Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1966, p. 5

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iv burning gun powder at mtpkmtk by alt hmwes this week the maple rock trftp shooters competed against the hal ton sportsmens associa tion this will bc an annual competition for a trophy the trophy will be awarded to rhe club with the best score out of 500 for a five man team half of the shoot took place at wapel rock shooting range and the other half will be at the associa tions club house near milton on november 27 maple rock shooters had a slighi edge at the end or the first half with 212 out of 250 the halton sportsmens association team had a score of 208 out of 250 actons top scores this week were dave johnson 25 and 21 paul waddell 23 and 23 jim coulson 23 and 20 art hawcs 20 and 19 and keith andrews 20 and 18 this is also the team that competed against milton the hal ton sportsmens as- sooiationis team scorfcs were as follows ron marshall 23 and 21 john marshall 23 and 18 tod bluhm 22 and 20 don kearney 22 and 20 and ken lewis 21 and 18 special note should be paid to the score of dave johnson who reached a much sought- after point of success of trap shooting 25 straight this is the first time dave has accom plished the feat congratulations dave we were surprised and dis appointed to see that halton county council voted down a deer hunting season we take exception to some of the statements made by the councillors reeve merry opposed the hunt on the grounds of damage caus ed toy hunters if mr merry would care to get the facts straight he might look in the november 11 1965 issue of the free press the game warden is quoted as saying the hunt last year was quite orderly if some farmers have since com plained to the reeve about dam age how on earth do they expect to control the damage if they do not report it to the proper officials at the time it happens it is obvious that little damage was reported to him at the time of the hunt deputy irecve w hoey sug gests the hunters are not pro ficient enough to deplete the deer population we ask mr hoey how are the hunters supposed to become proficient if they are not allow ed to hunt deer in the area iast years season was the first in six years and it looks like it will de another six years before we have another season in or- der to tee successful hunters must be given a chance to be- come familiar with the deer hatoits in the area they hunt this is impossible if the deer hunting seasons are sofar apart in addition the deputy reeve willi note the success of last gears hunt vas limited by two other factors first is the tact jhat he hunt was not announced until five days before the hunt was to begin how many hunters can arrange time off work and get prepared for the hunt on such short notice those who could get off work did not have any time to check out their hunting areas in advance of the open season the second factor was the weather during the three day hunt last year- it must toe re membered that it rained most of the jme this greatly limited the number of deer shot if the game wardens report is true we can discount reeve merrys statements and deputy reeve hoey is obviously mistak en in his observations therefore wc have every right to have an open season this year we would like to ask also why does county council have final say in connection with an open deer season all wildlife fssup- posedly the property of the public and the department of lands and forests is set up toy the government to manage that part of our natural resources which include wildlife and for ests we pay millions of dollars in taxes and licences to finance their work yet county council apparently has more power over local wildlife than the organiza tion we are paying to do this service if county council is to have final say concerning hunting seasons we would suggest they do some research to become acquainted with the situation if county council does not care to become familiar with the local wildlife situation through researctc we wouldsugges tlhc control over our hdnting be given back to the department of lands and forests where it rtghtjufflyibelongs huhters who have complaints about the loss of the deer season should write their county coun cil representative in hopes of having a season next year lamprey kill trout at glen eden lake concern lor the future of fish in kelso conservation areas 80acre glen eden lake was ex pressed this week toy halton region conservation authority officials after a fouryearold rainbow trout was found dead obviously killed by a lamprey the trout a record 23 inches and weighing six pounds is be lieved to be one of the fish stocked in kelso lour years ago two boys found it washed up on shore friday and called the co authority to rc port it when they noticed the large hole behind the head of the fish sandy griswold a graduate biologist presently working with hrca as a f ieldbf ficer- intrainjng investigated thc in cident and said he va spsure ihti death was caused by lamprey lamprey is a fish not an eel is a local population he said the lamprey probably go up tream from kelso to spawn and lay their eggs if the lamprey continue to be a problem they could be destroyed by laying poison on the gravel beds up stream from kelso mr gris- wold indicated this would get rid of the lamprey without kill ing the fish glen eden lake has to date been stocked with 13500 fish in 1961 the department of lands and forests stocked 3500 speckled trout there and in 1962 the authority purchased 1000 rainbows for stock then last year the university of gue- iph