Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1966, p. 9

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ctmider lettering biflato we think that most citizens will agree with council there is a problem of loiter- irtg on the streets in the downtown area we also feecertain there are sorne citi- zens wfutvvill agree with gs that coun cils passing of an antiloitering bylaw will not core the problem the aspect that perhaps bothers us most in the pro posed legislation is that while the by law will be all encompassing the obvious intention is that it will be selective in its application it is our contention that any law passed applies to all equally without fear or favor laws passed which are not enforced or enforceable soon are conveniently for gotten but remain as law the passing and retention of this type of law lowers citizens respect for all law and govern ment it is quite possible and most prob able that the present problems arising from loitering can be dealt with through enforcement of laws presently on the law books the passing of the loitering bylaw could eliminate the visiting outside the post office the after church conversa tion and the waiting outside stores while one member of the family does the shopping and even postcouncil meeting discussions we hope that the proposed bylaw will be veryseriously considered before its final passing or we will find that we have created many additional problems in the attempt to eliminate one knicetf tfejenjej juccejj how old must onebe to share in ths honors of the nobel peace prize just old enough and tall enough it would seem to be able to reach for a doorbell and ring it on halloween provided of course it is under the auspices of the united nations childrens fund which was granted the lofty award just a year ago for saving child rens lives ever since its foundation on december 1 1 1946 half a million canadian boys and girls from coast to coast are getting ready to celebrate unicefs twentieth anniversary by showing greater enthusi asm thanever before in collecting hal loween pennies nickels and dimes in months to come these will be trans formed into vital supplies equipment a jatfetif factor it is sometimes a little inconvenience to have jo stop behind a school bus or when approaching a stopped school bus that is taking on or discharging passen gers but the inconvenience is worth while it was always with some fear that vve used to pass a stopped school bus as we approached from the opposite dir ection there was always the possibility of someone darting out ft never hap pened but there was always that pos- libility now vehicles must stop when a school bus has stopped to take on or discharge passengers there is some concern the law is not generally known but in our local driving weve not en countered any uncertainty vehicles both ways have been stopping it is possible the school bus drivers suaif ehwfk a recert study shows the average american will have 1 15 days of leisure in 1966 that statistic is not very shat tering if you sirnply add up the satur days and sundays then add two weeks holidays you could hardly build a case for increased recreational pursuits on that 115 days since it barely leaves room r medicines and vaccines for more than 1 00 underdeveloped countries around the world i the halloween for unicef pro gram has features to please people of all minds in keeping with the tradition al halloween spirit of goodwill and generosity each acfonian can help unicef to continue its vital work by participating in the halloween for unicef program for the youngsters themselves it is a fine opportunity to combine their tra ditional fun with a constructive reward ing activity all their own the worlds greatest effort by children to help child ren again this year the project is spon sored by the ys men cooperating with the schools have a little more responsibility they control those commanding flashing lights and if children are to pass across the road the lights have to be kept going until this trip is safely accomplished agairvwe have not noticed any problem in this regard in this area and motorists too seem anxious to give the students every opportunity to complete a safe crossing which is as it should be and students have a responsibility too not to poke around in their board ing and leaving as well as in their cross ing of the roads living up to the new law provides its inconveniences but it more import antly contributes a safety measure that is highly desirable motorists bus driv ers arjd students will all play a role in the successful observance of the law and the protection it offers to young lives for more than christmas and new years to be added what is probably more surprising is that the time of the average is not great er since some also have three and four week vacation periods then there are many who observe statutory holidays far in excess of christmas and new years mall frame milittinf built j range halt at sallihafa4 miss bca hills writes mure balhiu- fttd history on a lot west ol and ioiiiinj the old hall property in ballinilici wts a small irame hall called the grange hall a grant hall is similar to i coop thi lot was originally