ninetysecond yearno 21 acton ontario thursday november 24 1966 aulltorurd a second cihm mull by ihe poll ufcirc dcnarlnientottaw twelve pages ten cents kaoaienaazj i5jmsi i nemmahus for fust twoyear term tonight tuesday december noticing at 10 am plri in ihe evening 9 candidates for the flnrt twoyear term of office will be chosen tonight thursday when ratepayers are asked to attend the last annual nomin ation meeting at the robert lit tie school auditorium from now on these meetings will only be held every other year the twoyear term affects candidates for mayor reeve deputyreeve six members of council six members of pub lic school board and four members of hydro commis sion nominations for candidates will be received from 730 pm until 830 pm then re ports will be heard from municipal council hydro school boards and other ap pointed boards and commit tees in the event an election is necessary it will be held 6 com- until 7 following are the polling places listing the deputy re turning officers in charge ward no i polling sub division no i old post or flee with lillian williams as deputy returning officer polling subdivision no 2 bp service station queen st with virginia dumarsh as deputy returning officer ward no 2 council chambers town hall with harriet helwlg as deputy re turning officer ward no 3 luxton mem orial hall willow st with kathleen hurst as deputy re turning officer ward no 4 old post of fice with annie anderson as deputy returning officer sv nassagaweya nominations scheduled for monday night the nominal ion o4 candidates for 10 positions on nassagaweya council and school board will be accepted irom 730 li 830 pm on monday at ihe town- ship hall in bruokville the nominations will be lor the first twoyear term in the township history nomina tions will be accepted for reeve deputyreeve and three posi tions on council as well as for five scats on ihe public school board of the township school area if an election is needed it will be held on monday december 12 with the polls opening at 10 0- clock in the morning and clos ing at seven oclock in the eve ning current members of council and schnolbofird were asked recently whether or not they would be seeking reelection reeve william coulter sug gested 1 havent made up my mind im a little discouraged at some of the attitudes taken by people beyond nassagawcyas boundaries mr coulter who joined council in 1961 is com pleting his second year as reeve i definitely intend to run for the deputyreeves seat dcputv- v reeve william hoey stated 4 have enjoyed the past year and 1 firmly intend lo give it another try- he said mr hoey is com pleting his first year on council ross gordon who is just com pleting his filth vear on coun cil said he wouldnt make up his mind until nomination night im going to bide my time and see what turns up he said william muhon noted 1 cant say vet i probably wont know until nomination night mr mahon is completing his lonrth year on council mrs anne macarthur who is just linishing her lirst year on council said she would commit hersell to running lor a position you cant try a thing lor only a vear and then let it diop she- said horace blyth a member oi the school board lor 13 con- secutie wars and chairman this vear said he would delinite- ly run for reelection claude inglis a board mem ber lor the past three and one- hall years said he hasnt made up his mind and jack mcphail a member ol the board since i960 said he wouldnt announce his decision until nomination night arthur gibson a member of the board lor the past 10 vears said he would run again tor re election the lillh member ol the hoard dr c young was un available for comment it has been hinted that sevcril new faces might make bids for positions on council stop light tender accepted by council five year lease has been signed by polypent- co canada limited a new industry which is settling in the former wool combing building it is a division of polymer corporation of read ing pennsylvania looking over blueprints of the interior of the location left to right are plant manager ron perrot general manager murphy and beardmore co- ltd plant engineer guy ross af present a cleanup program is underway equipment is expected to arrive by the middle of december with hopes of produc tion underway by february i senior public school slated for stewarttown installation ol ha lie lights a i the millmain intersection is now evident tuesday night ac ton council accepted the hid irom a k king brampton lor installation ol the lights at a tender price ol 435831 two oilier bids had also been receiv ed it is expected lo takc 10 lo 12 weeks lie i ore the lights will be icatly before ihe lights can he oper ating tinder i igid contiol accoid- ing lo recommendations lioin ihe department ol transport a bv law restricting parking in eel lain downlown areas as well s a hvlaw to control bus park ing mitsi be approved both these bvlaws are now being prepared to complete the master plan loi this intersection