provided 500 more yearling rainbows and the authority put in another 3500 in any cros country race it is the team with the lowest- score that wins and the acton high school cross country team has been doing just that all sea son haying begun training on september 7 the team worked very dedicatedlv toward two goals to win the gwossa cross country championships and possibly try for an ontario scholastic cross country cham pionship last thursday saw the ach ievement of their first goal when the team returned from guelph champions in both the midget b and junior m divisions the midget team had the best record of any team competing out of approximately 100 run ners from 2 schools they com piled the law score of 12 points bob andrews was the first to finish closely followed by bill field in second and mark hurst in third bill black rounded out the team toy finishing sixth their back up men were jack irwin in 11th place brian binnio 16th and bill nicolak 38th the juniors running shortly after their team mates had won the midget division kept actons winning trend alive by winning their race this time the scores were much closer but fine runningg by front men jim sla- ven and alan mckenzie assured acton victory jim slaven was the individual winner with alan mckenzie third fred flisnick 17th gary kelly 19th and paul cooper 22nd red devil harriers opened their season on september 22 with a 1521 win over milton and in a return match on octo ber 5 they were again victorious with an 1131 win on october 13 the team journeyed to or- angeville to compete in the or- iingeville invitational cross country championships there they aga lowest score of the clay by winning the junior division with 15 points orangeville was second with 33 points elora with 57 and fer gus with 82 these boys are most dedicat ed in their desire to win they run five to six miles daily and have not missed a day of prac tice since school began their total mileage so far this season is over 160 miles and should be well over 200 miles before the season ends the team has two races re maining in their schedule this wednesday they will race or angeville elora fergus and milton in an invitational meet here in acton and on november 5 they will compete in the on tario scholastic cross country championships ofsa in the boyd conservation woodbridge the acton free press thursday october 27 16 tom chudleigh owner of the chudleigh bros farm on high way 25 is one of the many fulltime apple growers in the area many types of apples are grown on his farm including russet tolman sweet courtland greening golden delirious macintosh spy and red delicious- halton apple industry is very big business since the days of adam and eve apples have been quite pop ular and in this area their popularity is growing every year the number of apples current ly grown in halton county is smaller than it was five years ago but in this vicinity more trees have been planted and the production is much greater than previously an ideal example or the apple- boom in the area can be found at the chudleigh bros farm on highway 25 between acton and milton owner tod chudleigh now has over 8000 trees in use on 40 of his 72 acres of land from his land and an additional 10 acres which he rents more than j20fiojiushels or the juicy fruit will be picked this year he estimates production has increased 300 per cent this year and for the next two or three years the boom will continue to be dramatic as more of the cur rently unused 32 acres begin to yield mr chudleigh a graduate of the ontario agricultural college at guelph qualifies as one of just over 40 fulltime jcommer- cial apple growers in the county and he specializes in growing dwarf trees as opposed to the much larger standard trees dwarf trees standing about five or six feel tall yield two or three bushels as compared to 25 bushels frorrtttstandard tree this has been a little belter than average growing year mr chudleigh suggests the drought in early summer did cause the apples to be smaller than usual but i hey are more juicy and much belter for storing a shortage of expert apple pickers usually plagues local growers but mr chudleigh lound this year it wasnt as bad as usual he puintedout the season begins around jul v 25 and lasts until the end of oc tober the peak season how ever is from late september un til late october approximately 30 pickers were busy on the include red delicious golden delicious preening tolman sweel russell and courtland which he points out dont turn brdwn when pealed and exposed to air he suggests courtlands are ideal for salads few of the apples grown on the farm ivjjj be sold in halton county most are handled through chain stores and pack ers the days of deliveries are gone or going fast he said the thing which buyers are likely lo notice most is the in crease in price this year the price has gone up slightly tout it is almost bound lo everything else has he said with an idea towards storing apples he pointed oul a small fruit cellar can be builf relative ly inexpensively he is working on one now which is live feel by 10 feet in area and expects it wont cost him more than 25 while using extra lumber at the most it wouldnt cost more than 100 he said fly on your friendly pharmacis1 although they resemble the eel family they lie on the bottom of a body of water and wait for a fish to pass by overhead ikhen dart with lightninglike speed to attack their prey lamprey have a circular mouth and curved teeth once attached to their victim they gnaw a large hole through the flesh to feed the wound on the fish indica ted a