Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1966, p. 8

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is- 66 i 4 rett hdttick jehj kuhterj find hiatcrif a wit aj fame y a hunting trip this summer is describ ed by the rev douglas dittrich of fro bisher bay fomnerly of acton his letter is so interesting it should be shared uttetrettsxigivebii a few com ments about my trip this summer not having left frobisher itself for 26 months i returned from my dog sled trip to lake harbour may 9th 1964 ex cept for a few hours last january 10th when f flew over to lake harbour to con duct a funeral i was about ready for a little break and when anakudluk our layrcader asked me if i was interested in accompanying him hunting during his three weeks holidays i was pleased and as il turned out was able to go we left frobuther about 130 pm on monday july 25th and arrived back on saturday august 13th at about 630 pm in the last two days we had returned from the ifarlhest point we reached the tip of hall peninsula named after charles fran cis hall i an american who explored fro bisher bayj86062 and was about the first white man ever to really live with the eskimos he also found various traces of martin frdbishers expeditions which- had been here almost three centuries earlier which is close to 200 miles from our home at the very northeast tip of the bay where oneenters davis strait our party consisted of anakudluk his wife and seven children his brother and wife and their four children his daughter and husband and their two child ren and his sister and her four children plus myself and one dog eleven adults and thirteen children with two canoes and one larger open boat the last week our numbers were reduced to nineteen when anakudluks brother and his wife and three children returned the first day we travelled down to ward inlet where i had spent about three weeks in 1963 and near where the hud sons bay store used to be in the old days the next day we reached a spot which was to be our home for seven nights about 100 miles or so from frobisher the wednesday and thursday were quite rainy and we were more or less confined to camp for the first two weeks the wind blew constantly from the east up the bay except lor the first sunday ths not only brought unsettled weather but also brought a great deal of ice back up the bayll was necessary to keep finding a safe anchorage for the boat as the ice moved about the wind had not only brought ice but also polar bears drifting along on the floes on the friday morning anakudluk had been up on the hills and spotted three bears the previous day they had seen some white whales but were unable to locate them among the ice floes in the afternoon we set out after the bears at first we went out to a small island and watched them through the binoculars and telescope they were a mile or two away later on the mainland we saw that two of them were on a little island away out in the bay eventually we got very close to the third anakudluk and myself and four of the boys it was very hard to navigate in the ice in the canoe i did not have my camera as the weather was very poor although i missed a great opportunity the first shot wounded the bear and he jumped into the water and then back on the ice again and was getting closer however a couple more shots finished him and he conven iently ended up on a small ice floe on which we could pull up the canoe he was 7 feet or so stretched out al though they said this was the smallest of the three we saw after skinning and the removal of the head and one leg for meat which provided us with all we wanted for quite a while we returned to camp the next day we went up an inlet which was about 12 miles away and got a couple of seals anakudluk walked inland a little way but did not sec any caribou siutday was the only really nice day during the first two weeks we had a church service in our tent in the morning and in the afternoon i walked for about four hours and took a few pictures the wind came from the west but the next day it was back to the east once again in the evening we had a service for the child ren monday we broke camp leaving be hind the bear skin to dry we picked it up the day before we got back to fro bisher and went up nearby newton fiord about is miles correction this was tuesday monday was very wet again and we though we might have to move our tent which was right on the shore however high tide was just short of our door as we travelled we inevitably arrived at our destination at low tide this meant carrying everything up from the boat over slippery rocks a long way with tides at frobisher up to 36 feet second highest in the world the amount of water that moves up and down the bay twice a day must be phenomenal this makes for very dangerous currents in some spots at the new site we were to slay four nights the first day anakudluk and i went out alone to see what could be found after climbing very high the caribou go away up in the hills to get away from the mosquitoes maybe 1200 feet up and several miles inland we saw one caribou which anakudluk shot i have some pic- jures showing the skinning of this one i the next day several of us went out again and after much walking saw some caribou a long way away they were up on the other side of a river which would have been too wide o get across we picked up the meat from the day before which was placed under rocks for safe keeping and carried it back to camp on the thursday august 4 in case you have lost track we went out by boat down the fiord and went ashore on the other side of the river we broke off into twoparties and walked most of the day however all told we ended up with four more caribou one large one got away on us we came across it quite by chance as we were returning back to the coast we ducked behind the rocks before it saw us ana- kudlak let one of his boys take the first shot he missed and by the time everyone was organized it was toofar away to get in some ways it was just as well if we had shot it we would have to come back again the next day to carry it as we were already loaded down and the evening was well advanced jfor a couple of nightsadozen or so other people camped wifit us mostly rel atives of anakudluk but they left us and we did not see any more of them on the friday anakudluk had some work to do on the boat engine saturday we broke camp and headed clown the bay we passed a place where i had gone