Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1966, p. 6

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ju wee the acton free pips thursday novemberlo 1966 20 auction sales auction sale for teer life like akip tiale4ictcrian valedictorian viclona new ton her long blond hair swing j f turner i ing recalled most memorable lot 5 con 9 5768 9th line oak- expei lencei of the giduatmg tlass and then expanded on a simile which compared every one s management of his lite to a captain s administration ot a meet of ships each ship must be kept leath at all times for who can sa when it is go- ville 9th line and bnltania sidcroad southwest corner 3 miles west pf streetsville saturday november 12 at 1230 pm furniture from a 10 room house mostrv antiques all in verv godd condition 1954 ford ing to be needed tractor disc garden fools gari then each student at high den furniture antique ancuother school captains a isvet ol sexen dishes drapes and curtains ships one lor each subject if if vou are looking tor good one ship flounders the cargo clean antiques be sure to at- must be repacked tend this sale to the teachers the students terms cash with cleiks on jrc tholi ui teachers should exhibit their leadership quail lies on boaid in school and on slioiv in the conrmhnilx walter and donald parents m to ensure that reinhart tncli ships sail uptight owner or auctioneers will not the communitx is respon- be responsible for an accidents sble to the world it must do on the premises on da of sale its best to prepare its crew foi x 20bl9 a lifetime in the sea ol the voi id there is no room tor diseiinunation oi mutim looking back oxer the past lie eais she said in proper peispcciixe tho- graduates re- niembei the happiei moments we have dnen some teachers into a jibboung tienz with our apathv and nonparticipation then again we hae driven some teachers stark iiing mad just m being ourselves her speed c relerences brought chuckles from the au dience and she asserted then thesv things were combined with hard work and we hae learned man things which have brought us closer to matui itv responsibilin and sell relanco she concluded b quoting bob d ian i make new sounds out of old sou an new words out of old words knowin that it is me an un kind that will make these rules 11 the people of tomoriow reall v need the rules or loda her excellently framed and wellconsidered address was gieath applauded b the atten tive audience when the two top students had declined to give the aledic lory address she had agreed pnncipal ted hansen pointed out hei valcdtctouan medal was presented bv stuilcnt council viocpiesidcnt susan claike day of sale auctioneers i st albans wa bazaar highlighted by quilt draw writeoff business tax during the court of rev lsion session wednesdav of last week eight business taxes were writ ten oft for places not presentlv operating and one reduction made for a nonoperating busi nesi place when a change from commercial to residential was made present lor the meeting were mavor lcs dub councillor- c f leathcrland f g oakes ro bert dnnkvvlter earl masaus and clerk administrator jack mcgeachie personal ream i loin friends aie happv to mrs cam winn is home hospital again sharon smith of crew sons corners won lour aw aids it commencement in guelph mr and mis james gardnci and wilfred tiom bothwell vis ited mi and mrs fred lemon o the w mrs r louttet and mis win hart land tcpiescntcd acton auxiliaiv at the executive meet ing of the north halton assoti ation lor the mentallv retarded at the sunshine school mondav evening mr and mrs b c jeixis ol toronto weie guests ol honoi at a dmnei pai tv at the- guild inn scarboio on the occasion of mrs jems btithdiv attend ing weie then two daughters and two sons mi and mrs wvman little ol acton mr and mrs h r mccione kilbrooke cies toionto professor and mis r f jerxis amikoiul and mi and mis p d jcivis goodwood com loionlo umehouse visitors prominent in community homes frankic hale underwent an car opeiat ion in oakville last week but is back at school mrs clirkson ot toionto has been visiting mis findlax miss mane kara jcii london visiled the kxii ns heie leconth we hope that mr and mis d poo and the veuinei membcis ol then tannic will be happv in then new home neu moore- iield rev r duncanson ol noival preached at limchousc on sun dav in the absence ol ro i n young who was spcakuv at the remcnibiancc dav services in georgetown mr and mrs limk loo street and limilv ol oiton vis ited the wwui linhams on sundav mi and vhs austin piehl ol rilconbiidgc and ml and mis o branklcv ot mallon vveic ie cent vlsltois willi the i piohls mi and mis a mai sh ill and miss lileeii marshall ot toi onto visited mis osbuin on bundav mi james mclennan ot to ronto was a isitoi on situi dav and mi and mr dick standish ot 1 horold on suiielav with mi and mis kukpaiiick notice dr buckner will be on holiday from november 16 to december 4 commencement continued from page 