Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1966, p. 9

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v tfwp wtlccine warden j dinner we fen with local municipal officials and ajl acton citizens in extending a warm welcome to guests at the annual wardens dinner the wardens dinner has a loig history ifl the traditions of halton county this years dinner the first time ever held in acton is in honor of warden h h hinton it is his de cision this years dinner should be held in his hmtte town of acton mr hinton actons reeve was chos en for th top office in the county early this year his keen interest ir municipal affairs aa well as his devotion to the business jind promotion of the county during- his term of office are being ac knowledged it has been generally recognised that the number attending this traditional event had become unwieldy in recent years perhaps the costly dinner would have to be eliminated entirely to avoid the problem of cutting the guest list however warden hinton has added to the duty of host the task of agreeing to a substantially lower guest list he is to be commended for this we are sure county councillors mun icipal councillors and officials will thor oughly enjoy the dinner tonight in the wardens fine town editorial page hatuwen uitkout accident when youngsters are out in costume on october 31 running from door to door for shellouts and unicef pennies theres a special traffic hazard which calls for special wisdom and tact from parents sure halloween is great fun some times its so much fun that kids forget about gelling hurt until they do its so natural for a young child to dash across the street without looking for cars coming if hes excited and thinking about the loot ahead the ontario safety league suggests makeup instead of a mask which makes vision difficult and a costume motorists are likely to see see that costumes are easy to move ancj walk in not high heels and tight skirts for little girls pre- tvending to be big ones or dresses or cloaks long enough to trip on and most important remind him about the traffic before he goes out stress looking both ways before crossing and the fact that he may be hard for drivers to see leave your porch light on so young visitors wont tumble and drivers drive a lot more cautious ly on halloween night than you norm ally would theres always a chance that some small ghost may forget to be care ful and then his chance depends on you foe people uant a amall tcm as thoughts are turned locally to consideration of a larger municipality it may be wise to reflect on the following comments by harry golden in an ameri can publication on small towns and peo ple americans are really going back to the small town i read recently what the late arthur schlesinger sr had to say about xertia ohio he loved xenia i discount trto fact that there was no medi care and mo unions- people worked 60 hours a week for 20 cents an hour but with it all in the small town there was a degree of happiness and relaxation the people knew each other and they understood each other it is hrue the family doctor had no miracle drugs in his black case he lacked knowledge of the vast research which would hawe improved his attempt at diagnosis but at that time the big city doctor was no better off their big rem edies were cc pills all had to wait for the crisis in a pneumonia case they let nature take its course hoping the pa tients heart held out the family doctor in the small towns provided something we cannot put into the record books when he entered the house- to -see- a sick or dying patient everyone felt bet ter there was hope there was confi dence his appearance banished loneli ness and fear even in the big cities there was much emulation of the small town we lived for a time in new york yet we all made our neighborhood into a small town we knew each other we all went to the same cigar store and the same drug store and the same tammany hall club we knew the jobs we held who was in need who got fired and who had a problem with drink mayor obrien an interim mayor of new york lived there and was part of this small town and now in these thousands of su burbs which encircle our big cities wc have this small town again the people want a recognisable fire house- aneasily identifiable police chief and easily identifiable neighbors jejje own aaija a prayer jesse owens one of the roost famous of olympic heroes was recently the guest of honor at a track meet in quebec at a banquet that day he gave a very mov ing speech which concluded with a pray er a prayer that will bear remembering by everyone be he in- pierrefonds or acton build me a boy oh god who will be strong enough to know when he is weak and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat but humble and gentle in victory build me a boy whose wishes will not replace his actions a boy who will know thee and that toitknow himself is the foundation stone of knowledge send him i pray not in the path of ease and comfort but the stress and spur of dif ficulties