Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1966, p. 5

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ies at banquet in jatvis rockwood the mothers of the players in rockwood senior nd juvenile ball teams are sup plying a banquet for the boys their wives and girl friends in rockwood town hall bn nov- i n ifc isochuren tvam vmage on halloween we extend sympathy to mrs james findlay and sons in the passing of mr findlay in hospi tal in hamilton on sunday mrs w j crichton attended the convention of the ontario hospital auxiliaries association in the royal york hotel toron to last week mesdames berwick and tho mas of toronto visited their brother mr william cohoon and mrs cohoon last week mr and mrs wilfred green- ices of campbellville visited the bontons on sunday mrs a bird of toronto visit ed her mother mrs hume and the cam sinclairsrarly this week at least 150 of the young fry visited in the village on hallow een some of the costumes cov ered up their identity very well too we are pleased rhat mr kirk- pa trick is wehienpujsh to be home from hospital hut is con fined to the house we regret that mr alfred hachey is confined to hospital with complications from a heavy cold also mr m donaghy is it home with a similar condi tion wo wish both a speedy re covery an enjoyable evening was spent at a dance in the hall on friday the karnpichl orchestra providing music recent visitors with the a c pattersons included mrs car lisle of guclph last wednesday and on sunday mr and mrs fred plumber of palmeton and grandson jimmie hutchin son of weston ember 3 supper will start sharp at 630 pm a dance will follow at 9 pm and this is open to friends and supporters of the team there are many who will wish to join those who supplied so much good ball during the sum mer a banquet will alto be held in jurvis on november 2 and many players from both teams plan to attend this is the occasion when the official trophies are handed to the teams who came out victorious in the ontario rural softball association the rockwood firemen took the intermediate b division title while the juveniles will come home proud holders of their a division trophy the juveniles also hold the eramosapuslinch trophy thanks to the boys cor so much good ball everyone is looking forward to next sum mer already library furniture discussed at meeting library board members met and discussed furnishings fa the new library monday even ing until midnight they went over six sets of specifications for furnishings and more are ex pected on saturday some of the mem bers will go to oakvilte bur lington kitchener and guclph libraries to look over the fur nishings shelving etc there present at the meeting in the council chamber were george lee doug copeland fred new tod pratt and les dnbv baptized baptized sunday at the unit ed church by the rev d i en- gel were sharon lynn daugh ter of mr and mrs donald ar chibald elizabeth daughter of mr and mrs joseph balogh kevin wade son of mr and rs gordon chaw and edwin harold son of mr and mrs r m nessett 9 burning gun powder at maple rock they had flown in from some 40 air miles away the airplane which had flown mem in would ttof bfc nick to check on them until the hunt was half over the depart mem- employees ar ranged to have the camp bring their guns into the hunters obituary mrs c mckeown buriedjat fairview funeral service was held mon day october 31 for mrs- charles mckeown the former rebena alice townsend who died at the joseph brant memorial hos pital burlington october 29 she was 85 years of age before her husbands death the couple lived on ihe second line north of acton for 57 years by art hawes top scores at maple rock shooting range this week in clude paul waddell 21 gerry la- marche 21 art hawes 19 jim coulson 18 and dave johnson 18 dee vuleriot who shoots reg ularly at maple rock but tioes not compete on the sqtpads had a good week he got 25 straight followed by 24 and 22 visitors this week included art wood jack mills and jim schnurr it has been brought to our at tention that the hunters in hal- ton county are in a difficult pos sition there is an abundance of deer but the county council refuses to allow an open season and on the other hand we are paying for pheasant stocking through the township licenses but there have been no pheasants stocked p to her death she resided in halton for two years in milton mrs mckeown was why must we continue to pay a member of acton united for township licenses when no church and for some years was benefits are derived from the a member oforeenockrwomens expenditure involved in addi- institute her main interests were her home and community activities she leaves to mourn her loss two children roy of burling ton and arthur of richmond hill she will be sadly missed by three sisters margaret sarah and emma all of terra cotta six grandchildren and one great grandchild she was pre-deceas- ed by a brother edward towns- end funeral service was conducted by rev j staples of palermo m the rumleyshoemaker fun eral home with interment in fairview cemetwy pallbearers were nephews gordon stringer william hunter and mrlfred lo- vell and grandsons dale mc keown and robert mckeown tion we are supporting the on tario department of lands and forests while county council seems to have complete control of local wildlife despite the fact it isnot itrained or equipped to handle our wildlife what a iad state of affairs a couple of department of lands and forests workers carne