Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1966, p. 4

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wovhwtmff tim sports wat vacating the familiah and fkibfcdly confines of lansdovvnc park for the nettomastimportam seues of the season was enough grief for ottawa rough riders but the sudden desuh ot remmant coach bill sm th after a 4hot illness im tamlv compounded it riders jw to hamilton foi the opening game of the eastern canadian final sunday but must plav the second giune of the tvvoank total point series at epo stadium in montreal coaih frst clair was reported to haw said a home park is good for w potniv lvvs oi that inanv points sigsiinst a team like hamil- n vum he fml f vwh sut terms bereavement on top of othi nhnens bantams drop dose decision to oakviiie here acton fhtioghtei hamnm had n 4s1 win a i moat wrapped up over oakviiie gootljrvtun here hwi wwtfkrtmr in iti- connlv minor hwkev bin thev wilted in the itisi two minutes which allowed the visitors to store two golds lor a w vlctnrv with lust ovei two minutes to go in thv game oakv illes bmldv clutk pulled the nigge to tie the store a minute later rnv chlshohn llivd the vthnvu- trom clark actan came from hehiiul 2 0 del k ll s fete mnrao popped in on the- other hand like owh clair sas riders could be the hottest lomni m the laud loi the eastern final depending on bow thev waot to the shxk the bovs want to win more than ovei ov he satil tiger cats did mvi look too impressive eliminating montreal bn thtvv- tvoted toi a snarling steamroller olienstve which could psvt fbc uww ihaitv in othei seasons rulers have txined up big vsrts in the tir game ai home and then let it dissipate in the jvjiwn yatnc at hamilton this year lis the other wav round hamilton has the first same and thvv ii be gunning loi a large mcjnrffti to tafce to fxpvv- park 3awrwaa ea ww eertefw itom ww aiaat ihe wwmwiefsee- kau ftomfcrtdwr attw wwavtr m the grey cup game im ir tw wtw la v if the twtata win the eastern tww wwi wiwwr wwl lie emieed te cnpqt ewtuwar rjwec a oolite fle aaejt ewp 1wat mts mm wheer a nmg eivuvro v hen he toiled sr the tatmcrs rs ssvivs ki loined the tanks ul the hone- kn wsxsmjx at a cereov i mon preshv tenan chursh ear e 0r fcw cavrsrtvt vi with an fjmorn profevsional team in new lw las kvissy aivl k- s skk with the same eluh gam this ssasiin bk iwttt vjvts mtkvi at the legion reports the j3s vfvsie csww 5e nniv nvinageiv and svvit hex and some jvbovtx s krsg j eiivui p to last veaix strength t a pair ol gds the hist umis sisted the seiond trom hale fislier mano then sel un n gti ahead goal hv bob dunbar at the 7 1 maik ol the third pei kmi clinks fust goal evened it up bill gai held svoted i nun mnio and fishci to put acton bvlt in ironl council told difficulty t continued trom page one in acton as a result of the con tract signed tuevjax onh change in the contrail for 1w7 will be an increase -wttoe- cosi of mileage on the cruisei up to m cents from nine cents coun cilor williams chairman of the police committee told council this would represent an increase of j2i0 a eai total cost ol policing for ls67 ujll be 33000 for this amount council will have a corporal in charge plus live constables with the cruis er mai or dub reported the i sit ot the district sergeant to the local office and the neces- silujiir improving facilities for- the police department it was agreed that the police commit tee would continue to investig ate alternative and improved quarters and their recommend ations would be passed on to the 1967 council a laminated pre fabricated arch bridge was approved for installation at the centennial libran at the cost of about si 200 mavor dum reported this tpe of bridge had been re commended bv the libra n bd and the design of the bridge arranged b architect don skin- nci the w foot single span bridge exceeds the amount bud gcted bv 200 stone and con crete bridges hae a price tag of between 2300 and 4 000 the architect fell the wood en bridge would enhance the general appearance the maoi pointed out the main advantage would be that the bridge construction would be kept outside the creek trje bridge will rest on rock and concrcte piles there will be a six foot wide walkwav council