Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1966, p. 1

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ninetysecond year no 17 acton ontario thursday october 27 1966 authorized us second class mail by the post office deportment ottawa twelve pages ten cents threeyear search locates new dump site property owned by town a threeyear search through out erin nassagawcya and es quesing townships for a new dump site for the town of ac ton may soon be ended coun cil has located a proposed site on their own doorstep and owned by the town whether the closing of the present dump arid opening of the proposed site is possible rests with a decision of esques- ing township council a formal request from town council will dc sent to esquesing township council to alter the present es quesing bylaw to permit a dump on land owned by the town of acton located west of the older portion of the ceme tery- tuesday evening councillor robert drinkwalter informed acton council the proposed site was townowned and would be suitable for at least 10 to 15 years the land is located in a ravine approximately 50 feet deep and spread across an ap proximate 0o foot area on land which jjas been termed no other use to the town mayor les duby said town council would haw to consider land fill only and eliminate all burning if the proposed site is opened land fill- means tliat all garbage dumped there would not be burned but covered over with earth and buried although the land in question is townowned it is located in the township of esquesing un der a present township bylaw a dump site is not pcrmissable a formal request will be made to have the township bvlaw chang ed mr drinkwalter told council his committee had met with tovnship council and toured the site he also noted the halton health unit had approved the area as a dump he stated es- quesin councillors at the time of the lour requested the town to make a formal request for a change in the bylaw it was noted that an access road could be made off the ex tension of mill st w and the entire site would probably be fenced in and controlled with dumping only on garbage davs a loitering bylaw to prohibit persons from lounging loiter ing loafing or standing on a street or public place in a man ner to obstruct received its final reading tuesday night after a previous two reading and a clause added after being re quested by police to move un der terms of the new bylaw of fenders can be fined a minimum of 10 up to a maximum of 300 exclusive of costs only negative votes were reg istered by reeve h h hinton and councillor doris fryer the reeve claimed the bylaw would create more difficulty than it would solve councillor william williams said he disagreed as at present police can lay a charge for loitering under the criminal rode he claimcd-the- stop lights approved for millmain corner staff photo bylaw would reinforce the act campaign award was presented to the local branch of the ontario division of the canadian cancer society for its efforts in exceeding its quota during the 1966 fund campaign holding the award are aars aaac symcyi one of the town campaign captains and mrs calvin aaclntyre one of the rural captains over 50 donate eyes seek more saturday a 10y bov 11 tecnafccnib will accept any type of crs and 40 older residents have eye pledged their eyes upon their death to the canadian nation al institute for the blind eye bank to date on saturday 48 donors signed prledgc cards and by tuesday four more had signed the acton lions club sponsor- ed the saturday clinic at the acton customs office on behalf of the cni b chairman for the project is lions clurb second vice-presid- en murray harrison who was assisted at the saturday clinic by club president dave hunter and pas president hartley col- es also helping were lionettes nancy lauder b rendu aherne and sally dick another clinic will be held this saturday in hopes more donors wih sign pledge cards the project chairman this week cleared up a misunder standing when he stated a person does not need perfect vision to qualify as a donor the in the event it is not suit able for a cornea transplant it may be used for research pur poses or for repairs to accident victims whose eyes have been injured mr harrison also pointed out during the month of septem ber there were 35 persons on the waiting list from the tor onto eye bank 17 transplants had been made in toronto and four eyes sent but of the city for transplants he noted that of the 30 eyes received donors had ranged from as far east as frcdcricton new brunswick west to winnipeg north to huntsville and the remainder throughout central ontario this is the first time the li ons have sponsored such a pro ject actons funeral director and doctors have all been told of the procedures to toe followed and all have agreed final consent of specilied nextofkin must be obtained af ter death councillor earl masales noted he had received several favor able comments from residents who thought the bylaw was ideal police will be asked to enforce the new bylaw council approved a taxi lic ense for len adams proprietor of wiles bus depot the appli cant had applied previously and was turned down on the basis he intended to use an older mo del far his second application pointed out a