across a rather humorous situation the day- before moose season they were patrolingi by aircraft looking for anyone who might decide to rush the season a bit on the shore of one lake they noticed some hunters apparent ly trying to cover something np upon handing they found a very wellequipped camp the hunt ers had everything a tent complete with awnings reclin ing chairs table beds even can ned lobster the hunters were an elderly couple from wisconsin they had been flown in with their guide and equipment they had not allowed the guide to bring a gun because they were going to bag their own moose the guide was to paddle the canoe clean and dress the game and look after camp chores they were on a first class hunt for which they were paying a large sum and it was to be conducted in the manner they wanted freeh moose track were all around their camp upon inquiring about what the hunter had been trying to hide it was learned they were merely trying to attract the attention of the men in the plane it seems the hunters had for gotten something their guns which were safety locked in the trunk of their car at the camp rockwood bowlers place in league rockwood dick dupuis took mens high scores in both triple and his single for 868 and 339 totals in rockwood and district bowling league gail bacon with 579 had high triple for the ladies and 269 gave gerry hilton womens high single score there were 70 scores for roc kets over humes texaco mun- sters took bombers and wps downed carneys plumbing and heating the remainder had 52 scores with kens novelties over tri hards kay mobile feeds conquered the big six and the rebels had nichols pals num ber these score changed a few standings with the munsters on top at 35 points nlchols pals are second at 33 and tri hards third with 29 points following close are humes texaco with their 2 points and the wps are fiftti at 24 tin aelon trre ptwi thursday novnmbor p 19o6 jr boys basketball iboys basketball has begun at the high school practices are underway as u new season looms closer twentyfour can didates were out to the initial practice called by pat sullivan coach of the juniors this team- will be decreased in numbers to 12 or 15 players before the reg ular season games start in jan uary chances of a successful sea- son are good the addition of the milton school for the deal to our league makes it a five- team league with erin elora and arthur also playing our redmen these teams will com pete starting in january to de cide a capable representative to meet other district champions at the cwossa b champion ships in guclph early in 1967 we have six returnees at prac tice along with some other fine looking players new to our school the calibre of players coming out of elementary school and through the ymca has improved tremendously ov er the last four years we should be able to seiect a team that will give all the rest of the league a real game exhibition games have been arranged with bishop macdon- nell high school in guelph and we hope to arrange others with fergus gvtin guelph th wmca court jesters as well as milton ihigh school with the return of some ex perienced players such as neil anderson jim lee bill lands- borough lloyd smallwood ken owen dugald dick and the ad dition of the experienced jim piehle from sudbury we should have a winning team with a good nucleus for next war as well some 14yearolds who will learn a lot this year in order to form a nucleus for next years team are bob main steve gar rett joe petric and peter mar- zo strong fan support will help the boys a lot to play better baskefbah this coming season as well rockets at 23 and the big six with 22 are making it a close race there are three tied at 21 points each the bombers the rebels and kay mobile feeds carhevs plumbing and heating with 19 apd kens novelties at 18 points bring up the rear- women with over 525 scores are gail bacon 579 shirlev sal mon 575 irene lavoie 558 and doris jestin 556 men over 00 dick dupuis 868 fred nightingale 705 dave bacon 675 bob vincent 666 dune mcphedran 630 jim kav 645 fred nightingale jr 636 harvey bayne 633 and blake hind 609 en for fun and malicious damage here stuff photn bossy didnt give a moo about its weight and wouldnt give out jany secrets to iga store patron mrs fred ken tner sr the ninemonthold hglsteln calf tipped the scales at 450 pounds five ounces and the winner of the front quarter of beef in the store draw was n g patterson kenneth ave erin the calf was tethered in a pen at the side of the store during the weekend store hours for patrons to register their guess on its weight power failure affects nlkra a two and a quarter hour power failure in acton tuesday affected only the micro plastics plant and production was com pletely stopped during this time machine operations were at a standstill during ihe power fai lure from 845 am until 11 am and by noon only a small per centage of the equipment was operating again the rest of the machinery was not operating until the middle of the after noon resulting in thousands of dollars of production time and material lost hydro superintendent doug mason informed the free press tuesday the power failure had been the result of n faulty air breaker switch at no 1 substa tion which controls the 27600 high voltage service coming in to town the switch was one of three being thrown to break the par allel of power between the guelph station and pleasant sta tion in toronto due to reipairs of faulty mechanism at the guelph