Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1966, p. 11

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our readers write on motokvoes 101 pojptafr avo acton ontario october 18 1966 to tjifc gditor of the free press arid itie citizens of acton 4s motorcycle club spelled tjjmmjwje recently while attempting to rent the new band hall for a banquet i was told that this would not be possible because of the public opinion towards motorcycle clubs xus aocahed public opinion says that all motorcycle riders are nothing but a bunch of black leather jacketed hood lum thjs is not true personally i am a member of the yellowjackets motor cycle club inc of georgetown our club is chartered by the ontario government and is affil iated with the canadian motor- cycle association the governing body of motorcycle sport and enjoyment in canada cwa members range from young children to executives of large and important businesses ttie cjma is also a member of the canadian amateur sports fed eration some of our members include a georgetown police officer a head nurse in the georegtown hospital and many office wor kers including an office man ager who is also president of the chib some of the services our club has provided in the last few years havej-includedjpartici- pation in at least two safety rodeos for motorcycles teach and examine young riders in the finer and safer points of motorcycle riding we have enjoyed the privil ege of being color guard at mosport park ont for the last turee iplayers 200 and the past two canadian grand prixs i am sure many of the people of acton who have attended these two biggest sports car races in canada have seen our group carrying the flags of about is nations of the world staring uu year our club has spent much time and money sponsoring nine major events which looking back over at tendance records seemed to be enjoyed by a large number of people a large majority of whom wore acton citizens much of the money made from receipts of these events was spent with acton merch ants for such commodities as advertising clothing for the club uniforms etc materials used ifor laying out and running the events plus food and soft drinks lor the refreshment booth most off all motorcycle sport ing events held in canada are sponsored by the canadian mo torcycle association which is affiliated with the federation international motorcycling or fim the fijm a french organi zation was founded in 1904 and is the world governing body of motorcyclists motorcyclists are the ones you dont read ab out in the courts column in canada few people have heard ot the fim but if you have ever lived in europe or the british isles and were an enthusiast you would know that most european champion ships and all world champion ship races are governed by this organization in europe the rider of a mo- member something about a bunch of socalled young hood lums on motorcycles using the race track as a drag strip i have also seen many people in cars using the same track for a drag strip there is no sign pertaining to cars if someone is driving a car and breaks the law it is he who suffers but if a cyclist breaks the law all cyclists suffer is this fair a riders clothing is not worn to make him look like some thing out of a movie but for protection leather jackets in cold weather leather is the best pro tection from the wind in case of accidents it wears much bet ter than cloth or skin black does not show dirt and road dust as much as a lighter color boots most motorcycles are kickstarted and shoes are not practical for this purpose nor are shoes practical in cold or wet weather blue jeans the same rea sons apply here as to leather ja ckets helmet this is the most important safety device a rider can wear most cyclists injured in mishaps receive head injur ies i am sure you can see all this is not meant to make the rider look hard next year our club and its members will continue to spon- jsor events for the enjoyment of the citizens of acton and sur- rounding district all that is asked is that the people of acton recognize the difference between the true cyc list or sportsman and the ones that ruin public opinion towards the average cyclist if this type of rider was not rid ing he would not be any differ ent punish the law breakers not everyone who rides or owns a motorcycle thank you wayne wilson more views on lunkett report dear sir in mysapinion the plunkett report is a very sound piece of planning it ends once and for all the costly duplication caus ed by too many chiefs and too few indians we canadians are the most overgoverned people there is not only are we overgoverned but very often at the municipal level government is almost like the blind leading the blind men unaccustomed to handling little more than a pay cheque find themselves spending hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payers money if the plunkett report is accepted i think there will be more competition for public office more eyes watch ing those elected in your editorial in the cham pion you expressed gratifica tion for the fact that no local politicians had made snap de cisions after reading this re port unfortunately in another weekly publication published in a nearby town several public officials did comment on the report councillor tom hill esques- ing stated wheres democra cy gone they have taken all the wealth to the south and left the north poor well we on tlie county roads have been the poor relations of halton for years our roads de g roads committees of the past remain little better than cart tracks they are sel dom plowed before late after noon in winter if at all the excuse when vie phone and complain is that all the equip ment is tied up rn the south end of fhecounty reeve bill coulter nassaga- weya in the same paper stat ed we still have the county seat both ipeel county and brampton have gone into debt for