Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1966, p. 1

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wht ninetysecond year no 18 unicef acton ontario thursday november 3 1966 authorized as second- class mali by the post office department ottawa twelve- pages ten cants forwarded to unicef head quarters following actons hal loween collections will be at new record for town 31620 youngsters from the m z ben nett school and robert little school gathered small change fro doortodoor along candte7 na turned it in either that evening at one of the de pots set up by y men and vol unteers or at school the next diy some speystde pupils also collected in town in 1963 about 9253 was collec ted here and the year before ab out 200 the ys men expect to obtain a good movie to show the child ren who collected for unicef later fpr the first time high school students participated in the unicef program and collected 40 receipts from the coat check room at the friday dance a roomtoroom collection and money collected from unicef boxes in hallways went toward unicef seek department approval n for m z b school addition 116 pledge to eye bank through lions just under 120 acton and dis trict persons have donated their eyes to the eye bank follow ing the lions club appeal on the first saturday at the cus toms office murray harrison took 44 pledge cards and last saturday he look over 60 more as well some donated privately and the cards- may still be sent in canvassers for the cnib also have pledge cards to hand out and mr harrison also has plenty more available lions club members were quite pleased with the response mr harrison himself spoke to the golden age club and some of the members subsequently agreed their eyes might be used alter death even young children and teenagers agreed to donate to help others assisting mr harrison last saturday was lionette edith hopkins wednesday mr harri son said he knew of 1 16 dona tions but he expected there were a few more sent in separately the lions club contacted loc al doctors guelph hospitals and the funeral home and all fav ored the project haitons 1966 warden h h hinton of acton was honored by 150 halton municipal officials and special guests on thursday evening at the annual wardens dinner in acton nassagaweya reeve w j coulter on behalf of the council presented the tra- first time held in acton staff photo ditional gavel of office and a set of gold cuff links to mr hinton shown during the presentation are other members of the hinton family from left are the wardens son jack reeve coulter warden hinton mrs hinton and daughter kathy 150 attend wardens dinner pay tribute to bert hinton j the spotlight shone on acton and warden h h bert hin ton thursday evening when the first wardens dinner in actons history was held in the acton legion hall warden hinton reeve of ac ton hosted the evening lor 150 guests which featured dinner- served by the legion la toasts and speeches two presentation to the warden and entertain ment by a toronto troupe nassagaweya reeve william coulter presented warden hin ton with the traditional gift the symbolic gavel of office he also presented a gilt from fellow councillors a set of gold cuff links your gifts are somethinj i will cherish for the rest of my life the warden told the gather ing among the guests were the 1966 county councillors several acton municipal officials 1 1 former wardens two wardens visiting from neighboring coun ties mayors and reeves from halton municipalities personal friends of the warden and the hinton family former acton mayor j o h n gov was chairman for the eve ning following grace by rev ritchie memurray of st albans anglican church mr gov intro- duccd the head table guests who included halton mpp george a kerr from burlington acton mayor les duby and mrs duby former warden dri c a martin and mrs martin from milton halton judge alan b sprague and mrs sprague other special guests included visiting wardens m j mitchell of wellington county and lome freeman of wentworth county the mayors included s g childs of milton mclean ander son ol oakville les duby of ac ton and joe gibbons ol george town and the reeves were gor don gallagher ol burlington william coulter of nassagaweva remembrance service on sunday at cenotaph and george leslie of esqucsing two former actonians who also served as wardens were present j m bud mcdonald was the 1943 warden and now lives in toronto j j stewart of guelph was the 1954 warden another special guest was miss m z- bennett former acton public school principal the toast to the warden was proposed by dr martin who said mr hinton makes his pol itics a lull time job and was not only a good warden for hal ton but also a good ambassador for the county at outside func tions dr martin noted the war den was a veritable storehouse ol niormation most of which he could quickly dig up from his alwaysbulging briefcase