newer vehicle hail been obtained and a mechanics certificate as well as safety stic ker from the department or transport verified the fitness of the vehicle renewal of an ambulance con tract with guelph city ambul ance came up for discussion on a threevear basis at the rate of 9000 for the three years the present contract which expires the first of the year is at the continued on page two canter campaign achievement brings award to district unit last thursday evening the an nual meeting of georgetown and district unit of the canadian cancer society was held in georgetown centennial park the president mr berzinch op ened the meeting by welcoming visitors from the ontario divis ion and acton branch mr berzinch asked reg broomhead of the georgetown unit and mrs rena arbic of the acton branch to come forward the highlight of the evening was the presentation t these two new display for nov it there will be a considerable change in the annual remem brance day display in acton home furnishings window this year sam snow and billy mid dleton are making the arrange ments and the new display will be installed next monday even ing flags replica cenotaph and a cross for the unknown soldier are included the flags will in clude the union jack lor the rhe first world war the red en sign lor the second world war and the new canadian flag hardworking and successful campaign managers of special awards from the ontario divis ion for outstanding achievement in the campaign of 1966 a letter of congratulations from head quarters was read to the george town unit and the acton branch mr berzinch called on roy delaney executive secretary of the ontario division who took charge of the election of offic ers following this mr delaney gave a brief resume of what is currently being done in the field of cancer control several scientists and doctors as well as mr grimes of the on tario division are at present at an international cancer instil congress in tokyo new re search centres in universities and hospitals and additions to treatment centres are required toxarry on the work all this is befjig undertaken because vol- tin jeers in their quiet competent way are responsible for success ful campaigns here and else where throughout ontario all those who canvassed for or donated to this campaign will be pleased to see their award in the window of acton home furnishing store acton and dis trict should be justly proud of having accomplished so much by their numerous contributions to this- worthy cause lions zone chairman greets new members 232 pints of blood donated plastic bags used first time there was so much roar vol ume in the lions den at the station hotel monday night for the clubs regular dinner meet- ing visitors went away with the impression the acton prydc must be one of the noisiest as well as one of the most active clubs in the district visitors fhere were in abun dance with zone chairman cliff rtcbi red cross workers irom the hamilton unit transported 232 pints ot blood to the hamilton blood hank monday night after acton and area donors had vis ited the regular blood clinic at the legion auditorium as well as the donors 19 others showed up but were rejected because of colds or other ailments again this year high school students turned out to swell the numbers ol donors and various industries allowed workers time oil to isil the clinic during the afternoon red cross workers were kept busy and alter an evening meal were hack n the job imli 30 pm in tile evening mrs william finlay from the acton legion ladies auxiliarv was convener for the mood clin ic and commended the various organizations and individuals lnu- iv lor technician was lupmckm hrt drivers included staff photo technician mrs aina kalupnieks checks for blood type as donor charles gough rr 4 acton made his regular visit to the clinic monday afternoon red cross workers frorrt the hamilton division were in charge of the clinic who assisted in making the ic a huge success red cross worscis troni the hamilton unit taking part in the- blood clinic included rx mrs rita dickens in charge and rn miss jean lawrence assisting helpers included helen vuv lllt adeline ratniek sharon saunders adele dettrich and jean tavlor technician was aina kali transport peg pugh barbara van every iwi jackie lynas convener mrs william finlay was assisted by live following legion ladies auxiliary meni- bers mrs joan ford in charge of afternoon donors and mr- mary cooney in the evening mrs george angell altcinoon registration and mis jovce buchanan evening registration- typists included mrs mae dn marsh mrs stella brunelle and miss olga l riw check room clerks includct1 mrs liu- 1 nia allan in the attccnoon and mrs theresa matheson and mrs kay james in the evening mrs n george benton rn assisted m the evening and nurse mrs janet rogers dining the aller- noun si john ambulance help ers included mis marie mar grave miss bella mave rosell and mrs mildred hellcrnan in charge ol relreshments during the atlcruooii was mis klsie johnson with mrs hall in the evening legion la dies catered with col fee and do- nuls to all donors with mrs alva masales as convener help ing her were mrs ivy martin and jrfes kae tiirkosz in the afterncivjevening helpers in cluded mas kate turkosz mrs