authorised bv bvlaw the signing ol the construction agreement with kleenway con struction ltd tor24 3 this is for watermains be tween mill and young streets on churchill rd n pavment of accounts to r v anderson associates lor work on the road resurfacing pro gram for 851 15 and for the vvatermain extensions ot 1125 was approved as well as the pavment to armstrong bros for the surface treatment of guelph st and elmore dr clerk mcceachic reported the cotnmunitv services council would serve a real need and could be verv eltective in the communitv he as vvellare com nnssioncr ol the town has al- leadv had discussions with this group reeve htnton reported thai deputs reeve pai kei and clerk mcgeachie had attended a coun- tv meeting with department representatives on homemakmg and nursing sen ices a com mittee had been appointed to review the program he fell the noi thern part of the countv has a great need for this service and our support is warranted id like to seethe program supported on a voun- t basis when theres two teet of frost in the ground and two teet o snow above ground the trees will be cut down was the re- plv councillor trver received when she inquired when a dead iree would be ml down irom in trout ol hei house thecleik replied trees are cut down in the less bnxv season the stump removal equipment will be in acton next spring erroneous and incorrect nevvspaojr reports not sbased on fatrwere criticized bv the reeve when councillor dnnkwal- rerqnesmmud ixscirtvportstn the dailv press about excessive spending bv countv council mr dnnkwalter asjkcd reeve hin- ton whether he as warden would be demanding a retrac tion by these newspapers he aid in expressing his comern it puts a bad look on the whole of the countv the reeve would not commit himself to anv course of action saving the subiect would be on the agenda at the next countv council meeting and anv ait ion would be taken bv countv coun cil as a whole mayor duby agreed i think its a lountv matter and will be dealt with bv countv council we can t put the warden on the spot it looks like an mten tional smear program to fur ther oakviiie s push for accept ance in total of the iplunkett le- port the neve outlined the op position to the rods committee attendance at the canadian good roads conventions he said that up until this vear com- mittee members attendance at the convention had only been approved bv the road commit tee this vear the committee had asked council s permission before attending the convention he said he had warned the road committee he would oppose at tendance bx the whole commit tec at the cpnforonec the reeve pointed out the countv auditors report had been submitted to the department of municipal affairs and there had been no referral from the de partment the problem is not being de veloped bv the countv auditor but bv the oakviiie newspaper in its incoherent leporting trv ing to sell papers rather than report news the tils did a reasonable lob i have no fault to find with it but with oakviiie i do have fault to find their reporting has besn injurious to good pub lic spirited mm even though i dont agree with their methods in getting it done a will do things in the best interest of the countv and take the advice of countv council all members of council were present with the exception of depurvreeve parker busy y program guelph umverxiiv students pete lawson ol avion ami cail chadboiune ol guelph ate head ing a busv progiam at the y ck ihiswintei roth arc taking the res real ion ionise at guelph ihev are intuitu hug gv m v las es is well as cliihtvpe pio- grams iih ludmg hobbies era is and nam iv sessions jomai ie maahnient assists them even wednexdax night during the i rati classes own 120 membeis have oin vil the so tai this season team two blanlcs threes 70 one tops four in sunday hockey railbirds were nodding their heads in lime jo x laid ymi so following the industrial hockey league sunday douhleheader team number two which the sukineis puked to make a run away ol the league came mil ol l heir firsl game doldrums or possum playing whatever your point ol view to whitewash learn three 70 and cmahlisdi themelve favorite 10 sel ihe league on fire in in nfgtmewp team one doubled ihe score on