we owe bert hinton a great deal ol thanks he concluded the warden in reply said it had been a very exciting and challenging year and his 16 council had been an excellent one lie added praise lor the county stall boards and com missions and departments heads and suggested halton county is cxleremely fortunate to have such executive material and such a competent staff judge sprague who proposed the toast to the council rcvicw- in flanders fields the pop pies grow this remembrance day theme has been emphasized in acton by legionnaires who decorated the window at acton home fur nishings store monday night while halloween pranksters were roaming the street legion naires were decoratingxtlic win dow in remembrance of veter ans who had lost their lies in the line of duty spearheaded by veteran wil liam middleton the legion naires changed the annual dis play this year flags commem orate soldiers of the first world war second world war and the korean campaign the new canadian hag is added to the jack ensign and legion flags two large wooden cenotaphs made expressly for the window display have hashing light bulbs it the lop and list the names of servicemen rows ol small crosses on artificial grass dotted with poppies depict the meaning of flanders fields the 22 wreaths which will be placed at the cenotaph sunday back the window arrangement although the display is a thing of beauty it also denotes the- reverence in which legion naires hold heir fallen com rades as well as families who lost husbands fathers or sons this sunday a parade will lonn up at the legion at 1030 am and march to the ceno taph where the regular brief rc menilirancc service will be held at which lime wreaths will be placed follow ing this a service will be held at knox presby terian church l the rev ah mckenzte will sneak on freedom and the legion choraliers will sing hoxv great thou art and eternal fa- uier strong to save oilier fam iliar hymns so appropriate ty the day will be sung by the con gregation the 10 oclock service at the united church will be over be fore ihe service begins outside the annual dinner will be helil at the legion hall at i pm sunday it is a special lii- bute in world war i veis poppy sales begin friday iihen legion ladies auxiliary members canvass local indus tries during the altcrnoon le gionnaires visit homes in the evening anil sell on the streets saturday poppv chairman jim fliggilis and canvass chairman sam brimelle have legionnaires lined up to sell poppies this weekend maor and council have pro claimed sunday nov 6 as re- ucnib ranee dav here it is ex pected i he ma- or and some members ol council will join veterans in the rcineiuiirauc day parade the poppv flay was raised at the cenotaph yesterday wed nesday 1 the remembrance service at nassagaweva p i e s b t e i i a n church is sundiv ai 345 run lollowing a service at ihe sold iers memorial at llaltnnv ille taking part will be rev 1 r nicholson rev w a leemau rev r p e jel lares iimcr smilh will sound t he ist post mil reveille a the nassagaweya cenotaph unl ii e moftat will read ihe names the remembrance dav sen- ices in roikwoim lie a week laler n nov 13 cd rhc hfstory of the county system ol government back to the days of the magna charla the judge said ihe county gov ernment was closest to ihe people it govcrnv and the peo ple ul llallon should be proud ol their public servants depulv- ricic alan dav ol oakville re plied the toast to ihe past wardens was proposed in nassagaweva reeve win coulter who laud ed all the lormcr county heads but paid particular praise to those who have continued lo lie members of the county council he suggested their experience in the lop chair was invaluable in subsequent years of service and we can always depend on mem bers such as george leslie gor don gallagher and herb merry lo come up will something clearcut when there is a prob lem the three he mentioned are former wardens still serving on the county council and were among 1 1 past wardens in the audience past warden herb merry re plied to the toast appreciation lo ihe acton legion auxiliary for ihe roast heel dinner was expressed by burlingtons dep utyreeve frank n rogers a dozen red mses were pre sented l mrs hinton by es- quesing deputy reeve will red leslie and reeve coulter made the iwo presentations to the warden the program ended on a hum orous nolo as lormcr reeves william card ol oakville george currie ol fscpiesing and jack milne ol nassagaweva gave re ports on the mythical organiza tion called the halton county unemployed reeves protective association which has jok- ngly attempted since ivim to oh- tain a s500 grant from count v council council has been post- poninguiigjiail until the un employed reeves like the nurses gain certil ication as a bargaining unit b the ontario labor relations board one councillor told this newspaper zena cheevers and company a torontobased