v th arton rre pram thursday ortobar go tfltea siivhwoqo ch stylish strt program silverwood 4 it club flirt meeting was ni mis millets october 1 leaders arc mis george burt and mrs russell miller nine girls present chose rhenamc shverwood stylists officers were elected presi dent sheila campbell vicepres- klenri janet henderson secre- laiv iinda tjrt treasurer jane girvan press repoiter itura ijendemtii oouitesv ean- veiiei cathy chambftrlaln telephone convene melan- le holmes anna newvson ohier members are lonnie bomhon catherine flraham margaret bos ami debbie ilai low 4 nassagaweya council briefs est at a special meebiitg on mon day evening nossagawcvfl town ship councillors passed a motion requesting grants on road expenditures tor the hrst nine months of 1966 which totalled s6592596 the request was made ol the depart ment ol highway discussed in commlttec-ol- t liewhole the possibility of ar ranging lor a garbage dump sije in the southern part ol the township heard councillor ross joi- poiiglns j rcdlngton has been hired al a salary at 11000 per eai lie said 41 applications for the director position had been received on november 5 cor- da will receive its charter at n banquet tvt the inn on the pork toronto the nest meeting i staled fur noverofoer 17 approved rtic purchasing ol a wreath and program for the annual remembrance day service conducted at the town ship cenotaph at brookville there wamdbpiay oi aeces- sories mtmkir to the ones tie girls will be making along with harmonising shoes gloves purse and jewellery lot fornxil occasions the second meeting was sat urday oolobei 8 at mis george burts discussion was about sliding the accessories lo ihllcrcni types ol tsiils short and petite short and plump tavi and ihin tall and plump the girls learned to choose accessories ihev like and leel comfortable in their hat scain and gloves roust hormonlc with their suit or emit the slrverwood womens in stitute had then octobei meet ing at mrs ii muichinglons thuisdav evening oolobei 13 a good turnout ol members and one visitor enjoyed an inteicst- itng and educational evening the roll call was answered bv a modern educational oppor tunity i have missed many and varied answeis icceived showed great advances in educa tion in the last 20 years the convener mrs grift in read a paper prepared by miss m naer on education which pave the listeners something to think about slides taken of the bus tnip and also local gardens bv mr b case wore enjoyed bv the group- the meeting closed with coffee and cake and a social half hoiu heard councillor ross n q a 13 ojvjepor4onamvfmeelrig pocke to call u s inkinole and ehei 01 the ceniial ontario regional meeting ol council lor novem- developinenl association he hoi 14 to study hie recently re- said oil lee quailers lor corda leased needs stmly ol hal ton have been leased and a dliecloi and peel counties lost hofooi conservatives form mw riding association hon w irwin haakett mims- tei of transport was guest and oullnedjhe go transit com- inulei system limehouse accenters elect new officers the first meeting of the lime- house accenters was held at the home ol mrs ted brown on oc tober 8 with 12 membeis pres ent the election of officers was held president margo ruddell vicepresident mary fuchs sec- retaryitreasurer elinor kain press reporter linda luraham the requirement lor thts club accent on accessories us for each girl to make a hat and a scant the senior members make i purse also the leaders out lined the course and a discus sion followed on wardrobe plan ning and basic stvttes the second meeting was held at the home of lmdn linham on october is when choosing ac cessories to compliment you was the theme ol the meeting east walton conservative as sociation was launched wed nesday evening o last week at an organizational meeting held in oakville and georgetown- lawyer douglas lahmcr was named president the new riding association was necessaiv when provincial redistribution split nations pre sent ruling into two the iast halton group covers oakville mil ion georgetown and the maioruy ol fsquesing town ship w s thomson or oakville was named tnst vicepresident mis prances ritchie of oakville second vicepiesident allan j bur nichols ot milton sccie- tai and john h h depew of oakvime treasurer the meeting endoised a res olution calling foi a icview of the pxt punly leadership at next months national conven tion in ottawa theruby suppoit- ing tialnonal president dalton camps odijmb dietenbakei campaign vicepresident thom son one ol the lew who did not suppoit the motion suggested the pimlv should take out its width on the liberals not diel- cnbakci name delegates wellington pcs delegates have been named to represent the progressive conservative association ol wel lington south at forthcoming meetings of the ontario and national associations of that party the provincial association is lo meet in toronto oct 30nov i inclusive and the official dele gates will be mr and mrs paul aimstrong arthur n kcarns oc and mrs j r ilammiil alternates selected were or kenneth waller rockwood louis ferraio mrs k o ham- mill and mrs w e hamilton for the national convention to he held in ottawa nov 131 inclusive the delegates are j maxwell allan mrs gerald trimble with alternates select ed being hugh guthrie and mrs roland hewer quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oh burn finance plan small carrying charges dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 1191174 goingto expo 67 well put a roof over your head theres no naad to worry about getting accommodations in montreal for the sixmonth expo 67 season beginning next april 28th max reservations in advance through loqexpo the official accommoda tion bureau thousands of rooms ere available in hotels motels tourist homes and private homes and apartments no charge for the service just write mentioning da and type of accoramodationa preferred to logexpo expo 67 cite do havre montreal pq accommodations are guaranteed in montreal for the sixmonth expo 67 season beginning next april 26th make reservations in advance trough logexpo the official accommodation bureau thousand of eoa am ewjmahla in hotels moans