Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1966, p. 1

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zht fts ninetysecond year no 16 acton ontario thursday october 20 1966 aulborliot second clm mall by the pout office dopmlmcnt ottawa fourteen pages ten cont nurses county at stalemate after county council meeting settlement of the dispute be tween hal tons public health nurses and the county appeared no closer- after a 75 minute dis cussion between the two groups where now l b sharpe indicated after the county council meeting tuesday the nurses would seek further meetings with the war dens special committee in an attempt to solve the problem warden hinton reported an evaluation studv had been auth orized on the health unit opera tions he maintained the nurs es would have to seek employ ment with the board before the county could deal with them their resignation severed their connection with the county he suggested at the monthly meeting of coun ty council tuesday a report of the wardens spe cial committee on the problem urging the county to advertise for nursing staff with prefer ence to former employees who apply was endorsed by the council the health unit public 1 health nurses resigned from their positions sept 12 and have called tor a collective ag reement mrs flora hesson spokes man tor the group of nurses and supporters that crowded the council chambers tuesday suggested it was time the dis pute was settled it will never be settled as long as one side blames the other she sugges ted the organization of the nurses was established to put some order and sense into rela tions with the health unit i am sure there is a way to rees tablish services with the same ruises it is time now for the county to act she concluded lloyd sharpe advised to the local group trom the register ed nurses association of ont- continued on page two s a3sfr call special meeting to list boards goals recreation committee urges amalgamation of two boards aclmi recreation committee issued instructions to their sec- rcmrv u write to council again urging lvn to continue elforls- lor- amalgamation of parks board and rccivation committee at the earliest possible date at mondays regular meeting problems ol maintenance which overlapped parks boaul and the committees business annoyed members who com plained thev olten didnt know where their jurisdiction ceased and parks boards began referring to the condition ol the parking lot which had sev eral large holes in it member john gov cited it us a good ex ample of why the boards should be amalgamated dirt and mud are being tracked into the com munity centre in the winter but the committee could do nothing about it ff- 4 havent budgetted lor it said goy ii council expects us to do this lets put another little line in our budget road maintenance several members lelt pivseid maintenance on the paiking lot which has been a bone ol con tention with parks boaul on who is responsible for it during winter months was being-wasr- ed it should be tarred at least tiom the arena to the load one member stated uiged by chas leatherland one of two council members on the committee the secretary was mstiuclvd towi ite to coun cil icgarding hard top on the lot a cop to be sent to the paiks board building committee chairman harold townsley in u lengthy repoii criticised purking done while wrestling shows were held at the arena and urged help hu sought to combat ilia piohlcm a liiv tiuck could never have got thixitigh il there was a fire on a wrestling night suld i he building chairman fhe chicl mick holmes men- honed this luie belore said hugh patterson the lot needs to be policed members agreed and the pos sibility ol hiring auxiliary pol icemen was to be looked into the committee gave approval to three projects planned by ihc building chairman i enlarging the penalty box continued on page seven dissatisfied with what parks board has accomplished so far this year three members who attended last thursday evenings meeting decided to draw up a firm list of goas and to call a special meeting for this thurs day tonigh to di them not constituting a quorum at the regular meeting in the com munis centre were members gordon harding brendan ah- erne and earl masalcs with their secretary treasurer art cooper absent were chairman georgewilliams- vicechairman nino braida and cliff bradlcv although motions could not be passed the trio listed prob lems and aims for two hours tjefore adjournment mr aherhe acted as chairman prime concern was glenlea park where few of the plans made have been carried out paving the entrance sodding and grading were mentioned and the possible building of en trance gates consideration ot leishman park led members to ask the secretary to prepare a list of all park areas under the jurisdic tion of the boird so longrange plans may be formulated changes in the park might in clude paving raising of the track to prevent puddles or per haps complete change ot the road wslem trees authorized cut down previously are still standing these diseased olms explained mr masalcs arc in cluded in the towns plans and will be cut when other trees are improvement to the lake area brought in the involvement ol the credit vallev conservation authority which has included dredging of acton pond in its plans budget breakdown was also requested of the secretary the parks board which was author ized bv plebiscite to spend up to one mi b just ovei hall a mill this vear mr ahernc said he thought that parks board is not tully do ing the service thev were creat ed for glenlea park has been lying there 10 vcars he point ed out he urged something be done soon in another month the snow will be flying he had new suggestions and repeated former ones but members pres ent agreed ruefully these had not always been carried out old lumber in the park which had plagued the board was tin- ally taken to the dump bv mr masales himself other problems were review ed concluding with the decision to call the special meeting ot a lull board arena activities began for the winter mon ths last night wednesday when the tricounty entries from acton held practise sessions top left is coach barry inscoe lacing skates on his son robin top right jeff townsley is the first slaif photos to step on the ice as ken withers and john cameron wait their turn bottom photo shows steven townsley ready to drop the puck as