eiuei liinnu ill troupe provided an hours en tertainment at the close ol the program public school board members tuesday night studied sketch plans lor a possible addition lo the i z bennett school and will seek tentative approval irom ihe minister of education drawn to scale by principal elmer smilh the sketch plans included a gymnasium auditor ium one classroom nurses room library room two wash rooms and storage space these had been submitted lo inspec tor w l mcneil who had given hjs tentative approval costs for the proposed addit ion reach the figure of 142737 of which government grants am ounting to 50 per cent of the cost are expected if the addition is creeled board chairman vic bristow pointed out the proposed addit ion would not be creeled this year and possibly not next year members cast a glance into the future as they recalled the co ming elections and wondered about the publics reaction to a school addition if department of education approval is given ihe acton hoard will have to engage an architect to draw final plans and supervise the building pro ject during a review of the recent ontario puhlic school trustees association convention held at st catharines board members who attended reported on ses sions attended all agreed the convention had been most inlor- mative and worthwhile and a greal deal of knowledge had been gained mr bristow reported on a session he had attended and urged board members to at tempt a meeting with both es quesing and nassagaweya town ship school boards lo discuss educational problems through out the area approval was gi ven to have the chairman make a request for such a meeting through ihe inspector trustee cyril bishop said he was quite impressed vvilh the session he attended and explain- eel ihe special services work shop which deall with opportu nity classes he noted thai st catharines school board was op ening a new school next year specilicallv lor opportunity classes he also said he had at tended a session dealing with the leaching of sex education in schools and lokl his colleagues it was now being called health education finance chairman doug man ning in his praise lor ihe con vention said there seems to be ho apparent icliel lo the proper ly owners for education taxes he noted tliit people from all walks of lite including proles- sional men were represented and interested in education trend appeared to be to utilie more natural light and less el ectricity in classrooms it seems there are great changes in store for the meth od of providing education staled mr manning as he noted il was apparent from the con vention that education is going to cost more pioperly committee members discussed lhe leaky roof prob lems and board members learn ed the roofs at both schools which had been repaired this summer had received approval from the parent company sup plying materials a 10year guar antee on the roofs has been given by the company during the regular session a request was read from ken ecksline representing the ap ostolic church for accommo dation at one of ihe schools for services the request was read but never dealt wilh before the meeting concluded accounts totalling 2215685 were approved for payment attending the meeting were chairman vic bristow trustees doug manning cyril bishop william benson murray smith and orval chapman as well as secretary william middleton and principals g w mckenzic and elmer smilh parks board discusses glenlea park project he pointed out the dillerence in proposed building lor schools in the lulure and noted ihe parks board member brendan ahenie waged a one man two and a half hour battle against three of his colleagues at a special meeting thursday of last week as he pressed for a longrange plan lo develop parkland throughout town before ihe meeting concluded board members did agree to in vestigate ihe possibility or fix ing up ihe designated park in glenlea subdivision and liud out approximate costs mr ahcrne informed the board that childien in ihe glen lea area use ihe park in ihe summer playing ball and enjoy ihe hills tobogganing in the winter he noled however that one section of the park had been opendilched bv ihe town leav ing a hazardous condition for children he suggested this area should be tiled and covered so thai children could toboggan there in ihe winter member nino braida claimed lhe board had spent a pile of money there lo provide a base ball area he was reminded by mr a heme that i the park was de veloped there would be more than children using il we have certain grounds and should develop them otherwise we are wasting our time we have the authority to spend up to one mill lo provide facilities and we arc not doing this in stead all we do is sil chopping and chewing and not doing our job he said the board had budget ted s500 lor improvement in glen lea park and lo dale had only spent 50 on grass seed and no thing had been done