with simonee in september of 1962 when he was setting up his home down the bay he stayed two winters al though the second winter he came to ward inlet through the binoculars i could see the remains of the buildings he lhad erected tn a way it was strange seeing places i had not seen for nearly four years it made me seem an old timer from here on in the land was new to me another 15 miles brought us to countess of warwick sound it began to rain and we landed on the mainland to make camp just a few hundred yards from the famous countess of warwick island frobishers island hadloona island white mans island next day was sunday again and we held service in the tent on the beach so close to the island where the first angli can communion service was held in 1578 sec prayer book calendar sept 2nd in canada sunday afternoon we crossed over to the island and took a few pictures and i brought back quite a few rock samples thiswas canadas first gold mine even though the ore proved worthless fools gold as i said hull explored the island in the 1860s and again in 1927 a group i think from the university of chicago ex plored it frobisher took back 2000 tons of ore the trenches are still there of course plus what are supposed to be the remains of his stone houses the feb ruary 1966 canadian geographic journal has an article on this island as has the summer 1964 beaver hudsons bay cos magazine dr west and lieut brockley had been down in july and erected a small cairn and plaque as a centennial project to honor sir martin frobisher his three vovages to frobisher bay 1576 1577 and 1578 in the reign of elizabeth the first make quite a story and it was interesting to walk around this little island which is one of the most historic spots in all can ada considering columbus only round america in 1492 monday we were on the move again and travelled another 25 miles or so almost to loks land the last large island at the end of the peninsula named after one of the promoters of frobishers expe ditions the cathay company michael lok ended up in debtors prison frobisher did better after getting in volved in the spanish armada he was knighted that evening we went looking for the kassigiak seal the ranger seal which apparently breeds up the rivers in fresh water although it is found in the sea we got a bearded seal square flip per these are the largest of the seals around here on tuesday the three men and three older boys left the women and children behind we went further down the coast for three days and slept on the boat for two nights wednesday turned out to be a lovely day and in the afternoon we got a huge bearded seal they thought at first it was a walrus it was so big wmie they were cutting it up on shore i had got my camera wet trying to get a picture as they harpooned it anakudluk went on the hill to look through his tele scope he said he saw a couple of bears a long way on the ice off hal1island at the very end of the land also he thought he saw some walrus around some small islands not far from where we were we began to search around these is lands and broke into two groups some in the boat and some in the canoe the ones in the canoe went ashore to look around and came across a bear asleep promptly shot it and by the time we got there it was half skinned and was even larger than the first one after all this we were heading across the channel at the end of loks land preparing to anchor for the night when we spotted a small rock literally covered with nearly 100 walrus they must have been dozing in the sun all day the smell around there was some thing terrific we got very close before they saw us and anakudluk took pictures before they were aware we were coming i was out of film about 100 yards from them they spot ted us and then things began to happen they all began to slip into the water just like in a walt disney picture and head off in every direction in confusion you can imagine the excitement of the six of us who had travelled 200 miles and almost given up hope of seeing walrus at all and- then hit the jackpot they began to shoot and one of the wounded ones took a lunge at a seal hanging on the back of the boat to top it off it was getting dark that eve ning we got one adult and two young ones the other two adults were shot arid sank near the little island and we were able to get a hook onto them the next day and xajsc them beside the boat the one they harpooned tharcvening really look it out on the oil drum used as a float with his tusks the female and male wal rus havci tusks walrus are large and even six people have a job doing much with one of them it was very interesting to see one cut up completely however as there is a real technique to it as with caribou and every thing else for that matter on the thursday after taking care of the other two larg wal ta only then- heads flippers and some of the meat we headed down to the rip of hall island but pound no trace of the bears some of the icebergs had drifted away returning back about noon we circum navigated loks land and passed through the lupton channel- through which boats travelling from frobisher to pangnirtung pass reached camp and the others early in the evening we broke camp very shortly and had hoped to travel for several hours in order to be sure to get back to frobisher by sat urday 170 miles away we had barely got started when they spotted a small polar bear on the land this time the dog was taken with a couple of men in the canoe but he was frightened of the bear meanwhile we remade camp having trav elled only about three miles and it was low tide of course and the bear was suc cessfully shot and skinned friday was a long day of just travel with rain the latter part of the day i spent most of the time working on sermons for the fol lowing sunday late evening found us back at ward inlet and some of us slept on the boat in the same cove where i had slept on simonees boat in 1962 while others slept on shore accompanied by a dozen dogs who are kept on the island in the summer by another of analcudluks brothers who is a fulltime hunter most of the dogs swam out to meet us which is a very odd sight to say the least saturday was very foggy a lot of the time and we had to creep along at times however we made it home on schedule with our boat loaded with meat and skins fortunately we did not see the killer whales which akeshook among others had seen earlier in the summer they are rare up in