1 should be erv careful about what he wants because hes likelv to get it then changing to speak ol his own universitv he noted a de cided tremot in the central ner vous swtcivi ot education in ontario ho spoke ol the fed- eial and provincial problems nd taxes pointing up thai higher education is an expen sive coinmuditv universities rre now public concerns and the pations are the taxpavers one problem at guelph is the diltieiiltv ol i hiding qualili canadians to icun the facultv thce will be three distinct ie marks ot the universitv ot guelph ixsponsibiluv to the communitv academic excel lcnce and a deep concern foi the individual student although st albans w a membership is small in num bers thev cm take credit toi conducting a successlul tea and bazaar and making a beautitul centennial quilt which w as drawn lor saturdav at the baz aar winner ol the quilt was mrs george jackson of london ontario a relative ol mrs j m robbms a guild membei vv ho plaved an important part in completion of the quilt in charge of the white ele phant table were mrs george haggett and mrs jack har- grave baking mrs william don- nv and mrs sewing table mrs ben bavl sale of tickets mis jack creas- ev and tea table mis h s holmes mis john rol mrs 11 h hintou and daughter calhv mis clint ti lor and mrs lorna clai ke mrs robbins was in charge ol the sale ot the anglican church centennial calendais the llovvers which decked the tea table weie later taken to the homo of a shut in auxiliary planning bake sale quilt draw on thursday evening nov em bei 3 acton auxiliary toi the george fountain north halton association lor icst c mentallv retarded gaj legion ladies buy new flag legion ladies auxiliarv held their november meeting in the legion hall with president mrs d rogets in the chair the auxiliarv has purchased a new canadian hag to carrv in the remembrance dav par ade there is to be a social ev tiling in cooksville on novem bor 23 mis william finlav thanked evel voile who helped with the success ill blood clinic the ie poit liom the baaai conveneis was read president janet rogers won a diavv on a chnstmas cake a leitei el thanks sent ov warden ii ii hinton loi their dinner was lead membeis were asked to note that the exchange ol itts at the chnstmab dinner vv ill be 2 this veai mtci the business a social cv mm and lovelv lunch vveix en jovcd bv the ladles legion reaches centennial goal 948 presented to mark the occasion of can adas centennial the royal can adian legion adopted a challen ging and forward project the royal canadian legion cen tennial foundation capital funds will be invested and managed by appointed trus tees and the annual interest earnings will be used to finance legion projects such as schol arships youth training pro grams veterans welfare and programs for the aged actons legion branch 197 was scheduled to raise 9948 based on the per capita mem bership last week this was ac complished and on rememb rance sunday the cheque for this amount was turned over to zone commander dave capper- auld for submission to domin ion command the money was raised by the local branch through various projects as well as a donation from the legion ladies auxili ary the minimum objective by dominion command has been set at 1000000 togethei lor their monlhlv meet ing at the home of mis n pi ice with mis louttet in the chau minutes of the pievioiis meet ing wore road bx mis j bmli inan and approved financial statement showed excellent letuins ixsultcef from acton tall lau with the sale ol chocolate bars chnstmas cards and draw supei market tapes have been put to gooil use with the purchase of a ig saw powei tool and snow shovel lor the adult workshop in hornbv mrs louttet noted a papei cutter was required at the woikshop and it was agreed one was to be located and bough with- a donation from ihc acton lions club with the festive season in minel airangcmchts weie made loi the bake sale and quill draw on nov 18 membei s weievisk- cd to contact inends to help with some baking mrs r me muriax representative for the acton auxiliuv n h a m r re ported on the excellent woik being planned bv the communi tv services council mis louttet thanked mem bei s lor the help and excellent work clone during the past vear and vacated the chair as presi dent nominations were taken and new otliceis will take over officially in the now vear presi dent is mrs r louttet again vieepicsident mrs jens laus tsen iccording secietarv and advertising mrs r mcmuiruv coiicsponding svcietarx mis h dodds tiedsurci mrs john buchnian from frigidaire our best dryer value timer lets you set exact drying minutes fabrics heat selector nostoop lint screen gtntm flowing heat nehaat setting for airing fluffing from 169 as tittle as 200 per week manning electric to bring your personal list off phone numbers dp to date your new telephone directory has many new and changed numbers the front sactions of your directory contain information about local