and challenge here let him learn to stand up in the storm here let him learn compassion for those who fail build me a boy whose heart will be clear whose goal will be high a son who will master himself before he seels to master others- one who will reach into the future yet never forget the past and after all these things are his this i pray enough sense of humor that he may always be serious yet never take himself too seriously give him humility so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness the open mind of true wisdom the meekness of true strength then i his father or his coach will dare whisper i have not lived in vain commenting the news and choniclc of pointe claire quebec noted the re action of one young athlete to the great track stars words it is too bad we couldnt have a talk as good as this one every day in school im sure that if we did we would have fewer school dropouts and a better generation it is a reaction we are proud to echo haiton county warden h h hinton aas one of the 232 donors to give blood at the legion blood donor clinic monday head nurse mrs rita dickens is apply- tstaft photo ing the needle to the vein as assistant red cross worker miss helenvan ulft watches sugar and spice by bill s in i i o y eei try to think let alone write vlhn vuur nose is dripping like a tap in a tenement uu are barking up chunks u jharley to halton by harry harley m p since ttii last column the debate has continued osi medicare two amendments hue been proposed b the opposition the first proposed by the conservatives asked that live conditions be met before medicare was introduced this would hac delavd medicare indefinitelv it was defeated easily a further amend ment proposed by a quebec independent would have allowed quebec to have its own plan and be paved out of federal funds as though thc were in the federal plan this loo was defeated it has been suggested that i make a few- remarks concerning integration ot the armed services 1 rn pleased to do this and i m in faor of this plan prior to this- change the three services each re ported separately to the minister of de fence or more precisely the three service chiefs had the right to report directly there was of course the chiefs of staff committee for the purpose of coordinat ing the material from the three services thcv could report direct to the minister and they or ten did the net result was that there wa no real unity of planning different services planned tor different kinds of war at the same time there was no agreed strategy on which all services could base tticir plans in another respect top the canadian taxpayers were not get ting the best value for their tax dollars that was a great deal of duplication and triplication among the services this was in fact pointed out by the glassco commission- the flrm fundamental change in de fence policy was the proposed develop ment of a wellequipped wehtiaincd mobile lorve and the acquisition of aero planes and ships to transport it to anv ol the worlds trouble pots where inter vention of one or more of us units would be in the canadian national interest the second fundamental change was in defence organization it was agreed that we integrate our defence hcadquar- tors and replace the three chiefs of slaft and their committees b a single cruet of defence staft and one functionallv oriented defence staft as that first step towards a single unified defence force tor canada there is no clear dividing line be tween integration and unification thcv are part ot one plan the integration of the three services at the headquarters command and base levels was vuthoried bv an amendment to the national defence act in 1964 since then reorganization has been implemented in a step -bv- step planned manner the overall policv established bv the government but the detailed implementation b the servtce- as it should be the next amendment to the national defence act will again be permissive legislation this time to allow the creation of a single armed force unification assuming the legislation is passed this fall will not becorne a total reality until approximately 1970 when all the planning and implementa tion is completed thus the whole pro cess will have taken about seven years this can hardly therefore be called a rusjicd program without suitable plan ning ol lung vour txxlv is crawting with hot and cold needles and you could try an eag on oui forehead vvp ive got the flu dont worrv i wont go on about it evciv virile ted- blooded canadian knows all about the tin bui dont expet a sparkling column this week along with these svmptoms inv brain is about as agile as a baskellul ot wet klccncx but bv golly tonight is the night ot the staft putv and im going it it kills me it this space is blank next week with i bluk border around it dont send downs just send the equivalent in cash to m wile flowers arent much use to a widow with two kids to educate aiul dont grieve or sing sad songs just muse well he went the wav he alwavs wanted to go smelling strong