frobisher bay just as well however we seem to have seen just about everything else the common jar seal the harp seals that i havent previously mentioned were also shot also they got fish on a couple of occasions by putting nets but overnight also we went ashore from time to time to get duck eggs which are huge and two make a big meal the further down the bay one goes the more ducks there are literally thousands they do not have too much meal on them however although they shot a few as you can see although the weather at times was poor the hunting was gen erally good and we always had lots of fresh food to eat i had never eaten bear meat before but made up for it on this trip fried caribou steaks for breakfast one morning really hit the spot this was hardly a leisurely holiday it was a nice break however and at times an exciting trip and also an opportunity to see parts of the land i had not visited before it becomes more barren the fur ther one goes down the bay loks land is very bleak and weatherbeaten being ex posed to- the open sea much less vegeta tion than around here everyone was very thoughtful and took good care of me and i probably will recall other things to tell another time rwtjvr tu october rteeting legion auxiliary the legion ladies auxiliary branch 197 held their october meeting in the legion hall sec ond vicepresident mrs alvey gordon in the chiilr the charter was draped by president mrs 1 rogers in me- nioiv if late comrade mrs wil liam anderson and two minutes silence observed mrs w m findlay gave a re port from the halton communi ty service council and the part the legion ladies would take comrade mrs a ford was thv lucky winner of a pair of pillow cases there will he a halloween social in georgetown on oct 20 and another one in milton on oct 27 a motion was passed to put another 500 in the building fund and to gjve the legion men 200 towards their centen nial goal mrs william findley gave a report of the convention in windsor that she attended with mrs d rogers il was quite satisfying to hear that this zone came second in making the most money in a year there will be a dart tourna ment in milton please get in touch with spoils officer mrs robert angell plans were finalized for the bloocl clinic on oct 24 and for the bazaar on oct 22 in order to make this a successful event the help of all members is re quired after the business was com pleted a lovely lunch and social hour was enjoyed one million square yards of turf and 10000 trees are being readied for the expo grounds halton population climbs to 151327 joke lied tin ac- cumhina- actons population jumped 47 to 4353 during the post year helping i he hullon county to tal grow 9218 lo i si 327 the biggest increase wns in burlington which with lite ad dition or 6991 now boasts 65453 people during the year 15 real- denllul subdivisions were open- r legion purchases win family tv set what started out as saturday morning nel ion man a portable lion tv andradi some weeks ago the steward at the royal canadian legion branch 197 acton made a pur chase of legion supplies at the local ica store and received a couponfor the draw on the tv set the coupon remained in the branch until saturday morn ing when secretary gold mccut- cheun was making a general cleanup knowing the pink familys tv set was out of com- mission he scribbled he name of mr pink on the coupon and remarked here jack go win yourself a tv set vours is bro ken lit lie did the secretary know the name he had scribbled on the coupon proved the winner when the draw was made sat urday night now the proud owner of the sel is being kidded that the tv belongs lo the branch and anv member is entitled at any -time- to visit the pink home and ert jov the programs store manager harold manes nutrle tin presentation pink family and assured them the set was legally theirs ed onkvllle ndded 1227 in its complement und now has 52- 861 oilier population figures in halton include milton up 170 lo 6620 georgetown up 200 lo ii- 66s icsquesing up 436 to 7599 and nussaghweyu up 127 tn 2776 millions lolul jump from 142109 hist year shows it lo he one of the fastestgrowing areas in the nation and planners spe culate that the 1980 figure will he 514500 were right there when you need help when theres an emergency a call lo us gels action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74ceoksfr acren ont 8530640 six permits far township six building permits with a total value of 17500 were issu ed in nassagaweva tpwnship cliirin september permits val ued til 1176550 have been issu ed lo dale during 1066 permits were issued during september fur a resilience valu- ed at 10000 washroom facili ties at hden mills ball park val ued al 1000 a summer cottage valued at 3000 an addition to a dwelling valued al 1000 and two residential garages with a total value of 25007- from lovell bros modern meat market red brand choice 89 99 wing sirloin steaks 99 rump roast lean rolled prime rib roast tender c lb c lb c lb fresh small link sausage stock your freezer now sides hinds fronts cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton daily delivery phone 8532240 rmmwenewhietside ok of 26 auhew chew pickups for 67 heres the allnew 87 chevy pickup good looking smooth riding and hard working now body construction now all steel pickup box new cab interior new standard equip ment safety features plus chevy 6 or v8 power check the brand new look in chevy pickups today v- m nifm more loadspace on a longer wnefabase iii mi new efficiency for medium weight chevies h- 108 wheelbasa 188 overall ctfwvan now in two sizes new 16t wheelbaserestylo w wheelmse new chevyvan in two sites for 67 new v8 power too need mora room got the new longer stronger chevy- van 1 0s with 108 wheelbasa and 250cuft load space or pick the chevyvan 90 with the 209cubicfoot cargo area 283v8 powar available for both mwmwam iiii new 90 conventional cab with ms or diesel power chevys allnew middleweight champ newly styled and extra rugged with the manoeuvra bility of a 98 cab at no extra cost your choice of gas or diesel power too and these chevies are built to last check them out at your chevrolet dealers authorized chevrolet truck dealer in georgetown andrew murray motors limited 61 guelph street georgetown phone 8776944 be sure to see bonanza and nfl football on the cbctv network each sunday check your local listinp for channel 4 time

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