tourist homes and private homes and apaitm ha charge for the service just write mentioning dates and type ol acc preferred to loo 6xpqpe7cduhweuonlraalpxl exf2p67 tk mversal mt inssrmlioiwi exhibition ol 1sj7 uoneaal canada octobrt7 mi7 chuhch1u visitor to india speaks at service the sunday eeryica at chur thill ctujix ws iwjm lod bv mr p potion uyl hjs served in india nsu layman he was assisted bv three of the eldeis it being laymans sunday mr eatons most inerhtinb and infot motive lopk was on the life and agricultural situa tion there it wan a privilege to tiear such a vivid description c conditions in india master lyle and gordon free man of guclph npeni the week end wjlb tlelr grandparents mr and mrs frank freeman mr ajsa mrs m l duvjdson and mr and mrs w thompson attended a fammy surprise u- thering for mr and mrs- arthur grllfin of erin in honor ol their wedding anniversary on wed- eti chre croktnole und chcckeisl wee enjoyed by ail they were presented with 11 set ol iv tables trom their daughter uml so41a4law mr and mrs w thompson alter the pleasant evening a dainty lunch was serv ed mi and mrs ralph denuv visited cousins mr und mis moms pouglus und others of leamington over the weekend mr and mrs ciarlcs neai ol newmarket visited with their cousins mr and mils john neai gfen and errol on the weekend mr und mrs norman turner and david attended harvest un niversory services at kbeneei united church toronto gore on sunday as guests of mrs turners parents mr and mrs j j julian the churchill ucvf are hold ing u halloween party in the church hall on saturday eve ning october 29 everyone wel come come in costume ijdies provide hew school aus low needs emphasising although the new law con cerning stopping lor school bus es has bren in el fee lot over a mouth ivpoms coming in to the ontario dcputlmcnt ol transport indicate that the new law needs emphasising iheiv is still confusion in the minds ol some motorists the new rules nie icallv not loo djtycrcnt fiotn file old jaw in that lor eight yeurs vehicles following weie required lo stop und vehicles approaching weie required to slow down when a school bus was slopped willi hashing lights the only change in the law is that approaching vehicles must now stop loo with one ex ception approaching vehicles nassagaweya council adopts twoyear term unirerj tortopwhersnt uf f ic travelling in opposite directions is tepuiatcd by a physical hai rier such us u paved cud a uuaid kill 01 an unpnyed med ian lhe school bus stopping law does not apply jvheie the speed limit fs 35 m pti 01 less a twovein lertn for members of njjssaintwfyjr oaiinejl and siliimtl hoard briatne law on muiiilw evening wlwn touiuil gave three leadings 10 the nee essai v by taw in the township elections on december 12 volers will elect candidates lor the i list time loi twovour lei ins aceotdlng to the bv luw all the townships el- eiiccl representatives including school boa id uieintkis wlio were elected lor lw year terns lasl year will be up lor election this vein- councillor anne mac aiitiiu- was the only member to oppose the iwoyour term nm a bhw waa alar passed con- urmlnuwdotmjltl nomlna- the township hull in hionk villi the home ol duncart mollnt uml the home ul llulieil muclliti son a lliiiil bylaw pussed ill hie monday nighi meet inu set out the pitivislonx foi issiilng i11111i ing hfrrwr tlrrnwi rniknfl pu it bused irom i w uokt- siiuw in cumpbellvllle jen nings store near bi 00k villa the tiiwnshlp adinliiimltlun build- inn and mmnhalls dior al ed- 1 11 mills altr a bitef dhtcus inn ii was dvelded to v tpa lit ciue favi al rh sm price 111 loiiii for town ship reil- diiiis und jo for limner from outside the township 1fw superpowemd pioneer tiiin nisetlng and eloclion dote nominal ions will bt accepted lixwii 7 jo lo 8 30 pin on nov- embei 28 with cleiklreusurer j c mclnlyre in clutrge the township will be divided into live hilling substations wn in flic aunew electric store in cuinphcllville und inie each at yp project united church young people began tins week having weekday gettogethers in the church a studv room is open mondays and wednesdays in the eveningis and tliursduys alter school it is open to any teenager formal meetings will be held sunday evenings as usual motorama 67 hot rods customized cars competition cars free movies drags featuring dracula from the tv series the mumten door prize free honda to a lucky student the lightweight chain saw built for fast action 1 from pioneer is the peak in i r f the new 1120 his a completely is lonearu s iraata cutlinf mf asiper pomtitd iwpsr 1120 llhtweight chain taw ater hofsepower lor fatter and star muflllnf system detlghed split he engine noise und en muffle it this new savings bonds centennial series centennial series canada savings bonds offer you their highest interest yield ever 48 a year when held to maturity the new bond pay annual interest at the vat of 4 for each of the first four years tm tor each of the next three years 5571 for the following year and f for each of the last five yesna total of 47s85 in interest on tvery tloo bond and for the first time taste is a special compound interest option to tslce full ad vantage of it leave all the annual interest uncollected until nov 1 1t and yen sri get interest on your interest eaiountjiif te 1775 extra on every 9100 bond it all adds up to total interest of 9100 m every 6100 bond its a safe sure way te save double rocs momcr with ceuujafa savings bonds centennial series this series retains all the traditional features which make canada savings bonds canadas nsost fe vowed iaveataaeat they are still easy to buy or cash er as instalments where you work baadc r invest you bay bay aa littre as 850 or ai much as ljt09 every canadian resident nsay buy up to this limit so can estates they ant still simple to cash anytiase at any bank ia canada for their full face value sua earned interest just fill out the redemp tion form oh the bond present it to yeur bank and youll get your money right away and new theyre better than ever to keep with use highest interest yield ever and huersstoa interest doublx to tin monkt with canada savings bonds centennial series rv xi