Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 13

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the a f t lev mw 9 mm ml sell parts of two roods to authority for 15000 centennial committeer plans projects for 67 s rockwood -r- immediately the eramosa township council met for their general business and to read and discuss the en gineers report on the flewclling municipal drain all the part ies assessed within the area des cribed in the petition who were notified of the meeting as pro vided for in section 17 of the municipal drainage act were present in person or b repres entation the reeve called the meeting to order and the engi neers report specifications plan and profile schedule of as- vesmncnts and estimated costs were read and discussed at some length mr gamsb of gimsb and mannerow professional engi neers explained his findings of the surve and answered man questions regarding the report it was moved and seconded that tjhe engineers report on the flevxelling municipal drain be returned lo the engineer for further revision and considera hon be piun to having a dosed tile ditch in place of an open ditch the meeting then adiourned and reconvened at 7 30 when heveral items of correspondence were discussed and the minutes of the last regular meeting and special meeting were read and adopted a nominating committee of d mcphedran d bacon and r ha nullon were appointed to ask for directors to the eramosa re creation committee the clerk was instructed to nolit a ratepaxer about his dogs running at large and to not if the wellington duffenn health unit about some unsat- lsfactorv living accomniodit ions m the township severance of a portion of land from eail brown to the rock wood cemeterv board was ag ixvatle to council and will be recommended to the minister of municipal allairs and the pro incial department of health tor approval three other land sex erances were also approved bx council and will be recom mended to the minister of mun icipal al lairs lor approval a r law lor requiring build ings and xards to be put in a sale condition against fire or other dangerous i isk or accident and to repeal bx law 51965 vvas given tne necessarx readings passed and numbered 241966 a bx laxx to authorize the issue of a debenture in the principal am ount of 365 000 foi public school purposes xxas given first second and third readings pass ed and numbered 251966 a bylaw for stopping up and silling to the grand river con- servauon-autbontv- tor the sum ol scooo all those parts ol fall st and allcv ra in the x illage ol rockvxood as per registered description m 7ms was read a thud time passed and number ed 261966 it was moved and seconded that the fianiosa council at the request ol the lntstcxs ol the village ol rockvxood request that the ontavio watei resourc es commission prepare and pre sent a proposal to the township for tin construction ol xxatcr supplx in the xillaiic a prox ineiallx owned proicct including a rate on a usage basis lo nicxt all the exists inxolxcd under the pi ox inoal program and an ap- propi late loim ol control also that the eramosa conn eil at the rcqucju ol the mis tees ot the village ol rockxxood lous no barber but hes trimming prices buy now pay later if credit approved check in now lous used cars main st rockwood 8564235 request the ontario water re sources commission to prepare and present a proposal to the township of eramosa for the construction of mam- sewer works and xxater supply facil ities in the village as a provin cial owned project including a rate on a usage basis to meet all the costs inxolxcd under the the provincial program and an appropriate form of- con tract it xxas moxed that council ex press their appreciation to the wellington countx road com in it tee and engineei tor the curb and storm sexver job in the village completed in 1966 the lender of arnold duffield being the lowest tender received xvas accepted for mounting the town ship sander tender price is 25 for stripping and remounting the dump bo 5 per hour with dnxer 3 per hour without du xei and2perdax standbx the acceptance of this tender is sub ject to the approval of the de partment of highxxaxs the road superintendent was authorized to call for tenders lor a new toxxnship sander ten ders to be in the hands of the clerk bx 12 oclock noon nox- ember 21 accounts amounting to 3589951 were passelttor pax men t and the meeting ad iourned to meet on december 12 at 1pm oral the call of the reex e this being the last regular meeting of council belore the