Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1966, p. 8

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tf the acton free press thursday jsjovember 3 46 bischmcphedran wedding at high noon in kitchener five contestants new telephone books were mailed out this past week canvassers for the c n i b are making their annual rounds acton w i held a successful sale in simpsonssears on fu- day some from acton are work ing at mohawk race rack again i this meet acton winners at district fairs have begun to receive their prize money chamber of commerce meeting last night wednesday report next week friends were sorrv to learn of the death of robert little tea cher richaid coes father librarian speaks to iode chapter iduke of devonshire chap ter i o d e held their regular meeting at the home of mrs jack mcgeachic tuesday with regent mrs force in charge reports were given of the work df the order by the conveners miss clarlc read the decision by the national chapter to have the echoes magazine increased in price fiom to 150 per year it was noted that for the first 1me there are two top stud ents from grade 13 to receive the awards tor high standing the wipners were announced lor the essav contest sponsored bv the oider first prize going to a woman from norwood ont mrs john j carragata her sto- n was entitled the pied piper of ogwood park miss esther taylor spoke to the chapter on the history of acton public library and noted that the lirst librarian in aclon miss etta laird now mrs r m maddonald is a member of the chapter and was present at the meeting imanv points wcic discussed of great interest to the group miss taor said that the change in reading material has altered greatlv over the years cstecial- lv that of children and tpenage students vicitors from out of town are among those admiring the new library our centennial pio- jeet certainly is one to be proud of in a plebiscite in milton tuesday sunday movies weic appioed 470 to 251 there were 22 percent of the otcrs taking pait the children are genuinely pioud of the amount thev col leqtcd for unicfjf they learn ed in school exactly to what use the money will be put changes in next yeai fair pne list will have a special centennial slant the ladies are wo king on the changes tn do mestic classes now gordon darbv ol r r 5 rockwood his been elected a director ol the ontario maple syrup producers association it rs a newlyformed group some of i the busiest and most overorganized weeks of the vear come between now and christmas sometimes its an effort to keep your cool a cbc television piogram sunday nov 6 at 9 pm will review the eye bank program of the c n i b and show a cor neal transplant operation gun safety the sooner people realize that gun safety starts in the home the bettei because more accidents and latalities with tireums occui in dwellings than in maish or bushutnd a loaded gun should ncvci be earned into anv dwelling camp oi home alwavs store guns and ammunition sepaiatclv under lock and kev eerv lesponsible nicmbci of the famih should know how to check a gun to be suit it is not loaded taking foi granted that a gun is not loaded without checking is the chief cause ol these un necessary firearm tragedies in the home the ontauo safety league claims that home train mg in good gun handling will not onlv reduce such accidents but will make loi safci and bet ter hunteis in the lutuie mrs malcolm moffatt wins contest on prominent women the nassugawcvi womens institute met at the home of mis malcolm motlatt on wed nesda evening oct 19 mis da id de blauw ice president vis in chaige ol the meeting and the loll call was answeied b naming a histoneal place which had been isited some matters ol business were dealt with among them being the question of a tuike dinner and euebie foi the november meet ing as had been the custom the members voted ves on the question and the committee in chaige later set the date as sat nov 19 at dad s restaurant at 7 p m the theme of the meeting was citizenship and lduealmn and the convener mis a noiush gave an interesting and instiue tic papei tin women in the la boi held some prominent wo men mentioned vvele judv la maish ellen raiielough and in eat lie i veais agnes mephul a inch dlseussion followed piompted bv sonic limclv cucs lions posed bv the speaker to close the piogiam a con test was presented in which the members had to call to mind women who were or had been in piomineiil positions the pne was eaptured bv mis mollatt vvho had tin longest list the hostess and helpeis sen ed refieshments ancl a social time was cnioved bv all slimn trim class has 30 registered to date 10 ladies have regis te ied ki the slim and ti im classes oeing held at the yv1 c tuesdav afternoons and thutsdav evenings the classes wele quite successful last vcai and b popular demand ai e being lepeated again this vcai mis art coopei