Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1966, p. 2

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the acton ft press thursday november 3 96o churchill wont copies of official plan ratepayers recommend changes in township zoning bylaw plan judge halloween costumes at community patty in ml in many ways the discissions were constructive and informn- v live nnssjuiaweva planning board chairman grant camp bell slated as he summed up the ivvo public meetings held last week to discuss the townships proposed ofticml plan and on- in bvlavv we wanted suggestions and we rcvvivrd them mr camp bell vwd he indicated planning board would give caret ul cvrt- sideration to all suggestions including one indicating mat mimeagrapjhod copies ol he of ficii plan should be sent jo eac h township ratepaver i would persisvsl tawir such a move but we will have to kvv into the costs involved it is not a small document he said the chatrawin also suggested he vvwld defmstelx tavoi an other pubis meeting ato the planning board revises kith documents and beore i is tor- xkarded to cotrv he noted he xxss jenovllv rasevl with the ttoemgs and v had sxkix- excelkn ixsvnioiendil jons he s4ks 1 was etlnva j h xvxxikl take a least two or thrve weeks hwore secxinv maaevns couxi be mtple- sneited in the proposed bvlavv veaty attended the thins dx nig roeeurig in brookville schcvxl aud nin torvv arding rejommejatv i takiic suirs a sugtved errors jn both documeniv dennis rood representing pjoiccs planners outlined the reasons tor needng an ottwial plan and a wnn bxlaw one ratepaxvr reternng to the official plan shouted this i a traudutent document is there something in here voure irving to hde he vcas told all meetings ot the planning board were open to the pubi and tnat the pro posed plan was available tor inspection at the township d- ministration buildng how ever the chairman tor the mee ing mr campbell suggested copies were available for studving but perhaps this sho uld have been made more clear but this thing isnt going to become law ovet night alan ackman president of the navswivvev j ratepavers group brought sxenil points ol in terest to ihe attention ot the meet ui speaking for hi association mr eniart made the tallow ing comments the association xvisheil to congratulate the planning boaid lor conscientiouslv trv- ing to haxe a propet plan tor the township he asked about the absence ot the clause concerning a legal iiortcontmmmg use and was told the lights to legal non- contoi mutg uses are in the plan ning act and wouldnt nocess- anlv have to appear in a local bx law he asked vvhv mohawk raeowav was exempt as a legal nonoontorming use vvhtle othei sniallei business enters puses vveie no1 listed cleai statement pcmuts the racetrack to be there operate and expand in an area indicated but there is no mention for other companies he stated he also charged manv existing uses are not shown and noted that sue should be immaterial mr flood said the racetnuk was marked m as a matter ot convenience he sjid the section on non- conlorming uses could be pio in and udinitted lhat pottiim con joining mohawk rucettnek did loojttk it theiv xvas tavoritism although there was meant to be none mr acknwn said it was genet allv lecogiueil that libbon development vwis toad but claimed a pint ion ol the proposed tav law prohibiting pu vate roads on live alre pai eels ol land was encouraging tibhon development ml flood said ribbon development should he discouraged hut indicated that allow iiijj rightotxvavs was not up to his organization to sav although it would oppose smh a move the ratepaxors ssoui lion presulent asked that the detinue boundaries set out tor villages in the ottiunl plan be expanded the villages need a huttei aiea bevoiul even then existing boundai ies he said he said the pioposed boundai ies would be a siiaight tacket tor the milages rat hei than a constructive 20veai de velopment progtam ed woodhouse spoke in favoi ot planning lor subdivisions nd asked whv no plans loi subdivisions were outlined in uthei the bvlaw oi the oltictal plan mi flootl said it xvas not the dutv ol the ottuuil plan to subdivide one area since n would look like disci immat ion piovincial secretaix john yueinko a township ratepaver attended the meeting and said he i on id uiidei stand vvhv tute- pavcis didnt know the otlicial plan was iivallimle lor studv ho subiiiitled sevouil questions loi answering and indicated igain that ho helieveil the inl ine ol the township would he in the development or high i lass housing uul ieiieatiunil tuvas f f benson stdd he had in vested close to 50000 in pn- peitv and a new home on saung- sponsored sideioad he said he was nl church women the churchill community held a presentation on thursday evening october 27 foi linda and fred thompson in honor of their recent