many thousands of dollars to pay for new local govern ment facilities we have done the same thing with the new ad ministration building it would be a very foolish move to leave these buildings in a state of non existence reeve coulter was told when the hearings for the new build ings were held and in a letter to the editor of thispaper that nassagaweya would soon be an nexed or otherwise taken over and to build the new building would be a waste of the taxpay ers money however he and his council and the o mb were too shortsighted to see this personally i have onlv one beef about the plunkett report and that is the name of the northern rural county although i know the name peelhalton as yet is onlv for means of identi fication where is the romance the imagination w a johnson rr 2 rockwood i h i lets play bridge by bill coats i fss x the acton erea press thursday october 27 i960 when everything looks rosv at a contract thats the time to worry about what might go wrong i was reminded about this a fewweeks ago at the ac ton bridge club when the fol lowing hand occurred maybe the board number should have warned us to look outfor some thing it was board no 13 here is the hand botlv sides vulnerable dealer south r norfh s j 9 8 5 h0 id a 9 7 5 c k o j 9 west east s a 10 7 6 s void lik j 8 4 2 h 10 9 7 6 3 d 4 2 idq 10 8 63 c8 2 c 7 6 3 south s k q 4 3 2 ha 5 d k j ca 10 5 4 south west north east is pass 3s pass 4 nt pass sd- pass 6s dole all pass the only bid that requires any comment is wests final double 1 think that it was most unwise for it tipped off declar er to expect trouble west led his top club and dummy was spread well everything looked rosy four spade tricks four club tricks two diamonds a heart and atieart ruff would add up to a small slam so what could go wrong well that double sounded like it had some trump with it and probably the heart king the heart king is no toother but jf west has four trump declar er must proceed carefullv he could take out trump but then he wouldnt ruff a heart declarer w6n the club in dummy and leads a low trump sure enough east showed out declarer played hie king am west refused the trick by play ing low a low trump is led and the eight is played in dum my now a heart to the ace and a heart is ruffed in dummy the jack of spades is played and west wins however it does not matter what he leads south can win and take out the last trump even if west wins the second trump and leads a third round declarer can get has heart ruff in and still have an entry to take out wests last trump maybe just mavbe if west does not double and if declarer does not anticipate trouble west will make two trump tricks declarer- mav lead a low spade to dummy and play the jack then west must make a couple of spades doubles of slams should not be made if they wilj help declarer make the contract last weeks winners were first harry frost and ralph barber tied for second betty ashleyand penny bristow with cam sinclair and jack coats awards night by geoffrey taylor extension assistant on friday evening october 28 all halton 4h agricultural club members will be receiv ing awards for their progress during the year the halton 4h awards night is to be held at st pauls united church hall main st milton at 8 pm this year was another suc cessful one for halton 4hers and the highlight is the awards night held at the conclusion of the club year it is expected that over 100 4h members parents and friends will be in attendance jiiiimiminiiiiiiiihuniiiiiniiitinni imainiiiiniiiaiui niiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiinimiumiinin nn moffat fish hatchery owner on canadian group executive future meetings are a s 3 the first general meeting of the canadian fish farmers as sociation was held at the univer sity of guelph on october 12 s schenk supervisor of the biol- og branch of the ontario wa ter resources commission spoke on aquatic plant and al gae control he pointed out that the ontario water resources act requires an individual to obtain a permit before adding anv substance to the water or watercourse for the purpose of killing or affecting plant snails insects fish or any living matter or thing therein officers of the association in clude the chairman d barnes of st george vice chairman way and planned aid nurses the registered nurses asso ciation of ontario has muster ed up some financial support for the 24 halton public health nurses who quit their jobs at halton county health unit september 12 the rj1ao ik providing 50 a week for the nurses regular dance i at acton legion auditorium i this saturday october 29 halloween dance i everyone come dressed j i prizes for costumes i i i iiiiihniiiaiiiiiiiiuiiaiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiaiinuiiiiuniiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiuihiiniiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiniiaiiiiiiiiiiiic minimum frontage set for lots in hgaesing a minimum frontage of 570 feet is now required by all landowners within esquesing t parcels of land of 10 acres8rlore the bylaw governing this frontage was ap proved by council at its regular session monday october 17 the minimum frontage bylaw was recommended by the com mittee of adjustment in order to prevent the sale of long nar row strips of land with the pur chaser using only the front por tion and allowing the back part to grow in weeds clerk k c lindsay informed council members there were quite a few of this type of lot a house is built on a 10acre lot with a small frontage and the remainder grows up in weeds a small street in limehouse which only existed on a plan dated 1865 known as bernard street will be officially closed and the land sold to an adjoin ing neighbor the property in question has never been utilized as a street council approved the follow ing grants- esquesing agricul tural society 200 acton agri cultural society 