who has been asfsttrig fetwation dircc loi howard pearce dining these sessions will take a special course at the guelph y and pon completion will be in chaige ol the local slim and turn classes evening of sacred music acton saptiat church sunday november 6 at 7 pm choirs duets soloists male quartette portraying the life of christ in music other local churches participating everyone most welcome volunteers counting up the unicef returns found many nickels dimes and quarters among the pennies what a couple of weeks lor giving actomans gave blood donations willed their eyes al ter death and shelled out with pennies and candy for hallow een it would be interesting to know how many were donors in all three cases it was on the whole a very sensible and rather quiet hal loween when older people re call some of the pranks of form er years we realise what a chan ge there has been we heard this week or several cases ol permanent injury from past halloweens imemhees of acton s two 4h agricultural clubs closed their 1966 activities by attending the halton county 4h awards night in milton oct 2 acton agricultural society has again sponsored 4h activity m this area under the leadeiship of irussell murray and nino brai da and the results at awards night indicate another highly successful year the story is on page seven v cbituary city pharmacist apprenticed here neil lamont mcmillan phm b a toronto phai macist who apprenticed with a t biown in acton many vears ago pass ed away at queen elizabeth hospital toronto on oct 21 he had his own business fiom 1913 to 1963 when he reined due to ill health he was 81 vears of age mr mcmillan was boin mav 31 1885 in nassagaweya town ship son of mary and neil mc millan he was mamed in 1916 in toronto he is survived bv his wile elsie e mcmillan at their home 521 the kingsway islington and a daughtei jessie it home he was predeceased by a brothel w j mcmillan ot st catharines mr mcmillan attended high school in guelph and giadu- ated from the ontario college of pharmacy in 1907 funeial service was al the mcdougall and brown chapel oct 25 conducted bv the rev donald scoates of veidun que bee and interment was in the mount pleasant ccmeteiv in a double ring ceremony jane floience mcphedran a nurse in kitchener and lance john bisch science graduate who is employed with a kitchen etc firm were mamed jn st aloysius roman catholic church kitchener rev john nevvstead of guelph performed the ceremony on sept 24 at high noon baskets of white mums and coral carnations decorated ihc chuich the bride is the daughter ol mi and mrs william mcphed i an ol rr 1 acton she giad uated from st josephs school ol nursing guelph and is em ployed by kitchener wateiloo hospital kitchener the groom is the son of mrs clayton knan and the late mr john bisch webei st kitchener he grad trailed lrom the omvcrsitv of waterloo in science and is em plovcd by uniroval rubber com panv kitchenei the young couple are making their home at 521 park ave kitchener foi tlw man inge ceiemonv miss rosemary iflafngan of kit chener sang mother all beaut i fill pams angehcus ave maria and on this day the bride chose a wedding gown of white satin brocade in empire stvle with long lily point sleeves and a detachable train lastcned at the shoulders a crown headpiece of pearls held her waist length veil of tulle she wore the grooms gift a white gold wrist watch and also an heirloom earring of her great- great grandmother her cascade bouquet was fashioned of white loses and white baby mums the maid of honor was miss jeanctte gutcher a close iriend of the bnde from walkerton bndcsmaids weie mrs rose mary sobieraj sister of the groom from kitchener miss jacqueline davvc cousin of the bride from toronto and miss carol leslie cousin of the bnde horn hornbv their shrimp colored gowns vvcie in the same matctial and style as the budes and they woie matching accessones and carnations in then hail their bouquets weie ol white and shrimppink carnations the bnde was given in mar nage bv her father gioomsman was james mai t7 ol kitchenei and the ushers weie stan sab icrai dave daub ancl sims mc phedran reception was held a i edge wood collage rumplchaidt wherv djnnei was followed by dancing the mothei of the bnde icci ti ed the guesls wealing a blown and beige satin biocadc aeket diess with matching hat brown aecessoi les and a coi sage of vcl your local trust company interest paid on guaranteed investment certificates a mounts 100 to 100000 term 1 to 5 years offices open aaon thurs 9 00 4 30 fridays til 8 30 enquiries invited h alton peel trust savings company for new residents you obtain maximum interest advantage by transferring your savings account on or immediately after oct 31 4 savings accounts 4 s3 mill street georgetown john a edgar manager 877958 1 north halton advisory board john t armstrong chairman reford gardhouse maurice