part ul mr nathaniel rosclls farm i remember poii once with mv grandfather joseph hills to this hall which vvas open once week one tt the main things he wanted was salt cattle must have salt it must have- been hard to get so vears go at thai time theie was a er good store on the north corner of the fad some time later this hall closed and mood idle when put up for sale mr ira rosell bought it he had a basement dug on the west side of the lot and a stone wall built one storv aboie unotinj and moved the frame building ovei and set it on top of this wall his wiles maiden name wis mugsie walker this made two nice rooiijs on the insr floor with a stairs leading to three bed rooms above this made a ery comforta ble liome about tire year 1907 before this mr roszell had been working in different places and living in other houses 1embers of their family were george will janie comfort anil whda will has passed away the next to occupy this house was mr arthur hilts and his witcformerly liddy marlatt fronic and pearl eliza ann anil william john were married and away when mis hilts passed axxav william john look his lather to mew liskeaid lo lixv in his home mr ira rosell sold this pnipertx about 1911 to mr joseph swindlchurst his wife vvas pliobe ann ismond their lamilx was beie nine millie and alice all arc living except tillie as mr swindlchurst wished lo keep a nw and some hens he had a small bun built neai the old hall it is still theiv he and all belore him had lo earn water liom mr peter fergusons well at the coiner of the fad there was a cistern with a pump so all wate did not liaxe t be carried he lived there till the death of his wile some xears alter the xear 1925 sonic time alter this mr and mrs robinson owned the place but onk lixed there a tew years mr mcrvin milliard bought this place in the autumn ol 1947 and lixed theie with his wife toimerlx winnie reid and two boss nil 1952 mr thomas mack bought i ruin mer xin milliard in october is52 his wiles nanie was mars teeter she passed iax in l8 their lamilx fred and sister mrs tarwell he kept a horse and buggv for a tev years so used the bam manv vears apo a summer kitchen was put up behind the house and a xxell drilled there incc mr swindlchurts time mr mack mill lixes there october 1966 i haxe known all thoc people very well except mr robinson sugar and spice by bill smiley as a canadian what is youjr favorite holiday in the year think carefully now no objection to yanks playing the game originally our holidays had religious ovei tones hence the term holy days christmas good friday thanksgiving then xve developed patriotic or if you prefer political holidays these in clude such siirring times as dominion day how better known as the first or july british empiie and commonwealth and the queensbiithdary armistice or remembrance day finally we have a fexv pure pagan holidays tossed in labordav civic holi day and new years day woii lets start at the bottom and eliminate civic holiday has no signili- cance whatever its the day on xvhich everyone gets out ol town for the xveek- end except the local merchants who aie supposed to get a civic holiday but spend it xvoi king like mad at the service club carnival raising monev for some worthy cause it isnt even a national holiday bigcity stoics ignore if labor dav as we all know far from being a tribute lo oigaiued labor is a dav on which nobody does a tap of work ex cept foi gilting theii kids ready lor school or closing up the cottage the next in insignificance is dillicult lo chooie we have dominion dav ol course once it was a day of horse races picnics boat exclusions and speeches in the park which annoxinglv doesnt always i all on a moncav or friday and we have the xvhatevcritis dav in ivlav it used tob- queen victorias biithdav in the morning trees were planted for the lest ol the day and niyht ou burned xour lingers on fire- ciack is and xoiii exebroxvs on roman cindlcs i guess what were supposed to do now is sit around and think ol our commonwealth biolher in zambia and senegal or the queen whose birthday is in anothei nioiih oi something- what we actually do is open the collage or go lish- ing and then of course there is new years day hangovers and- broken resolu tions actually new years depends on how feivenllv you lirstfooted it en the preceding eve it can be as bleak as a beverage room or as rambunctious as a rooster but ahead ol it there lie three cold dark dieary and deadly months of xx inter the two saddest holidays of the vear are remembrance day and good fridix and appropriately they come at the rost dismal limes of ihe year on nov 1 1th the sky weeps the wid ows and mothers xveep the flags droop at hallmas and the bein toll the onlv joint in town that jumps is the legion hall after the solemn rites have ended old cronies gather lo exchange lies enjov good lood and drink and listen to the inivifcible speaker trying to convince them it was worthwhile good fridav is gloom darkness and bitter wind remnants of snow drifts a dav of death sacrifice and sorrow cold cold and the earth is dead and fiozen christmas is another thing a season of peace and jov on earth xvith goodwill toward men accordinu to the ads