Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1966, p. 1

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jxt in sttt ptt ninetysecond yearno 19 acton ontario thursday november 10 1966 alllhoruid 11a second clusx mull hv che pout office wipurtmtmt oituwn ten pages ten cents school bank holiday friday willi remem dv rail- ing on friday novembei ii school children and bothf the bank of montreal and bjmk of nova scotia employees will ob serve the occasion with a holi day for the first time in years banks will be closed november 11 but will conduct the usual business hours thursday until s pjnjtnd reopen again at 4 pjn until pm the same day to com for the friday clos ing normal procedure for school pupils is to observe remem brance day on the right date and therefore schools will be closed friday the tannery whistle will sound at ii am on the 11th and remind citizens to pause briefly in re for the past several years the town service has been on the preceding sun day accidents this week a fourcar crash on actons mill street wednesday of last week resulted in a total estimat ed damage of 1355 reported to have resulted after the link age to the carburetor of one car broke all four cars were proceeding west on mill in the vjoinily of the station hotel a car driven by steve tochci of acton was in the lead and the drivei told police he had slowed to make a turn the sec ond car drivcn jpelehomcr also of ac tont slowed as well as did title third vehicle driven bv ray mason of town the fourth car involved was driven by charlie auger acton who re ported after stopping at the cn4j tracks ifor a tram he pro ceeded west on mill in second gear when the linkage broke throwing the the throttle wide open his car crashed into the mason vehicle causing the chain reaction constable bruce kressler in vestigated the accident prior to this constable kres sler investigated a twocar crash at reliable taxi when a cab driven bv don grein was back ing out of the driveway and was in collision with a car pro ceeding souflh on main driven bv edmond hihicr of acton to tal damage was estimated around 500 on november 3 acton police investigated- m accident near canadian tire when a parked car owned bv fred moonev rockwood and a second vehicle driven toy ken brown r r 2 acton were in collision total damage was estimated around 225 on mondav constable mervin harness or the acton o p p de tachment investigated an acci dent at the intersection of mill and willow streets when cars driven b barn inscoc and bill shepherd acton were involved police repoit the inscoe car had stopped at the cross walk for pcdesiu ians when thc shepherd vehicle travelling in the same direction collided with it total damage was estimated around 100 grade 13 graduates received diplomas during commencement exercises at the high school friday night front row left to right are dorothy thomson susan radford tom mckeown steven coles linda braida and marilyn kirkwood second row left to 18 graduates 1 stuff photo right are mrs joan pratt elizabeth bagby victoria newton gwen lauder carol swackhamer vivian smith nancy rognvaldson and gay white third row left to right are russell aaasales ron henry gary murr and axol niesczeri new record 350 attend high school commencement the best graduating record that acton high school hus had to date was proclaimed when 3s0 attended the annual com mencement exercises in the high school fndav evening there were 13 grade 13 graduates all of them present to receive their honor graduation diplomas horn principal ted hansen theie was a steady parade of students and donors across the decorated platform ot the school auditorium for the lengthv pro gram which was followed b serving of refreshments and a dance two students whp made regu lar appearances to consider able applause were the two top giiduates it had been impos sible to name a top st udent from the final ear and tom mokeown and steven coles sha red the honors for various aw aids both are at the univer- sitv of guelph allthe awards and prc-sen- lations weie listed in the free press last week bouquets of lowers in the school colors red and white brightened the platform principal ted hansen introduc ed the first hall ot the program and school board chairman tom watson the second hall the previous year had been a most successful one pnncipal hansen said with the schools position consolidated and no in- crease in enrolment failuie is replaced bv accomplishment due to the rcoiganizcd plan lor ontario average and below av enge students have now been able to leplace a iccling of lai- lure with a sense of accomplish ment there wcie several minoi changes in the progium irom that published last week and a couple ol new hems on the program driving instructor clarence rognvaldson picscntcd ecrtilica les to fou i students jill bag b eleanor karn dorothy thompson and susan radlord earning these involves written