line mark ings on ihe street must be done and tuesday council engaged e a hoi ion sales to do ihe line painting at an approximate cost olu25 ati ipplicaoon irom aja en- ghhwvyhieh has been lying in uu fnotu iihcvancc lor over two years lo tom have three lots reoncd irom residential o industrial lor in dustrial expansion met with ob jections from our ratepaveis in the a lea letters from these ratepaveis weie read al council staling their objections general theme ol each writer dealt with un- tidv housekeeping bv ajax and devaluation olvthe ratepaveis propel i ies objecting weie p g tvler sr ernest a parkei cliai ies e allan and p ueaupre all living on mowbray place ad joining the ajax properly in spile of ihe objections council alter learning 47 letters had been senl out lo residents within a 200 loot radius ol ajax and onlv lour objections received decided lo proceed with application to ihe onlaiio municipal board il is expected an omh hearing nuv he held dealing with ihe objections following a dlicuaalon coun cil agreed lo a is cents per hour increase lor town workmen re- lioactive lo november i for ihe balance ol ihe vear it was also agreed lo have ihe 1967 council review requests from ihe work men during ihe no 2 cominillee icporl il was learned ihe work men had made a request lor an increase due lo ihe increased eosl of living as well as other lequesls for fringe benefits ii was learned ihe increase would biing town workmen up lo par with several oilier communities reporting for no 2 cominil lee councillor robert di inkwal- ler inlormed council a visit had been made lo murphy distribu tors at jail to inspect a refuse burner lor garbage he showed an illuvlialion ol a type which is believed might be suitable for the town and noled a demon stration of the combusl iontype burner had been seen wlljuhopcs of acquirinoii new site lor a town dunipnroyjying permission is rcceivedlroiri lis- quesing township council all methods ol eliminating open burning are being sought at the last mealing of esqucs- ing council members agreed to inspect the proposed dump site and il approved stipulate that no open burning be included in a bvlaw clerkiidmlnlatrator jack mo fieachie inlormed members that town workmen would be taking a pari load of garbage including plastic to gall lor a demonstra tion in one of ihe burners mb vol les duby informed council the centennial library committee was proceeding ac- continued on page f poll incumbents majority to run keith party given award in contest tenyearold keith porly son ol mr and mrs waller porty rr 4 acton brought honors lo speyside school tuesday night as lop boy in the halton county fire pievention bureau annual lire prevention poster contest the area pupil received an in- div ictuaf trophy irom ontario fire marshal martin hurst which was donated by the bur eau and school principal garry daw kins received the school tro pin donated by halton mutual fire insurance company the presentation was made during the annual fire preven tion bureau dinner at milton lire hall tuesday further de tails ol winners and pictures will appear in next weeks issue ol the acton free press theres no nomination meet ing or election in milton this vear evcivonc is in for a two vear term nomination meetings are scheduled for nassagaweya fitrucsing and acton plans lo establish a senior public school at stewarttown to include a 10room addition were unlurled wednesday november at the esquesing school board meeting senior pupils irom grade 7 and 8 throughout the lownsbip will be transported lo stewarttown when the addition is completed during the meeting a resolu tion barely scraped through calling lor deletion ol a kinder garten and general purpose mom and substituting a home economics room industrial arts room library and a gymtoriiim voting in the al urinative lor the change weie chairman rus sell miller and trustees dr a thompson and william law son voting in the negative was trustee cheslei early with trus tee llod fisher abstaining irom voting warden on tv lialtoiis warden bert ilinton discounted charges ol counlv overspending on entertainment when he was interviewed on metro news on toronto tele vision tuesday evening he- gave n explanation ol dilferent auditors interpretations which led to charges ol ovci spending previously approval lor ihe original addition had been re ceived irom inspector o g mc dowell halton consultative commit lee and council the re vised plans must now receive council approval belorc being submitted lo the department ol education lor final approval six ratepayers irom norval al tended the meeting as a dele gation to enquire about the lut- uie ol ihe llnee room- norval school chairman russell miller explained plans lor the senior school at stewarttown and stated the lolatv system would icpare pupils lor high school ihe would also lake home ec onomics and industrial arts iheie he inlormed ihe delegation that senior pupils al picsenlare being liausported to acluuand milton