Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 12

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ml a praises work with retarded notes new needs so a th actnn ff n thursday nnvftmhwr 4 1966 js i haw a dcrp appreciation for the work being done for the mentally retarded in halton commented george kerr m l a her giving n historv of men tal retardation and the work be ing done to combsw it in the county mr kerr waa guest speaker t a banquet held b the north halton association lor the men tally retarded at hornhv tower golf club thursday exerting other interesting points came from the mpps speech includ ing the fact that three per cent of the population are mentallx retarded 11 per cent obviouslx mental retardation is attribut ed tbntntivelx to diseases dm mg pregnancv or inheritance i the retracing of work xxith the mentallx retarded showed the associations iwiallv xvitli a grminot parents lets play bridge by bill coats tliit start ol mentallx retarded children banding together then gradual ly gelling help from service clubs and noxv the government is lending a helping hand the burling4on association c iginallv had one room on the top moor of the noxxvxtinct leg ion- hall with sex en childicn anl one tcachoi now there is a workshop in ihe toxxn and the school pupils are attended hx lour lull tunt teachers and a lexv pul time teachers the subject mental retaula- lion xvas once tabu mr kei r roted and if talked anoui at all was discussed qmellx hx those concet ned noxv research is being done some of vxhich is financed b provincial government grants the i budget lor mental health in ontario xxas 47 8 nul lum a jump ol 12 6 million ovei the 1w figure the government look after 80 per cent of the operating costs ol the schools the remaining 20 pei cent is absorbed hx the num kipalitv schools must however pro vide all capital lor new build ings tianspoilation land etc it was learned that manv ol the mental lelardwtion clinics in ontario are ovei crowded be cause ol the little screening done to segregate patients- in need of specific training from others with dllferent needs part of the large expenditure wtuinqton county carried off the honors in the beef cattle judging competition at the intercounty lixfestock judging competition at the royal winter fair seen with trie ontario veterinary association challenge trophy are bob hodgson rockwood paul hamilton acton mel chamberlain ontario department of agri culture and food arthur ruegg harnston and v c rowan walker ontario veterinary associ ation president bob hodgson was best udge of dairy cattle photo ont dept of agriculture food queens guineas six halton members compete by h i stanley agricultural representative six 4h club members irom halton competed in the annual queens guineas competition at the roxal agricultural winter fair on fndax nox ember is david hasson of arris in wel lington countx exhibited the champion steer an aberdeen angus xx hit h sold on saturdax morning for oxer s7000 to div minion stores dax ul is the bro ther of linda hasson xvho xxon this competition in 14 in the shorthorn sett ion douglas gardhouse milton r r s and bill and bob lasbx roia- uood rr 2 were placed in the a group doug and bill were then pulled out into the top group ol eight ialxes from xxhuh the champion was chosen this was the sleet ol marlcne hxatt ol lamb ton countx xxhiih went on to be the reset xo queens guineas w innei the group of three shoi thorns was won bx ltmbton countx with halton in second position and wellington thud in the aberdeen angus set lion bill jackson rr 1 cook xille and ed martin milton placed in the a group vei na thompson milton r r 2 placed in the b gioup with her here ford in the afternoon the 221 queens guineas steeis were sold bx auction with the pi ices for the halton calxes ranging irom w to is cents per pound survey of farm facts launched by ofa the biggest most detailed mir- xex excr of ontuno larm lasts and opinions bx a nongoxern ment both is taking place this week starting at 8 a m mondax on tario fed nation pf ajjiitultirix xxoikers began calling on more than 1000 farmers asking iki to answer a 227quemion surxex the surxexois will work n exeix countx in the proxince questions coer farm opera tions and management and uvk what tarmeis think o goxein ment polities marketing hoit js co operatives nu i national trade school- vn k i clihs ik ifann and other organizations some test the tjrniei s know ledge for iimrue white is xour countx agiicuttual leptv sentatixe located is ihtte a lecleration of agriculture in otn cotinlx another question ot general interest should govt in ment subsidies be paid to lower tost of food to tonsunili s the ofa is a icdcration of 80 farm organizations representing 000 ontario larmers the suixex will ensure that the fed etation trulv teptesents the op imons ol the ontai to laiintt lor whom wc sficak explains ofa prtsitlent chailes tunro an tmhio dnrv laimei the fedeiation xwll use ss xolunteet and siafl xxorkeis in its utt k lon 1 1 