mamagc at ballma- lud hall allei dancing was enjoved to music provided bv the melodv men mi robert kei r who was master ol ceremonies called on linda and tretr to come to ihe platfoimmls c denn read an address and ihev were present ed with a china cabinet the each thanked eveivone for the gilt also all who in anv way helped with the el fori s put fotyn to make the evening such a hap pv occasion a large crowd gathered at chin chill hall loiuctlr-hallo- vveen pnrtv on saturday eve- bv he united judges vveie couple mr and jmis w buch anan best halloween costume lirrv loiiglis chetiv douglas best costume jovce dennv most original costume imii- helh thompson several games weie plavcd and a treat lot i was given lunth was solved m rile close bv the ladies the churchill ucw lautcs are holding inch tall and chi 1st- mas baaai and tea on novetu bet 9 at chualull chiiicli com- menung at 2 oclock thitc will be a guest speaker and othei pioyiam everyone welcome lome and bring a 1 1 lend mi and mis anhickcn were with mi and mis vinal tot ol fenelon falls ovei ihe weekend cclchtaltng then 4tli wedding anniversaiv aimed bv the actions ol some mis r j anderson rev john quail ies and asked that ihe son ol georgetown and rev planning control quaiiv oper- dwight fngcl who found it dil ations he said the township i icult to choose knew his intentions when he eden mills ucw meeting rally sunday baptism in news of district ts mai hum why theyre there ys men hoxvard pearce the newest ys man in acton s pop ular serk club wised the guys on the subject ot recrea tion at their last meeting he used the provocative ap proach ot proposing the ques tions of what and whx and then proceeded to answ er the questions from his own intim ate knowledge of the topic the most illuminating or in tenestmg facts depending on vour point of view centred on the problem of just whv are vou men here it was com foiling and complimentary o learn that their presence was in part a revolt from the com pulsions of datlv routines in part thex were there from a social consciousness and re ponse to a need tor fellowship and in part a recognition of a dut as well as a willingness to perform that dutv to the com mumty locallv andvoridvx ide he dosed his address bx read ing an invitation to recreate ourselves to mix with the companv of companions and to espenence the promising exper iences of being ativv and in tune with the world of the dav preatdeal bui neues present ed the recommendations of the eiecutrve and the business of the night was neatlv packaged and completed with dispatch reports were heard on pro jects including turkev tickets bingo and the musical show the ys men are on the hop to keep the y humming it xvas also agreed that the scholarship and leadership awards would be increased to cover the tie situation which arose in the grade ix selection president bill nelles will make the presentations at the high school commencement tomor row night fndax the y men joined in send ing condolence to ys man ric coe in his bereavement mr passed aw ax at his communion service was con ducted sundav morning in eden mdls presbx ten in church bv the rev maxwell of waterloo college waterloo baptismal service was also held when mr and mrs vanrhign presented their son daxid karl to be bap tised mr and mrs mansell lovvrie were in grand rapids mich vvcr the weekend mr w lovvrie and daughter isabel were in rochester ny oxer the weekend guests of mr and mrs d daniels and familv svmpathx is extended to mr roc gordon and lamilx from this communttx in the loss of a beloved wite mother and grand mother visitors ot mr and mrs r nght were mr and mrs herb glaier stratford the eden mills ucw held the october meeting at the home of mrs ben saulmer mrs marshall opened the devotional penod with singing the hvmn jesus saves follow ed bv praver mrs marshall introduced the speaker mrs james hamer she spoke on thanksgiving we have much to be thanktul for she said it we look around and see what god has given us we should give thanks everx dav bx iritughtword and deed mrs marshall thanked mrs hamer or her inspiring messa mrs elmer milson took charge ol the business pei lod and welcomed all membeis and visitors minutes ot theptevious meeting were read and adopted mrs d beatie gave the treasui er s report mrs r wardlc gave the flower report flowers vxeic sent to sadie thomas mrs wrl on reported sending cards to mrs elxa tolton mrs barden and mrs thomas thirteen members answered the roll call with a verse from the bible with thanksgiving plans were made for the ba aar and tea to be held novembei 19 in the christian education room a social time was spent over refreshments served bv mrs cann and mrs jennings mrs wilk wilson thanked the hostess and relrrshntent com mittee rally sunday was held at ed en mills united church vxith sundav school children