team four with a 6 j decision to pol their seiond win of the infant sea ton u wa teatn frnira first lors after downing lejm two ihi week tni sundays doubleheader will aee a confrontation betwi juves blank elmira 20 lose squeaker to jets first win in two starts for avion i i mis iiivuiiua i niic momliv iiiylu when they down ed i linn a 20 in i miliediilrd tn coiiniy liuikiy avium at i i mil i stiving iluilv one penally the i inns ill svivid up a tipark liny y ion lot tnuli llriwu siaff i field day awards wfre received by chflinpion athletes during ihe high school comnieniemenl fi idiy niqht front row left to right are hoys bantam champion brian carriere and qtrls ban tam champion pat chisholm second row qirls unior irene sevennski and boys unior jim lee third row boys intermedi ate alan aaikeii7ie and qirls intermediate dorothy field back row girls senipr kay chisholm and boys senior paul murr jfttt t sports page the acton free press thursday november 10 1966 two shutouts feature town league openers curtain raisers for the leg ion town league acton novices and peewees saturdav aftei noon was a trifle scramblv but the bovs showed promise of making a oanner vear in the populai hockev circuit the two acton teams bramp ton and weston used the first tav for an instruction period xiith a short scoreless scrim mage thrown in for good meas ure regular games start this satuidav in the novice series two shut outs were registered st cath arims started the puck rolling with a 30 shutout over oshavva while niagara falls edged ham llton 10 springfield chalked up a 5 1 win over baltimore in the pec- wee openei with rochester hammering cleveland 62 in the nightcap billy mcgilloway scored nil three goals on unassisted ef forts tor st kilts in the novice opener blaine cleland of osh- awa was the lone plaver to draw a penaltv he served a mmoi for tripping billy moken7ie drilled the onlv goal of the second game for niagara falls as thev nipped hamilton it was unassisted mo penalties peler morrison was a going concern tor spnnglield in their pei wee lontest with balti more sionng four markers w hile team niui steve marshall poppid in one chris schuts and david braida collected two assists apiece james mcnabb drilled the lone baltimoie bulge fiom randv maish who also scivvcl ihe games single pmalti ol leme ilbowing rochesters win ovu clvvi land was highlightid hv a ihjie goal hat tuck i torn tin suck ot boh krul hi also lollntid ml assist ron lout tit scoieil two goals and got om assist with hovvaul coultitip notching one don dialh lollninl two assists jill gov hit tin laigit twin foi clcliland both goals solo effoits theie wne no pmil ties the town league ban l mis stai this thuisdiv tonight vviih bui lalo at hiisluv nisi thutsdav thi thin it mi in cuit will feature bulfiloit pi t tsburg legion sports offnei bob i on itel said this wiek that louhis and managirs aie still nndid il the liagiu is going to ion tinue as sinnsslullv as in past seasons he also said llnri is room loi mon plavirs and urgid all bovs who h ivc not reetslired but plan to do so to make 1 1 soon badminton begins lhuls lie living aioiincl tin gvni il tin- high sihool ivny iluusdav nielli mil its allow ul pi i mission loi ti b fori tlftb opualing uniler tin supi ivision ul iiiiiition dun loi how nil piiin anil hugh pitliisoii to use the jjmu was givin hv sihool hoaid numbers to ilali about 18 badminton plivus ue halting the buds lining tlu vvnklv sessions and moii ii i ivpntid to oin bunting gun powder jrf maple rack by ait hawes had been slight with the main top scores at maple rock cause lor the poor success shooting range this wee in- clodad dave johnson 22 paul wmdth 22 keith andrews 20 and art hawes 18 hfe were in touch with gordon mattltows same warden for fdjnb vmttmcton tuesday njeht week thought to be the inclement weather jt should also be noted no damage had been reported by farmers to mr matthews at the end of two days hunting he also reported there were only a few violations of the intda time the deer kill hunting regulations kentner whips tanners into opening shape with the league opening only a week away acton tanners ai practicing fridays and sundays each week in an effort to have one of the best teams