john ashley ricky holmes tim mclntyre and kent kentner are ready to go probable lighting assistance for new library from commission two public meetings next week over official plan zoning bylaw top brass o pp commissioner eric silk with other high ranking otticers made a routine visit here this week nassagaweva township rate- pavers will have two chances to comment on the townships proposed n ollicial plan and zoning bylaw next week public meetings to consider both doc uments will be held in the audi torium of brookville school on tuesday and thuisdav evenings october 25 and 27 beginning at 8 pm in a recent levter to raepav- ers the township planning board explained experience has shown in- other municipali- t lev where no planning has been undertaken that a loss ot the desirable amenities within the township has oc tin red accom panied with increasing demands on the township tieasurv lor services resulting in ta m- ci eases to all properly owners it was stressed that the copv of the pioposed bylaw accom panying each letter was only a preliminary draft and that opinions and comments expicss- cd at the public meetings wou be taken into consideration when further revisions to the biaw are made- planning boird chairman grant campbell attended a spe cial meeting of nassagawcya and he would direct questions from the iioor to representa tives of project planners the company in charge of drawing up the ollicial plan and bylaw reeve william coulter com pi i- council on monday night to ask mented ihc planning board for its work on the documents deputyreeve william hoev said i think theyre excellent drafts the board should be con gratulated lor suggestions on how the meeting should be conducted after a discussion it was de cided the planning board chair man would chair the meeting it seems the davs of horse hading terms have ictiirned at least this was the gist ol conver sation thuisdav night ol last week when mayor les dubv and hydro chairman ted tvler sr t i tempted a little trading be tween two municipal parties town vcrtus hvdro the mayor made another ol his manv appeals to the commis sion lor irs participation in lighting at site ol actons new centennial library llisicqucst was met with a countet offer from the hydro chairman who remarked lct do somcrhorse trading how about a sidewalk clown alice street to the new hyuro building in exchange loi lighting at the library the mayor agreed this would be a good deal for the hvdro a 400 walk for about 50 in light fixtures i can just see the town going for this kind ot a deal quipped the mayor on quarries seek deputy ministers advice nassagawcya council has de cided to go to the top lorhelp in its etlorts to have quarry caused nuisances relieved alter an hour ot discussion at a special meeting on monday night cou passe a lesolu- posthumous donation of eyfes may give someone first vision being able to see the magmfi cent beautx of fall with leaves turning brilliant reds and el- lows is taken tor granted b most people who are lortunatc to have good evesight person- with poor or no evesight are less fortunate but would welcome the opportunity to see this beau tx thev can be helped to see and everyone with good evesight can plav an important part in assist ing someone to see the canadian national liutit- tute for the blind is making an appeal for acton and area resi dents to donate their exes after death to the eve bank in or der that someone who has lost his or her sight nuv see again or that someone who has never been able to see light mav sec tor the first time a 21vearold acton man jini peal is one person in town who gives thanks to some donor for being able to see again the voung main son of mr and mrs hamilton peal churchill road s had a cornea transplant in february 19s5 todav he is working as an 1 bm operator and enjoys 75 per cent vision in his left eye while a pupil in public school jims eves began to tail ami he was titred lor glassc this helped as a temporary measure but his eyesight became gradual ly worse his name was submit ted to the cnlb in hopes he could receive a transplant on friday february 26 1965 he received a phone call from dav the transplant had been made onlv a small piece ot cornea was required in his case the transplant must be made within 12 hours of the death ol the donor for the next two months the voting man lived in hopes he would be able to sec- again dur ing this pel tod ol- time every thing appeared bright red until sikiilcnlv the haze lifted and lie realized his sight had been ic- sjored- j todav the voung man is wink ing for fueco sales limited in toronto as an ib m operator with 75 pel cent vision in the one eve acton lions club is ptomoting clinics fui donors to sign pledge cards whereby upon- their death their eves will go to the eve batik lion instructing clerk j c mc- intvie to arrange a meeting be tween the members of council and the deputy minister of mines lor the province of on- taiio at the meeting to be arrang ed as soon as possible council members will outline to the de puty minister some of the hard ships which ratepawis have sutleied in teceiit vcars because ol the quarry operations in the township councilloi mis anno macar- tluu repoitcd hc had talked to manv latepavers two engineers and a icpiesenlativc ol the de partment ol mines m recent weeks she said it was the opin ion ol ratepayers investigations into blasting operations should be luianced bv the quarries mnce thev would protect them the ratepayers feel onlv the department of mines can do anything to help us and thev would like to be made aware that a sufficient number of peo ple are unhappy with the cur rent situation she noted the councillor quoted a na tional publication on damage caused bv air blasting she said ratepayers very definitely dont want council to enter into an agi cement with quarries but wuit council instead to contact the department of mines she said a letter should be jim peal of acton underwent a corned transplant last year on ins left eye and now has 75 per cent vision in the eye the transplant was a rranged through the cnlb acton lions club is making an appeal the cn13 by 7 pm that eve for donors tio will their eyes ning he was in toronto general upon death to the cnlb so hospital and by noon the next that someone may see again rotary club tours cigarette factory acton rotarv club membcts and guests enioved ihvir