and tea chers attending installation ser vice for the teachers was held and pins given out to a large- number of children for attend ance there were four nine xcar pins two of the recipients arc- now teachers planned to build hut that he wasnt told that quaiiv nuis- ences existed nothing is wrong vet he indicated hut he did ask that a in law be m- voipoiated to eiisiue giavel pits and quail ies cant have cx en tiling and aiixlhing then own w iv we have piohlcius too he concluded i en chuullei said vouie pioposing a 20veai liv laxv hut no planning he asked what was planned along highwiv 7 in the- niulhein pnt ot the township mi fjooil said he didnt lavoi the pie zoning ol land mr ackmim asked il it would not lv good to specilv an aiea loi obnoxious mdusliies he indicated 400 icel was piettv small and lhat an obnoxious in dnstiv could ellect lu bevond 1h tect w v johnson suggested a poition ot the liv law should piohibit anv one- lioni outside tli township trom dumping arbagt in ihe township li ckniin said dead expen mental pus tioin t lie imvei siiv ot guelph have oceii dump ed in the township dump and weie- not covcixcl he said it wis a complete disgiace councillor mrs anne mac ar ihui said council members at tended the public mcclings and listened carefullv to what rate- pavers had to sav she complim ented the planning boaid on what thev have clone and said it was ditlicull loi latepaveis to lecogme all the woik done bv the board re on court of revision hears one appeal halton counts couit of vision i educed assessment piopertx owned bv morris van gils and mis albert van gils bv 900 during a special session fndav morning in acton the van gils appeal to the assessment lexv was the onlv one heard it was on the build mg occupied bv the rendezvous beautv salon membeis present included chairman alec neai col gor don blown john blau dew ait hemming and geoige fish r r parker writes for trade magazine coe sr home in the october issue of the magazine civic administration unusual actons der ree r r par ker has a short article publish ed who should be responsible for treating industrial wastes who should pav for it and how should we gu about setting up more effective controls the editors asked the magazine put the question to four water qualitv authorities including mr parker his section of the four re plies is titled trade associa tions could help design indus trial facilities mr parker vicepresident 6f beardmore and co at the time of his recent retirement is now a consulting engineer with reid crowther and partners ltd were right there when you need help wt ima mmhft 991 ohmfbjoftcyr a call to us gk action f reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74cmks acton out j theres something for everyone at the royal winter fair november 1119 come to this years rovil to be sure its got something for everyone fun for e ei vone youll see all the events youe never stopped enjoying and many more there are lots ol new attrac tions added excitement see some of the worlds finest livestock or the flower show see the work of sonic of the worlds most famous photographers and lake in the host of other fascinating exhibits horse show see spectacular riding and jumping daily at the roal horse shotv special sunday matinee on pfoivmber 13 tickets on sale nott at most ticket agencies evenings 400 and 300 sunday matinee 3 00 and 2 00 saturday matinees 2o0 general admission floo students 50c children 9z parking for 10000 cars in the grounds royal winter fair exhibition parkt0r0nt0 pnes went to pre school aye don andeison david tuin- ei gnls i vears and under elizabeth strukov carol buch anan bovs 12 and under eric sliokov norman sautideis ladies mis a wintei mrs d andeison men mr w buchan an mr robert halt best couple 12 years and un der elizabeth strokov and vera strokov beverlev leitch and norman saundets hest adult balhnafad fire continued horn page i smoke to the attic ilea and at lust it was thought i lames had ciept into this section ol the new home mi bishop u lived home shot liv aflei liiefighteis aniv ed and was met bv his diughlei who told him the sad storv she- sutlcicd shock but otherwise escaped iinhuil mi bishop said the house and contents- aie mveied willi insui ance ape has surprise appearance at halloween party in centre the w i sponsoied a hallow c en paitv in ballinalad com iminitv cent i e on mondav night when eveix one icallv enioved a good laugh when some ol the most thullmg costumes appeal ed and caused a good lumh hveivone lelt it was the best one evxr held in ballinalad anil to cap it all an ape appealed which ixall caused gieat ex e i lenient mrs wallace and mi martin did tile- ludging and louncl it was qinie a task with so manv line costumes the time of church service will be changed on sundav it will be at is minutes past 12 sundav school at