calling numbers you can dial without long distance charges and complete information on direct distance dialing you will find the area codes for hundreds of places in canada and the united states sample rates and what to do when you want to reach the information operator in a distant city if you are tike rnost people you keep a personal list of numbers you call most frequently to save yourself time and errors give it a checkup now like a new blue book it s full of new information long distance area codes in canada and the u sa special section for birthdays and anniversaries for your free copy just call your telephone business office 54 mill sk e acton 8532950 bell canada near 80 singers treat tew churches in choral program at baptist church about 80 church ohoir mem bei s from four churches contn- buted to an unusual and enjov- ablc evening of sacred music in the baptist church sunday evening exlia chairs were set up in the chinch to accommo date the crowd and then about 40 sat in the basement it was estimated close to 100 were pre sent loi the musical progiam there weie guesls troni hills buig and georgetown lis well as from acton chinches the baptist chinch chou act cd as hosts and seived leliesh incuts to the pai ticipatmg sing cis altei waid the fine program was ai tang ed bv mis muirav hai rison the musical diiecloi ol i lie host c lull eh the special collection will be used tow aid the pin chase of new chou pews laeh chou was accompanied bv us ieguuu oiganist and at the conclusion ol the piogiain the massed ehotis idled the platloini to sing accompanied bv united chinch choir leadei di george llliol hes got the whole woild in his hands blip is organist churlcs landsbomugh and his dnughlcr donna plaved the oigan and piano befoie the scivico while ihc usheis seme bed- foi space and set up loldmg chuis in ihc aisles the baptist church choir ac companied bv clia lies lands boiough opened the piogiain with the sweel storv or old anil latci sang ihc voice ol jisus calls 1 hcv led the congregation in the appropnatc hvmn come lot us sing ol a wundeilul love baptist choir membei s miss inula ralston and jeiiv sku low sang solos and miss rtl slon and miss joanne lands ooiough sang a duet so send 1 you the united chuiiii cnon tin ectvd bv ll rilioll sang with out accompaniment gabi ids message anil bicak forth beau icons heavenlv light miss doi othv simmons had a solo part the iiimoi chou sang we pi also thee o loid seven girls ol the presbyter ian chuich junioi gills chorus sung beautiful savioui the senior chou sang jov cometh in the morning with mrs j davidson singing a solo pai i thev were directed by ted han sen at the organ the anglican ehuieh choir sang the resunection two of the choir membei s vic bnstow and los dubv sang a duel the holv citv mis r g oakes was at ihc oigan to conclude the pi ogi am mis mai g hoare sang the loi d s piaver then rev stanlev gam mon thanked everyone loi pai impaling and it lending and seeing the clouding in the nvvvs and aisles asked evirvone to simplv lemain seated lor the benediction why dont we have this mine often- people askeil each otllei as thev led deeply appicciative of the fine music beautifully sung and the sight of so many members of various churches raising iheir voices in song to- gelhei on the platform and sit ting happily together in the baptist auditorium fiom an old medical journal- ii the machine automobile evei attains the unlikely speed ol 80 miles an hour it will have to drive itsell for the human biain will oe incapable ol controlling it robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountain view s georgetown 111 mill st actor monday from 4 pm for appointment 8773971 in memoriam cards in reply to many requests the canadian cancer society has made available in memoriam cards which may be used at the time of a bereavement available at rumleyshoemaker funeral home or phone 8530150 harold denny quality ba products save you money gasolines motor oils diesel fuel fuel oils stove oils oil burner finance plan 10 years to pay small carrying charge dependable service thompson fuels ltd phone 8532370 acton after hours 8532174 sve 17c hi c o fruit drinks 3 save ioc grfen gi3nt f1nci i fl corn l 3b save 15c vin cp f r- y beans s i dv canada no 1 grade pel save ioc grfek gi3nt f1nci corn save 15c vin cp beans z1 save 12c uaspberin or s t p a w b f s- i aylmer jams potatoes 39c 10lb bag ruby red or white florida siio 48 grapefruit 10 j 59 prices effective nov 9 10 ii and 12 we reserve the right to limit quantities ready to serve fully cooked picnic smoked shoulders 55 choice imported iamb sale leg 0 lamb loin 0 lamb front 0 lamb short cut whole or half 59 29 29 last weeks peugeot winners mrs c joyce creemore ontario mrs d a lockyer cherry st fonthill paul placko bradford ontario mrs a stasiuk 43 goggin hamilton special- pepsi case of 24s in no return bottles 1 58 vl 11

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