in years ready for the oha int b ser ies coach fred kentner had en ough personnel for two teams in sundays practice hes got the job along with manager ed footilt of picking the team for the opener here against hespel- er a week from friday thirty players can be signed bat only 16 dressed for a game jthe tmgme ope in llcapelcr next tuesday night when taut years ojha int b champs senforth pay a visit to mile macs friday night november it theres action on two fronts as the tanners entertai he- peler and fergus plays host to novices rtosed by oakviiie oakviiie golden hiwks n tyarn bad thin hands loll with alton nouns in fiicounlv hoikcv hiri last widnisdiv but thev managed t eli ut i 42 v letoiv the hawks twice hul to ei isi one goal delmts to st i m ihi ganu avion wnit m hunt in the firxt pinoil on i eoal bv jim hurlev his tnst mi tn countv eompttiticvn on i plav started bv jim melntin moi gan evened it up lo oikville kent kentner put aston biv k in tront in the seiond penod as sisted bv mcgillowav but onk villes andv weatheibed bioke awav tv even u up again a pair of gvian lust a minute apart bs oakviiie s dinnv bui rows clinched the win loi the visitors at the tail end of the third period midgets lose fwo games i ossi s to oakvilli incl flmin win siil ii i eel bv alton midgits all st its in 1 1 icoiintv hockev this week oikvilk ipphed ihe vvlnti u ish brush lisi wednesiliv with i 40 iv ton hue wluli tlmira took i 7 2 ilinsion in rimna moiid iv night oakviiie netmlnder ted im st n spn klid as ik tinned in i shut out in i lough game that s iw 10 puialtiis split cvenlv i illnl tlu visitois led 20 at thi i ml ul the seiond piriod and lorn dalit siornl two thud pit mil goals to end i hi siormg t imiii took a 2 0 lead mon el iv night in the tirst vhiptu stiilihiil it to 41 bv the end ol i lie sieond and seond thin mon in ihi thinl to actons one lohn mason baggeil both vlvn oils lssistnl b dunbir on ins inst and dunbii mil i hi i on thi seiond tlu loealv ili i mi lied bv hi ih doikls he look oei from lil ovvni who is giving ihe ob up wednesday october 26 acton distiiit hijh school playid hof lo tin district tour girl- vol livbill tournament trjc learns compiling were arthur fnn lion milton sihool ci ilu- deil vliknion guild vallev and anon the actoti team hi ought honors to themselves aid iluir school bv making a clean sweep in ihe in si round grand val in deleated thv milton school loi the deal bv verv close sious alton trounced anhui and i im defeated elora in the seeotul round aetdrrde leated grand vallev and milver ton dow ned erin excitement lose to its peak in the third toiind is acion and milverlon battled for top honors the milveiton team was strong but actons was stronger and thev came out victorious with scores ol 23 to 4 and 18 lq 10 all ol the schools of the par impaling teams should be pioud of them for their displays of good spot tsmanship and skill on the plav ing floor special congratulations to the acton team and their phvs nal eduialiun director miss at kev the girls volleyball team went on to plav at the u of guelph in the cwossa b tournament thi results arc as lollows meaford won the champion ship with 4 wins pans was sec ond durham plaied third acton wis lourth and kincardine was last although acton plaved good vullevball thev were not able to lome out victorious the girls basketball season begins this week miss atkev will be coaching the junior and senior teams the league sched ule opens the first week of jan- uarv leader milne in aoal w out alafuhflg j3 lie uiktl up ll shill trill ac tun nuah cra scr4 ly keit owii ftoni alufi mvfed and barry i llir 1 and ffj ftd lefer filllehid fillltttkf til j aisled lv owcrt jml mekefrie the ul1 wja timtuij il i sidle ihe ulius 11 4 twtix liiukcf to okviltc l4li lte utfuc rprilcr w aclvi wmtrri iia1 jy lliman lt deter- null illegally tutted ist a piik jl llitr hllu-dr- eadlrl it ii alorfct t ireti tn gr cttk villr j 41 win uwth 4 tnittum awl 2u ccifida left ti pjy atltni fttotcsts were al l llc til offkul previously the itt ttfkfil up up a i 0 lcjd in lh first vcrj but aetryn viufhc4 back f a pall ui takr trur head in th- zxunl tara ail ad mtjcrtac 4tit the first rfi a pla wffc bar ry i lliit and gary taifktvr