and the interminable carols but lets be honest bv the lime the dav has arrived you are ball led bushed and broke that leaves nothing else but thanks giving thats niv choice every year its i he best canadian holiday and xve had a wonderlul one this year first there aie the physical delights weather is usually line brisk and bright scenerv is magnificent blue brone and crimson blood bubbles in ihe veins fire feels good food tastes like nexer belore lungs lap clean air sleep is sweet smooth and as dreamless as xxhipped honey and then theres the thanksgiving it- sell thanks loi good health thanks im alive thanks foi children thanks a goid harvest or fal heel or a slcadx ob thanks lot a chance lo go on living through another vear of those other holidays until i can say thanks again junior plowmen representing halton county in the intercounty plowing com petitions at the intern itioiidl plowing match a i soafoith hist week wore left to light coaches bill bpeck of hornby and coniton marshall of milton with contestants bryan ma shall and larry picket of georgetown with 20 counties stnff photo competing for over 900 in prize money provided by british american oil spon sor of the event the team placed third and won si 00 the b a trophy and 150 first prie were won by ihe ontario county team- ted smith of blackwatcr and ron mcguckin of mount albert coached bv h l fair of uxbridge harley to halton by harry harley m p i lie ii is- ol ominous has opened again lo continue and coik hide its legisla tive wolk loi ill- session ills lllsl mllt- kf si alt wnh was ih bank ac i which xx is gixcii lionel ickiiml and icleiied lo he column uc on i ijiauce he detailed saulv tins is in piyiess now and wit- nescs will lx- hiirj loiiiciimig the pic- xscd changes in the banking laws ol c anada i lllnw n- this 1 uliiixelx nimoi hill as miiiikiik c d loikuune the piowiou ot iceipgiowci s loi use in i asiein canada and hi itish columbia i n- was inct xxith unexpected icsimancc not solelx because ol the contents ilsell but because the 0- position did not want lo pureed with lite next piece ot legislation iiamelx medicare in addition to the above a whole day was spent regarding whether an examina tion could be made into alleged charges ol taiiipeiing xvith the icpnit ol- a ixx vlmnal in the ministci ol national dc- tcikc it ievstcd that i ho next two piece ot legislation will be medicate which will be implemented fn julx 1968 and the bill which will giai anlee a minimum annual iiccme loi all those oxer 65 xears ot age i is cxiiccicd that both these pieces ol s idatioii xull take considerable time as i hex aie expected lo lx- debated for long peiiocls and theie will undoubtedly be attempts to iinulilx and change some of ihe coiitcnrs ol the bill i oiimiune- xxork has acain become x en heaxx the committee on birth coin i ol will be reporting its findings very shortlx and the cumniittee on drugs xx hich is beginning its detailed examina tion of drug companies and their struc- luie also has a heavy schedule 20 years ago 7 taken from the issue of the free press of thursday october 17 1946 after a lapse of about seven years interschool sports meets were held again throughout the county last week acton high school had the pleasure of holding the first one in the home toxvn park wel coming kvo outside competitors george- town and erin champions and runners up were acton 188 points georgetown 120 points erin 43 points on friday evening last the acton athletic association entertained last years intermediate hockey team the occasion was marked by the presentation of leather windbreakers to members of ihe team the presentation was made at the beardmore and co cafeteria by mr wj beatty mr fred dawkins presi dent of aaza helped with the presenta tions then new holdup alarm system xvhich has been devised by the bank of mont- treal in conjunction with a protective agency has already been installed in our acton branch wiuiamh clayton man ager of the acton branch has expressed his satisfaction at the peace of mind which the new protective arrangement affords one ol ihe happier events of the new school term is field day which xvas held in ihe park last week the champions in the junior class were jacqueline chexv and playford leh man the intermediate class joan coles and melbourne bloxv and the senior class joan somerville and lornc arbic born gov at guelph general hospital on saturday october 12 1946 to mr and mrs j h coy a son thomson mr and mrs h thom son rr 2 acton wish to announce the birth of their son at the guelph street nursing home acton on sunday october 13 1946 donald kenneth 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday october 19 1916 the people ol acton have spoken very decisively in favor of securing ad ditional factories for ihe toxvn a pro posal xvas put before the electors on mon day that of voting on a bylaxv to pro vide means for securing the reliance shoe- company of toronto for acton a meeting of the directors of the fall fair with president havill presiding listened to ihe treasurer george hvnds give his report the total receipts were 129012 the expenditures sl28802 bal ance 5210 there is still 750 in the reserve fund margarine