bure 20 years afco taken from jhe issue of tjie acton free press october 10 1946 acton fair draws record crowd of 10000 people and acclaimed best fair in its 34 years released of the wartime restrict ions which had interfered with its usual fine program and back again dn the arena with its double attractions the fair of ficers and directors were determined to leave no stone unturned to again put acton fair into leadership those in grade viii winning a pri7c at the fair were jean wilds margaret spityer dick wood frcida harris ronna papillon joy romph betty allan jean holmes june brown ronnie tripps lillian mitchell joan waterhouse best dressed doll betty lawson lila ran- ney childs apron ina harding pillow cases ina harding wednesday evening last week a public meeting was held in rockwood town hall to discuss sports and recreation and on organization ttyiovvn as the rockwood community club was formed possibility of a skating and hockey rink was among the projects discussed mr len guild was elected president with jack oakes as vicecpresident and miss thelma ross as secretary and mr george ballinger treasurer a report from ottawa says that can ada may balance its budget for the first time since 1930 50 years ago taken from the issue of the acton free press of thursday october 12 1916 it is reported the 164th battalion is to march from camp borden to their winter quarters in hamilton some time this month the 750 officers and men will stop each night at one of the towns enroute reeve hynds attended the duke of devonshire chapter of the iode to confer with the ladies a committee was appointed and it was planned that each of the churches would provide a hot supper and lodging for i he night mr archibald m mcpherson son of the late archibald mcpherson aclon and miss jennie moore allan daughter of mr john allan third line erin were joined in the bonds of holy wedlock at knox church manse on wednesday ev ening 4th october rev j c wilson conducted the ceremony born garden in acton on sunday september 24th 1916 to mr and mrs nelson h garden a daughter anna clare married andersonhusband on wednesday october 4 1916 at the home of the brides parents acton by rev j c wilson ba bessie blair onlv daughter of mr and mrs w s husband to harold ross anderson only son of the late donald r anderson lindsay and mrs anderson toronto macmurchy matthews at the home of the brides mother toronto on october 9 1916 bv rev george w bar ker of guelph dr john macmurchy of kearnev son of duncan macmurchy erin to mvrtle blair daughter of mrs lewis g matthews the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma st3 trinilv xix sunday october 16 1966 9 00 ani holv euchaiist 1030 a in chinch school 10 30 a m holv eucharist fiiesdav oclobei 18 roast ol st luke 10 x a in holv eucharist trinity church the united church of canada minisiei rev dvvighti engel ba bd oiganist mr george elliott ma phd sunday october 16 1966 church school church school juniors up to gr 4 at 10 a m seniors gr 5 gr 8t at 1115 am slrvicls of worship 1000 a m trinity umttd nursery pro- v ided ills am churchill chuichill rd n 75 years ago acton baptist church founded 1842 pastoi rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 sunday october 16 1966 4s am church school adult class 1 1 00 a in morning worship ihe char ter ot the church 7 00 pffl evening sonne baptist mens service speaker mr haltday slamton toronto tuesday association annual meeting hillsburg wednesday pracr and bible study 730 thursdav choir 730 friday bhf 700 all visitors welcome to our services doctrines we preach and believe the virgin birth the diety of christ his bodily resurrection the second coming takjfrom the issue of the acton free press of thursday october 19 1891 lord and lady stanley visited the central experimental fanm at guelph on friday the total losis by the halifax fire exceeds 200000 a telephone across the atlantic has lung been talked about as a future ach ievement of electrical science now it is regarded as within the region of poss ibility it os even asserted on what ap pears as good authority that a telephone cable can be laid at less cost and worked more cheaply than the telegraph cable a plan is also said to be under consider ation for laying such cables to england and is being figured on by capitalists in these days anything seems possible to science and money and nobody would be astonished were a telephone cable put in operation within a year there is a rumor afloat that the grand trunk railroad will erect a new steel bridge at niagara falls north of the suspension bridge fall fair jottings the music dis coursed by acton cornet band on tues day evening and wednesday afternoon enlivened the proceedings mr j p dovvnev of guelph- had one of the famous edison phonographs on exhibition hundreds listened to its in teresting performances the post of honor at the worlds fair in chicago will be reserved for spain as a souvenir ol the discovery of america the acton a free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 30 willow st acton on tario member of the audit bureau of circulation- the cwna and owna advertising rates on request subscrip tions payable in advance m00 in canada 70o in all countries other than canada ingle copies 10c authorized aa second class mall post office department ot tawa advertising is implal on the condition thnt in the event of typograph- iciil error lhit portion of the advertising spnee occupied by the erroneous item together with reasonable allowance for aianature will not be charged for but ihe balance of the advertisement will be pnld for nt the applicable rale lis the evrnt of a typographical error hdvertfslna goods or hoivlcei at a wrong price bloods or services may not be sold advertising is merely an offrr to sell and may be withdrawn at any time pablished by lbs dills printing and publishing co ltd duvid r dllli managing editor copyright 16x18 church notices bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 sunday october 16 1966 1000 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pm sunday school presbyterian church in canada knox church acton kcv andrew h mckcnzic ba bd minister mr k a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday october lr i9cs 9 45 un church school tor ages 3 to 15 45 am teenage church membership class 1100 am public i woi ship sermon theme it runs in the family sicramcitt of christian baptism 730 pin youth fellowship meeting lvcrvone most welcome evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m ihoman pamor 8532715 sunday october i 10 00 am sundav school for all ages 1 1 00 a in morning worship service 700 p m mr william follham ot acton will minister and testify how that alter being n epileptic for 17 years was divinely healed of god tuesday 8 pm praver and bible study i hurstlay 8 pm c a service i ndav 6 4s p m crusaders maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday october 1 1966 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pjn prayer meeting aclon 8531956 georgetown vt1ut0 a 1 3 d v s oazhw i r n d

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