o di walkers cough svrup and dancing what he thought was the vitusi with the smashing voung blonde who just uincd tlu livhsli depai tment but that doesnt solve the problem ot writing this loluinu does it well im going to swing in all directions so if ou arent a swingei vou can stop reading this and turn to the grocerv ads which no altout the most exciting anil trust rat ing reiding vou can tind these davs speaking of which did vou ev er see such puces i dont know who is pocket ing the loot tanner niiddlenian or relnlci but thev wont even let vou ivllv up to the meat counter these- days unless ou dash a bar ot gold bullion wedding anniversaries i bought 20 vellow rses lor mv wile on our twentieth aniuvcrsarv she squealed with ecstasv lt was verv romantic especially when j told ber id paid tor them with a cheque on our joint account but these little romantic gestures really pav off three days later for no belter reason than that a tap in the bath room has been dripping tor sly weeks she inkcl the fading howeis out of die vase beat me around the- lace and eais vvilh them thorns and all and inn led the losewater ovei me i came up smell ing like a vellow rose and she came up to the bathroom helped me wash oil the blood and fixed the lap hcrsclt teenage girls soinebodv sent me a i oihioii out paper loi teens one colum list olmouslv a girl was souudirtg oil in disgust with liei sisteis tills was hei pungent ohscivation todavs voung temale goes kookte over something that walks around in high heels tight pants and long locks of hau hanging to us shoukleis gnls toiliv aie robbed ol llieii sc in uioie hjs than one anil she light stitkes i have alwavs been a union man hut i am led up right to the ears with the anogaiice the lawlessness and the- ielusil to compioniise displaved bv main unions this vear how about vou leaders the perennial game called piinip diet is populii again i think he should have reined lullol veus honors and nialii kev long since hut i cilt help adorning the old woll as the pack hies to liig him down he is a hghtci and theie aren t mam let t ilvei tisnig i don t ague with the speakci but i found the following com nig trom a big advertising man the most refreshing statement ive lead toi manv a dav the simple truth is that people dont give a damn altout advei using thev never have and thev ikvei will pciplc don i caii about advertising thev ciic about things thev care aboitt things that make chepi happv or beautiful or lauor sober oi drunk or alive or human things that entertain them transport them enrich them piotect them or profit them but thev dont give a tuppenny damn about ads melancholv pifrtuie ol the human race do jeu jree 20 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday october 24 1946 splendid congregations attended the 101 anniversary of knox presbyterian church last sunday and enjoyed the spec ial feature of praise service and guest speaker which featured the occasion h capt john m anderson mc and bai was the visiting preacher on mondav the knox church ladies served a delicious dinner to over 400 who attended a good program followed rev foihes thomson the minister was in cluugc peler lipnecki violin solos miss fiances spears guelph xvlophone sel ections readings bv mrs- ward bruce and mis j ballantvne of everlon the girls double ttio of miss inez mclellan margar et somerville bella rosell dora hansen blanche mckinnon and beatrice bailev piano solos bv crawford douglas and piano duets bv george and shirley elliott acton ys mens club has arranged an evening of fun for the children of acton for- halloween so start now to get vour costume leadv the band will lead the piuccssion lo the arena two vears ago a kelovvna business man bought a fouracre orchard for 6000 this seasons crop returned him j 1 4 000 another resident bought an orchard for js000 five vears ago he has just taken orr a ci op woilh 40000 thioughout the villev populations are increasing dailv eleven applicants tor the position of postmaster at acton look the examina tions required last weclnesdav civil ser vice and government officials attended at acton post office the meeting ol the acton council was held mondav evening councillors cook oakes benson and greighton were pres ent md reeve kirkness presided a bvlaw was introduced and read the fiist time and passed to provide 8000 for the preliminary work on the installa tion of sevveis and construction of a dis posal system 50 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday november 2 1916 sergeant llairv harwixnl one of the lust men lo enlist in acton in august 1914 and who went overseas with the first contingent ai rived home on furlough on mondav afternoon he was met at the station hv members of the citizens re ception committee and escoi ted lo his home the residence of miss moore wilbur street sergeant harvvood was taken to the town hall in the evening where ire was pre sented with a gold watch bv the people of till town of acton tomorrow will be british red cross dav in aelon the men who will