station it was necessary to switch incoming power feed ing the micro plant from guelph lo toronto a switch broke falling on the lines and causing a short cir cuit hydro crews with three trucks worked to isolate the air break switch at no i substa tion so power could be returned to micro by 11 am they returned later in the af ternoon to make repairs and werent finished till 730 pm by the time they were done the work was being spotlighted from below ontario hydro workmen and local workmen made the neces sary repairs ghosts and goblins mingling with pintles clowns and what- imveyou roumed the siixeis with bulging bags of candy and apples monday night many were seeking pennies for uni cef and everyone welcomed handouts of goodies it wils halloween und its all over for another year some damage hus been reported but police received only one call from a resident on poplar ave after a stone was thrown ihrgugh a front door window a stop sign at the corner of mill und main streets was lop- pled some fences had pickets torn off eggs were thrown at cars and store fronts soap de- signs were scribbled over store windowvand a few firecrackers let off police seized a lew eggs iind fire crackers from oho of fender at beardmore and company plant about 100 feel of cement flagstone wall was ripped out and strewn on the ground on u walkwray just outside the main yules security officers left the plant at 6 pm and a night patrol came on duty at 8 pm the damage was done between these hours the walkway runs from hlgin street to frederick street and had been beautifully landscaped fire chief mick holmes and two firefighters made a quiet run lo ihe bush near bert dodds home at the corner of no 25 sideroad and the exten sion of mill st w to douse a smouldering fire which was the result of burning brush the siren didnt sound and il only look a small amount of water irom the booster lank lo exting uish the lire a passing motor ist noticed the burning embers and notified the fire chief excited kiddies dressed in halloween costume began mak ing their rounds unusually early and some homes had visitors shortly after 5 pm youngsters lugging large plastic bags bas kets or boxes rapped on doors for treats even a short chilly ruin- didnt deter ihe revelers from making heir rounds orange unicef boxes were toted door to door by generous school pupils seeking pennies for needy children in other count fie dux w off at bill toths service sta tion jack mccallums service station the ymca or frank toths service station as the kiddies made their way home some were taken to school next day lo be turned in for counting a total is not known at present asi some boxes havent been tal lied ye ys men made the arrange- ineivls for the unicff depots stuffed by club members bunk employees and volunteers mayor of toronto phillip liv ens may be able to boast ot a city hall sculpture valued around 1150000 but for one night acton ha dils own sculp ture placed on halloween night iii the steps of ihe former post office the bottom portion of a bath room i ixture marked in red paint the archer was a mock ing takeoff of the toronto edl- j ice and was closely guarded by three young boys disguised in halloween masks they were guarding fhc monument for an adult who had thought up the idea and taken il there in his car an accompanying sign urg ed flush uwuv poverty give lo unicef one citizen passing i he build ing monday night and topping for a look at the sculpture remarked mayor givens fought for a long time for his expensive sculpture and here acton has been handed one lor nothing special patrols were present il all three schools in case obituary unicef slight prutikkiers decided jo do some jiiiiiage 1 1 was quiet at all throe places other buildings were also carefully watched auxiliary puliceuiuii leo uei- uier was on dulyl police patrolltag the district reported a very quiet night a low mailboxes wen knocked over but in general il was a nlgbl for the little spooks and their brand of fun cars cruised the streets ditr- ing ihe funfilled evening some of ihem sending carefree child- ren scattering hullo ween gel more- expen sive every year mused one mo ther lighted jackolanterns and lighted homes showed a wel- come lo youngsters and- house holders were very generous with candy and money the callers were gay and most hail a jriendlv ihank von as they lei i ah for ihe wandering troops ot older boys they gathered and made noise but didnt do much beyond loss a few eggs and i i roc lackers lo see what tvac- lionlhoy got from girls this week is a good one for applesauce stomach aches and dentists 56 register for lessons to date 56 youngsters hove registered for figure skating lessons and ihe executive think this figure will double before long instructors for till seaaon are mrs glen skuce and silly wilson the two will ullernute each week with different age ymups toi- ihe first lime this heuson experienced skaters will take ligtires and this saturday reg ular sessions will begin any one not presently registered iiuiy do so this saturday at ihe irenu wellknown sportsman bill holloway dies one of actons most outstand ing goalkeepers during the win- tor seasons of l233 and prom inent first baseman with the in termediate ball loam during the summer months william arthur holloway died suddenly al his home monday october 31 known to many spoils fans as bill he was an outstanding goallender with ac ion hockey club and starred as a first base man with the intermediate bull