fin t polling 2s taimeis those to be questioned wiii t hose n bx a landoin sclet tion diviti rheaiisxxus will be itansteiicd to ptuiihid cauls and ptoccsscd thiough business mivhint dim is expected bv tu c ml ol ilu vi ir the lotk music grxnip plax mg chinch music at the angli tan thurvh is practising regu iaslx tiiev have set some hvmis to next music be careful local police are drawing the attention of school children then parents and school bus timers to the lact that there is still some danger in boarding and discmiiat king irom the bus- ptewous to the nexv ordinance passed in september drivers ap- piojching a stopped bus from behind were required to stop while those approaching in the opposite duet lion were asked on to slow down and proceed caiclullx the ontario highway trartic ail now icqiiiies motorists co ining liom either direction to slop fun though thex have the protection provided bx ihislaxv so in siuiliiits are not taking- adequate precautions but are ciossmg the roadwax without l list checking to make sure the tiaflie has in lact stopped in both ditcttions minister of r liwin haskett said in a it cent lei til it minis till lit nit in instill into the minds of xoung students ihat there is still need for caution when alighting liom ihe bus and t rossmg the road train to toronto ask about convenient departure and return times for information phorw the local cn passenger sales office cfj canadian national for mental health is a crash program for building iiivtitul iops four diflcrent ivpes of clinics are needed mr keft pointed out schools lor the education ol men tally i el aided children of school age medical for those in need of intense caie resid ences for those whose parents are unable to transport them to and irom other centres and wukshopsiiir the odcr moie capable mentally retarded al most readx to make their wax in the eveiulax world it ik the goal of all txpes ot menial health institutions to as jast the patient in hemming selfsupporting because the government is be ginning to assist and the move ment has made astronomical progress sinte its beginning lit tle moie than a decade ago there is the dangei ol losing the aid ol the service clubs and pri vate donois the challenge appears to these gioups to have lei l menial ie- tardition lund raising mr kerr was quick to point out that this is fat irom line fheie is still a gieal dial lenge he asset led snll a need lor imhviduals or clubs lo as sist burlingtons school f or in stance is alreadx too small anil new quaitcis are planned with in the xear the mpp complimented the piesident of the noith halton association lot the mentallx re- tarded bob kaneixa on the woik of he and the association and wished them the best of luck in then fuither woik in closing he uiged all ciii ens to check with the local as sociation on hovx thex miglxl help i mr kanerva thanked the spea ker on behall of the audience and reported briefllx on the as sociation he thanked rex chnstianson foi his assistance and noted that the sunshine school at hornbx has 24 stu dents enrolled the hope xvoik- shop eight trainees undei the direction ol managei mrs h ls- ham and assistant managei mrs d wood mrs d wood al so drives the recentlv atquued hope bus the bus travels 100 miles each week dax iranspoit- mg trainees it xvas learned that much of the funds needed to keep t he- north halton association sol venl come fiom acton geoige- tovvn and milton ladies auxil lanes entertainment for ihe even ing was provided bx two line groups don menu ralph llrsel and keith barbei part ol the pitband ot globe enterpris es who supplx music to theaties and special presentations and the georgetown chapter of the societx for the preservation and fncouragement of bai her shop singing in amenca head table guests for the ev ening included the speaker george kerr halton waiden heibert hinton paul arm strong of the esquesing boaid ol education waxnc smith ol the georgetown council chai les menefx of mil ion council and bob kanerxa president of the noith halton association for the mentallx retarded co eat news lot hiidge pluv- eis in canada the lop paii ol bridge pluvers in noith amei ica is atouple ol canadians kue mm lav and sammy kehe lea ihe lii nici fiom hamilton and the lillei liom toionlo plated iks in the learn dials lust completed sixteen pans of the top plax- ers oxer the last xeai xvcie cho sen o compete lot the pi ix liege of representing noilh ameilta in the vvoild t liinipmnsruf5sai let 10 divs ol hndge in which thex met eveiv othei pan the canadian pan ol miuiix and kehelea enieigetl ontop oui congialulalioiis lo these two line plax cis this week i am going to dis cuss a piohlem i hat manv ol xop hue lated regiettablv tins piohlem has no easv solution when xou make a lead xou us uallx puk a taid that will let xonr pailnei know whil vou hold in the lead snt you lead loiih best top ol a seepienie king liom ate king kint liom kingpieen ett k 0 0 7 2 0 8 4 n- c- voul ak062 south s a r hk 0 j 7- d a i 6 s t71 tin west pass