c bcaty michael lcdwilh john goy dr b d young localblrecto w j beally low rosebuds the mothei of the groom chose a powder blue nlatelasse ciepe ensemble with small blue tulle hat black acces- sones and a coisage of pmk rosebuds vases of carnations anil while candles decoiated the loom loi the icception the couple let t on a moloi ti ip through the new lngland states and cape cod and the brides going away ensemble was a camel and cicam wool suit with brown felt hat and brown accessories with a coi sage ol vellow lose- sister of the groom mis stan sabieraj held a miscellaneous showei al liei home in kitchen ci god mothei ol the gioom mi s antanuu held a nnseel laneous shoviei at her home in kitchener maid ol honoi miss jeanclle gulchei held a suipnse linen shower at the bi ide s apartment neighbors and lnencls held a presentation at the bride s par ents home giving her a beautiful budge set rosemary booth queen of furrow halloween dance prizes for costumes the annual legion halloween dance brought out a guv anav ol costumed dancers among the good crowd that attended best dressed couple prize went lo mr and mrs david hunter a couple ol clowns mis c shultis as a witch and mis bob angell as a scarecrow also won prizes all steaks legionnaire bill spielvogel was chairman lor the special dqnee and the hall was decorat ed for halloween a winning smile a well le seal died speech and certain plowing ability combined on batuulay to make 17 vcai old rosemaiv boolh halton conn iv s queen ol the tunow lor 1967 rosemai y one ol live coittcs lants loi the coveted jrown was selected as winner on the basis ol hei peisonal appeal aneei hei speech on plowing in halton county and hei plowing abililv mis linda rovce ol r r 1 hotnbv was runnti up and chabeth inoii mgton dons picket ancl betty lebaehe fin ished in a tin ee way lie lor thud place l l skuce comic i mspeetoi ol public schools loi halton and cuiientlv manage ol the milton blanch ol halton and peel trust and savings judged the contestants on their speech jes and peisonal appeal ance 01 lieial plowing match iiidfis bob and win tunnels ol yoik counlv indged t lie girls on then plowing abiliti win timheis made the ollicial announcement ol the winnei s mis diane may who icpie sentcd malton at the intel nu liunal plowing mueh in oclo- bei crowned the new winhoi mis mav who was luiineiup lo mis ria wilson lot the 1966 contest lepiesented ihe county al ihe iiilciiialioiial when mis wilson was unable to attend mrs spencer wilson who an nualli oigaiucs the queen ol ihe fin row competition and hei assistant mis jim reid the inst halton qiilcii ol the tin row piesenled the contest ants wilh valuable pnes c ed bv businesses and stoics thiotighoul the count phi win ncr icccriecl the peoples ctcclit jcwcllci s oakville trophy rosemary a diiightepiof mr and mis william ikiothuill icpuseiit haiti n at the 1967 in teuiationil plow ag match if a ouceii of the tin row competi tion is held she is a grade ii student at white oaks scccind- aiv school in oakville pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 6217580 p elyonyodrfritndiy pharmacist caroline flower garden shop complete line of nursery stock gardening needs sprays insecticides fertilizers fresh cut flowers always available flowers wired anywhere phone 853 2980 anytime open 7 days a week 8 00 a m til dork visit us today i 2 miles west of acton south side of highway hand in hand with the medical profession your pharmacist works hand in hand with your doctor to protect your health when we fill a prescription you know its to doctors ordersl acton pharmacy bill yundt manager 2 main st n 8531620 free pickup and delivery of prescriptions complete veterinary line pagffvs t s rjtskh p lnritmijmk j prices effective nov 2 3 4 and 5 we reserve the right to limit quantities vitf wsr fjy i n fej y j7 fresh young ontario pork sale lean fresh well trimmed pork pork pork shoulder butt butt roast roast chops rx tablerite skinless pure pork lib ctn sausage save 7c cordon bleu 3oz tins meat o aqr spreads j r sugar plain cinnamon reg pkgs 1 ga 1 o aqr donuts jl r 7c save 7c gold sai fancy vi size tin cohoe 49c sivc 13c q t i tropicil 15oz tins fruit 7 j aq salad t save i6e alyinci choice 15 tins peas i aq carrots 3 r h7c save he 15z 11ns heinz aq spaghetti i sivc 20i scot lies pkgs of 400 facial 9 j aq tissues l r 4yc salmon royal cold butter with the purchase of 2 westinghouse bulbs at reg price 1 golden ripe chiquita bananas can fancy grade red ix lie ion size 88s apples 49c sll j last weeks peugeot winners mrs p belchamber mr w bonk mr w vale mr a macdonald cedar springs 62 shannon st 1165 gerrard st east 427 forest ave n g patterson kenneth ave erin ont was the winner of the iga foods free draw for front quarter of beef his winning guess was 450 pounds 5 ounces w

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