ii oclock and will still be in the commumtv centie the regulai mweeklv euchre was held in ballinalad commun- ltx centre on tuesdav night with 10 tables plaving high scoreis were mrs cutting mis robxit mcenerv mr lionel watson mr hubeit low mrs hamilton at the fourth meeting of the 4 h club the blue bonnets made the patterns lor their hats thcrse weie traced from the book and put on brown paper following this the patterns were laid on material and cut out thex also learned how to miike a bias strip each girl making one are we ready for another gold stock boom its coming aflei neuly 30 veais expel lenee in the slock maiket business ollen ou can see an approaching cc ic coming people on om mail ing list haxe made monev lioni advance inloimation we have lust published an extiemelv inteiesting booklet ol 36 pages on gold and the dollar in youi pocket you can have a copv ol this tret and without obligation wnte todav gordon dnl corporation limited est iblishcsd 1937 suite 11m b2 richmond si welt toronto i ontario please send me vour interesting fref booklet on gold nd send me our stock rcconimendttlons from time to tinwtncludinh iron cliff mines limited nimc address a speculatice security in which we act ax principal 1 from lovell bros modern meat market red brand beef choice boneless prime rib roast tender wing steaks choice wing roast fresh lean ground chuck fresh small link sausage 99 99 89 65 49 c lb c lb c lb g lb c lb rummage sale knot heiilhei club held u most sikessiii nimiiitge mile nuluv illeiiiooii in ihe old post o i ice- iheiv wiin a long hue up oi shoppeis waiting loi llu- op tiling rotary meeting acton km ii chili liiesdav night held its icgiiliu tlinnei meeliiig it ihc- ijoiiilniou hotel uml illel dinner heaid u le pint on the allciilions and im pioveiiients at ihe scout hall freezer sides hinds fronts 59c 69c 53c cut and wrapped at no extra charge lovell bros modern meat market 77 mill e acton phone 8532240 daily delivery ladies given tips on new flooring ihc- knot i idles aid met foi their octohei meeliiig with mis a m marplicison piesid ing giving i i unci v thought loi the dav file wojsjnp service was led bv mis fiiillin sprovvl and mrs william melnlvie the new llooi coveting on the kitchen hoot was laid undei conl i ict with hi me cugill ol the lakeview discount centie mi caigll was picsent at this meeting with ivvo tepiesenla- tives liom the companv to in sped ihe oh and give lips on the cue ol i ik- i looting thev also leiuained and had lunch mis j dennis conlnbutcd a leading its tough to oc- told youie glowing old the meet ing closed with the mipah hep edit iron and a social time at he close hunters should ask owners permission lliit hunting on private pio pcmtv without asking permission is not only discourteous hut imvin ilthl ivcoji ions was point i up to i distriii lnnil ihev 1iw hiiiiissiiiii to i gioup to into lliiii hush to cut a lice tmlv in discivei scion altii that unknown luitileis had pievious 1 crone into the same hush ihe si iiiii kui was not sale and the piupiili nvvnei located the lit in ii s hut had a eel lam inioiiiii ol dilliciiliv persuid lug ihtin to leave- it has nl ten heen stressed that luiiilcis should ask peiiiiission he line liiinl nij mi pi iv he pio clt v doyouukeyoor hot wottr really hot and plenty of it for your laundry for your bath for your dishes for your children for dozens of other things about the home see it now ruberoids all new luran vinyl sheet flooring with vinyl foam inner core for warmth quietness and comfort home furnishings 127 woolwich st guelph phone 8222420 xurm if so youll like hydros new hot water service which provides you with new modern automatic elec tric water heater and all the hot water yon need for one attractive low monthly payment our staff wul be pleased to tell you all about this allinclusive hot water service acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin st n 8532410 your savings earn more at your local trust company m t 4 interest paid on savings accounts chequing privileges interest is reckoned on the minimum quarterly balance and is credited to you in june and december reasonable number of cheques may be issued fre 427 interest paid on special savings reserves non chequing interest is reckoned pn the minimum monthly balance no cheques may be is sued but you may withdraw any amount in person or by mail at any time office open mon thrt 900 4 30 fridays 900 430 halton peel trust savings company gu aran teed investments earn 6vi9fc interest 1 to 5 years 100 to 100000 53 mill street georgetown john a edgar manager 8779581 north halton advisory board john t armstrong chairman reford gardhouse maurice c eleaty michael ledwith john goy dr b d yojung local directors acton georgetown w j beany vicepresident j r barber

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