200 milton fair board 50 and 15 to the poppv fund deputvreeve wil frid leslie wondered whv coun cil didnt contribute to the hal ton county ploughing match and learned a grant had been given onlv when the match oc curred within the township this year thfc ploughing match was held in oakville the deputvreeve claimed oakville had piven ito bur lington 150 and the township of nassagaweya contributed 25 councillor tom hill was of the opinion it made the township prettv small when a grant was forthcoming onlv when the match was held within the township a resolution spon sored bv deputv reeve wilfrid i eslre and seconded by tom hill to pay a grant of 25 to the hal ton county ploughmens asso ciation passed unanimously taxpayers in the villager of glen williams will have a slight increase in their tax bills but at least they will have more light to read them by during the meeting council agreed to install new lights on the main road through the vil lage the old ones will be re moved and placed in areas where most needed it was also agreed that taxpayers would share the cost of the new lights a letter faun mrs marjorie powys milton informed coun cil of a statement of arrears of taxes being sent her which she refuted the writer noted she had later received another ar rears of taxes notice showing a hvdro charge of 146 24 includ ed mrs powys claimed- this could be the amount owing bv the person to whom she sold her business the letter also noted if the law does allow ontario hvdro to add to a persons taxes some one elses hvdro bill it seems like a gross injustice clerk k c lindsav immediately cleared the problem for council mem bers when he stated she is right she has paid all her taxes this is all a hydro charge and we can do nothing about it she will have to fight it out with ontario hydro the property m question is a res taurant on no 25 highway above milton ftwas agreed to petition the department of highways for an interim grant amounting to 11257817 for approved expen ditures up to september 30 lakeview discount centre 126 main st s531190 supplier for draperies tiles wallpapers glidden paints prefinished plywoods power plus speed pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials aaeaaorial engraving 62 water st north gmt telephone l758f jjjjjkrjjjpbovl for pleasure jtqfit bowl for health the entire family can bowl together make it a date bowl where the action is acton bowling lanes lo main st n member obpa 853017o homelite super xl chain saw for any cutting job for profes sional or amateur here is the light weight direct drive chain saw with super power the homelite super xl weighs only 13 lbs 12 oz less bar and chain but fells trees up to 4 feet in diameter cuts 18 softwood in 17 seconds 18 hardwood in 24 seconds have a free demonstration today a kerr son rr no 2 acton ontario tel s531959 torcycle is not looked upon as an undesirable but is just an average member of society who enjoys a very healthy sport which is also a very economi cal form of transportation getting back to the main sub ject this summer a sign was er ected in acton park no mot orcycles allowed in park area from reading reports in the free presj of council and parks board meetings i re- ivan crvderman ot milton and secretarvtrcasurer s baranski of st agatha f trmnborne of petersburg and prof l mcder- mott of the umversitv of guelph are directors mr crvderman operates the rainbow ranch trout hatchery near moffat membership in the associa tion is open to persons engaged in the hatching andor raising of game fish and anyone inter ested in such fish in anv wa a membership drive is under- let us help you build complete roof of planned protection safecolifecogneral insurance hoin efficejseetrfe mmfcmto lestfbwtmmcmtt mrccran somcertmfvewi safeco acflitf youll savt money too let safeco put ajl your in- suranci uadir one protec tive roof home auto life business tytrjrthint fits toftttieftestopdaagifous taps sava money too for the most complete roof ot planned protection at the lowest possible cost call us today dennys insurance agency 54 mm st e aden ts3o150 residences bill 8532645 harold 8532565 how f lameless electric heating makes all other heating systems irs your birthday coming to the party expo 67 is the candle on canadas centennial birthday cake the crowning event of a whole years celebrations it opens in montreal next april 28th for six months the biggest most exciting show you have ever seen make it a date now oat yur entrance patspoct now and sava reduced prices up to february 88th daily passport 2 weekly passport 7 consecutive days 750 also bin reductions on season passports and youth passports children 212 on april 28th 1967 half price on sale at banks travel agents transportation companies department stores service clubs womens associations labour groups and wherever you see the official expo 67 sign ask about bonus books too lor big discounts on food rides and entertainment accommodations t guaranteed write to the official expo87accommodatlon bureau logexpo expo7 cite du havre montreal po out of date its the worlds safest heating system completely toneless its cleaner than any other heating system cannot create dost smoke soot of dirt of any kind you get customcomfort in every loom- electric heating offers yet separate thermostat in each room easy to install no furnace or fuel tank no annual maintenance costs- nothing to clean no filters at replace electric heating is truly a carefree system reduced operating costs- in many municipalities the rate for electric heating has been reduced as much as 30 during the last 2 yean s967 ci the ulvmi and tntamattonsl enh button of 1h7 montreal canada apmlst- october 7 its e live better electrically call your qualified electric hearing contractor on acton hydro electric 3 elgin st n commi ssion actom ont ss2410 j

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