conlinsjedj on page two ticiiinoi ul bianipioi heading a three man delegation from the flower town which included international counsellors bob cooper and pm1 waite lion norm raitar came over from waterloo and irom culumnus ohio as a guest ol lion peter papillon cam howard rover noisiest of the visitors was a iuii telle irom the north peel lions who tried their best to outdo the acton leos at everv- thing i loin leading the sing song- to drinking the most to mato juice chief leo van tich- wardens dinner in his home town for the lirst time the annual wardens dinner is being held in acton warden bert million de cided the county event should be held in his own home town the legion hall is the location lor the dinner this evening thursday and the guest list has had to be cut to ls acon opp will lv assist ing in parking the cars of the main guests ironi outottown among them will be two tor- niei wardens irom- acton bud mcdonald now of toronto and j j stewart ot guelph mr hinton his also specially invited miss m z bennett for mer school principal george ken mpp will he attending hut dr ilarrv harlev expects to be involved in the introduction ol the medicare bill in the house former acton mayor john gov will act as chairman for the dinner instead of a dance there will be a program after the dinner catered by the leg- ion ladies auxiliary a piper will add color to the occasions len headed the north peel visi tation team he was accomp anied bv lions john caruso wilson ken coffey and bill mc- ouarrie higliliglilwl the evening was the induction ol three new li ons into the acton club induc tors were lion al lauder and vic bristow and they were as sisted ivy george lockerbie trail ic lights al the millmain sneet intersection were approv ed i acton council tuesday evening and the clcrk-adminis- liiljr nisliuclcd to obtain final approai oi design and opera- lion of the lights from the de partment of transport approx imate cost for lights is estimat ed irom s3 000 to 3500 councillor robert drinkwalter informed members of a meet ing with mr gonna from the de partment of transport at which time designs for the traffic lights were reviewed and dis- cussed included in the plans were parking restrictions on mill street east and west and main street north and south the road chairman reported the following proposals no parking areas on main st n on the west side back to the dom hote an area in front of the hotel for twi cars will be available for from 10 to 15 minute stops on ihe east side of main st n there is to be no parking within 55 feel of ihe pedestrian crosswalk at the intersection plans also call for no parking on ihe west side of main st s irom the intersection to church street and on the east side of main st s within 130 feel from the intersection on mill si east on the south side no parking restrictions are pro posed within 120 leet from the intersection plus an additional 30 feel for the bus stop on the north side of mill si east there is to be no parking within 170 feet of the intersec tion plus an additional 30 feet for a bus stop in both these sections there will v restricted paiking only for deliveries and stopping on mill st west on the north side present no parking areas will remain the same and on ihe south side no parking areas will be designated iii feet from the intersection as well as the no parking restrictions the de partment of transport propos ed changes to curbing and side walks in the area approval from the depart ment for the light design and operation has vet to be obtain ed and the clerkadniinistralor was requcsled to prepare a bv- law outlining the no parking re strictions alterations in curb ing and sidewalks wilj be lei t until such time 2s lite no 25 highway changes are undertak en bv the department of lligh- wavs reeve ii h hinton was r the opinion the no paiking restric tions would impose great re striction- on merchants in the area as far as transport ship ments and deliveries wen- con crned lie noted several mer chants didnt have a rear exit or entrance to their place of business clerk jack mcgcachie said the stop signals would be of no value without restrictions coun cillor earl masales stated if we allow one vehicle to park in these areas we might as well scrap the whole plan coun cillor drinkwalter informed council mr conna had claimed it was a false pretence the busi ness section would be disrupted as long as parking was provided within 300 feet ol the restricted areas we are going to have rigid parking control in older to make the system work empha sized mr drinkwalter mr hinton was of the opin- tttn tr council was considering the department proposals lot- parking restrictions members fihoukleonxide didnt warrant lights- council lor earl masales remarked they havent said so and coun cillor doris fryer stated you wont get many to agree with you the corner isnt ready for lights the mayor reminded mr hin- lon that council had been press ed by public opinion to act on traffic lights- it has been men- lioncd to ine several times arc wc going to wait until someone is killed clerk mcgcachie reminded council that to date ho official continued on page two rth- meet saturday with nurses ler a pa aul oritv to investigate olistreet parking for the restricted area the mayor