loi iiulustiial arts and home economics lie pointed out that in live vears the transpor tation costs loi this would equal the cosl of having these laeil- ities at stewarttown he main tained these lucilities would put all pupils in ihe township on an equal basis delegates also learned that kindergarten classes would be inaugurated next tall and all opportunity classes would be established at stewarttown school board members also de nied niriiors thai norval- school would be closed the norval delegates request ed a washroom and leacheis lounge at ihe norval school and were inlormed a plumber had been requested to insiull a wash room a month ago but the work had not been started at ihe conclusion ol the div cussion ihe delegales said ihev would explain their lindings lo norval ratepayers al a future meeting attending irom norval were keith webb mrs j schcrli doug jarvie mrs n guthrie mrs d robinson and mrs g t browne await hydro glass doors actons new hydro building on alice street is expected to be completely closed in as soon as glass and five large garage- doors arc installed work superintendent f r e d gray lor whiinev construction co brampton has his vvoi k crews going al a steady pace and to date cement doors have been poured 90 per cent ol roof vvoik completed aluminum win dow and door frames installed and renovations on the interior section ol the loinier building stalled next week he hopes lo have paintuig stalled and window glaing completed in the neai luluie llooi and ceiling tile will begin and washroom plumbing liuished a i least one seal on acton council will he open or new candidates at nomination meet ing night i thui sday dcpulv- reeve r r parkei has announ ced he will not return as a mem ber ol town council since his retirement from bcardmoic and co lid he has liccn engaged as a consulting engineer bv a toronto firm his work takes him out of town and he linds il impossible to diive as many as 100 miles lo return for council or cominillee meetings as well as county coun cil sessions he voiced his regie al having to resign from council but ex pressed best wishes for the fu- tuie council during a poll of others follow ing the meeting tuesduv the acton free press learned ot her members tnlenlions mavor les dubv has tossed his hat in the ring again and will contest his olfice reeve hh ilinton will again seek ins post councillors william williams robert drinkwaller and earl masales will again seek a posi tion on council councillors dr v g oakes and c f lcal-her- land aie undecided al this time councillor mrs doris fryer stat ed she was thinking about it jor school board chairman vic bristow and trustees doug manning cyril bishop orval chapman murray smith and william benson have all said ihev intend to stand for office for a twoyear term high school board members are appointed not elected hydro chairman e g tyler sr said he was definitely inter ested in standing for municipal of i ice but had nol decided which office lo contest other commis sioners including doug dawkins wilfred mceacliern and orval brown have all stated they will run again this year acton ratepayers will go lothc polls this vear to elect all candi dates for a twoyear term for the first time previously a vearlv election has been held council mem bers were elected on a oneyear basis three of the six school trustees were elected for a two vear term each year and two hvdro commissioners of four elected for a twoyear term reeves indicate dissatisfaction with plunkett report all set for expo three of the 194 high school students who signed to visit expo next year pay their 5 deposit left lo right dre chris staff photo kranendonk teacher bill coats teacher ian mcgillivray eleanor heard and barbara browne oiicslioncd by this nevvspa- pei on the acceptability ol the boundaries proposed lor ihe pcclhallou area bv t plunkett reeves ul halton municipdlilicict let lee led ihe diverse opinions that aie developing the only unanimity- on the subject ol boundai ies appeared to be that ihev were not acceptable the boundaries pioposed bv mi plunkett in his local govern ment review would divide the piesent peel ami halton coun ties on xn easivvest basis rather than the- curienl noisb south split j lie boundai would jog lighl anumd the milton south- em houiulaiv then bisect the piesent llillou it would con tinue act oss peel jogging up ibis time to put brampton in the southern section reeve tleorge leslie of ls- quesmg township lei med ihe pioposed boundaries completely unacceptable he nolecl the eouikil w is obtaining repoits fioni its high school baard rep resentatives public school board ami othcm local committees lor r meeting this week when de tailed consideialiitn ol hie rc- poi i would be mil i lied the township would be preparing us views tor the eountv council cominillee anil submitting its reports to the minister ol mun icipal altai rs reeve h hinton acton and current warden ol halton ex- pressed his favor for an east- west split of