club he coached both hockey and baseball teams during the 194546 season coaching aurora to the omha championship he was always interested in helping youngsters he was born in london eng land and came lo canada with his parents the late edwin hol loway and agnes sail as a young boy he married ihe novices edged t plunkett 77 v bmnelea ospringe damage extensive in twocar crash cars driven by austin fines of erin and ross elliot of camp bellville collided at the corner of highway 24 and 25 in the vil lage on saturday evening no one was injured but consider able damage was done to both cars mr h fuller returned to the home of his son stan and fam ily following a three vveek visit with relatives in the oakville area several from the village at tended the triple presentation at the local school on friday eve ning for mr and mrs edgar gray mr and mrs earl jessop and mrs robert rowan and two sons all of the mimosa area who are leaving the neighbor hood mr and mrs j hanna and children hamilton spent satur day with the latters parents mr and mrs walter craik services at the local presby terian church were cancelled on saturday due tor anniversary services at burns church erin miss emma baldic who has been a patient at guelph hos pital for several weeks is now at the mcpherson nursing home in hillsburg mr arid mrs charlie robert son of guelph visited friends in the village on saturday night mr and mrs reg carter stratford and mrs c heimler guelph visited on saturday eve ning with d g and mrs robert son halloween passed off quietly in the village the young fry had an enjoyable evening as they visited each home for the usual treats continued from page i there were more they would form an association and want lo negotiate without first being certified he said there were other jokes about the wardens recent trip overseas which dr martin term ed fringe benefits lo the coun cillors socalled meagre allow ances the annual report of the halton coutfty unemployed reeves protective association which was formed in 1959 to help reeves who lost election races and about warden hin- tons uncanny knack of having all he pertinent information on any given subject tucked away in hisbriefcase bui the warden butt of most of the jokes accepted them in the manner in which they were ofered he laughed heartily at every comment bramalea novices scored in the last 1 1 seconds to shade ac ton 54 in a tricounty hockey contest at chinguacousy arena bramalea saturday the bramalea team a new en try in the league jumped into a 20 lead in the first five min utes ol play but acton owned a 42 lead at the end of the second the locals faded in the final stanza bramalea tied it up and then polled the winning goal in lhe last few seconds tim mclntyre rapped in a pair of acton markers billy mcgil- lonvay and russ van fleet scor ed one each kent kentner and ken wjthers each picked up an assisl former miriam clifford in 1933 at si alhans church acton and lived here lor many years hcloro working in other centres im a while lie worked al hislraile a a shoe luster al sismans shoes at aurora colonial shoe in toronto and llewilson shoes at brampton hcloro starting with micro plastics in acton whore he worked mini the lime ot his death ho attended public and high school in aclon as well as his wife he loaves to mourn his loss two sons raymond rav of guelph and ronald ron ot aclon lie was predeceased hy another son kenneth he will he sadly miss ed by brother george and sister doris mrs norman morion both ol acton another brother frank predeceased him funeral service was held to day thursday at st albans church conducted by rev rit chie mdmurray the interment was in fairview cemetery pallbearers wore friends rud olph spielvogel allan kirknoss lome walters arlie while herb cook and jack greer students adopt asian child a young boy from the philip pines will be adopted by hie students of aclon high school they will raise ihe money lor his assistance through dona tions and proceeds of special events several agencies were investi gated and the student council decided on the foster parents plan theres no trick to buying a used car if you go see lou he makes it a treat to do business no down payment if credit approved lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 peter swim starred in gal for aclon coach ibarry inscoc was plea sed with ihe acton teams per formance despite the loss its fall dry cleaning time time to look through clomts and dry clean summer wearables for storage and winter garments for another season of good wear pjxry t custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by 5 pja cash and carry main st n phone tssllm halton cooperative medical care plan pays all sargfcsd operations doctors calls paid from first visit confinements a anaesthetists service xrays also major medical yearly plan drugs haltoncoop medical services 143 main street box 474 milton dial 8789712 please send me information no obligation name address individual or employee group may enrol at any tune of the year revised rates monthly 573 single monthly j11j0 couple monthly 1325 family payable quarterly or yesuiy quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesal fuel fuel oils stove oils oh burner finance plan 10 years fo pay small carrying chaiyes dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 1592370 acton after hours c532174 bill debgan is another reason why most people listen to gatiotks

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