pass pass all pass bidding- north pass 211 pass fnst ic it- is stmlh ml 111 411 its this last combination that gives us tumble willi most hands it leallv doisiit niatlti hut exeiv so ollen it iiiks heie is a hand liom qui game last week lo illusliate litis point ihe dialei is wesl anil fasl west ale vtilnei abli north s k 4 2 h a 10 2 d 10 8 4 c 1 10 west fast sq 8 1 s 1 10 7 s h 4 h 8 r s if went leuds a spaite or a heait detlarer can make ins kiptiatl bv drawing hump el iniinaiing spoiles and putting fast on the lead with a tluh he must get a nil i anil a slull lioin i ast and he can now pass a diamond to west and end plax wesi i he most usual lead bv west is ihe diamond king ii rasl lines not mil this south can make his eontracl losing onlv two e luhs and one diamond it is essential that pas lull ins painleis kinn in older to sel the ton 1 1 icl what is i lie solution riieieis no ooil solution hut many lop plaxeis now lead ace liom ace- king hul litis leads to moie piohleins maxoe vou have ihe solution that the hndge xxoild is wailing tor last weeks winners xxeu- tusl bill and dona coats set ond gcnigc soltv ui jaik coals thud ralph baibei and llai ix i lsl nexvit hangc lanes xx hen di iv 111 vmiiioui looktng 111 xoiii iiii view mil i in signalling and giant dig ovei xuur shouldei lo thick ihe blind spot t- gordon sinclair s another reason why most people listen to insurance now available for winter wheat the crop insurance commission of ontario offers an entirely new concept of insurance on winter wheat coverage includes the hazards of drought excessive moisture excessive rainfall flood hail insect infestation plant disease wind and winter kill a farmer may insure for 60 70 or 80 of h s normal expected yield only winter wheat seeded on or before october 3 1st is eligible for insurance applications for coverage accepted unbl december 15th for further information contact area representative i mccuaig insurance limited milton 160 mam st 878294 po box 69 legion choraliers acton 1cgjon choruliers were lionoied guests ul the annual indualrlul accident prevention assoc lutein miclph district dirt- net at fviins thiirsdiiv ol last week allan lauder was chairman lor the evening and ml induced guesi speaker otto klmk from kitthcnci an amateur magician who spoke on the nuigic ol safety using his talent to stress ins points ako attending ihe dinner held at henltx hrolheis caleleiia vveie lack creer and tom foun tain liom itcanlinoii and co i id santa fair planned af ucw unit meet the rev dxvivht rngel led members or unit three of ihe unhvft chttrch wrttnen in n very interesting mieslioniialie mid slntlx of a thaiilei of i itke at their meeting wednesday even ing of last xxeek detailed plnni xvcie made for the sanui tnir in the old post ollke smurdav dec 3 a member wrs roy knap- ion is niovlnu front town and a piesenlation was itiranccd mrs o lolinslon look ihe de votions ski in style this winter we keep your ski fashions smart and attractive all winter long get ready for the winter sport and foatlvo fun sand your complete wardrobe to ot well taind it back looking like now custom cleaners same duy service except saturday in by 10 am out by s pjn cash and carry main st n fhonb s531 iso let us help you with your christmas baking order your short bread mix now 6 pounds short bread mix remember we baketoorder o birthday cakes e wedding cakes e christmas cakes order yours early 4 you may pick up your order anytime before december 31 earls bakery 32 mill st e 8531290 nassagaweya township nominations for reeve deputy reeve and three councillors for the municipality ol nassagaweya and five trustees for the public school board of the township school area of nassaga weya for the years 1967 and 1968 monday nov 28 1966 at the township hall broolcvillo nominations 730 830 pm in the event of a poll being demanded the balloting will be held on monday december 12 1966 at the following places polls open at ten oclock in the forenoon and close at seven oclock in the afternoon list of polling places for polling subdivision no 1 lots no 1 to 10 incluiive in concession 12 3 foil ing location agnexv electric bldg campbellvino ont charles king dro for polling subdivision no 2 lots no 1 to lo inclusive in concessions 4 5 6 7 polling location agnew electric bldg campbollville ont roy wood dro for polling subdivision no 3 lots ii to 21 inclusive across the whole township foiling location brookville hall t kennedy dro for polling subdivision no 4 lots 22 to 28 inclusive and lots 30 31 32 con 5 6 7 and lots 30 31 32 east half concession 4 polling location residence of duncan moffat art diamond dro for polling subdivision no 5 lots 30 31 32 in concessions 1 2 anal anal tfc west half of concession 4 polling lecattan k of hugh macpherson mrs helen machersn dro v nassagaweya november 14 1966 j c mclntyre clerk the tax collector will be in the township hah one hou prior to the hour of nominations to issue fa erflare jljtiaii

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