the haoeounty area but had rcservationson the boundary proposed bv mr pliui- kctt he emphasized the need to put milton either in the north section or the south section with room lor giovvlh he suggested i prelerence loi highway 401 as i dividing line placing milton in the southern municipality pioposed bv mr plunkett ii thai is not uccptable the line should be moved lurtlicr south possibly county road 6 so mil ton would have some agricul tural land around it lor proper development reeve w coulter ol nassaga weya explained support loi a northsouth division ol the coun ty because ol the ditlerential be tween rural and urban develop ment that would permit a mote equitable balance he stressed the impracticalitv ol the current boundary pioposed around mil ton the hospital the ontario school lor ihe deal and such lacilities should certainly be in- c lueled in the area around mil ton he emphasized reeve h men v oakville lav- orcd the castwest boundary pio- posil but he urged that milton should be included in the noi lb division with suftuient agricul tural land surrounding it for growth to the south ii milton doesnt get agricultural land to the south for growth it is stym ied he stressed reeve g gallagher burling ton endorsed the suggestion of one northern municipality but supported the idea of a dividing line at- highway 401 in llallon and highway 7 projected east in peel counlv with erin invited into the northern section he stressed however the southern rc does not have the inter- dependence that mr plunkett suggested and mr gallagher proposes thicc jui isdictions ra ther than mr plunketts two the burlington reeve would di vide the southern area into two seeions one would include milton oakville and buihngton the other would include south teel counlv the north section would include the north of hal ton and the ninth ot peel mr gallagher also suggested fast frayiboro should be in the south halton aiea milton council in its conclud ing session on a detailed icvievv of the plunkett proposals ex- picssed unanimous dissatisfac tion with the boundary set out on an eastwest basis georgetown reeve w hunter observed the georgetown coun cil had not vet studied the plun kett proposals but he personally lavoieil a northsouth dividing line ilcnj the present eountv boundaries with halton remain ing m one unit and peel in an other the executive of milton cham ber of commerce met lasrvreck to consider the plunket propos als and after lengthy discussion expressed support for a north- south division of the present two county area along ihe cur- lent county boundary the chamber members noted the importance of watersheds ex isting administrative facilities and the greater balance thai can develop between a combined ag riculturalurban area the cham ber executive urged the milton council to pursue the north- south boundary and promised its help in dial ting ihe necessary joint brief rather than preparing separate briefs milton high school board with applications alreadv being pixkessed for a major addition to the local district high school set a special meeting next week to discuss the implications ol the plunkett report and action it might take milton public school board has alreadv prcpaivd a brief encompassing its views on the subject on the matter of boun daries it noted an eastwest boundary should at least be ex tended south to the dundas highvvav number five to per mit service to area around the schools the board also endors ed a county board of education administrative stnicture all representatives and groups who have discussed th plunkett report have indicated it con tains a number of worthwhile suggestions but the crux of the change seems inevitably to hang on the boundary proposals there seems to be general feel- ing in support of some govern mental change to larger munici pal units but ihe structure and and aicavvide problems township will be transported to is completed education officials irom the i w itvojinly area have held one joint meeting in oakville with another set for earlv december the major concern in the field ol education appears to centre around the proposals that would establish a one level govern ment support is growing in the south at least for a twolevel form that would include a more localized unit with caretaking 1 responsibilities and a seiond lev el that would handle linancing and aieawidc problems when the plunkett report was issued to municipalities on sep tember 2 the minister of mun icipal alfairs asked for com ments bv the end of the year there are now five weeks re maining for comment unless a requested extension in the time limit is granted by the province no indication has been given by the province on how soonjjl- mi act on ihe plunkett pro posals after if has received the munii pal reports and com ments acton council district high school board and public school board have held private meet ings on ihe plunkett report and will submit individual findings and recommendations to the minister