canvass are r m mcdonald frank holmes george r agnevv n r mclam b f caldwell d c russell john r kennedy a t brown dr j m bell c c hender son w r kennev d a henderson geoige havill councillor bailev j ches ter matthews wm arnold frank ken- the church of st alban the martyr anglican corner willow and st albans drive rev ritchie mcmurray ma stb tikia least of saints 1000 am holy october 2a simon and judc eucharist timiiv xxi sunday october jo 1966 9 00 a in holv eucharist 10 11 a in chinch school 1010 am malms luesdav ovenihei i all saints dav 10h a in holv luchaiisl wednesiliv novembei 2 commemora tion ot the failhlul depai ted 10 00 a in holv eucharist trinity church the united church of canada minister rev dwight i engcl j3jv b d organist mr george elliott ma pkd sundvy october 30 1966 chlrcm school chuiili sihool juniors up to gr 4 at 10 a m seniors gr 5 gr 8 at ii 15 am din in l services i0w am trimtv church sacrament ol baptism urserv service prov id ed 1115 am chuiciull churchill rd na seiiuon subject whos minding the stole third sermon in a snis concerning the united church vnglican church union discussions iucsdav november i 7 30 pm session meet nit- s evangel pentecostal tabernacle paoc 33 churchill road rev s m thoman pastor 8532715 sunday october 30 i9t 10 00 ajn sunday school for all ages 1100 am morning worship service 7 00 pmevangelistic service tuesday 8 pan prayer and bible study thursday 8 pm ca service inday 045 pan crusaders nedy william cooper c woodhall d m henderson wm mcnab john cameron n forbes a l wyant james r aider- son a o t beardmorerjohn clatskcsr and morris saxe the free library board met and ar ranged to make the usual full addition to the librafvcmiss coleman was appointed- the boards representative to attend the j district library institute at kitchener 75 years ago taken from the issue of the free press of thursday october 29 1891 it is stated on authority that the imperial authorities have decided upon testing the advantages ofthc canadian pacific railway as a military route and with that end in view in december a detachment of about seven hundred mar ines and sailors will be exchanged be tween halifax and vancouver and vice versa this is the inst full loi nial recogni tion of the canadian pacilic foi imperial military purposes and is sure to attract worldwide attention to the loule as a british highway to the east and a rival to the sue canal the force lo be transport ed eastwaid through canada will com prise men whose tcims of duty on foreign stations have been completed the fust snow loll on tuesday it gave the town a winlerv look business has been hvelv here the past week the jilmve factories and tan neries are working overtime and grain is coming in more frcelv the acton a free press z phone 8532010 business and editorial office fmiuricct n 1b73 and puhlishh ery tliiirsqu 1 39 willow si acton on- t trio mmidrr of the audit bureau of ciiciil lions the cwna md o w n a advertising ritri on rcfpiett subscrip tions puiblr in hdvartrr 40o in cannda 7 00 in u countries other than canada hlnalc copies 10c authorized ah second cikh mhii post office drpnrtment ox- tirwa advrrtiiiic it crop ted on the condition that in the event of ivponrjiph- lcil error lhit pot lion of i ho ud vert til nit tp cc ntctlplrd bv thr erroneous item inflclht r with ricionih1r allowance for iffnulure will not be charged for but the balmier of the advertisement will b pd for rft ihf ipplkblr rate in thr rent of a tvporrtphicil nrnr advertising cnodn or cr ices nt a wrong price ft nods or services may not be sold advertising is merelv m offer to hell und may be withdrawn it my time rabllh4 hy the ifllls printing and pabluhla ca md david fl dills mrfntfiina editor copyright 1di6 church notices bethel christian reformed church a ac ton ontario rev vviebc van dijk phone 8531585 slnimy octobir 30 vh 10 00 a m english service 2 30 p m dutch service 345 pmsunday school presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckcnic ba bd minister mr v hansen ha organist and choir master sunday k iohi r 0 o ms a 111 c lime h school lm iiv itn is 4s a in ieenaye chinch membership class 1100 am divine woiship kcloimation dav seimun on redefinition of urn mutual ministries 7j0 pm youth fellowship meeting evenone most welcome maple avenue baptist church georgetown slndy cx robi k m iwi 9 45 am sundae scjiool 1100 am morning service 7 00 pm lvcning service wednesdav 8 p m praver meeting acton 8531956 georgetown 877cj acton baptist church founded 1842 pastor- rev stanley gtmmon res 144 tidey ave ph 8531615 si iv ociobir ml i 9 4s am thurdi school adult class 1100 am moiinng worshiprepent and belice 700 pin kvenirip service mission cir cle thaiikottenng miss grace hine guest speaker wednesday praer and bible study 7 jo thursday choir 7j0 friday bhf 700 all visitors welcome to our services doctrines we preach and believe the virgin birth the diety of christ his bodily resurrection the second coming

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