nomination meeting on noxem ber 25 at i p m the council xxas called on for the usual xaledic- lorv speeches the reexe deputx rcexo and the councillors stated that thex would seek reelection lor 1967 ll the ratepaver so de sired intended for last week the eden mills and eden crest centennial committee met in a group on monday to set up plans for centennial pro- nominations for esquesing esquesing toxxnship iatepiv crs will ik asked to name can didates for revxe deputx reexe thiee councillors and txxo school boa ul iiicmbcis at the annual nomination meeting next mondax at stexxartjown com- munitx hall nominations xv ill be icccixed from 7 30 pm until 8 jo pm alter which repoi ts to ratepav- crs will be- given from council and school boards in the event an election is necessarv it xxill oe held vlon dax decembers throughout the township t two donations to committee rockwood two generous donations boosted the bank ac count of the era recrea tion committee recent iv the rockwood settlor ball club made i donation of 9300 to the com mittee congratulations to the team which did so xvcllall xear and went on to bring home the orsa championship thanks xxas expressed to the team and their loxal supporters xxho gave the cheque to further more im provements at the park a mans euchre was organized ainujd jvtygjjx in spccdsirc when the sum ol 146 10 vvas icahzed this endeavoi was considered a great success bv all concerned and more euchres will be forthcoming in tlic new xear with these generous donat ions turned into the commit tee all outstanding bills can now be paid including the well which vvas drilled in the early summer in the eramosa recrea tion park the nox ember meeting of the committee xxas held in rock wood public school xvith all members but one present fol- lowing the minutes reports irom the various committees were heard ernie shpp repot ted a bal ance ol 86 70 at the close ol the season at the athletic pnk a vote of thanks was given lo mi shpp loi the excellent care- he has given to the ball dia mond and pai k the judo demonstration which was held on oclobei 14 in the town hall was xerv interesting with a ood turnout ol cluldicii but due to a lack ol intcicst ol the paients the judo lessons have been postponed until a fu luic dale the final meeting ol 1966 will take place on december 7 at which time a complete tixasui ei s report will be given jeets for 1967 several projects xx ere approved the committee will meet the eden mills coun cil at their next meeting mrs b drvsdale was appointed presid ent mrs r wright is secretary and mrs fran gilbcrtson is treasurer first eden mills ladies aux- iliarx of scouts were in guclph mondav evening when the lol lowing officers were installed president mrs evelyn barden first vicepresident mrs marion bould second vicepresident mrs margaret hunter secret ary treasurer mrs gladxs mit chell assrstant secrelarxtrcas urer mrs maiion duflield mr and mrs ted barden tuid lamilv attended the 25th aniii versarv cclcbiation ol mr and mrs gordon gemmell at dun- 1 das on sunday mrs harry mcintosh has ic- urncd home altei a week in ortlha with her son and tamilx mr ajjtl mrs shnn mrs jean ciaig ol gait spent the weekend with her daughter in eden mills mi and mrs bob drvsdale mr and mrs herb gilbei tson were in london sundax visiting with mr and mrs john reid mrs berxl wright in is roch ester tor the thanksgiving hoh- dax the manx hunters liom this district are home but xxithout irueh success the xxeather xxas against them lor hunting election excitement slight in esquesing wiltrnoiiiiuation night set for monday evening iilth oi no ex citement appears to be brewing in esquesing loxvnship to dale onlv iiicumbenikftrr council and school boaid have indicated in tention of tossing their hats ill the election ring o a telephone poll hv this news papei this week brought the lol lowing ansvvei lo the question will ou be standing loi elec lion again this veai reeve gcoige leslie les but i dont want to cause an election deputx iceve willi id leslie wis garnet macdougall was hostess loi rdcii ciesl institute- wednesuax evening alter the business a lilm was shown on cancer bx mrs d plalf and mis fullord ol guclph lol lowed b a social cup of cut fee yes i will stand lot oil ice again this xeai councillor put patterson i jiii completing two veus in ol lice and although i have had the honoi ol being chosen id eieeinehiel loi the world hoc kex championship in vienna it will mean i would onlx miss one mcetine ol council i intend to loss in hat in