week ly dinner session at the domin ion motel tuesday night after which thev toured the imperial tobacco plant in guclphf during the tour conducted by three guides the group learned the guclph plant produces 20 million cigarettes per day and the government tax amounts to 23 cents 911 each package of 20 cigarettes sent to the deputyminister and deputy reeve william hoev countered 1 think if we sent a delegation it would be better i believe it makes sense to con tact the deputyminister sonic- body jiasjpjtojiyusoniplete circle were going in every one we talk to seems to have an aye to grind surclv the dep uty minister doesnt have one reeve coulter believed we would be better off to make an agreement like the conservation authority has made with dut- ferin quarries it is binding no deer hunt on halt on land hal ton will not have an open deer season this vear members oi halton countv 1 cached this decision tuesday in supporting a similar recommen dation from the agricultural committee deputy reeve f rogers ob jected to the cancellation of the open season pointing to a high birth rale in the deer popula tion he noted too that halton was the onlv county in the area not having a hunt it was later reported peel was not having a hunt either committee chairman reeve hunter noted there was a by law against tiring guns below the dundas highway and hunt ers were forced into the north ern part of the county reeve h merry opposed the open season he noted all the damage that results is in nas sagawcya and esquesing while the people qt oakville and bur lington can return below the dundas highway where their property is protected by prohib iting firearms deputy reeye w hocy sug gestcd the problem was the hunters were not proficient enough to deplete the deer pop ulation regulatory control of the deer must be handled in some other manner on a recorded vota opposi tion to the hunt was registered 21 to 11 he said piofessor henderson is a recognised authority on the subject and we did tiv to bring him into plav on our bchall 1 think he could have given us leasonable guidance councillor macaiuiur charg ed again you know professor henderson is sympathetic to quarries you heard what he said councilloi- ross guidon said he wouldnt be against making a piesentation to the deputy- minister but he tavored taking a list ot names along to back councils claims councillor william m a h o n said i dont think it will do any haini but i do think it is a poor second choice the resolution pioposed bv councillor mac arthur anil sec onded hv dcputvrccvc hoev was appiovcd unanimously the hydro chairman lequest- ecl jurthcr information icgaid- ing lighting lor the library pro ject as he remarked we dont know what von need when you need it or how much its going to cost the mivor acknow ledged there was lack ol infor mation at present but staled he was simply icqueslinn the commission to give its aipinxal lot assistance when the need was known commissioner will mcliach- cin a river st resident who lives opposite the site ol the titfratvt stated liut new light rccvnllv installed on rivei st was so blight he could read u newspaper by its light superintendent doug muson wondered if perhaps a light standard on the proposed path way to the library equipped with an electric eye lor turning the light on and olf might sul- i ice the hydro chairman reminded colleagues the hvdro has its own project now underway and the cost of electric eves and stand ards would be a penny or two this prompted the horse trading dealings between may or and chairman regarding sidewalk versus lighting at mention ol the sidewalk the river street commissioner reminded the mayor the side walk along his sltect was so boot clink next monday blood is urgently needed and acton and arete residents may donate monday during the red cross blood clinic at the le gion the hamilton unit of the red cross will again visit ac ton and the clinic is being spon sored by acton legion branch 197 clinic hours are from 2 pm until 5 pm in ihc after noon and from 630 pm until 930 pm in the evening bc even the dogs tripped over 1 hi iiacks the chairman told mr mckachcin at least you have a vvrtk be grateful for mill meicies all the years i have been paving taxes i havent even got a walk near my home while home trading continued siipeiintendenl doug mason ven tured another proposition for the mavoi to undertake while vvete at il why not have the town straighten out the curve in the load on alice street the icason lor the curve in the road iccalled the mayor is the fact the roadway was i n s t a 1 1 cd around a large tree at ihc lime since then the tree has been re moved he reminded commis sioners this was why he had approved ol a tree being cut down at the site ol the library prior to installation of the aide- walk before the bartering session ended chairman tyler indicated the commission would probably be interested in assisting in some manner with the library project when lacls and figures were known it was agreed ihc commission would compile a report lor sub mission to the department of municipal am airs regarding the plunkett report it was also agiced to advertise for sale the vtccl fabricated building at the rear of ihc alice siieet hvdro building ii was noled the steel building would pos have to he u for for some months yet be available after storage but would this acting secretary newt hurst inloimed the commission on tario rural hydro requested submission ol payments ol bills collected be made daily in place ol at the end of each month mr i hirst stated ihc local commis sion picmnily barged a fee of 10 tents tor each bill collected for ruiil hvdio and ihc banks charged 15 cents it was agreed to continue on the piesenl basis hydro superintendent mason icpoited shipment of materials continued on page seven v ot halton fire prevention bureau held its annual inspection blitz in acton and george town last week when inspectors from several fire insurance companies teamed with local fire fighters to tour commercial buildings indusfries and schools in the two towns shown at the noon dinner in georgetown looking over fhe bureaus annual scrapbook are acton firefighter phil aaccristall bureau chairman harold coul- sonpf milton t inspector lome heycock of safeco insurance firefighter bill spielvogel and actoo fire chief m holmes 1

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