work as well as passing the dri vel s test when the nevej late never absent tei lificates were pies- ented it was pointed out that live weie earning them lor the second time lour lor the third time theresa mai7o chris kra- nendonk gordon reed and jane wong and one for the fifth arena staff completed renovations underway acton aiena is well stalled this season and lecrealion di rector how aid pcaicv has a steadv winlci piogiain opcial mg there recent i uiovilions at ilk aicna included ciiluging the pc naltv box to include a section foi pi ess nienibcis a people heater ovei the penaltv not and a tvvowav pa svslein liom ol ficc to penally bo the back wall between the equipment loom and aicna au ditoruim is being insulated and two heaters lo null snow sciap cd fioni the lee suilacc vsill be installed the downstairs meeting room will be- divided into loin areas to pi ovule accommodation foi st john ambulance bi igade ie leiees association liguic skat ing club and legion nunoi spoils gioup assisting anna manager hcib ritchie with choics arc munav wingei jim ingles and jim ral ston who looks aftci the ice making equipment foui high school students have been en gaged as utility men scraping ice stcu gov kevin hall bar ry 1 ihott and steven townsley 1 he loin along with nell ander son jim lee and don told also act is pitiolmcn during public skating cuiluy hoekev ligure skat ing and public skating keep most ol the ice time taken up and onlv on the odd night is icniil ol ice available time graduate nancy rognvald- hon since a cwossa champion ship was bi ought to acton loi the fust time bv the jumoi eioss country team a sui prise pics- entation was arranged for com mencement gordon dawe pres ented gifts lo teacher coach bruce andrews and team mana ger bob waller when mrs john bird present ed the halton district womens institute bursary to caiol swackhamer it was pointed out this is the hist time the pres cntation was made at com mencement previously the aw- aid was made at a w i meeting an outstanding educatoi and scholar guest speaker dr mui do ii m mackinnon was intro duced by his former student ross lambourn of the high school stalf dr mackinnon is now dean of wehnglon college at the university of guelph he has taught at oueerjs western and the university of alberta and was dean at western your school and my school was his topic hrst he spoke about the students and then parents and then about the un iversity ot guelph he hoped the parents ol the students who had appealed on the platform were proud sluci i nit a child is a difhcult piob lem they re overconfident and nervous vet want parental guid nee he quoted the philosopli ei suitavana saving a man continued on page six- council learns difficulty of getting cmhc loans ia igage midney is gcncially lough nil ovei hieie is no tip- p uilon 1 cmmc that acton ilocs have a housing shot tage ihc wont eve n consldei ownet applications we leel acton deesnt gel us good lieatment is the olhei towns in this m- eu cmhc has been veiv pessi mistic possibly because ol thcii liud cxpei iuice nl lei the avio close down we led acton should be considered ol an cqu nl in bcltci basis than olhei towns ol the uea said w c lawicucc lepi esentliig long teims investments lid mr lawrence appealed at the council meeting rucsdiv vvilli a onkv the buildci in liikeview subdivision joe hiifley mrainp ton ol long leim investments and ian lolinson local ieil es tate agent we tell con nc rl should he tiwue ol the lillieiilly ol neg otiating cmhc loans lot this ai ea mi lawicucc said if council sees in lo aulh oiie icpi escalation lo omhc to point out the need loi housing in this aien tins might prove hclplul we think the municipal 1 1 y being hint and we would like cmiiil to look litotc invot- nblv on acton imi ijiwiciilc continued councilloi i eatliei land cliaii- iiiiiii ol acton development commission advised count jl- that the development commis sion would be meeting wednes day inst night and would be j studying llie situation reeve ihiilon said hie cmhc uevei gave leasons loi inch np- pioach to lending in at ion and he suggested that cmhc rep icsentiillves could be invited in it lend a council meeting hi iclt council should make ome i t tempt to case the moil gage situation no 2 committee iccoiiiiiiend- ed the- appioval and instiillit ion ol the tiallie control signals at the mill main coinci and this was accepted bv oiincil councilloi diinkwaltu said ihc depii lincril ol iianspoit had appi oved inslilhiliou ol lights and lecoinmeiidcd lliev be installed bill that the depail meiil would not participate in ihc cost ol installation because ol the volume ol lialllc at tin coinei reeve lllnlon icpoilcd rate payeropposition to the installa tion ol the lights by u citizen who had cited a report in pop- ul ii met hanks magaiiie that lialllc lighlj do not always re- uicc the i ate ol accidents at intersections he