the nng again this xeai couiicilliii loin hill who is completing his inst kim ol ol lice intends lo contest olliee loi council again veteran campaigner geoige cm tie is undecided at pixsciil incumbents oiisciumii boaid whose lei in ol ofticc cxpiics this veai tiuslcc russell millci will ccuilesl a scuvand william i aw son is undecided at present lo dale no olllci iitepavei m i squesing township has opeiilv indicated intention ol running jot oil ice christinas play practices begin the children ol st albans church school have begun to ic- hiaisc loi then chi isiuias plav tc be portoi mod riiurscliv dc comber 29 tlirev livfcaia i s in naming paul mailmdilc ijinv kaikmss and michael piall ale- loiiung i es diibx as lax assist nils both at matins and i tuhausi it albans mi kukiuss jtut mi pi itt he also in illn ol til si iiioi 1111 iiiiiioi miens quills deer killed a deer was killed in a colli sion with a eii on highway 7 iuii blue springs rood west of aclon sattudav evening the guelpli mans car received 250 damage in the rash fred a hoffman optometrist 58 st georges so guclph out telephone s24m7i merchants are warned to watch for phunex bills of all denominations another bogus 10 bill xvas found in biampton last week designation a portion ol fall street in rockwood has been designated is a development road for the purpose ol preengineenng the section of the street that has been designated lies between no 7 htghwav and the entrance to the grand rixei conservation uthoritv paik the decision was made bv the department of highwaxs albert the fuel king maltby says the best way to keep a wife isr busy for keeping warm dont run short of fuel let us keep tabs on your oil supply maltby fuels main st rockwood 8569983 were right there when you need help when theres an emergency a call to u gets action fast reliable service reasonable rates a l riemer equipment company plumbing heating contractor 74 cook st acton ont 8534640 proclamatio boy scout apple day in compliance wilh the custom that has prevailed in the past saturday november 26 1966 has been proclaimed as boy scout apple day in acton and all our citizens are requested to assist this worthwhile organization l a duby mayor where you always get a little more than you expect supplied by the oshawa wholesale limited supply depot for progrossiv independents t put your dollars to work earn more interest your local trust company offers you chequing accounts 49b interest at 4o per annum starts flip day vou open your account credited to you in june and december reckoned on the minimum quarterly balance a reasonable number of cheques may be issued free of charge reserve accounts special savings reserve accounts earn 4 per annum reckoned on the minimum monthly balance while no cheques may be issued you may with draw any amount in person or by mail at any time guaranteed investment certificates 6v 9b for a term of 1 2 3 4 or 5 years in odd or even amounts from 100 to 100 000 your term deposit earns 6o per annum interest is paid half yearly by chegue or will be deposited to your savings account an excellent christmas gift you are invited to call for further information halton peel trust savings company 53 mill street georgetown john a edgar manager 8772266 local directors john r barber w j beatty vicepresident north halton advisory board john t armstrong chairman reford gardhousc maurice c bcaty michael ledwith john goy dr b d young convenient office hours mon thurs 9 004 30 fridays til 6 30 your local trust company assets e c 64000000 e save 10c llcinz in tomato sauce 14oz tins spaghetti 3 for 49c save 16c kam 12oz tin luncheon meat 45c save 9c iga chicken noodle soupmix 3pkgs29c save lie evaporated tall tins i6a milk 4 for 59c save lie clarks fancv 48oc tins tomato juice 2 for 63c aylmcr cream slvle 19oz tins choice corn 2 for 39c chicken beet irish 14ot tins york stew 3 for 89c save 12c the tea pkg ot 0 tea bags 79c s s tablerite canadas finest quality red or blue brand beef sirloin porterhouse wing boneless round or rump roast steaks or roasts burns campflrc skinless llb ctn triangle primroec lpinc sausage- 53c beef steakettes lb 59c canada no 1 grade p e i potatoes 69 25lb bag produce ol i m can no i grade lettuce iceburg produce of csa can no i cucumbers mcclns frofv 2 lb pol bio fancy peas h ove krks1i i mii- sll blueberry pie 49c 49c piicn i k ic i rm jn 2 z- n i vi rcncivc ilc rlplit t i imi luuili le- extra special iga bread 24 ox loaves while they last 5 89

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