agreed that offstreet parking had been discussed be fore anil now it was possible council would have to pursue this the reeve said he would have to vote against the lights clue to the fact the department ol highways has not indicated any intentions of paying a portion of hie cost clue to the tact traf fic surveys taken by ihe depart ment indicated the traffic flow warden h ii hinton inform ed this newspaper this week his special committee of county council has called a meeting this saturday morning with a committee from the halton county nurses in hope of reaching some agreement in order to iron out existing prob lems the meeting includes mem bers from the wardens commit tee and representatives from ihc nurses and will be open to the public of unknown origin damages third line home ray evelan peter papillou and hartley coles and the zone chairman the three brand new lions are armando gomez sponsored by john gi ieleyieder garv mc- fatlden sponsored by gerry li- marche and tom manes spon- sored by murray harrison they wer given ihe traditional standing ovation and linn roar lion murray harrison manag ed to re pun above the huhnuh lhit the club cleared 17014 irom their activities al the i ill lair he also reported the eve bank attracted 4s people to do nate their eyes after their de mise a draw run by tail twfster neil miller produced two- win ning visitors international counsellor iphil waile anif zone chairman cli richmotid 0- the zone chairman addressed the lions on the significance of the ic ice essay contest urging them to show in interest in the international sidcof lion- isnv he congratulated l lie ac ton club on their various pn- jecls and extended a special welcome- to the three new mem bers your reception into the li ons will change our life said lion cliff he was thanked b lion ray evelan lion chief dave hunter wield ed the gavel for the meeting which was polished off in an hour nii1 threequarters clocks back within minutes after receiv ing the alarm saturday at 515 pm acton firefighters were pouring water on a blazing house on the third line ot es- ciuesing opposite the town well no one was home al the time the home is owned by wil liam dobbie and was occupied bv his daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs george ma it by and two children greg age 2 and guv 12 months of age mr dobbie spotted flames shooting from rhe roof from i is home just down the road and rushed to the binning house after attempting to en ter the blazing and smokel hi ed building he was driven back and forced to race to his home to raise the alarm he then returned lo the scene ol the fire and was assisted toy neighbors in carrying out sev eral items of furniture and cuv thing belonging to the mallbys high winds whipped flames through the upper moor ol the home but lirefighters had the blaze under control before it leached the main living area downstairs most ol the downstairs area the 70yearuld structure own ed by mr dobbie was under rcnovalinn and was vacatedby mr and mrs dobbic after their daughters marriiigc their new hojiie is approximately 150 yards way from the older place mrs malt by is employed in acton by a real estate firm and had just left the office to re turn home when a call came in for her regarding the fire mr mallby was out of town she was summoned before getting into her car and driven to ihe scene by her employer g alec johnson the two child ren were visiting with their grandparents at the lime of the lire the family are staying with the dobbies that hour of sleep everyone grumbled about losing in the spring will be gained back ag ain on sunday clocks will be turned back one hour to stan dard time at 2 aan sunday morning most home owners will turn their clocks back before retiring for bed saturday night but as usual someijtfll forget dam -b- street repairs before winter town workmen have been ta king advantage ol the line wea ther and are busy doing some street repairs in the newjv developed sec tion ollakcview heights roads tgcx smoke but the upper floor rc- mainsasolid the roof caving in created a hazard to lirefighters extended on a ladder through an upstairs window fortunate ly no one was injured fire chief mick holmes nil- cd out the possibility ol the space heater causing ihe lire i ul believes faulty wiring could he the cause h ivu been giaded and g ditches shaped and workmen arc in the process ol sodding ditch es now asphalt lopping has been laid on tin- soulh side ol mill street between fniii and frederick streets and a section ol bower avenue in an attempt to level loads and prevent excess water iving there following rain- sloljns need permit its bonfire season again and burning permits are requir ed check and see if your permit is valid- or obtain one free of charge from fire chief mick holmes al mackenzie lumber church sf saturday blaze caused considerable damage to a house owned by mr and aars bill dobbie on the third line of esquesing township acton firefighters were on the scene with water buu photo within five minutes after receiving the call the roof was burned through and the upstairs completely gutted the fire had quite a head start before firefighters were alerted n a i 3 d v s oniw i r n d

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