anoul an en l ranccwav saidmr the year is just about over and we have done nothing lie s resscd chairman george williams reminded the board the fence at prospect park had been in stalled and ihe band shell at the park renovated thatjti some thing he said mr braida was of the opinion if the parks board was going to cost the public one mill to operate wc had belter close up our books the chairman felt renovat ions at glenlea park wouldrcost over one mill the people didnt put coun cil into office to appoint a parks board lo save money but to provide park facilities in to years we may have spent sl000 on this park which eqiialsaxloq per year staled mr ahcrne m cant see il as a park just a rock pile said mr braida h said he knew of six child ren in glenlea subdivision who dont even know where glenlea park is it was handed to us as a park are we going to develop il or leave is as a garbage heap enquired mr ahcrne it was handed to us but as a grand canyon you and i arc split on this i cant see spend ing 5000 on ibis stated mr braida mr ahcrne reminded the board he was not asking for an expenditure ol 5000 but that the glenlea park be fixed up so the children can toboggan there ibis winter he noled that if this park area was anywhere else be would still press for some acton he again urged members lo lake stock of all park areas and provide a long- range plan w hereby something could ne done il was for this purpose he urged this special jriceting heciiiieall gordon harding claimed the hccishman park area was of no continued on page i t plunkett nurses share in spotlight quickthinking student phones fire alarm from lakeview house quick thinking bv an attrac tive 16ycarold high school stu- dent jennifer bishop 215 fl- more drive is credited with sav ing the new home oi her par ents mr hid mrs cxril bishop late friday altcrnoon although fire and smoke dam age has been estimated aroimd si 500 firelighters are ol ihe opinion il would have been much worse ft the buhop girl had not had the presence ol mind to phone the lire depart ment immediately the student was home alone at the time and was m the pro- cess of making chips for dinner prior to the arrival of her par ents apparently some ol the fat spilled onto the hot burner and sent flames roaring up the wall 01 the kitchen ol ihe lake view subdivision home which had iust been occunicd about nion h miss bishop remembering a lire extinguisher always hung near the kitchen stove at their former residence automatical ly reached lor it but liven real ied il hadnt been placed siikc moving in she llien phoned the alarm and ducked outside unvlci the tlainhij paint and cup boards within minutes acton firefighters were on the scene water from the booster tank was used as well as extinguish ers tit battle the stubborn blaze smoke eieetors were used to clear the house of srnokc an air fan over the stove had taken continued on page two i lie annual wu dens dinner was held in vlon legion hall i inn s iv evening lo pay tribute to the pas year s leadership bv waidcii herbert ii hinton ol aeon hut the current dispute with ihe countys public health nurs es anil another current topic ol concern ihe plunkett report stole a share ot the limelight comments about the nurses and plunkett were humorously in- jccicj into the program by sev eral speakei s ntonc of the nurses were there anil there wasnt a copy ot pliui- kelts epistle on local govern ment o hc seen but their presence was nevertheless lell chairman john gov a tornier acton mavor noted the event was historical because it was the first wardens dinner ever held in acton now spooner and phmkclt arc playing musical melodies we may not have an acton he joked former milton reeve and past warden dr c- a martin in praising the waiden suggested there was plemv ol work lo be done belore thomas plunkett lakes us over dr martin who is ilso a member ol halton re gion conservation authority hoped ihe warden would soon settle the dispute with the muses so he will drop in and help us with some conservation problems asked to thank judge alan b sprigue tor his toast to the county council oakville depute reeve allan day made an ob vious relcrcnce to the health nurse situation- he noted there v as onlv one judge in halton anil this was a good tiling it continued on page five i fs activities high school students have been polled about afterschool activities and as a result some new clubs are starting among them a bridge club chess club ilce club and drama jjroup town workman jack frank officially retired friday afternoon and was honored by council town office workers hydro workmen and the town work force during an informal gathering staff photo at the town workshop he received gifts from all groups left to right are councillor robert drjnkwalter and mayor les duby presenting for frank with gifts from the towri

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