suggested the control at the tomei al present is adc- iinle and working well he it it bv dealing the slieets of pat ked vehicles cars would sift ihiotitfh the intersection result ing in worse conditions that hal lie lights aie no required is lucked up bv hie lack of par ticipation bv the dept ol tran sport mi 1 1 nit on felt other disagreed and mm liver added some people say wt ium d the lights woise than hie hbiny installation ol the liallit con- i ol lights will he complement ed lv no pai king areas on mill and main ms which will pioviec turning lanes icndcis lot the lights will be ii i lived nov 22 seven firms hi tndiealid an interest onlurlo provincial police will ag in in icsponsihle for polio continued on page pour i devise amalgamation method for two boards iveiy suggested method ol amalgamating pu ks boaid and icciealioii committee was clis cussed with dean tayloi supei visoi ol the depail men i ol municipal allan s at a special meeting ul the two boaiels with the mavoi and no 1 committee ol council monday in the coun cil cliantbcls beloie a possible solution lo the dilemma was lound all avenues weie explored in lengthy discussion and vetoed one by one ny mr laylor be loie councillor tarl masales came up willi a method which lound acceptance by all parties concerned mr mosaics pioposcd that the 17 existing members el paiks and lecreition committee ics rgn and fioin then minibus seven be icnom mated i ive mcinbcis ol the seven man boaid would be eilicns and two others would be council lois the boud will meet for paiks ho a id business ad ouin the meeting and then iceonvene lo handle mica hon committee matters it would be ncicssaiv to keep two sets of books a lact neithci boaid lound palal able in pievious meetings other proposals were that ic cication dncctor howard pcarces title be changed to dn celor of paiks and recreation the two piesent employees woikmg al the community cm skating starts iiguic skating has begun but enrolment is down liom last vear so flu mrs glen skiue and sallv wilson aie in charge and tins vcmi some lime has been allotted loi private les sons lie iilidei ml pcaiccs dileelion would be lined on a veil lound i isis and used in a ci nibnicil lole in ihc pail and aiena at hie dilectot s discietion i he pioposals must come up beloie council loi then ippi ov al beloie anv action is taken but no opposition lo i he move is anticipated council lid by i the inivoi and councillors on the paiks board and recreation i oiiiii hiv- been wrest- ling with the problem of dupli cation he l wt tn ihc two boards loi some time hoping lo find a woi k ible solution earlier meetings had arrived at several suggestions for jrnal- cont iiuied on page three cousins meet in trash co f fide at silver creek seven accidents in the north halton aiea timing the past week involved acton and dls met inotonsts and live pet sons weie injured a eai eliiven by mis bubui mcmumcn o h park ave was involved in a one car accident on highway 7 at silvciereek ihuisday mooting ol last week which niiiied holli he i and lie i 21 monthold son david john mcmullcn i he child stilleied lacial laexiations and a biokcn light ankle while his mothci had biuises lo the chest and hcui milton o p p said the en icccived shoo damage following ihc accident the same ear was involved in a co iisioti with another car driven bv wdbcit mcmullcn jr of 179 poplar cres acton in this col llsion each eu icccived 100 damage mrs birhna mcmullcn and wilberl mcmullcn jr are con sins by marriage an acton man thomas fln ilv ol rjt 4 and a millon man w l voiic weie iniurcd sal til day evening when mi nn ilv s eai went ofl the load on llighwav 2s south of spcvsidc d image was 1 000 balllnafad resident howard w snidci a passengw in a car dnvei by timothy cliules ro tlt n ol inn i ias ii ship was in- luicd in an accident on 22 sldc- loul lsqucsing saturday eve- inn and taken lo georgetown hospital loi ueit incut the car itluvttl 500 damage illlce ollur icldwits involv ed piopcily damage only wed- iicslay ol last week ears driven by i cooksvillc man and brian seiitt ol 26 mead vale rd acton received 400 total damage in a collision on highwa 7 our miles east ol ac ion the umc div a eai dnicn by stjepam hulolic ol mam st rockwood icciived 250 damage when it sliuek some highway guidc- posls on ilihecay 2s just north ol spcysitl iriday on ihc seventh line at siiwaitiown 300 damage was caused a eai driven by kcn- iiclh robert daidsn of 37 westcoll si acton in a uno cal accident pool visibility slippery driv ing conditions and ram were blamed loi m my of the ush of accidents imcslipatcrf bv mil ton o p p during the past week hs teachers offer students 50 week at expo enthusiastic high school stu dents heard on tuesday after noon at an assembly about a teachers plan which would en able them all except grade 13 students to attend expo in montreal next june teach ers mrs kann walker