Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1966, p. 3

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agree to return to work next monday haltons nurses have agreed to return to work next monday november 7 the 21 public health nurses who resigned seven weeks ago agreed at a meeting on monday to return to work a week later on saturday a special war dens committee of five county council members met with five representatives of the nurses from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon also present was lloyd sharp direc- tor of employment relations with the registered nurses as sociation of ontario conditions of a possible return to work were discussed the nurses were unable to meet on sunday but called a meeting for monday when they agreed to reapply for their pos itions warden bert hinton has call ed a further meeting nexhmon- day evening after the first days return to work to discuss the whole program mrs flora hesson president of the hal ton nurses associa tion said the nurses have agreed to return to work in the hope that the dispute over rec ognition of their association can be settled in future negotia tions she phoned warden hin ton to inform him of the nurses decision the nurses will apply to be re employed under the usual pro cedure they have been assured they will be rcemploycd the nurses resigned sept 12 to back up demands that the county recognize their associa tion as a bargaining unit the county refused insisting that the nurses association must be certified uxider the ontario la bor relations act first coun cillors said they could not nego tiate with persons not in the employ of the county originally 22 of the countys public health nurses resigned however three weeks ago one of the nurses who had resigned left the county some of the preventative health programs in halton fell by the boards while the nurses were not at work however dr a bull the medical officer of health and a few remaining employees continued the im- munization program for child ren home and school visiting and counselling were eliminated will select furnishings for new hydro building the acton free press thursday novemb 3 1966 parks board discusses glenlea park project sanding crews out for show on wednesday motorists were just creeping along highways wednesday dur ing the seasons first snowfall which made driving hazardous the snowfall delighted the youngsters who are looking for ward to sleighing and toboggan ing but it was no pleasure for motorists who were used to dry pavement sanding crews were on the job early and had trucks mov ing along the highways spread ing sand ratepayers living on the out skirts of town but using water supplied by the town will no longer have their watermeters read by the hydro meter reader this decision was made thurs day evening of last week by hydro commissioners during the discussion it was agreed not to read water meters at any residence other than in town in tlie past about seven water meters at homes in es- quesing township on churchill road north were included the secretary was instructed to noti fy the town of this action progress at the new hydro building on alice street was re viewed and members agreed the construction firm was moving along quite favorably a com mittee of commission members was delegated to visit the sun shine plant at waterloo lo choose office and board room furniture an invitation from brampton hydro to attend a dinner meet ing november 9 at brampton to discuss the plunkelt report was accepted accounts totalling 245823 were approved for payment it was agreed lo discontinue collection of- rural hvdro ac counts at the acton olfice this followed a previous request irom ontario rural hydro to have the acton secretary sub mit accounts on a dailv basis rather than the present system of once a month rural custom ers will- be referred lo either bank for payment of accounts among the special guests attending the wardens dinner in acton legion hall on thurs day evening were two former acton wardens and a former acton school principal miss m z bennett who retired after many years of work staff photo in the acton public school is shown chatting prior to the dinner with haltons 1943 warden bud mcdonald now of toronto at left and the 1954 warden j j stewart of guelph right council approves kitchenette in centennial library basement many awards scholarships at h s commencement friday diplomas prues and awards will be presented acton district high schools distinguished stu dents at the annual commence ment exercises tomorrow even ing friday there is a record 38 items on the program for a record number of presentations victoria newton will give the valedictory address on behalf of her fellow grade 13 graduat es she is presently studying at the university of waterloo she- will receive the valedictorians medal from student council vice president susan clarke she will also accept from mrs d i engel the university wo mens club of miltons annual scholarship won for the first time by an acton girl high school board proficiency ccholarships will be presented by chester anderson to stephen coles and tom mckeown these two top students also rc- cive the micro plastics award