seuind w43 fired by harr fl lliitl on a unceneii shf ait id bv steve tvunslry oakiille evened n up at i 2 of ihe third when alam irtrl on a lapshot but barry ffhjfi ritiled in his eiorxj pml for the i ions on a pla- with vf kenie to put acton atujd jain adam lipped in john -son- shot to put the jets batk in even terms until jessiman bag ed the winner officials handed out ii minor penalties nine of them served bv the visitors en unbeaten number one team and teapi two in the opener while uanix thtee and four tneet in the talleml ol the doit- lk header wg gun lor uutnlier two team last sunday was one hall of the mcdonald tnoiheria siu ii hied two jiiith and assisted trt two olhjis ihollu jim hit i tie laijel ouee skedy kleh gordon polled a pun i4 martuis toi ihe win riis allan menahli o rrd ime and asslul li akitllvrt and kudily gila llolnura notehrd mt tidal ilier of tfcjf 4tne in a 1a14 rffxrt andy wtlmttmm earned ih tmirtii ttuf king farythwt tttc fnlftl three sfoavj ltu4 stvit ai hitn three teriatllrs ere srvt ti r ifitr lllrff f fcil clftl fir j ii ftf fidji wrvutat ofirf attain fm fukurj 5 rim frail- aril t a f ntcfit f0i flf u at ii c- ifl tlb htyltu t ff it a fut hi fit tulrt ar a w 1 fi irrfit jila xcax ij it a s it ifiittjt fitiu jra- tr rt sfnah j r 1 i ur ll d i f ii- m ui 1 1 ui i rid 1 1 t i r 1 iaf ikf im ida anr glr 01 i t mil f rj trie f jj lt ii i ftlt f t n i ri icitti va t4 ttm rtlrtn tiuat3 ilu il ini uts lata- fltntfft atit vi firtimll v- att ii l wirlrwm fhrt cairtr i j atn nj fzih v ilt fr ui r fmter v i rt iir 4-j- rti uuliinj a fi nlrflirt m vjrlii r ry fa b infutroh getting you down 14 boys enrolled in new cub pack aclons seiond cub pack is growing steadily and at present has 14 new ihums enrolled ai cording to the tubmaster this pack will be limited in sic to only 18 boys ah but one of the present boys enrolled are new to the game of tubbing and it is hoped that lour more new bovs between the ages of 7 and 10 vears as of de lember 31 might be interested and seek membership in the newlv formed cuh pack mow is the new gill doinu not bid bin sins itull tut v ous as soon as she sits dow 11 it hel desk shi sluts to woi k oakviiie trounces pee wvees here acton pec wees were trounv cd 50 bv oakviiie in tncoun tv hockev at he communitv cen tre last wednesda outclassed bv the a major club the acton team managed to fire two shots at oakviiie goalie mike gosskie it was the third straight win for the visit- ors whove had only one goal scored on them this season sports corner 124 mill st e at wilbur phone 8532160 christmas is drawing near see our stock of buxton wallets keytainers and leather goods and we will offer good deals on golf supplies for men and ladies plus the teenagers starter set of clubs at sports corner extensive damage damage was extensive to a tompjit car friday when gaso line from a faulty luel pump is believed to be the cause ol a fire the car is owned and op crated bv newton hurst high school student tirifighters used water from the booster tank to douse the bla7e which had crept from the trunk area where the fuel pump is located to the upholstery in the rear seat the high school student had lust picked his vehicle up from his home and was driving down town when he smelled smoke as he opened the trunk lid flames broke out he phoned in the alarm theres no question about- it msanitv is inherited parents inherit it from their children why- pay more when lous selling for less drop in now i lous used cars main st rockwod 8564235 acton arena schedule skate exchange tradein your old skates for new bauer slates gordo hardware limited reasonable tradein allowance friday november 11 public skating saturday novemmi 12 912 noon figure jbkating 1 6 p m legion minor hockey 810 pm public skating sunday novemmr 13 101 130am guelph ind hockey 1 1 301 p m tanners prac tise 24 pm public skating 7 10 prn ind league hockey monday novemmi 14 curling tuesday november is curling 1 wednesday november l 2 3pm mother and pre school children public skating 6lbpm tricounty hoc key novice pee wee bantam midget thursday novsmmr 17 79 pif legion minor s hockey 910 mr tricaunty juveniles i mfvwv ei3te j s ill it

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