mrs margit las7lo and bill coats dad prepared a presentation which was accepted b the high school board at their meeting monday evening the acton group would pat i is i pate in the elmxalc pliji which will enable perhaps one million canadian student b to at lend i xpo between mjy and september ot l7 at the lowest possible cost staying in a huge campsite accommodating 10000 lui a fufl week a letter wtui sent home to all parents on tuesday and bv monday the registrations and accompanying 5 fee must be in to the school so the applications may be foiwaided to llnivale lxpcditions limited with hcad- quai lers in ban to total cost pel student it camp basid on a mmimuiu camp ol 10000 pet week for 10 weeks is 34 pel student indu vmg j 7s lor an exno passport olhei expenses are full boaid oi scveu days al 1169 tom- mutei bus fare 3 50 campsite t kilitiesjj50 aixd supervrmon i i s6 tranportatlon eosts will lie added to this mui iituni lue xim vcxon to monti eai on the ixsintxtl wedneselay i white laic dayisl4tyi the cnr also gives ass pi cent dis count tor grtmps of over 200 mr c h le theretore about 50 per stu- deit is vyhat will be required tcji a full week at expo dates requested will hkelv be between june 7 and june 14 and this cuts the upper school students irom the list of those eligible foi the dates ol the elcpai tmcntal exams cant be changed elmvale plan olficials we ix called and said there would still be loom available on iios tlites tor acton ai- iadv ihcv havi 10000 legistra lio is with the inspectois pcimis sum the dates ol exams m gra des 10 ii and 12 will be ad- v i keel so they will be all ovei beloie the hig holiday jaunt llci native dales are june 14 te 21 v keen to have no student de- teried because of lack of inon- ev the teachers arc already thinking up encouragement and assistance the student council can lun special events to raise money perhaps the proceeds ol special projects can be div erted to the centennial project ian mcgilhv nv of the staff his agreed to run a bank and put the money for each student in a trust lund following the s deposit other payments can be made at intervals to the stu dents accounts its possible a cardcx svstem will be set up listing students willing to work to earn their hxpo money and kinds of part tune lobs available locally interest lice loans might be nianged loi students yvho le tinned them but wanted to go the student council already his a balinee irom last year to start with the boys and girls in separ- alc campsites will be doing all their own cooking including pre paring their box lunches to take to canadas big fair each day the boys do their own cooking yes thev will so home ec iacher mrs davis says shell give them lessons bcfoie thev leav c one teacher will aceomptnv each 20 or more students and be responsible foi them theie aie to be 10 students pel tent the students bringing their own sleeping bags air mattresses and cooking equip ment lileiature from the elm- yale plan recommends sleeping hags and an mattresses as per- icel chnstmas oi on thdav pre sents lor high sdiool students tills vell menus and work parlies for ea h mvup are all outlined al ready tour draw rations one prepares instant potatoes 10 make box lunches etc etc already listed are stern pen alties for infractions of rulevs for instance a boy or girl caught smoking in a tent will be sent home at once any stu dent who strays al expo or is lac foi roll call is conlincd to camp lor outlay or two acton le lehcis may also add rules of l heir own there will be doctors nurses r i dentist and infirmary m the eiie there will be telephones nd a pa system there will be dancing and camplires in the evenings and outdoor church scry ices almost everv conceivable as- peet ol running suh a iuge n- ciati in has been covcied in ihc mlormition already received at diis monthly newsletter will be corning to inform staff and tu dents here of progress at llie lampsite and give other infor- alton a very hasty survey at acton high school showed about 30 per cent of students in higher grades expected to sec expo and lar fewer in lower grades it is felt that this plan allows 100 per cent of the lower and mid ale school students to attend the three teachers 1km ding up ihc scheme told the school bojrd in brief this plan will provide teachers with an oppor tunity to demonstrate the en thusiasm and vision which exists within the teaching pro fession despite the tremendous nrs- ponsibihjv actons teachers have displayed a great deal of cnlhusiasin the school board approved approximately 200 students for the scheme irom acton phis up to s per teachrr attending to cover their transportation ptosis regular school grants will be mowed for the days the pupils arc at expo in this district fergus and etora high schools arc parllci- paling hbiimlimitw ksjvcitti itts ssier jt- 11sss413 v

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