for grade 13 physics presented by air long duke of devon shire iode scholarship pre sented by mrs h r force sr the beardmore and co award for grade 13 chemistry pres ented by w j beatty and the roval ca legion scholar- ship presented by r m stor ey tom mckeown will also re ceive rrom ibill pendleton the h k porter canada ltd award tor grade 13 algebra other top awards include the esquesing association ot women teachers award to lin da rraida given by mrs kath leen alger the dr d a garrett awards for grade 13 biology gi ven to linda braida toy teacher michael bevan the c f lea- therland qc award for grade 13 latin to vivian smith pro sen ted bv mr leathcrland force electric products ltd wards for grade 13 english to gwen lauder victoria newton and nancy rognvaldson pre sented by mrs h r force sr hal ton district womens in stitute bursary wav vvon ca rol swackhamer secondary school honor graduation diplomas will be pre sented to elizabeth jill bagbv linda jeanne theresa braida stephen howard coles ronald kenneth henry marilyn ann kirkwood gwendolyn doreen lauder james russell masales gordon thomas mckeown gary michael murr victoria new ion axel niescreri mrs joau elizabeth pratt susan mytanwv radford nancy elaine rognvaldson vivian m a r y smith carol elizabeth swack hamer dorothy roberta thomp son uiula gay white guest speaker dr m ii m mckinnon dean ot wellington college at the university of- guelph will be introduced by ross lamboum and thanked by lynn johnson president of the student countcil never late never absent cer tificates awarded by lakeside chapter uit the 10jjj2 will be presented by mrs a orr and miss j barber another chapter representative mrs m taylor will present rings to murray jamieson and edith hopkins and mrs h h hinton will give the lakeside iode scholar ship to rita mccrae scnoct board proficiency scholarships go as follows 5 yeatarts and science grade 9 nancy morris mark hurst grade 10 kathrvn sinclair cathy krul grade ii trudy morris edith hopkins grade 12 rita mccrae janice leyland 4 year arts and science grade 10 scan dwyer marie frank giade ii ed lynch lawrence gordon grade 12 sandra flet cher gerald dick 4 year business and com merce grade 9 sam bailie bel ly phillips grade 10 marilyn mclntyre susan rody special commercial jean little andy bowman they will be present ed by members of the school by members of the aelon dis trict high school board field day awards awarded by acton district high school board xvill be presented by miss e at key and mrs r mccallum to boxs senior paul murx intermediate alan mckenie junior jim lee bantam brian carrieiv girls senior kay chisholm intermediate doro thy fitid junior irene sever- inski bantam pat chisholm paul williams alexander aw ards awarded by acton ys mens club will be presented by william nclles president to grade 9 paul cooper and bob andrews grade 10 jim lee grade ii steve johnston grade 12 gerald dick teacher bill coatcs will give the adhs slarf prizes to mich ael cooper judy council and cherxi lee of grade 9 and barry buchanan and susan perrx of grade 10 other special awards include force electric products limit ed awards for grade 9 home ec onomics lo nancy morris and cherxi lee presented bv mrs ii r force sr ledgers igv scholai ship grade 10 home ec onomics to linda foster pre sented b harold manes tndcr- wood trophv axvardod to elea nor karn and presented by pat- plunketl briefs to urban board during the last urhan board meeting urgcorjictoxvn council rcprentatiev irom milton georgetown and acton agreed to submit individual briets re garding the plunkelt report for study by the board at a special urban board meeting in milton on november 30 after each council has had an opportunity to study the re port the briefs will be forward- ed to the board for considera tion rick sullivan canadian tire corporation award lor grade 10 industrial arts awarded to ed gar karn and presented by art gordon acton jersey dairy aw ard grade 9 agriculture award ed to dean moffat and present ed by e curtis amos mason rotary scholarship awarded to gail breen and presented bv et a- pratt e g tyler scholar ship awarded to merl harris and presented by e g tyler hallon district womens insti tute bursary presented to carol swackhamer by mrs john bird mclboracis commercial schol arships grade 10 allan gordon and grade 12 janice leyland will be presented by i h mcgil- livray of the staff secondary school graduation diplomas 5 year program will be awarded to wavne r bar ber gail m breen marlcne r britton kathleen m chisholm susan e clark elizabeth j cook lav erne l s denny win ifred a dunbar lawrence n a fletcher bernard w freuler douglas s garrett geoff rev gav i merl harris eleanor e heard martha j hoey margar et j a holmes gail s kier- stcad joanne e landsborough janice l leyland rita i mc crae e kathrvn mckcnzic paul d murr axel niesczen franklin r perrv dianne s snow nancy g winter k gavlc franklin r perrv dianne s withers secondary school gradual ion diplomas 4 year program goto g birns benton gary e butten- ham gerald b dick stephen m dubois murravc fait san dra e fletcher roy f gdod- ridgc roger g- lazenby phillip c maro brian sheridan secondary school graduation