is coming into use much more generally in europe since the xvar made prices of butter prohibitive marg arine is now made chiefly of oils pressed from nuts and seeds the soy bean and cotton seed among them together with a blend of pasteurized skim milk it is for the protection of dairymen that the use of any artificial butler is forbidden in canada the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner vvilloxv and st albans efrivc rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb trinitv xx v sunday octobir 23 1966 900 am holy eucharist 1030 am chinch school 10 30 am matins trinity church the united church of canada mmislei rev dxvight i engel ba bd organist mr geoigc elliott ma phd sunday k robik 23 1966 church school chinch school juuiois up to gi 4 al it am seiuois gr 5 gr 8 al 1115 u in services oi- worship 1000 a in trinity united nursery pio- back issues at the meeting of the womens insti tute at the town hall on friday afternoon mrs dr mcmiven gave a very interest ing and inspiring address on the time of the greatest happiness in life tile course of life from childhood to old age was described in its various epochs the striking features in each period being faithfully impressed 100 years ago in the rural area the long talkedof ploughing match between esquesing and nassagaweya has at last taken place the match tookfilace last friday on the farm of alexander brown of acton the day and the ground were all that could be desired about 4c0 of the yeomen of the townships were present and manifested a warm interest in the proceedings of the day thirtysix champions intent on sustaining the honor of their respective townships took part in the match it was we believe the verdict of everyone competent to judge that each and all did well many excellent and that not a fcxv were hard to beat the judges xvere wm benham of guelph j drink- water of chinguacousy hartley of alloa w c beatv of trafalgar and william robertson of erin prizes amounted to 149 the brampton monarch calls upon john white mpp to prove he isnt a fenian wouldntjt be more logical if the stupid monarch proves it first the acton free press phone 8532010 business and editorial office poinrted in 1875 and published every thursday 1 s willow si acton on tario member of the audit bureau of clrculitlons the dwna and owna advertising raters on request stibcrip- payable in advance 400 in canada 7 00 in all countries other than canada iriule coplci loc authorized as second class mall poat office department ot- um a advcrtlklne is accepted on ihe condition ihnt in the event of typograph ical error hut portion of ihe advertising npice occupied by the erroneous horn togflhcr wllh reasonable allowance for algnature will not he charged for but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at ihe ippllcablc rale in the event of a typographical error advertising irooels or sen lcrs at a wrong price goods or services may not be sold advertising is merely an otter to sell and may be willdrawn at arty time fabllahed by the dills panting and publishing cm ltd david h dlttf managing editor copyright twt church notices v ided 1115 am- s hurchill churchill rd subject n who s minding bethel christian reformed church acton ontario rev wiebe van dijk phone 8531585 sunday october 23 1966 10 00 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pm sunday school presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckeiuie ba bd minister mr h a hansen b a onanist and choir master sunday ot iohir 2 i j45 a in chin th school loi ages l to 15 i5 a in iccnajjc chutcli membership class 1 1 xi iiii dniiu worship annual autumn i is mens service guest speaker and legion choralicrs lead ing praise 7 30 pm youth fellowship nice line rinon the stoic the second sermon in i sci ies about anglicanunited church in tttul ions ihnuijjh the ucck the trinity coffee mouse mundtiv and wednesday eve nings 8 io if pm thursday alter school 1 to 6 pm acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor rev stanley gammon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 si nday october 231966 124th anniversary services 9 45 am church school adult class 1100 a in moining worship gods ex- cliiie 7 00 pm rcnmp service when the stones cr out rei wade jumper b d thjuj 1 1 or anmvoisarv services see additional achcttiscmclit wednesday praver and bible study 730 thursday choir 730 friday bhf700 all visitors welcome to our services doctrines we preach and believe the virgin birth the diety of christ his bodily resurrection the second coming licrvonc most welcome evangel pentecostal tabernac1i paoc 33 churchill road rev- s m thoman pastor 8532715 mndy ociobfr 2 i66 1000 am sundav school lor all apes 1 1 00 a in morning worship service 7 00 pm icaliirint the singing hvskal imiih i loin toiontu mr e byskal yucst speaker tuesday 8 pm prayer and bible study thursjay 8 pm c a service friday 645 pm crusaders maple avenue baptist church georgetown sunday october 23 1966 945 arri sunday school 1100 am morning service 700 pjn evening service wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting aclon 8531956 georgetown 877iip

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