lamprey had attacked it liom below another similar wound on the side o the trout led mr griswold to believe the trout had been attacked earlier but had managed to fend off the lamprey lamprey exist in kelso but to what extent mr griswold hesitated to say three weeks ago a lamprey was trapped in a minnow trap at glen eden lake and it was the first seen there this summer the situation is not serious yet but it is something we must look into said field of ficer dave murray a kt of fish couldbe killed by lampreys without washing into shore he indicated lamprey are be lieved responsible for killing virtually 99 per cent of the lake trout in lake ontario in recent years seriously affecting the lakes commercial fishing enter prises mr griswold suggested the lamprey are unable to swim io glen eden lake from lake ontario because they cannot 1 tlie cceipdsid this this spring a further 5000 rainbows were purchased local ly and placed in the lake jose arteagagoitia a truck driver in bitboa spain is un able to return to work because officially he is dead he was riding pillion behind a friend on a motorcycle when a crash occurred the friend was killed but the- police got the identific ations mixed now jose cant return to work because he has no papers l- mamm chudleigh farm during the peak fit oiitt permdrorrcofthe ten offenders charged toy ac- ron opp detachment for minor offenses appeared in court in milton before judge k m lang- don monday and paid fines to talling 165 and court costs amounting to 22 an area youth charged with minor consuming was remand ed one week in milton jail lor sentence eleven other offend ers paid a total of t 134 in fines out of court as well as 25 in court costs iiiiaiug av pects of growing apples is that every apple in the orchard can he used in some way mcintosh apples form about 50 per cent of the yield on his farm with spies forming about 25 per cent other types grown your familys health comes first with us thats why we compound prescriptions with only the finest drugs as the doctor recommends and carry qual ity products for all your needs 300000 bushels apples from county more than 300000 bushels of apples of all sizes and many var- ielies have been grown in hal ton county this year and only 10 to 15 per cent of the total will be sold and used- in the county about 1500 acres of land in the county are currently being used for growing apples and the yield this year is expected to be joo000 bushels according lo charles warner fniit and veg etable extension specialist for the department of agriculture more than half or the 80 apple growers in halton are consider ed as full time commercial gibwers while the other 35 or so have as many as five or ten acres of apples on their farms the yield this year will likely be about normal lie said though the product will be considerably belter for storing than usual the drought in the eaiily sumnier will likely hold down the size oldftfe apples but they will lie urexlremely good qual ity and well colored and ideal lor long storage mr warner noted this is not considered a heavycrap year but the good growers are having little trouble he continued in the ranks of apple growing counties halton i listed as a medium sized growing area the 300000 bushels of apples which will be picked this year puts it nearly in the middle as far as commercial crops go though apple growing has he- came more popular during the past few years the actual coun ty production has dropped of i because of the decrease in apple farms in sotith burlington dwarf trees are becoming much more popular across llie province and halton is a partic ularly good area for growing them mr warner indicated theres a big swing to and semidwarf trees and hal ton is one of the few areas with close to suitable conditions for growing them these trees are particularly popular because of the smaller labor costs and pick ing costs involved and also be cause they are easier to handle mr warner said what are the signs ot life to a doctor theyre the patlehts- pnlse respiration and heart- heat to a driver theyre the signs he meets along every street and highway at railway crossings hills curvesand in tersections these signs of life are mor important than a road map in getting you to your destination read them and heed them carefully were right there when you need help when theres n emergency a call to usoets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8530640 heres why scyee gives you this exclusive acton pharmacy bill yundt manager 2 main st n 8531620 free pickup and delivery of proscriptions complete veterinary lino j23j3 mwasm 1 r holkymhrtniqfflbiius jblvb plan now to join our christmas layaway club visit our basement toyland gmm toyf trucks sleighs toboggans doll carriage dolls trains push toys- musical toys mechanical toys cooking sets etc hmtotrs 5c to 100 store the acton ys mens club presents humber valley harmonizers 2- parts and labor w 10yea addition al guara on transmission in a gala variety show at the acton district high school saturday dec 3 at 8 pm its fun for everyone 50 man chorus quartettes dancing girls i admission comedy routines 100 -plus- these available features aluminum gyrat0r live filter action automatic electric timer 2speed wash action power pump 100 canadian no down payment necessary your old washer is your down payment please note well challenge any manufacturer to give you a guarantee like this you pay less than 4 79 weekly it pays to do business where business is done manning electric 54 mill s e acton ont 8532950

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