diplomas commercial special course will be presented to an drew h bowan william j cook janet a llolstede t eleanor karn s jean little e ann mccabe reta i murray mary lou perrv gloria j rodv donna s west these diplomas will be pre sented bv ice principal joe bra never late never absent certif icates go to neil anderson zenith armstrong robert bit- tori robert bl th gay lor anne ellis barbara frost joan gor don judv gordon john grace caiol hammond robert hart oltra hnu iu murray jamieson michael joe carol kelly garv kellev chris krakcndohk pa tricia last linda ann law son cherxi leethercsa maro mai sha mckcnie william nieolak william pendleton susan pom bcni ta pries gordon reed an- tonia rocchi nancy rognvald son gail xnii ross nigel spieer jane wong these will be pre sented by mrs a orr and miss jean barber the university womens club of milton and district represent ed by mrs d r dills will pre- sent a copy ol the canadian fed eration ot university womens clubs centennial book to the school library acton council at a tuesday meeting approved the recom mendation ol the library board lo install a kitchenette or serv ers in the downstairs cloak room ot i he new library ap proved was a- change order irom the original plans and specifications at a cost of 725 the room at the foot of the stairs on the lower level will be used as a kitchenette with the installation of a sink and electrical outlets the cloak- loom lacililies will be installed in i he area beneath the staiis leading lo the second level councillor oakes said if this facilitv will be needed at some time in the luture in the lib- rarv now is the time to put it in reeve hinton while not op posed to the provision of the fa cilities opposed the change on the basis of price onlv he thought it could be installed at a later date at less cost possib- iv toy some service club mayor duby in relaying the library boards request review ed the changes made in the orig inal plans and the change or ders were approved bv council in rexiewing the progress he said 1500 had been established in the contingency fund this was increased bv 547250 bv the deletion ot the main charge desk which will be installed as part ol the lumishings contract the 197250 contingency fund has been i educed by s2032 for additional steel reinforcing ab ove door i lames by 3220 for a better quality brick than orig- inalk specified and bv the 725 charge for the changes lo con vert the cloakroom lo the ser- vcrv the contingency fund will now have a balance ol 97718 this balance will be used lor i he construction ol live bridge across the school creek plans ol which are expected this week and cieli the extension ol sidewalk th e con- town workman john frank retires and receives gifts conipulsoi v r e i i r e m e n t caught up with john fiank fi i- ia a mcmhci ol the town work lorce since 1953 who hung up his work duds lor the last time and was honored bv an inlormal gathering ol town coumil town olfice workers and colleagues from the vxork lorce mavor los dubv on behall ol council presented mr iiank with a s100 bund and thanked him lor his invaluable seixicc to the town during the past 13 years he -wished- the rem irig- xvorkman even- happiness dm ing his retirement on behalf of the woiks com mittee ol council hvdro and town ofliee staff councihor ro bert dmikwalter presented mr frank with a 25 gitt cernlicate and ai kirknos on behall ot lellovv town workmen made the presentation ol a wallet contain ing nionev and a kex case mr frank received best wish c from exeixone present toi happiness in his retirement he thanked evcrvone for their kind ness and said he hci en foxed the fellowship and courtesv ci tended him dining his eais on the work stall follow inr the presentations everxonc enioxcd a lunch com- plete with retirement cake the sounding ol the i lie siien drew llie let irement pu tx to a quick close- is seveial ot the town workmen aie also incinbeis ol flic fire depaitmenl the mayor reported library board members would be visit ing oakville burlington kitche ner and guelph libraries this saturday to inspect shelving and equipment at the meeting the construc tion bylaw for the installation ol a new 12 xvatermain from mill and young street to chur chill road north was given the necessary three readings this bvlaw had been previously pass ed but required repassing be cause ol a change of the sec- lion numbers of the act the bvlaw lor the issuing of the de bentures lor the project xy read twice and is to be foi warded lo the omb for apprxv val bclore its third reading the debentures would be for s30000 bearing interest at 6i6 for a term ol 10 years it was decided lo advertise the deocn- lure locally mayor duby encouraged coun cillors to attend the charter night ot corda on november 15 the maxur has taken an ac tive pari in the promotion and organisation of corda and sol- isited support and encourage ment ol members by attending the charter presentation all members ol council were present lor the meeling at the conclusion ol which council ad- lourned lo committee of the whole to leview the plunkelt repoi t continued from page 1 use for park purposes and the designated area in lake view was useless as there wasnt any ent rance to it he said he would rather spend the money on paving the entrance to the ar ena mr braida was of the opin ion money could be belter spent to fill in the swamp at the north side of the arena and fix up the eyesore at that side of fairy lake mr ahernc claimed this could cost in the neighborhood of a half million dollars and thought the conservation authority might be interested in doing something there we cant sit slill and stagnate we have to move forward he declared in continuing he told members we are not appointed lo save money but to provide service and park facilities ii we dont do this we might as well go home and this is what i intend lo do he again asked the board lo consider a plan for the glenlea park area and do a little each year lets make this a cen tennial project or forget it and do nothing we have no long- range plan of development we just sit and wait for something lo happen and decide whether were going to do anything since i came on the board xve have had only one decent meet ing and that was the budget meeting the rest were a shambles he stressed mr braida asked mr ahernc il he would be willing to draw up a one mill budget and pres ent it to council for next year lo develop glenlea park and received the answer certainly from his colleague thats where we dilfer someone has lo hold the line replied mr braida why should we be the ones replied mr aherne mr williams was of the op inion that if money was going lo be spent it should be on the parking lot at the arena but noted this was a none of con tention between parks board and recreation committee mr ji aherne said the parking lot has a problem for the past 10 vears all of a sudden it be comes no i why he asked mr harding said he would likelo obtain a price on paving the parking area from ihc ent rance to the park to the arena building and was authorized to obtain prices the chairman was also authorized to contact the town clerk to see if any feasible plan for- development of glenlea parkwas possible in conclusion mr braida stated my main objective whe ther we accomplish anything or not is to hold the budget i dont think we have been sil ling on our hands this xear to which mr ahcrnes reply- was j do present for the meeling were chairman george williams gor don harding nino braida and brendan aherne absent were cliff bradley and secretary arl cooper as well as council rep resentatives eurl masales and william williams halton liberals set founding meet the founding meeting l llic halton east federal and provin cial liberal association will be held on friday november 4 at 800 pm at the hornby tower golf course all members the halton county liberal association who live in the area boideied by the county line on the east bv the town line ol oakville on ihe west bv lake ontario on the south and bv 2 sideruad on llic north and that part of the countv ol wellington contained nn the township ol erin arc urged to attend the agenda will include the adoption ol the constitution election of oflicers and a report irom dr harry c harley fed eral mp h s holden optometrist 36 cork st east guelph phone ta 27150 heating modern plumbing phone 8569501 warm air and hot water pumps and water system rockwood frank carney and sons ltd girl guides brownies begin rock wood the aiea w ill be happy gu is ol this to know the gill guides and broxvnics arc now a reality in rockvxood there- are l biownies now registeied under the leadership ol mis harxev laxeitv they meet on mondav at 4 30 in rock- wood town hall at 630 the iuidcs have heir meeting with mrs ken duncan leading this group ol 21 interested girls this is ilso on mondav at the hall a sincere vote ot thanks to ihe leaders who have made this worthwhile ellort possible lakeside iode sees films on safaris all long showed lilms ol both his salaiis lo members of lakeside chapter ot the jode l uesdav ev cningalincirimcel- ing in the legion hall regent mis c nclles miss lima braida and mrs h h hinton installed a new member miss donna riscborough plans were made for the rc- mcmhiancc service commence ment presentations and ihe baz aar later this month centen nial spns will he on sale at the baaar ised bvs ue ixing sought lojie included in ihe iode chiisimas hampeis depot taxi are preparing to offer you prompt courteous transportation service so o n watch for date please note no phone calls taken before 7 am and after 1 1 jo pm 85 32600 len adams proprietor p r o c la m at i o n poppy day whereas several men of this town gave their lives in defence of canada and the democratic world and whe9eas the memory of their service and sacrifice is a source of inspiration to all citizens as our nation faces new difficulties and dangers and whereas their memory is kept ever bright by the annual wearing of memorial poppies in their honor ancl the honor of all other canadians who died in war service- v now therefore i l a duby mayor of the town of acton do hereby proclaim saturday novem ber 5 to be poppy dav in the town of acton and do urge that all citizens observe the day by wearing the memorial poprjy of the canadian legion l a duby mayor s uhmvmummhwmmhummmhhh mtv

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